Chapter 4

1: What is the NSP switch default ATM protocol?
  1. LAPD

  2. X.25

  3. UNI 4.0

  4. ISDN

A1: Answer: C. This is the only ATM protocol listed.
2: Which of the following best describes SONET APS on the 6400 system?
  1. Redundant NLC cards supplying OC-3 traffic to the NSP

  2. Redundant NRP2 ports supplying OC-C traffic to the NSP

  3. The 6400 system does not support SONET APS

  4. Redundant NSP configured for failover

A2: Answer: A. The NLC is the only 6400 module that supports SONET and its international equivalent, SDH.
3: When two NRP2s are configured in a redundant configuration, which of the following is true?
  1. Both NRP2s provide redundant traffic to the NSP

  2. Both NRP2s provide redundant traffic to the NLC

  3. Both NSPs provide redundant traffic to the NPP

  4. None of the above

A3: Answer: A. The NSP is the switch for the traffic coming through the NRP2s.
4: What is the maximum card load that the present Cisco 6260 chassis supports?
  1. 28 DMT cards and four NI-2 cards

  2. 30 DMT cards and one NI-2 card

  3. 30 DMT cards and two NI-2 cards

  4. 32 DMT cards and two NI-2 cards

A4: Answer: C. The Cisco 6260, 19 inches wide, has 30 slots for line cards and two slots for optionally redundant NI-2s.
5: Which function is not provided by the NI-2 card?
  1. Cisco IOS Software support

  2. SNMP Agent

  3. ATM switch fabric

  4. Four ATU-C modems

  5. Subtending

A5: Answer: D. The line cards (the ATU-Cs) are separate modules. The NI-2 contains the software images for the IP DSL switch as a whole, as well as for the individual line cards. It can transmit and receive SNMP traps and other SNMP messages. It is the ATM switch for the 6000 series of switches. It also provides subtending support by linking to other IP DSL switches.
6: The present Cisco 6160 chassis can support which of the following maximum card loads?
  1. 28 DMT cards and four NI-2 cards

  2. 30 DMT cards and one NI-2 card

  3. 30 DMT cards and two NI-2 cards

  4. 32 DMT cards and two NI-2 cards

A6: Answer: D. The Cisco 6160 is designed for the North American market, where telco racks are customarily 23 inches wide. This gives the 6160 space for 32 line card slots as well as two slots for the optionally redundant NI-2 cards.
7: The out-of-band alarm relay functions on the 6260 are provided by what?
  1. The NI-2 card

  2. The lead DMT card

  3. The power supply

  4. The wire wrap connector

A7: Answer: D. Both the 6260 and 6160 can be hard-wired to third-party alarm platforms for yet another layer of redundancy. The wire-wrap connector on the IP DSL switch offers several levels and types of alarms, from minor to critical, and both visible and audible.
8: True or false: The 6260 fan tray must be installed before the PEMS.
A8: Answer: False. Due to its compactly engineered design to fit in the 19-inch racks, the lip of the fan tray fits over the top of the PEM(s). Take care when replacing or inserting a PEM, because the fan stoppage generates an alarm after 3 minutes of no ventilation.
9: On the IP DSL switch, the DS-3 trunk is connected on which of the following?
  1. The DS-3 NI-2 card

  2. The DS-3 I/O module

  3. The network line card

A9: Answer: B. This module is integrated smoothly into the back of the Cisco 6160 and is a floating plane on the front of the Cisco 6260. The NI-2 card itself is designed to control the coaxial connection, but the coaxial ports themselves are not on the NI-2, as are the fiber-optic connections for that version of the NI-2.
10: What is the function of the CO splitter?
  1. Equalize the circuit

  2. Generate ringing voltage

  3. Manage ADSL signaling

  4. Separate low and high frequencies

  5. None of the above

A10: Answer: D. The passive splitter is an array of simple filter cards that separate the higher frequencies of DSL data from the lower frequencies of voice signals. From the splitter, DSL signals are directed to the IP DSL switch, and voice signals proceed to the Class 5 switch and then on to the POTS network.
11: In the NI-2-equipped IP DSL switch system, how is the splitter function performed?
  1. By the network interface module

  2. In the line module

  3. In the system controller card

  4. In the PSC

  5. None of the above

A11: Answer: D. PSCs are made by such manufacturers as Corning and ADC and are usually designed to match specific IP DSL switch models with appropriate numbers of ports.
12: All subscribers in a subtended IP DSL switch report that their CPE trains up OK, but no one can access the Internet. Subscribers in the host switch are not experiencing a problem. Both DIP DSL switches are equipped with OC-3 NI cards. Which of the following could cause this error?
  1. A defective OC-3 patch cord is connected to the transmit output of ATM port 0/1 on the host system.

  2. ATM port 0/1 in the host system is out of service (shut down).

  3. ATM port 0/1 in the subtended system is out of service (shut down).

  4. A defective OC-3 patch cord is connected to the receive input of ATM port 0/2 on the subtended system.

A12: Answer: C. The uplink from the subtended IP DSL switch is designated 0/1. The other end of this same cable, the subtended link to the host system, is designated 0/2 on that system. If port 0/1 on the host system were inoperative for whatever reason, no subscribers would read Internet traffic.
13: A DSLAM is equipped with two PEMs, and –48 VDC is connected to each PEM. The circuit breaker on the right-side PEM is switched to the off position. What is the effect on customer service or system operation?
  1. Subscribers served by ATU-C slots 12 to 17 and 27 to 32 are out of service.

  2. Subscribers served by ATU-C slots 18 to 26 and 27 to 32 are out of service.

  3. There is no effect on customer service.

  4. Subscribers on systems subtended from this DSLAM are out of service.

A13: Answer: C. PEMs are redundant on all IP DSL switches.
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