
A big thank you to the people at Chandos, especially George Knott, for guiding me through the first book process.

I would not have been able to publish without the support and mentorship of my colleagues at the Stony Brook University Libraries, especially Associate Dean Janet Clarke and Dean Constantia Constantinou. I am very grateful to Gary Natriello and Hui Soo Chae, at the Gottesman Libraries at Teachers College, Columbia University, for giving me the opportunity to manage collections at such a forward-thinking library and for our continuing collaborations. I would also like to thank Andrew Medlar at the Chicago Public Libraries for his time and insight in contributing an interview about the progressive demand-driven programs at his library to this work.

Thank you to the incredible librarians whose work and research provided the form and meaning in this volume. In my research for this title I was always in awe of the progressiveness, experimentation, and curiosity of library researchers in the face of an uncertain digital future. It’s this spirit that makes librarianship such a rewarding profession and I am so honored to be a part of it.

A hearty thanks to my professional clique, Meredith Powers, Dana Haugh, and Alexandra Lederman, for their friendship and fellowship in work and life. Thanks to my family for their love and understanding through this process. Finally, and especially, thanks to Mason Hooten for believing in me so absolutely.

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