
The purpose of the In a Nutshell series is to fulfil a gap in the market for technical publications. At present, the market has two types of books—those that try to tell you everything and others that try to tell you nothing. The first type of text is typified by a writer who is attempting to show the reader how clever they are by including a level of technical detail that can only be understood by really technical people, such as the writer. The others try to dumb down the material to such a level that it actually provides nothing to anyone.

Well, this is not going to be a technical book. It will seek to avoid unnecessary jargon while explaining why enterprise risk management is more than just a good idea; why, in fact, it makes sense for all firms. However, the book will stop short of telling you everything. That is for other books in this series.

Essentially, this is the first part of a series of books that will look at a variety of areas of business and risk, trying to provide you with the information that you require for your day-to-day purposes, to become familiar without having to become an expert.

Future books will look at a variety of other specialist subjects and will seek to explain the key issues and challenges without losing the reader in mathematical notation or spurious concepts that even the experts know are not really required.

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