

“About” sections

new personal features in SharePoint 2013, 474

in site architecture, 138139

Access control

default access groups, 346

enterprise policies in governance plan, 86

listing access requirements, 386

operational implications of SharePoint Online, 337

planning user access, 348349

protocols for connecting to external data, 577

troubleshooting security applications, 397398

Access (Microsoft)

Access Services, 568569

enterprise edition features, 46

features provided by shared service applications, 264

new database features in Office 2013, 650

recommendations for working with SharePoint documents and data, 670

SharePoint 2013 and, 5152

working with SharePoint data, 652

working with SharePoint data offline, 668669

Access Services, 568569

Account management, 107108

Active Directory (AD) Groups, 367368


auditing, 431432

in glossary of social computing terms, 687

grouping in site architecture, 139140

AD (Active Directory) Groups, 367368

Add-ons, upgrade issues and, 302


Admin sites, 82

central administration, 272274

of external sharing, 355

in Office 365, 318320

site collection administration, 275277

of sites, 142

tenant administration, 274275

tiers, 272

Administration database, in physical search architecture, 551

Administration, of searches

adding new content sources, 554555

adding new result sources, 555557

comparing SharePoint Online with SharePoint Server 2013, 560563

customizing and creating search refiners, 559560

exporting/importing search settings, 560

logical search architecture, 550551

managing searches, 554

overview of, 549550

physical search architecture, 551552

query rules in, 557558

upgrading to SharePoint 2013 search from SharePoint 2010, 553554


enabling/disabling external sharing, 355

role and responsibilities of, 93

SharePoint Designer and, 587

as special SharePoint groups, 373


avoiding feature abuse, 199200

basing training needs on roles, 211212

business value and, 187

content that delights and, 199

contextual help and tips in, 195196

creating differing views for contributors and consumers, 197

deployment strategies for collaboration solutions, 205208

deployment strategies for intranets, 201203

deployment strategies for social features, 203205

designing and implementing persistent communications, 221224

difficulties in, 192193

guidance and use case examples for new capabilities, 197

human faces and stories and, 196197

incentives and rewards in, 218221

information architecture role in solution adoption, 122

key point review, 225226

key topics in book, 3

not sufficient as sole measure of success, 228, 240

overview of, 187188

planning training program, 208211

predefining keywords and terms for user profiles, 200

search effectiveness and, 198199

solutions that delight, 194

tailoring training to how jobs are performed, 215217

targeting content to specific audiences, 196

timing training programs, 212215

upgrades and, 292

usability testing improving, 134

user feedback and, 195

user permissions and, 200201

what’s new, 188192


newsfeeds vs., 688690

reports and, 605

search alerts, 548

Amazon, online hosting options, 338


in Excel Services, 618

in logical search architecture, 551

in PerformancePoint Services, 619

AND operator. see Logical (Boolean) operators (AND/OR/NOT)

Android devices

Office applications and, 639

SharePoint support for, 625626

Application development team, 94


building for SharePoint, 337

capabilities not available in SharePoint Online, 327328

capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation 2013, 262

collaborative application example, 5258

composite. see Composite applications

configuring searches as, 128

feature architecture, 262263

maintaining governance of, 114116

managing application pools, 107

Office mobile and Web apps and, 636640

planning governance of, 110114

search-driven, 564565

server roles in SharePoint, 278

SharePoint as application, platform, or framework, 1315

SharePoint Newsfeed application, 633635

SkyDrive Pro mobile applications, 636

third-party mobile applications, 640

troubleshooting security applications, 396398

Approve permissions, default permissions for publishing sites, 377


adding to sites, 707

Apps model, 104105, 113114

managing with SharePoint Online, 325

Web apps, 636640

Architect, role and responsibilities of, 94


administrative tiers, 272

application features and, 262263

central administration, 272274

common to portals, sites, and pages, 264265

database services, 260

deployment examples, 281283

deployment options, 278281

information architecture. see IA (Information architecture)

key point review, 283

key topics in book, 3

logical searches, 550551

metadata architecture. see Metadata architecture

mobile computing, 628630

OSs (operating systems), 260

overview of, 259

physical searches, 551552

service applications, 263264, 271272

SharePoint Foundation 2013, 261262

site collection administration, 275277

site-level administration, 277278

site templates, 268271

sites and site collections, 265268

social computing, 529530

tenant administration, 274275

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 259260

“Ask the Experts” discussion forums, 215

ASP.NET, 3940


binding templates to lists or libraries, 584586

workflow options, 591


addressing training needs to, 211212

features in standard and enterprise editions, 45

targeting content to, 196

targeting specific, 622623

Auditing, regulatory compliance and, 431432


accessing sites and, 397

BCS authentication models, 578

mobile computing and, 629

options, 287, 348

sharing with/without, 347

Authorization. see also Access control, 397


migration tool, 286, 336, 490

security analysis tools, 364

security management tool, 342


migration tools, 286, 336

security analysis tools, 364

security management tool, 342


online hosting options, 338

SharePoint Online integration with, 313

SQL Azure, 313, 577578

Windows Azure, 313, 315, 531


Backstage, 671672

Balanced scorecards, 250254

Balsamiq templates (from Fluidicidty), for page layout, 152

Bar graphs, 605

Baselines, in measurement strategy, 249250

BCS (Business Connectivity Services)

access protocols, 577578

comparing SharePoint versions, 574

components, 572573

data location, 577

enterprise edition features, 46

function of, 567

improvements in Office 2013, 651

managing with SharePoint Online, 324

overview of, 570572

planning solutions, 576577

Presentation layer and, 578579

security and permissions, 577578

solutions, 573

SPW capabilities not available in SkyDrive Pro, 659

types of solutions, 575

Web Parts for, 575576

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 568

BDC (Business Data Catalog), 570

BI (business intelligence)

application features in SharePoint Server, 263

benefits of technologies for, 621622

capabilities in SharePoint Server 2013, 41

capabilities not available in SharePoint Online, 328

charts, 605606

dashboards, 606608

Excel client features, 616

Excel Services components, 614

Excel Services server features, 617618

how Excel Services works, 614616

how PerformancePoint Services works, 618619

key point review, 623

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), 609611

mobile usage scenarios, 631

overview of, 601602

PerformancePoint Services, 618

planning for, 603

presentation tools, 611613

reasons for using PerformancePoint Services, 619620

reasons for using Visio Services, 620621

reports, 603605

scorecards, 608609

Visio Services, 620

what’s new in Excel Services, 616

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 602603

Binary data, 655

Bing, 541

BLOBs, in database services, 260261


capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation 2013, 262

managing, 501

microblogging, 476

overview of, 524525

risk of exposing inaccurate information, 492

social computing features in SharePoint 2013, 472

upgrades and, 294

Boolean operators. see Logical (Boolean) operators (AND/OR/NOT)

BPOS (Business Productivity Online Services), 311312

Brainstorming, in identifying stakeholders, 236

Branch Cache, 665, 670


governance plan considerations, 87

planning for, 468

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 230

Branding sites

Design Manager, 459463

master pages, 454456

overview of, 440, 452454

page layouts, 456458

themes, 458

Web Parts for, 458459

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD), 625, 628

Business Connectivity Services. see BCS (Business Connectivity Services)

Business Continuity, provided by shared service applications, 264

Business Data Catalog (BDC), 570

Business governance. see Governance, business

Business intelligence. see BI (business intelligence)

