Now you’ve got the basics of how the Materials sector works, an understanding of its history, and its high-level drivers. But a high-level understanding is just the beginning. Just like our overall economy, each sector is made of many distinct parts—some are relatively similar to others and some are quite unique. To better understand the whole, you must understand the parts.
Chapter 1 covered the basic categories of the Materials sector: metals, chemicals, construction materials, and paper. But that’s really an oversimplification—all the metals and chemicals have unique characteristics and drivers. This is also true of the other Materials industries and the sub-industries that comprise them.
Before making any portfolio decision, you must understand what makes each distinct sector component tick. This chapter explores the sector’s sub-industries and how an investor can form an opinion on each.


Before beginning, some definitions: The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) is a widely accepted framework for classifying companies into groups based on similarities. The GICS structure consists of 10 sectors, 24 industry groups, 68 industries, and 154 sub-industries. This structure offers four levels of hierarchy, ranging from the most general sector to the most specialized sub-industry:
• Sector
• Industry group
• Industry
• Sub-industry
Let’s start by breaking down Materials into its different components. According to GICS, the Materials sector consists of one industry group (Materials), five industries, and 15 sub-industries. Below are Materials’ industries and corresponding sub-industries.
Metals & Mining
• Diversified Metals & Mining
• Steel
• Gold
• Aluminum
• Precious Metals & Minerals
• Commodity Chemicals
• Specialty Chemicals
• Diversified Chemicals
• Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals
• Industrial Gases
Construction Materials
• Construction Materials
Paper & Forest Products
• Paper Products
• Forest Products
Containers & Packaging
• Paper Packaging
• Metal & Glass Containers


What’s a benchmark? What does it do, and why is it necessary? A benchmark is your guide for building a stock portfolio. You can use any well-constructed index as a benchmark—examples are in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Benchmark Differences
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI, Inc.1 as of 12/31/07.
By studying a benchmark’s makeup, investors can assign expected risk and return to make underweight and overweight decisions for each industry. This is just as true for a sector as it is for the broader stock market, and there are many potential Materials sector benchmarks to choose from. (Benchmarks will be further explored with the top-down method in Chapter 7.)

Differences in Benchmarks

So what does the Materials investment universe look like? It depends on the benchmark, so choose carefully! The US Materials sector looks very different from Europe, Japan, and the emerging markets. Table 4.1 shows major domestic and international benchmark indexes and the percentage weight of each sector.
Sector weights show each sector’s relative importance in driving overall index performance. While Materials is the third largest weight in the MSCI Emerging Markets index, it’s the smallest weight of any sector in the US-based S&P 500. Why do Materials have more relative weight in emerging markets? Given a wealth of natural resources, but a lack of infrastructure and discretionary income to support other sectors, emerging markets typically have larger Energy and Materials sector weights than developed countries.
Since the weights are representative of the underlying sector and regions’ structures, the weights aren’t fixed and can change over time because of performance differences, additions and deletions of firms to the indexes, and a variety of other factors. For example, Financials wasn’t always the biggest in most indexes. For many decades, Industrials dominated.
Understanding how your benchmark and the sectors within it are structured is crucial to developing a portfolio, since wide deviations in weightings can exist across regions and benchmarks. For example, in some countries, Materials is by far the largest sector; while in others, it’s barely a few percent. Table 4.2 shows the Materials sector’s weight in selected countries, based on the MSCI All Country World Index. Note the stark differences between developed and emerging market countries. For example, Peru’s stock market is dominated by
Table 4.2 Materials Weights by Country
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI, Inc.2 as of 12/31/07.
CountryWeight (%)
South Africa21.1
Materials—mainly mining firms—but the big, diverse US market is near the bottom of the list with only a 3.5 percent Materials weight.
Not only can sector weights vary, but so can industry weights—sometimes greatly, depending on the chosen benchmark. Table 4.3 shows the weight of each Materials industry within each benchmark.
Understanding these weights allows you to not only properly weight your portfolio relative to your benchmark, but also effectively utilize your time by focusing on the most important components. (And for this reason, this book focuses more on the two largest industries—Metals & Mining and Chemicals—and less on the smallest industry—Containers & Packaging.)
Metals & Mining is the largest Materials industry in most broad global and non-US benchmarks. Because the industry is concentrated in dominant foreign mining firms, it has a much smaller US weight (Chemicals hold the largest US weight). The Metals & Mining industry also has less impact on small cap indexes (like the Russell 2000) because much of its weight is concentrated in larger firms. This wasn’t always the case, but as machines have replaced manual labor and fixed costs have risen as a percentage of total costs, the benefits of economies of scale have grown and so have the firms.
Table 4.3 Materials Industry Weights
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI, Inc.3 as of 12/31/07.
It’s important to consider regional composition as well. In a top-down context, local economic and political conditions have a large impact on sector, industry, and sub-industry performance. For example, if the US outperforms, that bodes well for the Chemicals, Paper & Forest Products, and Containers & Packaging industries—all with large US weights relative to the rest of the sector. For a similar reason, if the emerging markets outperform, Metals & Mining and Construction Materials should benefit. Using the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI), Table 4.4 shows the regional distribution of global Materials industries.
Table 4.5 further breaks down sector sub-industry weights (largest weights by index are bolded). Gold made a lot of headlines in 2007 and 2008, but note it makes up just 0.4 percent of the MSCI World Index and 6.1 percent of the MSCI World Materials sector. It’s an even smaller weight in most other benchmarks. You could ignore gold altogether and not significantly impact your ability to outperform most Materials benchmarks.
Table 4.4 Materials Industries by Regions
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI, Inc.4 as of 12/31/07.
Diversified Metals & Mining has the most impact in global indexes, because it contains firms producing copper, iron ore, and coal, the three largest revenue sources for global mining companies.
Notice how the structure of industries described in Chapter 1 influences the weightings across indexes in Table 4.5. For example, Commodity Chemicals has its greatest weight in Emerging Markets and Specialty Chemicals has its greatest weight in the small cap Russell 2000 Index. Can you guess why? Because commodity chemicals are priced globally and compete fiercely on production costs, producers have migrated to regions with the lowest cost of production. By comparison, specialty chemicals are priced regionally and serve niche markets, so a host of small regional producers exist.
Even Broad Indexes Have Cracks
Stock market indexes only track publicly listed firms in designated countries. No index tracks every firm. Some of the largest holders of natural resources in the world are governments, and others are in very small markets that most indexes do not include. This means some of the world’s largest mineral producers are not reflected in most, if any, stock market indexes. For example, Codelco, the largest copper producer in the world, is owned by the government of Chile and not included in any indexes. Saudi Basic Industries, the world’s largest chemical company, is based in Saudi Arabia and included in very few of the broadest global indexes.

