How it works...

In Step 1 to Step 7, we built a single neural network model to see how to use a labelled image dataset to train our model and predict the actual label for an unseen image.

In Step 1, we built a linear stack of layers with the sequential model using Keras. We defined the three layers: one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. We provided input_shape=1024 to the input layer since we have 32 x 32 images. We used the relu activation function in the first and second layers. Because ours is a multi-class classification problem, we used softmax as the activation function for our output layer. 

In Step 2, we compiled the model with loss='categorical_crossentropy' and optimizer='adam'. In Step 3, we fitted our model to our train data and validated it on our test data.

In Step 4 and Step 5, we plotted the model accuracy and the loss metric for every epoch.

In Step 6 and Step 7, we reused a plot_confusion_matrix() function from the scikit-learn website to plot our confusion matrix both numerically and visually.

From Step 8 onward, we ensembled multiple models. We wrote three custom functions:

  • train_models(): To train and compile our model using sequential layers.
  • ensemble_predictions(): To ensemble the predictions and find the maximum value across classes for all observations.
  • evaluate_models(): To calculate the accuracy score for every model.

In Step 11, we fitted all the models. We set the no_of_models variable to 50. We trained our models in a loop by calling the train_models() function. We then passed x_train and y_train to the train_models() function for every model built at every iteration. We also called evaluate_models(), which returned the accuracy scores of each model built. We then appended all the accuracy scores. 

In Step 12, we plotted the accuracy scores for all the models.

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