Business Intelligence Center, 618

Business objectives

designing solutions to meet, 235236

documenting, 2526

governance plan based on, 6869

identifying, 1922

mapping to SharePoint features, 2729

measurement strategy and, 233

outcome metrics, 243245

relating metrics to desired outcomes, 235236, 240

scorecards indicating performance against, 608

scorecards measuring performance against, 608

for SharePoint solutions, 234

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives, 234235

for social computing, 479482

Business owner role, 93

Business processes

application features in SharePoint Server, 263

electronic forms. see Forms, electronic

Excel Services and, 615

understanding, 579

upgrades and, 291293

workflow. see Workflows

Business Productivity Online Services (BPOS), 311312

Business solutions

access protocols, 577

associating workflows with lists, 584586

BCS (Business Connectivity Services), 570572

BCS components, 572573

BCS solutions, 573575

BCS Web Parts, 575576

business objectives for, 234

composite applications, 570

creating custom workflows, 586588

creating electronic forms, 596

custom-coded, 111, 114115

data locations, 577

deployment options, 281283

deployment strategies for collaboration solutions, 205208

designing, 235236

designing workflows with SharePoint Designer, 588589

designing workflows with Visio 2013, 592595

InfoPath forms services, 597

key point review, 598599

overview of, 567568

planning BCS solutions, 576577

presentation layer and, 578579

security and permissions, 577578

SharePoint categories of, 78

standard workflows, 584

templates, associations, and instances, 584

types of workflows, 588, 590591

understanding business processes, 579

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 568569

workflow association options and actions, 591592

workflow terminology, 582584

workflows in, 579581

Business value, solution adoption and, 187

BYOD (bring-your-own-device), 625, 628



accessing from Office 365, 321

capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation, 262

taking offline, 666668

CamelCase, naming conventions and, 683

Capabilities, determining relevance of, 2529

Capacity planning, searches and, 553

Card sorting

approach to IA design, 135136

tree testing compared with, 137

Catalogs, 439

Category pages, 127

CBT (computer-based training), 214

Center of excellence model

coaching and training and, 123

coaching team in, 207208

information architects in, 121

organizing resources in, 96

role in compliance, 100

Central administration

administering service applications, 276

not available in SharePoint Online, 327

overview of, 272274

CEWP (Content Editor Web Part), 463466

Changes/change management

adoption strategy overcoming resistance to change, 188

continuous nature of change management, 203

social computing considerations, 203

tendency to overvalue status quo, 192193

Chart Web Part, 605


in dashboards, 606

overview of, 605606

for presenting quantitative and qualitative measures, 253

Check out, Require Check Out setting, 416417

Check Permissions option, 362

Claims authentication, 287, 578


content types and, 540

domain knowledge and, 131

of information, 336

metadata and, 158

Client Side Object Model (CSOM), 327

Cloud computing

administering Office 365, 318320

capabilities available only in SharePoint Online, 329334

capabilities missing in SharePoint Online, 327329

Cloud-versus-on- premises decisions, 228229

comparing SharePoint Online with SharePoint Server 2013, 326327

concepts, 313315

getting started with SharePoint Online, 335336

identity management and, 317318

key point review, 338340

key topics in book, 3

licensing Office 365, 317

location of external data, 577

migrating to SharePoint Online, 336337

Office 365, 315316

online options, 338

operational governance considerations, 104, 337338

overview of, 311312

planning for SharePoint Online, 334335

SharePoint Online, 322326

as tier-one architecture, 260

upgrades and, 285

user experience with Office 365, 320322

what’s new in Office 2013, 646

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 1617, 312313


coaching team in center of excellence model, 207208

on IA team, 123

importance of, 97

role and responsibilities of, 94

Code Compatibility Inspector, in Microsoft Office, 650

Collaboration. see also Sharing

collaborative authoring within Office documents, 527528, 648649

deployment strategies for collaboration solutions, 205208

document capability provided by SharePoint Foundation, 262

good practices for, 206

platforms, 3336

SharePoint categories of solutions, 78

SharePoint Foundation and, 40

social computing providing structure for, 516

what’s new in Office 2013, 648649


associated with Content Types, 164

best practices for, 171172

central management of, 169

defining at site collection or site level, 168

as descriptive attributes, 167168

enterprise keywords and, 173174

managed metadata and, 168169

in metadata architecture, 120

overview of, 162163

planning, 169170


in delivery model for governance, 9899

deployment strategies and, 201

dimension of governance plan, 6465

of governance plan, 69

of metrics, 250254

performance measures supporting, 231

persistence of, 221224

of social computing, 505506

upgrades and, 294295


governance model for sample deployment, 82

incorporating gamification into community features, 503504

key topics in book, 3

social computing and, 41, 477478

support for, 474

support for online communities, 490491

tailoring training to how jobs are performed, 215

Community Portal, 129

Community Site template, 347, 474, 476477

Community sites

joining, 517522

members, 523

permissions, 374375

Company administrators group, 373


auditing and, 431432

enterprise policies and, 86

reducing compliance risks, 122

reports, 605

Composite applications

BCS Web Parts for building, 575576

defined, 567

features in SharePoint Server, 41, 263

key topics in book, 3

overview of, 570

Computer-based training (CBT), 214

Conflict resolution, capabilities of SkyDrive Pro, 655

Consistency, design principles for page layout, 145146, 149

Consulting sessions, as training tool, 215

Consumability (communication)

delivery model for governance, 9899

dimensions of governance plan, 6465

of governance plan, 69

Consumers, creating views for consumers of information, 197

Contacts/contact management

accessing contacts from Office 365, 321

capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation, 262


adding content sources to searches, 554555

adding result sources to searches, 555557

adding to information repositories, 481

classification of, 134

creating delightful, 199

duplicating in more than one location, 140

enterprise content management. see ECM (enterprise content management)

exposing to searches, 541542

governance plan and, 88

guiding principles, 7778

information assurance and, 6263

key topics in book, 3

in logical search architecture, 550

mobile usage scenarios, 630631

naming conventions for site owners, 681683

naming conventions for users with document contribution permissions, 683684

organizing, 131

planning, 467

repurposing, 438

search-driven Content Web Parts, 564565

searches for structured and unstructured data sources, 537

targeting to specific audiences, 196

training, 209211

transitional deployment planning and, 202

types requiring governance, 65

upgrades and, 285, 292

Web content management. see WCM (Web content management)

working with offline, 295296

writing great content for sites, 678680

Content approval

Draft Item Security and, 415

planning for, 468

versioning and, 411412

Content authoring, 438439

Content by Search Web Part, 560

Content Editor Web Part (CEWP), 463466

Content management

application features in SharePoint Server, 262

searches and, 540

system, 134

Content Organizer, 424425, 442443

Content ownership, 142, 150

Content Query Web Part, 267

Content Search Web Part, 440

Content sources

adding new content sources to searches, 554555

in logical search architecture, 550

Content Types

association options, 591

defining, 165166

elements of, 164165

examples of, 166167

external, 573

features that do not work across site collections, 267

hierarchical organization of, 165

in metadata architecture, 120, 163164

multiple vs. single, 170

overview of, 162

planning, 166

search management and, 540

storing, 457458

Contextual help and tips, 195196

Contribute permissions, default permissions for team sites, 376

Contributors, creating views for contributors of information, 197


enabling online conversations, 484486

in glossary of social computing terms, 687

moving beyond e-mail, 481

options in SharePoint 2013, 486489

as search result source, 544, 547

social computing features in SharePoint 2013, 474476

CoPilot, Jornata, 108

Corporate Intranet deployment solution, 282

Crawl database, in physical search architecture, 552

Crawled properties, 539

Crawlers. see Search engines

Crawling. see Indexes/indexing

Created/Created By, metadata attributes, 156

Credentials-based authentication, 578

CRM (customer relationship management), 337, 530

Cross-site publishing, 439

CSOM (Client Side Object Model), 327

Custom-coded solutions

accounting for, 111

maintaining application governance, 114115

Customer relationship management (CRM), 337, 530

Customers group, activity groupings, 140


of entity extractors, 560, 563

of groups, 374375

of master pages, 287

out-of-the-box customizations, 111, 114115

of page layout, 456458

of permissions, 378

of policies in operational governance, 112

of search refiners, 559560

upgrades and, 301302, 304, 306

of workflows, 586588


Daily maintenance, of operational governance, 109

DAM (Digital Asset Management), 404405, 441


administering, 318319

overview of, 606608

presenting quantitative and qualitative measures, 253

reasons for using PerformancePoint Services, 619

strategic/appropriate use of, 622

what’s new in Office 2013, 649


improvements to data exploration in Excel Services, 617

quality and timeliness of, 601

working with offline, 665666

Data loss prevention (DLP), 629

Data sources

access protocols for connecting to, 577

External Content Type, 573

location of, 577

Presentation layer for user interaction with, 578579

search capacity for structured and unstructured, 537

Visio diagrams and, 620

Database administration, in site architecture diagram, 142

Database-attach upgrade method

overview of, 302304

selecting upgrade strategy, 305

support for service application databases, 288289


capacity of, 107

managing, 108

in physical search architecture, 552

separating database upgrade from site upgrade, 288

server roles in SharePoint, 278

SQL Server, 39, 260

Datasheet view, 174175

Decisions making

governance plan and, 8990

performance measures supporting, 231

Declarative solutions, in application governance, 111, 114

Delivery model, for governance plan, 9899

Departmental deployment solution, 281


business governance and, 7881

capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation, 261

examples, 8184, 281283

operational governance and, 105106

options, 279281

server roles and, 278

social computing and, 203

Deployment strategies

for collaboration solutions, 205208

early adopters and evangelists and, 204205

enterprise vs. controlled/ top down vs. bottom up, 204

for intranets, 201203

for social features, 203


of governance plan, 7172

governance plan as framework for design standards, 69

of metadata architecture, 161163

page layout principles, 149151

Design Manager

branding sites, 458

creating custom master pages, 455456

creating design package, 463

editing master pages, display templates, page layouts, 462463

managing device channels, 460461

overview of, 459460

publishing and applying design elements, 463

uploading design files, 462

Design permissions, default permissions for team sites, 376

Desktop search, SkyDrive Pro, 655

Developer Site template, 331

Development environment, 116

Device channels, 460461

Device targeting, 440

Devices. see also Mobile devices

operational governance considerations, 104

planning for, 467

working with content across, 491


reasons for using Visio Services, 620621

site architecture, 141143

Dictionaries, search, 559560

Digital Asset Management (DAM), 404405, 441

DIP (Document Information Panel), 427


discussion lists vs. newsfeeds, 688

managing, 502505

reward and recognition capabilities and, 192

risk of exposing inaccurate information, 492

Disk space, 107

Display templates, 463

DLP (data loss prevention), 629

DM (Document Management)

check out settings, 416417

content approval, 411412

Content Organizer, 424425

DIP (Document Information Panel), 427

Document Center, 428429

Document ID service, 425426

document libraries, 410411

document sets, 421424

Draft Item Security, 415

item-level security, 417418

location-based metadata, 420421

Managed metadata services, 418420

overview of, 404, 410

version history, 413415

version settings, 411

workflows, 426

Document Center, 428429

Document ID service, 423, 425426

Document Information Panel (DIP), 427

Document libraries

overview of, 410411

SkyDrive Pro and, 129

Web pages in, 411

Document Management. see DM (Document Management)

