List of ContributorsShort Biographies

Maria Elena Aramendia-Muneta, Dr., is a lecturer in Marketing at the Business Administration Department of Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain and researcher for Honest European Project. She has been a guest lecturer in different universities of Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, France, Latvia and Lithuania among others. Her primary research fields are e-marketing and consumer behaviour in an international environment.

Ángel Arrese, Prof. Dr., is associate professor of marketing and journalism, and Director of the Doctoral Programme on Public Communication at the School of Communication (University of Navarra, Spain). His main research interests are media marketing issues and the economic and financial news industry.

Tamás Csordás, PhD, is an assistant research fellow at the Department of Marketing, Media, and Design Communications at Corvinus University of Budapest. His research interests include the study of user-generated content and user participation in new media and in creating business value. His areas of education include online and digital marketing, marketing communications strategy, and media management.

Kati Förster, Dr., studied business administration at the Technical University Dresden (Germany), followed by a doctorate. From 2004 until 2010 lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, (Austria); deputy head of the program Media Management (MA, BA) and head of the research institute Media & Business. From 2010 to 2015 postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Department of Communication (Austria). Visiting professorships at the University of South Florida, School of Mass Communication (USA) and at the University of Zurich, Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (Switzerland). Spokesperson for the Austrian Advertising Council since 2011. Since 2015 Head of Product & Partner Management, Goldbach Audience Austria. Main research interests are media branding, media and advertising effects.

Stephanie Grubenmann, Dr., is senior research and teaching assistant at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interests include media management, innovation in journalism and digital storytelling.

Liisa Irene Hänninen, PhD, is senior lecturer of corporate communication and leadership at the Faculty of Communication Science, Complutense University of Madrid, with more than 20 years of experience in international and national R&I and applied communication projects. She leads an educational innovation initiative “Method of Real Social Projects” and works actively in European RRI and innovation projects. Member of ECREA and ICA and the working group for a H2020 project of “Responsible Research and Innovation”, her recent research interests include cooperative learning process and emotional leadership.

Dóra Horváth, PhD, is an associate professor at Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Marketing and Media, head of the Department of Marketing, Media, and Design Communications. Her areas of research include product design and innovation, diffusion of new technology in personal communication, co-creation, projective research techniques and postmodern approaches to marketing. Her areas of education involve: strategic and creative planning of marketing communications, design management, advertising management. Dóra Hováth is a member of the Design and Innovation CEMS Interfaculty Group.

Roland Mangold, Prof. Dr., is professor for the psychology of information and communication at the Applied University of Media at Stuttgart, Germany. His research interests include psychology of design, information experience, and media psychology.

Éva Markos-Kujbus is a PhD candidate and assistant research fellow at the Department of Marketing, Media, and Design Communications at Corvinus University of Budapest. A graduate in service management and marketing communications, her research interests include online word-of-mouth, user-generated content, user participation in new media and in online communities. Her areas of education are marketing communications, psychological bases of marketing communications, strategic and creative planning of marketing communications, PR, and communicationtechniques.

Jörg Matthes, Prof. Dr., is full professor of advertising research at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria. His research interests include advertising effects, public opinion formation, and methods.

Andrew McStay, Dr., Reader of Advertising and Digital Media at Bangor University. He sits on various editorial and advisory boards, and is author of Digital Advertising; The Mood of Information: A Critique of Behavioural Advertising; Creativity and Advertising: Affect, Events and Process; Privacy and Philosophy: New Media and Affective Protocol; and Privacy and the Media.

Chris Miles, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Communication in Bournemouth University’s Corporate and Marketing Communication Department. His research focuses on the place of persuasion in marketing theory and practice particularly as it relates to rhetorical strategies supporting positioning. He explores this focus apropos the construction of the field of digital marketing in his book, Interactive Marketing; Revolution or Rhetoric? (Routledge, 2010). He is currently writing another monograph for Routledge on the relationship between magic, rhetoric, and marketing.

Ariel Mitev, PhD, is an associate professor at Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Marketing and Media. He has extensive experience in the academic and private sectors, authored and co-authored various books and peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers. Ariel Mitev takes a pioneering role in using creative research techniques and has worked on a wide array of research projects, e.g. innovation diffusion of new technologies and internet memes.

