
Writing this book has forced me to do two things that were previously way outside of my comfort zone: (1) promote my message and myself (instead of others) and (2) ask for help (instead of giving it).

There are so many people who have been of help and assistance, and while there isn’t enough room to list them all, please know that I am grateful for every ounce of help and support.

I would like to give an extra special “thank you” to the following people:

To Alan Roby, without whom there would be no book. Your guidance and support have meant so much to me and have gotten me to where I am today.

To Tracey S., my original “editor in chief” and the world’s greatest “elf,” who read and proofread the original manuscript so many times that you are now a qualified business expert in your own right. Thank you for all of your help and hard work on this and other projects, as well as your support and love, which means so much to me—oh, and for your excellent use of commas.

To Elizabeth Marshall, my “quarterback,” who has provided so much in the way of valuable feedback, insight, connections, and overall help. I can’t begin to express my full gratitude.

To Liz Strauss, who has become a dear friend and mentor, and whose “blessing” gave me instant credibility with so many fantastic thought leaders. I adore you and thank you for all you have done for me.

To all of those dear friends and virtual strangers who were kind enough to help me in my “backward” quest to find a publisher and an agent: Harlan Cohen, Jason Seiden, Tracy Ketcher, Paula Pontes, Keith Jaffee, Jeff Wellek, Shari Wenk, Deborah Johnson, Stacey Ballis, Paul Shrater, Marlene Franke, Mike Magnuson, Erik Castro, Lenny Dunn, and Ashley Chan.

To my actual agent, John Willig of Literary Services Inc., who “got” me and the book’s message immediately. Thank you for believing in this first-time author.

To the wonderful staff at BenBella: Publisher Glenn Yeffeth, who believed in me as much as the book’s message; you have truly been a pleasure to work with. Debbie Harmsen, my editor, who not only greatly improved the flow of the book but also indulged some of my, ahem, particular comments. Lisa Miller, who copyedited the book. John Reinhardt, who designed it. And Adrienne Lang, who helped on the marketing plan for the book.

To Michael Port, who enthusiastically embraced the message of this book. Thank you for your generosity and for providing such a thoughtful foreword.

To all of those who took the time to read the manuscript and put their reputations on the line in providing such wonderful and enthusiastic endorsements, including Cameron Herold, JJ Ramberg, Les McKeown, Loral Langemeier, Barry Moltz, Gini Dietrich, Shama Kabani, Harry Schulman, Laura Provenzale, Adam Kaplan, Martin Chimes, Paul Nizzere, and Scott Stratten.

To those who took the time to provide valuable feedback on the manuscript, along with their friendship, including Tracey Thompson, Ebony Thompson, and Ivan Wolfson.

To Rich Wolfson and Cathy Wolfson who, in addition to providing feedback, have provided unprecedented friendship and support on this journey and many others. You guys are the best.

To Suzanne Caplan, who managed to let me turn a reference check into a phenomenal working relationship, and whose support I truly appreciate.

To Steve Hofmann, for all of your hard work related to the book marketing and positioning.

To Luanne Rousseau, who has been an amazing resource and friend and whose general “fantasticness” has allowed me to spend time on this book.

To Alain Tremblay, Vaughn Sawyers, and David Buttry, who provide neverending comedy; although you all actually took me away from working on this book at times, working closely with you guys is totally worth it! And to Percy Newsum and the entire Newsum family, you have become a second family of sorts for me. And, of course, to all of you collectively for turning me into a fashion doll!

To Jason Wu, Stella Inserra, Joe Sriver, Wade Beavers, and Suzette Flemming, who shared your personal stories to help other aspiring entrepreneurs. I sincerely thank you for your time.

To Janice Marks, for your friendship and your help (including your styling!). Also to Rachel Hanel, who has helped me bring my personal brand to life in photos. And to Carol Woods, who did hair and makeup wonders in the cover photo.

To Mike Walsh, for all of your hard work, technical expertise, and willingness to fix issues that would otherwise take me forever, and for your excellent card-playing skills.

To my husband Kurt, you are my best friend and life partner and I thank you for your overwhelming love and support. You mean so much to me—no words here would be adequate.

And last, but not least, to my father Bernie, who has always provided unconditional love and support and would be proud no matter what I did . . . oh, and who also is potentially the only person in the University of Pennsylvania’s history to tell his daughter to ask the financial aid office if they would accept food stamps in lieu of tuition payment. Somehow, we made it through.

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