Document sets

activating, 422423

overview of, 421422

when to use, 423424

Document workflows

overview of, 426

upgrades and, 293294


governance plan, 6970

of security plan, 379380

of strategic plan, 21


assigning attributes to, 173174

capability provided by SharePoint Foundation, 262

classification of, 158161

collaborative authoring within Office documents, 527528

following, 699

libraries, 410411

managing together with e-mail, 407408

metadata architecture, 154159

monitoring copies of, 693697

naming conventions for, 683684

recommendations for working with, 669670

sets, 421424

sharing externally, 355, 357

sharing internally, 350351

sharing link to, 511

sharing online vs. on-premises, 345346

sharing outside organization, 705706

synchronizing/managing changes, 665

taking offline with Outlook 2013, 662663

taking offline with SkyDrive Pro, 654655

tools in Office 2013, 660

unique identifiers for, 425426

version history, 413415

version settings, 411

Domain groups, 367368

Domains, administering Office 365, 319

Draft Item Security, in versioning, 415

Dragging and dropping documents, 408409

Dreamweaver, 459

Duet Online, 312, 316

Dynamic reports, 604



capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation, 262

info-glut related to, 244

managing together with documents, 407408

moving beyond limitations of, 481

newsfeed notifications, 511

preparing for upgrades and, 294295

social computing and, 203

Early adopters, deployment strategies and, 204205

ECM (enterprise content management)

auditing, 431432

check out settings, 416417

content approval, 411412

Content Organizer, 424425

DIP (Document Information Panel), 427

Document Center, 428429

Document ID service, 425426

document libraries, 410411

document management, 410

document sets, 421424

Draft Item Security, 415

dragging and dropping documents, 408409

eDiscovery Center, 409410

feature parity between SharePoint Server and SharePoint Online, 410

getting started with, 404405

information management policies, 432435

item-level security, 417418

key point review, 435

location-based metadata, 420421

Managed metadata services, 418420

overview of, 403404

in-place records management, 430431

records declaration, 429430

records management, 429

SharePoint Server 2013 and, 40

shredded storage, 408409

Site Mailbox app, 407408

site retention policies, 406407

version history, 413415

version settings, 411

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 405406

workflows, 426


eDiscovery Center, 312, 409410

integrated search platform and, 536

overview of, 405

risks related to social computing, 494

Edit permissions, default permissions for team sites, 376

Electronic forms. see Forms, electronic

Employees, recruiting and retaining, 481

Enterprise keywords, 173174, 176

Enterprise policies, in governance plan, 8687

Enterprise processes, in governance plan, 87

Entity extraction

creating custom extractors, 560, 563

defined, 539540

Evangelists. see Power users/evangelists

Everyone except external users groups, default access groups, 346

Everyone group, default access groups, 346


business intelligence capabilities, 41

charts, 605

client features, 616

collaborative authoring, 528, 648649

enterprise edition features, 46

features provided by shared service applications, 263

Office Mobile Applications, 644, 674675

Office on Demand, 647648

Office Web Apps, 639, 644, 674

recommendations for working with SharePoint documents and data, 670

SharePoint 2013 and, 5152

spreadsheet features, 650

Windows Phone applications, 636

working with SharePoint data, 652653

working with SharePoint data offline, 668669

Excel Calculation Engine, 614

Excel Services

benefits of, 621

components of, 614

function of, 616

how it works, 614616

overview of, 611613

server features, 617618

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 616

Excel Web Access, 614

Excel Web Services, 614

Exchange Online

accessing from Office 365, 321

components of Office 365, 315

SharePoint Online integration with, 312

Exchange Server 2000, 3334

Exchange Server 2013, 42

Executive Sponsor role, 93

Expertise, improving access to internal experts, 480

Exporting/importing search settings, 560

Extensibility, capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation, 261

External Content Type, 573

External data sources. see Data sources

External sharing

capabilities available in SharePoint Online, 329330

planning for, 354356

support for, 335

Extranets, 78


Facebook. see also Social computing

popularity of social networking, 471

preparing for upgrades and, 294

social features of SharePoint 2013 and, 190

Farm administrators group, 373


central administration, 272274

corporate intranet, 282

fundamentals common to portals, sites, and pages, 264

hosting sites in SharePoint 2010 and 2013 modes simultaneously, 288

upgrades and, 285

FAST search engine, 4041, 190191, 260

Feature abuse, 199200

Federation, 538

Field controls, improved in SharePoint 2013, 464, 466

Fields, improvements in Excel Services, 617


managing capacity of, 107

metadata attributes, 156

moving between SharePoint and other file systems, 663664

naming, 156, 210, 683

sharing, 4951

storing, 50

uploading design files, 462


in dashboards, 606

fast filtering, 420

Five-server deployment, 280

Flucidity Balsamiq templates, 152


assigning permissions, 362

document organization and, 156157

metadata vs., 158161

naming conventions, 684

vs. views, 197


documents, 699

overview of, 697698

people, 699701

sites, 699

topics, 701702

Forms, electronic

creating, 596

InfoPath forms services, 597

mobile usage scenarios, 630

upgrades and, 293294

workflows, 293294

Forms Management, in ECM, 404

Four-server deployment, 280

Fpweb online hosting option, 338

Framework, SharePoint as, 1315

FrontPage Server Extensions, 34

Full Control permissions

default permissions for team sites, 376

managing site security, 350

sharing documents externally, 357, 705706

sharing sites externally, 704705

Functional groupings, in site architecture, 139


Game dynamics, incentives and rewards in adoption, 219221


feature abuse and, 199

game dynamics and, 219221

incorporating into community features, 503504

recognition and rewards and, 192

Global term sets, describing managed metadata, 175

Goals. see Business objectives

Good Technology, 628

Google, 541


aligning training with governance plan, 209

implications of using SharePoint Online, 337338

key topics in book, 34

naming conventions for site owners, 681683

naming conventions for users with document contribution permissions, 683684

operational implications of SharePoint Online, 337

social computing and, 495, 687690

tips for writing great content for sites, 678680

tips for writing search queries, 684686

Governance board, role and responsibilities of, 93

Governance, business

branding considerations in, 87

consumability (communication) dimension of, 6465

content considerations in, 88

defining policies and guidelines, 9798

defining roles and responsibilities, 9297

deployment or delivery model for, 7884, 9899

design phase and, 7172

enterprise policies, 8687

enterprise processes, 87

guidance dimension of, 6364

guiding principles in, 7478

importance of plan for, 6768

information assurance dimension of, 6263

key point review, 100101

newsfeed policies, 92

operational decisions in, 8990

overview of, 61

planning and scheduling conversations about, 80, 8485

planning based on desired outcomes, 6869

roles and responsibilities in, 8889

site-specific decisions in, 90

social computing considerations, 91

socializing and monitoring, 99100

team approach to, 7273

technology assurance dimension of, 62

upgrades and, 291

user profile in, 9192

vision statement for, 7374

visioning and overview in first meeting, 85

what to include in plan for, 6971

what’s new, 6567

Governance, operational

analyzing operational health, 106

deployment model for, 105106

key point review, 116117

maintaining, 109110

maintaining application governance, 114116

managing accounts and passwords, 107108

managing application pools, 107

managing capacity and disk space, 107

managing databases, 108

monitoring network connectivity, 106107

monitoring operational health, 108109

overview of, 103104

planning application governance, 110114

planning for, 105

what’s new, 104105

Governance, social computing

configuring user profiles, 495499

managing blogs and wikis, 501

managing discussions, 502505

managing newsfeed posts, 500

overview of, 495

understanding likes and ratings, 501502

understanding social tags, 502

Graphical user interface (GUI), 189

Groove. see also SkyDrive Pro; SPW (SharePoint Workspace), 651, 659


checking permissions, 395

custom, 374375

default access groups, 346

default SharePoint groups, 368372

defining, 386388

naming conventions, 682

security and, 367368

special SharePoint groups, 372374

GUI (graphical user interface), 189

Guidance/guiding principles

for adoption of new capabilities, 197

content, 7778

developing, 74, 78

dimensions of governance plan, 6364

general principles, 7475

key elements in governance plan, 70

security, 75

site design, 7677


defining, 9798

key elements in governance plan, 71

GUIDs, for Columns, 163



adding to newsfeed posts, 510

creating posts in newsfeeds, 703

new features related to social computing, 128

HBI (high business impact)

classification of information, 336

mobile computing and, 629


analyzing operational health, 106

monitoring operational health, 108109

Health Analyzer, 106

Help Desk, 94

Help systems, aids to adoption, 195196

High business impact (HBI)

classification of information, 336

mobile computing and, 629

Home page

governance model for sample deployment, 81

organization of, 126127

page layout template for, 146


CEWP (Content Editor Web Part) and, 464

converting to SharePoint master page, 455456

managing, 446

mobile device support for HTML5, 631

Human faces and stories, featuring in adoption strategy, 196197

Hyperlinks, adding to posts, 511, 703


IA (Information architecture)