Brigitte Naderer, MA, is a graduate student at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria. Her research interests include persuasive communication, methods, and advertising effects on children.

Patricia Núñez Gómez, PhD, is full professor and researcher of advertising and communication researcher at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid where her main interests and projects include Digital Literacy, Children and advertising, children and innovation methods in education, Online advertising, Social Web, Semantic Web, Digital Natives, New Technologies. Member of the research groups: SOCMEDIA (Study of the learning and leisure socio-communicative behaviours and competences developed by children and young people (digital natives) through the use of new media and ICT) and FONTA (Training in New Audiovisual Technologies), she is Academic President of the International Advertising Association (IAA). Chair of Ecrea (Temporary Working Group Advertising Research ) and ICA. Member of Images,Words and Ideas Group ( and Head of Youth Thinkin´Lab. Chair of Teens, Communities and Digital literacy Group, she is also Tutor of Unesco Media Literacy on line course.

Francisco J. Pérez-Latre, Prof. Dr., is associate professor of marketing and journalism at the School of Communication (University of Navarra, Spain). He currently serves as Assistant Director of the Masters Degree in Political & Corporate Communication. His research focuses on the humanistic foundations of communication, media management and marketing.

Otto Petrovic, Prof. Dr., is Professor at the Department for Information Sciences and Information Systems at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz/Austria. He had appointment offers as full professor from the University of Essen, Salzburg, Munich, and Berlin. He was visiting Professor at Tucson/Arizona, Eindhoven/Netherlands, and Hong Kong/China. He published nine books and more than hundred articles. He worked in the advisory boards to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs of Germany and Austria. He served as Member of the Telekom-Control-Commission oft the Republic of Austria, which is responsible for regulating the Austrian telecommunications market. He founded during the last decades several enterprises in the field of digital customer communication and is member of numerous judging panels of prestigious international awards in this field.

Desirée Schmuck, MA, is a graduate student at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria. Her research interests include right-wing populism and political advertising, effects of green advertising and methods.

Gabriele Siegert, Prof. Dr., is full professor of communication science and media economics at the IPMZ-Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland. She is currently Vice President of the University of Zurich and member of editorial and advisory boards. She was member of the Swiss Federal Media Commission from 2013 until 2017. Her research interests include media economics, media management and advertising.

Gert Straetmans, Prof. Dr., is full professor of European Economic, Consumer and Commercial Law at the University of Antwerp, Research Group Business & Law. He is the director of the Consumer Law Institute (University of Antwerp and University of Ghent). He has been visiting professor at several foreign universities and is senior fellow at the ZEI (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn). He is also a substitute judge at the Court of Appeal Antwerp.

Florent Thouvenin, Prof. Dr., is an associate professor of information and communications law at the University of Zurich. He is the co-founder and co-chair of the Executive Committee of the Center for Information Technology, Society, and Law (ITSL) at the University of Zurich and the executive director of the Swiss Forum of Communcation Law (SF-FS). His research interests include data protection law, intellectual property law (with a focus on copyright), competition law and e-commerce law.

Jörg Tropp, Prof. Dr., is full professor of communication and media science at the University of Pforzheim, Germany. He has worked in management positions at international communication firms, is member in diverse national and international research associations, member of editorial boards and advisor of for- and non-profit-organizations. His research interests include marketing communication, media economics, communication management and communication theory.

M. Bjørn von Rimscha, Prof. Dr., is professor of media business at Department of Communication, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany where he leads the study program in Media Management. Since 2016 he is associate editor of the Journal of Media Business Studies. His research interest is in media management, media economics and advertising.

Rolf H. Weber, Prof. Dr., is an ordinary professor for international business law at the University of Zurich. In 1998 he became director of the Center of Information and Communication Law and is the co-founder and co-chair of the Executive Committee of the Center for Information Technology, Society and Law (ITSL) at the University of Zurich. His main research areas encompass IT and Internet law, data protection law, competition law, e-commerce law, international trade law, and financial markets regulation.

Ulli Weish, Dr. Mag., teaches at the Department of Communication, in the field of gender and feminist media studies and also at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology focusing on feminist theories and methods at the University of Vienna, Austria. She is a founding member of the Viennese Watchgroup against Sexism in Advertising ( and an activist in the platform 20000frauen (

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