“About” sections of sites, 138139

activity groupings, 139140

best practices for Columns, 171172

best practices for page layout, 146

best practices for site architecture, 137138

card sorting approach to design, 135136

Columns in metadata design, 167170

consistency of page layout, 145146

Content Types in metadata design, 163167

creating effective site architecture, 134135

design principles for page layout, 149151

design techniques, 135

designing metadata architecture, 161163

diagramming site architecture, 141142

duplicating content in more than one location, 140

enterprise policies and, 87

fixing structural issues prior to upgrades, 297

functional groupings, 139

gathering information for, 131134

governance plan as framework for, 69

implementing site architecture, 143144

importance of, 122

key point review, 184185

maintaining, 182184

managed metadata for hierarchical navigation, 174175

Managed Metadata Services, 176181

managing site navigation, 144145

metadata architecture, 154

metadata related to documents, 155159

metadata related to songs/ music, 154155

metadata vs. folders, 158161

methods for assigning attributes to documents, 173174

multiple Content Types vs. single Content Type, 170

overview of, 119121

role of information architect, 122124

searches and metadata, 181182

site administration and, 142

site collections and subsites, 128130

templates and starters for page layout, 146148

terminology describing managed metadata, 175

three-click-rule myth, 153

top links in site architecture, 145

tree testing approach to design, 136137

what’s new, 124128

wire framing templates, 152153

IAAS (Infrastructure as a service), 313314, 338

Identity management, Office 365, 317318, 531


adding to posts, 511, 703

design principles for page layout, 150151

image renditions, 441442

IMBI (In-Memory BI Engine), 616

Importing/exporting search settings, 560

In-place upgrades, not supported in SharePoint 2013, 286, 302

Incentives, in adoption strategy, 218221


defined, 538

in logical search architecture, 551

managed metadata and, 420


electronic forms and document workflows, 293294

enterprise edition features, 46

integration with SharePoint, 653

managing with SharePoint Online, 323

overview of, 597

SPW capabilities not available in SkyDrive Pro, 659


accidental or inappropriate disclosure, 493

adding content to information repositories, 481

in architecture of social computing, 529

information architecture role in reducing, 122

literacy competencies, 217

management policies, 165, 432435

managing/retaining, 267

mobile usage scenarios, 631

overload, 244

quality and timeliness of data in business intelligence, 601

risk of inaccurate, 492493

Information architect role, 94, 122124

Information architecture. see IA (Information architecture)

Information assurance, dimensions of governance plan, 6263

information technology. see IT (information technology)

Information Worker products, 32

Infrastructure as a service (IAAS), 313314, 338

Infrastructure maintenance, 69

Infrastructure support team, 94


Content Types and, 165

permissions and, 360

securable objects and, 385

Instances, workflow, 584


deployment, 282283

Internet-facing sites, 18, 437438

solutions, 78


deployment, 201203, 282

sharing information via, 12

solutions, 78

iOS devices (iPads/iPhones)

mobile device support, 478

Newsfeed application and, 634635

Office applications for, 639

operational governance considerations, 104105

SharePoint support for, 625

SkyDrive Pro support for, 636

upgrades and, 296

user experience of SharePoint with, 631633

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 625626

IRM (Information Rights Management)

components of Office 365, 316

mobile computing and, 629

securing items stored in SharePoint, 365366

IT (information technology)

information literacy competencies, 217

IT group governance model, 105

planning upgrades and, 292

reducing costs of, 122

technology assurance dimension of governance, 62

IT owner role, 93


assigning permissions to, 362

fundamentals common to portals, sites, and pages, 265

item-level auditing, 432

item-level security, 417418

unique identifiers, 156


Jornata’s CoPilot, 108

Just-in-time help, 195196

Just-in-time training, 213215


Key Performance Indicators. see KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)


enterprise keywords, 173174

new features related to social computing, 128

predefining, 176, 200

Knowledge sharing, 480

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

business intelligence capabilities and, 41

overview of, 609611

in scorecards, 608


Launch plan, for social computing, 505

Layout. see Page architecture

LCS (Live Communications Server), 34

Leadership, activity groupings in site architecture, 140

Legal holds, 405


binding templates to (associations), 584

contribution rights to, 398

creating/displaying views in, 690693

designating as catalog, 439

of documents, 410411

dragging and dropping documents to, 408409

fundamentals common to portals, sites, and pages, 265

metadata for organizing, 160

naming conventions, 683

SkyDrive Pro, 656

workflows and, 579


apps use and, 114

Office 365, 317

Lifecycle management, 112


getting feedback via, 513514

in glossary of social computing terms, 687

identifying meaningful content, 480

understanding, 501502

Limited Access permissions, default permissions for team sites, 377

Link database, in physical search architecture, 552

LinkedIn, 294


adding hyperlinks to posts, 511, 703

design principles for page layout, 150

persistent navigation links (Suite Bar), 124125

Promoted Links app, 189190, 708711

Quick Launch links, vs. Web Parts, 151152

top links in site architecture, 145

List workflows, 588, 590


binding templates to (associations), 584

creating/displaying views, 690693

designating as catalog, 439

discussion lists vs. newsfeeds, 688

fundamentals common to portals, sites, and pages, 265

leveraging list data for content presentation, 438

libraries compared with, 410411

metadata for organizing, 160161

naming conventions for, 683

workflow feature and, 579

Live Communications Server (LCS), 34

Local term sets, describing managed metadata, 175

Location-based metadata, 420421

Logical architecture, 550551

Logical (Boolean) operators (AND/OR/NOT)

in contextual help systems, 196

in searches, 548

tips for writing search queries, 685686

Logs, monitoring operational health, 108


client, 42

integration with SharePoint, 653

Windows 8 applications for, 644

Windows Phone applications for, 639

Lync Online, 316

Lync Server 2013, 34, 42


Mac computers, 104105

Machine Translation Service, 439


of Excel files, 615

of information architecture, 182184

of operational governance, 109110

of security, 389, 394

Manage Copies, 693697

Manage Hierarchy permissions, 377

Manage Permissions, 343, 378

Managed metadata

configuring metadata navigation, 419420

creating/adding to term sets, 178179

defining terms, 180181

for hierarchical navigation, 174175

interacting with, 127128

managing terms/term sets, 176

overview of, 418419

planning term sets, 177

provided by shared service applications, 263

searches and, 181182, 540

site navigation with, 440

as special type of Column, 168169

Managed Metadata Services, 703

Managed properties

defined, 539

search schema and, 559

tips for writing search queries, 686


of accounts, 107108

capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation, 261

of changes. see Changes/change management

of contacts. see Contacts/contact management

of content. see Content management

CRM (customer relationship management), 337, 530

DAM (Digital Asset Management), 404405, 441

of documents. see DM (Document Management)

of enterprise content. see ECM (enterprise content management)

of forms, 404

identity management, 531

of information rights. see IRM (Information Rights Management)

lifecycle management, 112

MDM (mobile device management), 628

of projects, 335

of records. see RM (Records Management)

of searches, 554

of tasks. see Task management

version management, 659

of video, 444

of web content. see WCM (Web content management)

Master Page Gallery, 457458

Master pages

associating with Content Type, 457458

branding sites and, 454456

customization of, 287

editing, 462463

MDM (mobile device management), 628


analyzing metrics and making changes based on, 256257

baselines in, 249250

business objectives and, 233234

collecting metrics, 254

communicating measurement stories, 249

dashboards using, 606, 608

designing solutions, 235236

determining metrics stakeholders, 236237

keeping it simple, 622

key point review, 257

key topics in book, 3

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), 609611

overview of, 227229

packaging and presenting metrics, 250254

process of, 232233

qualitative metrics, 245249

quantitative metrics, 241245

reasons for measuring, 231232

reasons for using PerformancePoint Services, 619

relating metrics to desired outcomes, 240

ROI analysis, 238240

scorecards using, 608

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives, 234235

types of metrics, 241

usability testing, 254255

user feedback for collecting metrics, 255256

what’s new, 229231

Medical benefits, incentives and rewards in adoption, 219

Meetings, as training tool, 214215


community sites, 523

user roles, 216

Mentions, social computing terminology, 688

Mentors, social computing and, 480

Metadata architecture

assigning attributes to documents, 173174

best practices for Columns, 171172

Columns, 167170

Content Types, 163167

designing, 161163

documents, 155159

location-based metadata, 420421

managed metadata for hierarchical navigation, 174175

Managed Metadata Services, 176181

metadata vs. folders, 158161

multiple Content Types vs. single Content Type, 170

overview of, 120, 153154

searches and metadata, 181182

songs/ music, 154155

SPW capabilities not available in SkyDrive Pro, 659

terminology describing managed metadata, 175

Metalogix migration tool, 286, 336, 490

Metrics. see Measurement/metrics


BizTalk Server, 42

commitment to Cloud computing, 311

Excel. see Excel

Office 2013. see Office 2013

OneNote. see OneNote

Outlook. see Outlook 2013

PerformancePoint Services. see PerformancePoint Services

PhoneFactor from, 629630

PowerPoint. see PowerPoint

Project, 654

Project Online, 312, 316

SQL Server. see SQL Server

Surface, 631, 636

Translator, 439

Visio. see Visio

Word. see Word

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007

in history of collaboration services, 36

services grouped within SSP (Shared Services Provider), 271


planning for, 289291

selective external migration, 303304

to SharePoint Online, 336337

third-party tools for, 286, 336

Mind maps, in documenting site architecture, 141

MindManager, 141

Mobile computing

architectural considerations, 628630

device management, 628

key point review, 641

Office mobile and Web apps, 636640

overview of, 625

phones and tablets, 631633

planning for, 626627

SharePoint Newsfeed application, 633635

SharePoint Online support, 335

SkyDrive Pro mobile applications, 636

third-party applications, 640

usage scenarios, 630631

user personas/scenarios, 627628

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 17, 230, 625626

Mobile device management (MDM), 628

Mobile devices

HTML5 support, 631

managing, 628

phones and tablets, 631633

planning for, 626627

support for, 478, 625

user experience of SharePoint with, 631633

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 625626

Mobile Entree, 640


Community Tools for, 520522

managing discussions, 502503

supporting online communities, 490491

Modified/Modified By, metadata attributes, 156


apps use, 114

document copies, 693697

governance plan and, 99100

network connectivity, 106107

operational health, 108109

Monthly maintenance, of operational governance, 110

MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) 2007

in history of collaboration services, 36

services grouped within SSP (Shared Services Provider), 271

Multilingual sites, 439, 467468

My Sites

site collections and, 129

social computing and, 41

social computing features in SharePoint 2013, 472


N-server deployment, 280281

Naming conventions

for site owners, 681683

for users with document contribution permissions, 683684

Napa Office 365 Development Tools, 569


configuring metadata navigation, 419420

defining site navigation, 126

managed metadata for hierarchical, 144145

managing site navigation, 144145

persistent links (Suite Bar), 124125

planning for, 467

in site architecture diagram, 141142, 144

site navigation with managed metadata, 440

upgrades and, 297

Navigation bar, in Office 365, 321

NaviSite online hosting option, 338

.NET Framework

access protocols for connecting to SharePoint, 577578

providing Web page services, 3940

technologies in SharePoint, 260

Network connectivity, monitoring, 106107

News, standard and enterprise edition features, 43


accessing from Office 365, 321

alerts vs., 688690

creating posts, 702703

discussion lists vs., 688

following documents, 699

following people, 699701

following topics, 701702

managing posts, 500

personal features in SharePoint 2013, 472473

policies in governance plan, 92

replacing with Yammer, 125

risk of exposing inaccurate information, 492

SharePoint Newsfeed application, 633635

SharePoint Online supporting, 335

tips for working with, 509513

NewsGator’s Social Sites, 294

9X Problem (Gourville), 193

NOT operator. see Logical (Boolean) operators (AND/OR/NOT)


Objectives. see also Business objectives

as focus of design, 135

for performance measures, 231232

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives, 234235

Objects, displaying permissions levels of, 395396

OData access protocol, 577578

OEAT (Office Environment Assessment Tool), 650

Office 2013

client applications that connect with SharePoint, 652654

collaborative authoring, 527528

description of, 42

document-related tools, 660

features for integration of Office clients with SharePoint Online, 333

Information Worker products, 32

integration capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation, 262

keeping document content current with SkyDrive Pro, 660

key point review, 675676

migrating from SPW to SkyDrive Pro, 659660

mobile applications, 626, 636640, 674675

Office Upload Center and, 660662

operational governance considerations, 104105

Outlook 2013 and, 662663

Outlook for taking SharePoint calendars offline, 666668

overview of, 643644

recommendations for working with documents and data, 669670

SPW features not available in SkyDrive Pro, 658659

synchronizing/managing document changes, 665

taking SharePoint documents offline with SkyDrive Pro, 654655

UI (user interface) innovations, 670672

Web apps. see Office Web Apps

what’s new, 644651

Windows Explorer and, 663664

working with SharePoint data offline, 665666, 668669

working with SkyDrive Pro, 655658

Office 365

administering, 318320

BPOS (Business Productivity Online Services) rebranded as, 312

building collaborative applications, 5258

comparing cloud computing services, 315

description of, 42

identity management with, 317318, 531

Information Worker products, 32

integration with SharePoint and, 333

licensing, 317

monitoring network connectivity, 107

Napa Office 365 Development Tools, 569

operational governance and, 103

search engine in, 535

services of, 315316

sharing sites and documents outside organization, 704

updates for Office from, 644

user experience, 320322

what’s new in Office 2013, 646647

Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT), 650

Office Marketplace, 645

Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM), 650

Office Mobile Applications

overview of, 674675

support for mobile devices, 626

types of, 636640

Office on Demand, 333, 647648

Office Professional Plus, 316

Office Server Extensions, 34

Office Store, 321

Office Upload Center

overview of, 660662

recommendations for working with SharePoint documents and data, 669

working with SharePoint, 653

Office Web Apps

components of Office 365, 316

overview of, 673674

as stand-alone service in SharePoint 2013, 260

support for mobile devices, 626

types of, 636640

what’s new in Office 2013, 644645

Offline access

in Access and Excel, 668669

to calendars, 666668

to content, 295296, 491

to data, 665666

to documents, 662663

to files, 664

SPW capabilities not available in SkyDrive Pro, 659

OMPM (Office Migration Planning Manager), 650


collaborative authoring, 528, 648649

improvements in Office 2013, 651

on iOS devices, 639

Office Mobile Applications and, 644, 674675

Office Web Apps and, 639, 644

Windows Phone applications, 636

working with SharePoint, 653

Online options, cloud computing, 338

Operating systems. see OSs (operating systems)

Operational decisions, 8990

Operational governance. see Governance, operational

Operational procedures, 337


logical. see Logical (Boolean) operators (AND/OR/NOT)

tips for writing search queries, 686

Optimal Workshop

card sorting program, 136

tree testing program, 137

OR operator. see Logical (Boolean) operators (AND/OR/NOT)

Organizational structure, not basing site architecture on, 137

OSs (operating systems)

architecture, 260

Windows Server providing base services, 39

Out-of-the-box customizations, 111, 114115

Outcomes. see also Business objectives

business or outcome metrics, 243245

as focus of design, 135

relating metrics to desired outcomes, 240

working backwards to determine appropriate measures of success, 237

Outlook 2013

accessing Web-based version, 321

integration with SharePoint, 653

recommendations for working with SharePoint documents and data, 670

taking calendars offline, 666668

taking documents offline, 662663

Windows Phone and, 639

OWA (Outlook Web Application), 321

Owners role, 216217


PAAS (platform as a service), 314

Page architecture

best practices, 146

consistency of layout, 145146

customizing page layout, 456458

design principles for, 149151

editing page layouts, 463

new page layout options, 127

overview of, 120

templates for, 126, 146148

wire framing templates, 152153

Passwords, managing, 107108

Patches, 62


featuring human faces and stories in adoption strategy, 196197

following, 699701

as search result source, 544

social computing in SharePoint 2013, 229230, 472474

People Picker, 355356

PerformancePoint Services

benefits of, 621

business intelligence capabilities in SharePoint Server 2013, 41

creating KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), 610611

enterprise edition features, 46

features provided by shared service applications, 264

function of, 616

how it works, 618619

overview of, 618

reasons for using, 619620


accessing external data and, 577578

for app use, 113

applying, 388389

applying to securable objects, 358364

checking individual or group, 395

checking site, 394395

for community sites, 374375

for default SharePoint groups, 369

displaying permissions levels of objects, 395396

item-level security and, 417418

levels of, 375379

listing permission levels, 383386

maintaining security model and, 389, 394

Manage Permissions feature, 343

managing user permissions, 200201

reports and, 604

sharing document outside organization and, 705706

sharing sites outside organization and, 704705

user roles and, 216217

Personal sites, 507509

PhoneFactor, from Microsoft, 629630

Physical architecture, searches and, 551552

Pie charts, 605

PivotCharts, Excel reports, 616

PivotTables, Excel reports, 616

Platform as a service (PAAS), 314

Platforms, SharePoint as, 1315


apps use, 113114

automating, 9899

central site for, 99

customization policies in operational governance, 112

defining, 9798

enterprise policies in governance plan, 8687

information management, 165, 432435

key elements in governance plan, 71


application features in SharePoint Server, 262

benefits of effective site architecture, 134

capabilities in SharePoint Server 2013, 40

Community Portal site template, 517

standard and enterprise edition features, 43


adding hyperlinks to, 703

creating, 702703

in glossary of social computing terms, 687

Power users/evangelists

deployment strategies and, 204205

on IA team, 123

importance of, 97

role and responsibilities of, 94

Power View, Excel add-in, 616


collaborative authoring, 528, 648649

features provided by shared service applications, 264

integration with SharePoint, 653654

mind maps in documenting site architecture, 141

Office Mobile Applications and, 644, 674675

Office on Demand, 647648

Office Web Apps and, 639640, 644, 674

Windows Phone applications, 636

Preferences, search preferences, 549

Presentation layer, for user interaction with external data, 578579

Presentation tools

benefits of technologies, 621622

charts, 605606

choosing, 611612

components of Excel Services, 614

dashboards, 606608

Excel BI client features, 616

Excel Services, 611613, 615

Excel Services server features, 617618

how Excel Services works, 614616

how PerformancePoint Services works, 618619

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), 609611

PerformancePoint Services, 618

reasons for using PerformancePoint Services, 619620

reasons for using Visio Services, 620621

reports, 603605

scorecards, 608609

Visio Services, 620

what’s new in Excel Services, 616

Privacy, privacy/relevance mix in online conversations, 484485

Private clouds, 313

Productivity, 122, 230

Project (Microsoft), integration with SharePoint, 654

Project Online

components of Office 365, 316

SharePoint Online integration with, 312


activity groupings in site architecture, 139

managing, 335

project sites, 83

task tracking, 191

Promoted Links app, 189190, 708711

Promoted results, 539, 557

Properties, of Content Types, 164

Provisioning, enterprise policies in governance plan, 87

Public Web site, capabilities only available in SharePoint Online, 330331


application features in SharePoint Server, 262

planning for, 467

Publishing sites

capabilities available in SharePoint Online, 330331

creating and managing Web content, 448452

customizing page layout, 456458

default permissions, 377

default SharePoint groups and permissions, 370371

Design Manager and, 459

master page options for, 454


Qualitative metrics

collecting, 254

examples of serious anecdotes, 246247

future scenario example, 247249

overview of, 245246

user feedback for collecting, 255

user surveys for collecting, 255256

Quantitative metrics

business or outcome metrics, 243245

overview of, 241

system metrics (usage analytics), 241243

usability testing for collecting, 254255

Quarterly maintenance, of operational governance, 110


applying query rules to searches, 557558

defined, 538

in logical search architecture, 551

tips for writing search queries, 684686


migration tools, 286, 336, 490

security analysis tools, 364

security management tool, 342

Quick Edit view, for editing managed metadata, 127, 174175

Quick Launch

in page layout, 146147

Quick Launch links, vs. Web Parts, 151152

Quotas, features that do not work across site collections, 268


Rackspace online hosting option, 338


getting feedback via, 513514

in glossary of social computing terms, 687

identifying meaningful content, 480

understanding, 501502

RBS (Remote BLOB Storage), in database services, 261

Read permissions, 376

Really Simple Syndication (RSS), 262

Recommendations clicked, usage analytics, 243, 444

Recommendations displayed, usage analytics, 243, 444

Records Management. see RM (Records Management)

Regression testing, 112

Relationship capital, building through social computing, 480

Relevance, privacy/relevance mix in online conversations, 484485

Remote BLOB Storage (RBS), in database services, 261

Replies, social computing terminology, 687

Report Center, 41


overview of, 603605

PivotCharts and Pivot Tables, 616

reasons for using PerformancePoint Services, 619

Require Check Out setting, in versioning, 416417


defining, 9297

governance plan considerations, 8889

key elements in governance plan, 70

Restricted Contributor permissions, 378

Restricted Read permissions, 377

Result blocks

defined, 539

query rules in defining, 558

Result sources

adding new, 555557

defined, 539

what is included in, 543544

Retention policies, sites, 406407

Reusable Workflows, 588, 590591


in adoption strategy, 218221

discussion lists with reward and recognition capabilities in SharePoint 2013, 192

Ribbon, Office UI innovations, 670671

Risks, related to social computing

accidental or inappropriate disclosure, 493

distraction, 495

e-discovery, 494

exposing inaccurate information, 492493

losing stature, 493494

RM (Records Management)

auditing, 431432

declaring records, 429430

elements of Content Types, 165

information management policies, 432435

overview of, 405, 429

In-place management, 430431

with SharePoint Online, 324325

standard and enterprise edition features, 45

ROI (return on investment)

applying ROI analysis, 238239

as measure of success of project, 227

ROI-lite, 239240


defining, 9297

governance plan considerations, 8889

information architect, 122124

key elements in governance plan, 70

user roles, 216217

RSA SecurID, 629630

RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 262


SAAS (Software as a service), 314, 338

SCOM (Systems Center Operations Manager), 107108


balanced scorecards, 250254

in dashboards, 606

overview of, 608609

reasons for using PerformancePoint Services, 619

strategic/appropriate use of, 622

Scrolling, design principles for page layout, 149

SDP (SkyDrive Pro)

accessing from Office 365, 321

in architecture of social computing, 529

document library in, 129

integration with SharePoint, 654

keeping document content current with, 660

migrating from SPW to, 659660

mobile applications, 636

new features in SharePoint 2013, 473

Office on Demand and, 647648

offline access with, 296

offline synchronization with, 191192

providing ability to work with content across devices and offline, 491

recommendations for working with SharePoint documents and data, 669

SharePoint Online support, 312, 335

SPW features not available in, 658659

taking SharePoint documents offline, 654655

working with, 655658

working with files offline, 664

Search alerts, 548

Search Center, 129, 538

Search dictionaries, 559560

Search-driven applications

overview of, 564

search-driven Content Web Parts, 564565

video search results, 564

Search-driven Content Web Parts, 564565

Search engine optimization (SEO), 443444, 446

Search engines

improvements to SharePoint 2013, 190191

in logical search architecture, 550

reports and, 604

SEO (search engine optimization), 443444, 446

Search refiners

customizing and creating, 559560

defined, 538539

search results pages providing, 545547

Search results

adding new sources, 555557

defined, 538

search refiners and, 546547

video search results, 564


adding content sources, 554555

adding result sources, 555557

administering, 549550

adoption and, 198199

application features in SharePoint Server, 262

capabilities in SharePoint Server 2013, 4041

capabilities not available in SharePoint Online, 328329

capacity planning, 553

comparing SharePoint Online with SharePoint Server 2013, 560563

configuring and managing, 540541

configuring as application, 128

consolidating FAST search engine with SharePoint search, 287

content management and, 540

Content Search Web Part, 440

customizing and creating search refiners, 559560

deciding what content to expose to, 541542

exporting/importing search settings, 560

features of enterprise edition, 46

features provided by shared service applications, 263

features that do not work across site collections, 268

importance of, 537

key point review, 565

keyword matches, 438

logical architecture, 550551

logical operators and wildcards in, 196

managing, 554

managing with SharePoint Online, 325

metadata and, 121, 160, 181182

options for, 548549

overview of, 535

physical architecture, 551552

planning for, 468, 536537

query rules in, 557558

search-driven applications, 564

search-driven Content Web Parts, 564565

SEO (search engine optimization), 443444

site architecture and, 134

SkyDrive Pro and, 655

standard and enterprise edition features, 45

teaching users how to create effective queries, 209210

terms and concepts, 538540

tips and syntax, 547548

upgrades and, 297

upgrading to SharePoint 2013 search, 553554

user perspective on, 543547

video search results, 564

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 230, 535536

writing search queries, 684686

Securable objects

applying permissions, 388389

applying permissions to, 358364

inheritance and, 385

Secure Store, 325

SecurID, RSA, 629630


access controls, 348349

applying permissions, 388389

checking permissions, 394395

custom SharePoint groups, 374375

default SharePoint groups, 368372

defining groups, 386388

displaying object permissions, 395396

documenting, 379380

Draft Item Security, 415

example security model, 390393

Excel Services and, 615

exceptions, 365366

of external data, 577578

folders and, 161

of groups, 367368

guiding principles, 75

item-level, 417418

key point review, 398400

listing access requirements, 386

listing permission levels, 386

listing security requirements, 382386

maintaining, 389, 394

overview of, 341343

permissions, 375379

securable objects, 358364

security trimming, 365

sharing externally and, 354357

sharing internally and, 350354

in site architecture diagram, 142

of sites, 357358

special SharePoint groups, 372374

troubleshooting security applications, 396398

of users, 367

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 343348

Security exceptions, 365366

Security trimming, 365

Selective external migration, 304305

Send To command, managing document copies and, 693697

SEO (search engine optimization), 443444, 446

Serious anecdotes

collecting good value stories, 255256

examples of, 246247

in qualitative metrics, 245246

Servers. see also by individual types

deployment strategies, 279281

Excel Services server features, 617618

server roles in SharePoint, 278

Service applications

architecture of, 271272

features provided by shared service applications, 263264

Service level agreements (SLAs)

governance plan as framework for, 69

technology assurance dimension of governance and, 62

Settings, managing with SharePoint Online, 325326

Shared Service Providers (SSPs), 271

SharePoint 2003, migrating to SharePoint 2013, 286

SharePoint 2007, migrating to SharePoint 2013, 286

SharePoint 2010, migrating to SharePoint 2013, 286

SharePoint 2013

as application, platform, or framework, 1315

comparing versions of, 43, 4549

current versions and technologies, 3637

determining relevant capabilities, 2529

how SharePoint is used, 1213

identifying the business objectives, 2022

identifying the stakeholders, 2224

key point review, 2930

overview of, 11

as replacement for Access and Excel, 5152

as replacement for file sharing, 4951

strategy roadmap, 1820

technologies and capabilities, 38

walking through example build of collaborative application, 5258

what’s new, 1518, 4245

SharePoint administrator role, 93

SharePoint architect role, 94

SharePoint coaches

importance of, 97

role and responsibilities of, 94

SharePoint Designer 2013

customizing workflows, 586588

designing workflows, 588589

integration with SharePoint, 654

working with workflow actions, 592595

SharePoint Foundation

in history of collaboration services, 34, 36

Windows Server 2008/2012 as basis for, 260

SharePoint Foundation 2013

application capabilities provided by, 262

collaboration services, 40

description of, 42

overview of, 37

platform capabilities provided by, 261

SharePoint Groups

custom, 374375

default, 368372

defining, 386388

special, 372374

types of, 368

SharePoint Health Analyzer, 106

SharePoint Online

capabilities missing in, 327329

capabilities only available in, 329334

comparing with SharePoint Server 2013, 326327, 560563

components of Office 365, 315

ease of sharing and, 66

feature parity with SharePoint Server, 410

getting started with, 335336

migrating to, 336337

operational governance and, 103, 337338

overview of, 322326

planning for, 334335

sharing sites and documents outside organization, 704

SQL Azure and, 577

technology assurance dimension of business governance and, 62

what’s new, 312313

SharePoint Online administrators group, 373

SharePoint Portal Server (SPS), 3436

SharePoint Server 2010, 580

SharePoint Server 2013

capabilities/services, 4041

ECM (enterprise content management), 40

Enterprise CAL, 37, 42, 46

options for working with workflows, 580

Standard CAL, 37, 42, 43, 45

technologies and capabilities, 38

SharePoint Team Services (STS), 34

SharePoint Workspace. see SPW (SharePoint Workspace)

Sharing. see also Collaboration

authentication and, 347

documents externally, 343, 357, 705706

documents internally, 343, 350351

externally, 329330, 354356

improvements to SharePoint 2013, 191

internally, 350

online vs. on-premises, 345346

reviewing what has been shared, 706707

sites externally, 356357, 704705

sites internally, 351354

Single-server deployment, 279

Site architecture

“About” sections, 138139

activity groupings, 139140

administration, 142

best practices, 137138

best practices for page layout, 146

consistency of page layout, 145146

creating effective, 134135

design principles for page layout, 149151

design techniques, 135

diagramming, 141142

duplicating content in more than one location, 140

functional groupings, 139

implementing, 143144

managing navigation, 144145

overview of, 120

templates and starters for page layout, 146148

three-click-rule myth, 153

top links in, 145

wire framing templates, 152153

Site collection administrators group, 372

Site collections

architecture, 265268

central administration, 272274

deferring upgrades, 287

eDiscovery Center, 409410

features that do not work across, 267

fundamentals common to portals, sites, and pages, 265

grouping sites into, 128129

listing security requirements for, 382386

managing, 322323

multiple collections vs. single collection with sub-sites, 130

planning upgrades, 292

separating software or database upgrade from site upgrade, 288

site collection administration, 275277

tenant administration, 274275

Site designer role, 94

Site Mailbox app, 407408, 662663

Site Mailboxes, 295

Site models, 261

Site owners

access issues and, 398

adding apps to sites, 707

naming conventions for, 681683

new tasks in SharePoint 2013, 703

reviewing what has been shared, 706707

sharing documents outside organization, 705706

sharing sites outside organization, 704705

using Promoted Links, 708711

Site sponsor role, 94

Site steward role, 94

Site workflows, 588, 590


accessing from Office 365, 321

accessing permissions, 361

adding apps to, 707

architecture of, 265268

branding, 452454

central administration, 272274

checking permissions, 394395

design principles, 7677

following, 699

fundamentals common to portals, sites, and pages, 265

governance model for sample deployment, 8184

governance plan considerations, 90

hosting in SharePoint 2010 and 2013 simultaneously, 288

key topics in book, 3

listing permission levels for, 383386

managing security of, 350

mobile usage scenarios, 631

naming conventions for, 683

new site development features in SharePoint 2013, 18

personal sites, 507509

reasons for using SharePoint for Internet-facing sites, 437438

retention policies, 406407

as search result source, 543

securing, 357358

sharing externally, 354, 356357, 704705

sharing internally, 351354

sharing online vs. on-premises, 345346

site-level administration, 277278

starter templates, 126, 146148, 450

Web Parts for building, 458459

writing great content for, 678680

Sites page (or hub), 125126

SkyDrive Pro. see SDP (SkyDrive Pro)

SLAs (service level agreements)

governance plan as framework for, 69

technology assurance dimension of governance and, 62

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives, 234235

Smartphones. see also Mobile devices, 625626

Social computing

architecture of, 529530

blogs, 524525

capabilities in SharePoint Server 2013, 41

collaboration structure provided by, 516

collaborative authoring within Office documents, 527528

community sites, 517522

configuring user profiles, 495500

conversation concepts, 474476

deployment strategies for, 203205

enabling online conversations, 484490

engaging others and getting work accomplished, 506507

governance plan for, 91, 495

identifying business objectives related to, 479482

identifying stakeholders in, 23

indentifying use cases, 483484

key point review, 532533

likes and ratings and, 501502, 513514

managing blogs and wikis, 501

managing discussions, 502505

managing newsfeed posts, 500

mobile device support, 478

mobile usage scenarios, 630631

new personal features in SharePoint 2013, 472474

newsfeeds, 509513

overview of, 471

personal sites, 507509

pilot project for, 505

planning and governing, 479

preparing for, 294295

preparing launch and communication plans for, 505506

risk of accidental or inappropriate disclosure, 493

risk of distraction, 495

risk of e-discovery, 494

risk of exposing inaccurate information, 492493

risk of losing stature, 493494

SharePoint Newsfeed application and, 633635

SharePoint Online supporting, 335

social content types requiring governance, 65

social tags, 502, 514516, 688

standard and enterprise edition features, 45

supporting online communities, 474, 490491

terminology, 687690

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 16, 190, 229230

wikis, 525527

working with content across devices and offline, 491

Yammer and, 530531

Social Sites, NewsGator’s, 294

Social tags

adding, 514516

in glossary of social computing terms, 688

understanding, 502

Software as a service (SAAS), 314, 338

Software, separating software upgrade from site upgrade, 288


adopting. see Adoption

business solutions. see Business solutions

Songs/ music, metadata architecture, 154155

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) objectives, 234235

Speed, design principles for page layout, 149

SPS (SharePoint Portal Server), 3436

SPW (SharePoint Workspace)

features not available in SkyDrive Pro, 658659

migrating to SkyDrive Pro, 659660

replaced by SkyDrive Pro, 651, 654

SQL Azure

access protocols for connecting to SharePoint, 577578

making data accessible in cloud, 577

SharePoint Online integration with, 313

SQL Reporting Services, 41

SQL Server

access protocols for connecting to SharePoint, 577578

managing database capacity, 107

managing databases, 108

providing database services, 39, 260

SSPs (Shared Service Providers), 271

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), 604


identifying, 19, 2224

in metrics, 236237

Standards, having central site for, 99

Starter templates, 126, 146148, 450

Static reports, 604

Steering committee role, 93


platform capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation 2013, 261

shredded storage saving space and bandwidth, 408409

of social information, 529


collecting good value stories, 255256

communicating measurement stories, 243244, 249

examples of serious anecdotes, 246247

qualitative metrics and, 245246

Strategic goals, scorecards indicating performance against, 608

Strategic plan, documenting, 21

Strategy roadmap

determining relevant capabilities, 2529

identifying the business objectives, 2022

identifying the stakeholders, 2224

overview of, 1820

STS (SharePoint Team Services), 34

Subsites, 128130

Suite Bar, persistent navigation links, 124125


capabilities of SkyDrive Pro, 655

keeping document content current, 660

of Office document changes, 665

Synonyms, 176, 180

System metrics. see Usage analytics

Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM), 107108



user experience of SharePoint with, 631633

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 625626

Tags. see Social tags

Task management

application capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation 2013, 262

mobile usage scenarios, 630

new personal features in SharePoint 2013, 474

tracking projects, 191

Tasks, site owner

adding apps to sites, 707

overview of, 703

reviewing what has been shared, 706707

sharing documents outside organization, 705706

sharing sites outside organization, 704705

using Promoted Links, 708711

Tasks, user

creating/displaying views in lists and libraries, 690693

creating posts in newsfeeds, 702703

following documents, sites, people, and topics, 697702

monitoring copies of documents, 693697

overview of, 690


domain knowledge and, 131

navigation issues and, 297

Team sites

default permission levels, 376377

default SharePoint groups and permissions, 370372

deployment strategies for collaboration solutions, 205208

SharePoint Online support, 335


activity groupings in site architecture, 140

coaching team in center of excellence, 207208

elements of team “compact,” 206207

governance planning and, 7273

in IA design, 123

providing initial and ongoing support, 208

sharing newsfeed posts with, 510

Technology assurance, in governance plan, 62


binding to lists or libraries, 584586

Business Intelligence Center, 618

Community Portal site template, 517

Community Site template, 347, 474, 476477

Developer Site template, 331

elements of Content Types, 164

naming conventions, 682

out-of-the-box, 269271

for page layout, 146148

for project teams, 205206

Publishing Site template, 330331, 448

for sites, 268269

starter templates, 126, 146148, 450

workflow templates, 582584

Tenant administration, 274276, 322326

Tenants, fundamentals common to portals, sites, and pages, 265

Tenant_Users group, 373374

Term Set Planning Worksheet, 176

Term Store, 324

Term Store Management Tool, 176

Terms/Term sets

creating/adding to, 178179

defining terms in, 180181

describing managed metadata, 175

managing, 176

planning, 177

predefining keywords and terms for user profiles, 200

Test environment, establishing, 116

Themes, branding sites and, 458

Third-party tools

for migration, 286, 336

for security analysis, 364

for security management, 342

Three-click-rule myth, site architecture and, 153

Three-server deployment, 280

Timeline controls, in Excel Services, 618

Title property

search tips and, 548

what it is/ how it works, 210211

Top-left visual area, design principles for page layout, 149150

Top links, in site architecture, 145

Topics, following, 701702


addressing audience needs, 211212

best practices, 99100

in governance plan, 99

operational implications of SharePoint Online, 337

planning effective, 208209, 211

tailoring to how jobs are performed, 215217

timing programs for, 212215

tips for training content, 209211

upgrades and, 292

Training manager role, 94

Transitions, deployment planning and, 202

Tree-jack tree testing program, from Optimal Workshop, 137

Tree testing, approach to IA design, 136137

Tree view, configuring metadata navigation, 419420

Troubleshooting security applications, 396398

“Try It, You’ll Like It,” incentives and rewards in adoption, 218

Twitter. see also Social computing

preparing for upgrades and, 294295

social features of SharePoint 2013 similar to, 190

Two-server deployment, 280


UI (user interface), innovations in Office, 670672

ULS (Unified Logging Service), 108

Unique identifiers, for SharePoint items, 156


administering Office 365, 319

operational governance policies, 112


business process capabilities and, 291293

customization and, 301302, 304, 306

electronic forms and document workflows and, 293294

fixing structural issues prior to, 297

governance considerations related to, 291

key point review, 309310

overview of, 285286

planning for, 289291

post-upgrade tasks, 307

pre-upgrade tasks, 306307

preparing for, 308309

to SharePoint 2013 search, 553554

social computing and Yammer and, 294295

strategies/options for, 302305

technology assurance dimension of governance and, 62

timing, 230231, 296301

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 286289

working with SharePoint content offline, 295296


%20 characters in, 680681

adding hyperlinks to posts, 703

readability and usability of, 441

Usability, balancing with security, 364

Usability testing

for improving solution adoption, 134

measurement strategy, 254255

Usage analytics

in logical search architecture, 551

in physical search architecture, 551552

quantitative metrics, 241243

WCM (Web content management) and, 444445

Usage reports, capabilities not available in SharePoint Online, 329

Usage scenarios, mobile computing, 630631

Use cases

for adoption of new capabilities, 197

for mobile computing, 630631

for online communities, 490491

for online conversations, 484490

for social computing, 483484

for working with content across devices and offline, 491

User documentation, as training tool, 214

User feedback

aids to adoption, 195

for collecting qualitative metrics, 255

User interface (UI), innovations in Office, 670672

User profiles

configuring, 495500

features provided by shared service applications, 263264

in governance plan, 9192

managing, 323324

predefining keywords and terms for, 200

standard and enterprise edition features, 45

User surveys, for collecting qualitative metrics, 255256


administering user accounts in Office 365, 319

checking individual or group permissions, 395

managing permissions of, 200201

naming conventions for, 683684

new types and governance, 66

perspective on searches, 543547

role and responsibilities of, 94

security of, 367

solution adoption and, 122

as stakeholders, 2324

targeting specific, 622623

understanding needs and capabilities of, 131132

upgrades and, 292

user personas/scenarios in mobile computing, 627628

user roles, 216217

UX (user experience)

branding and, 452454

online features of SharePoint 2013, 482


Value, measuring. see Measurement/metrics

Versions/version management

content approval and, 411412

Draft Item Security, 415

of images (image renditions), 441442

metadata attributes and, 156

of reports, 604

Require Check Out setting, 416417

settings, 411

in SharePoint 2013, 43, 4549

SharePoint product line and, 3637

SPW capabilities not available in SkyDrive Pro, 659

version history, 413415


adding to posts, 703

managing, 442, 444

posting link to, 511

search results, 564

Video Content Type, 442, 444

View permissions, for publishing sites, 377


creating differing views for contributors and consumers of information, 197

creating/displaying in lists and libraries, 690693

inability to secure, 366

Views (visits), system metrics (usage analytics) capturing, 243, 444


designing workflows, 592595

enterprise edition features, 46

features provided by shared service applications, 264

mind maps in documenting site architecture, 141

Visio Online, components of Office 365, 316

Visio Services

overview of, 620

reasons for using, 620621

working with SharePoint, 654

Vision statement

clarity of, 7374

envisioning process in governance plan, 85

key elements in governance plan, 70

Visitors role, 216


WACs (Web Application Companions), 527528

WCF endpoints, access protocols for connecting to SharePoint, 577578

WCM (Web content management)

basic capabilities of, 446448

branding sites, 452454

CEWP (Content Editor Web Part), 463466

Content Organizer, 442443

creating strategy for, 468469

Design Manager, 459463

image renditions, 441442

Internet deployment solution and, 282283

key point review, 469

master pages, 454456

overview of, 404, 437

page layouts, 456458

planning, 467468

publishing sites and, 448452

reasons for using SharePoint for Internet-facing sites, 437438

SEO (search engine optimization), 443444, 446

SharePoint capabilities for, 632

standard and enterprise edition features, 45

themes, 458

usage analytics, 444445

video management, 442

Web Parts for building sites, 458459

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 438441

Web analytics, 440

Web Application Companions (WACs), 527528

Web applications, 264265

Web-based forms, 293294

Web browsers

drag and drop functionality of, 408

operational governance considerations, 104105

SharePoint Newsfeed application accessed from, 635

Web content management. see WCM (Web content management)

Web pages

architecture of. see Page architecture

ASP.NET service for, 3940

changes to master page customization in SharePoint 2013, 287

in document libraries, 411

page layout template for, 146

Web Parts

in ASP.NET, 3940

BCS Web Parts, 575576

for building sites, 458459

CEWP (Content Editor Web Part), 463466

Chart Web Part, 605

Content by Search Web Part, 560

Content Query Web Part, 267

customization issues when upgrading, 301302

home page organization and, 126127

inability to secure, 366

page architecture and, 121

search-driven Content Web Parts, 564565

vs. Quick Launch links, 151152

Web sites. see Sites

Weekly maintenance, of operational governance, 109110

WF (Windows Workflow Foundation) 4, 39, 580581

WFE (Web front end)

corporate intranet farms, 282

server roles in SharePoint, 278


application capabilities provided by SharePoint Foundation 2013, 262

managing, 501

overview of, 525527

preparing for upgrades and, 294

risk of exposing inaccurate information, 492

Wildcard characters (*)

in contextual help systems, 196

in searches, 548

tips for writing search queries, 686

Windows 8, 644

Windows application logs, 108

Windows authentication, 287

Windows Azure

Active Directory, 531

comparing cloud computing services, 315

SharePoint Online integration with, 313

Windows Explorer

integration with SkyDrive Pro, 655, 658

moving files between SharePoint and other file systems, 663664

recommendations for working with SharePoint documents and data, 670

working with SharePoint, 654

Windows Intune, 628

Windows Phone

Office applications, 636, 639

SkyDrive Pro support for mobile applications, 636

support for mobile devices, 478

what’s new in SharePoint 2013, 626

Windows Server

as basis for SharePoint Foundation, 260

comparing cloud computing services, 315

providing base operating system services, 39

Windows SharePoint Services. see WSS (Windows SharePoint Services)

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) 4, 39, 580581

Wire frames, templates for, 152153


collaborative authoring, 528, 648649

enterprise edition features, 46

features provided by shared service applications, 264

Office Mobile Applications and, 644, 674675

Office on Demand and, 647648

Office Web Apps and, 639, 644, 673674

pasting content from, 465

Windows Phone applications, 636

working with SharePoint, 654

Work Management Service, 569

Workflow Manager, 569, 580581


associating with lists, 584586

association options and actions, 591592

Content Types and, 165

creating custom, 586588

designing with SharePoint Designer, 588589

designing with Visio 2013, 592595

features that do not work across site collections, 267

function of, 567

mobile usage scenarios, 630

overview of, 426, 579581

as stand-alone service in SharePoint 2013, 260

standard, 584

templates, associations, and instances, 584

terminology, 582584

types of, 588, 590591

upgrades and, 293294

Windows Workflow Foundation, 39

WSS (Windows SharePoint Services)

cloud computing and, 312

in history of collaboration services, 34, 3536



acquisition by Microsoft, 471

integration with SharePoint 2013, 530531

integration with SharePoint Online, 334

licensing models, 333334

for microblogging, 476

policies in governance plan, 92

preparing for, 294295

replacing Newsfeed with, 125

SharePoint Online support, 335

social computing and, 41


Zero-server deployment, 279

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