A Concentrated Group

When determining your over- and underweights to the benchmark for the Materials sector, it’s important to have an opinion on (or at least knowledge of) the sector’s largest companies. Recall from Chapter 1 that size matters because the sector is capital intensive in nature, leading to groups of dominant firms in each industry dwarfing their peers.
Table 4.5 Materials Sub-Industry Weights
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI, Inc.5 as of 12/31/07.
Table 4.6 shows the percentage the 10 largest firms make up in each Materials industry of the MSCI All Country World Index. With concentrations ranging from 45 to 85 percent of the industry, the largest firms truly dominate. A complete listing of the 10 largest firms in each Materials industry of the MSCI All Country World Index can be found in Appendix B.
It’s important to understand the structure of the largest firms in each industry to help make over- and underweight decisions within the sector, but if you don’t have the time for that, you should at least familiarize yourself with the largest firms in the sector. Based on the MSCI All Country World Index, Table 4.7 highlights the 10 largest Materials firms in the world. These 10 companies make up an impressive 30 percent of the sector’s weight in the index.
Now that you have an understanding of how the sector is structured, let’s use the questions we learned in the last chapter to briefly analyze each industry and its components.
In the following analysis, when a material is priced globally, we have also listed where you can find its future price expectations (recall from Chapter 3 it’s your forecast relative to expectations that matters). Regionally priced materials typically lack the same simplistic pricing transparency, but regional producers often release their prices and forecasts in quarterly earnings reports or presentations found on company websites.
Table 4.6 Concentration of Materials Industries
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI, Inc.6 as of 12/31/07.
IndustryConcentration of 10 Largest Firms
Metals & Mining48%
Construction Materials64%
Paper & Forest Products73%
Containers & Packaging85%
Table 4.7 The 10 Largest Materials Firms in the World
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI, Inc.7 as of 12/31/07.
CompanySub-IndustryMarket Cap (Millions US$)
BHP BillitonDiversified Metals & Mining$186,988
Rio TintoDiversified Metals & Mining$159,277
Cia Vale Do Rio DoceDiversified Metals & Mining$154,681
Anglo American PlcDiversified Metals & Mining$81,060
BASF AgDiversified Chemicals$71,862
Xstrata PLCMetals & Mining$68,664
Monsanto CoFertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals$61,073
MMC Norilsk NickelDiversified Metals & Mining$50,516
Looking for Value
Investors typically classify stocks into the major valuation categories: growth or value. Growth stocks typically have higher valuations (usually price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios, but you could use a variety of metrics), while value stocks typically have lower valuations. The difference is subjective and frankly rather arbitrary. What one person may consider growth, another may consider value, and the classification can change for any single stock. Ultimately, it’s important to remember neither category does better than the other in the long run, with value stocks leading during some periods (2003 to 2006) and growth stocks leading in others (1997 to 1999).
By most measurements, Materials stocks are generally considered value, though it can shift around. Investors are typically unwilling to grant Materials stocks very high valuations because of the sector’s extreme cyclicality. All else being equal, if you expect value to take leadership over growth, the Materials sector is often a good sector to consider overweighting.


Now that you know the general sector breakdown, we can examine the industries in greater detail. First up: Metals & Mining. Metals & Mining firms produce copper, iron ore, steel, aluminum, nickel, zinc, uranium, lead, gold, silver, platinum, and virtually any other metal you can think of, plus coal and diamonds. But as you can see in Figure 4.1, some materials are more important to the industry, and therefore to investors, than others. Figure 4.1 shows the percent of revenue generated by some of the largest metals in the mining industry.
Figure 4.1 2007 Revenue by Product of Top 40 Mining Firms
Source: “Mine: As good as it gets?” Price Waterhouse Coopers
Figure 4.1 shows only 40 of the largest firms, but still provides a good representation of what’s important overall because the industry is so concentrated. In fact, the four biggest firms represent 43 percent of the group’s revenue and 47 percent of the earnings.8
Aluminum: Bigger Than It Seems
Relative to its overall industry importance, aluminum is underrepresented in Figure 4.1. This is because the chart is representative of the mining industry. Aluminum (similar to steel), however, is actually a processed metal and doesn’ t occur naturally in metallic form. Diversified miners generate some revenue from aluminum operations, but pure aluminum producers are represented in their own sub-industry.
Copper was covered in the last chapter, so now let’s look at this industry’s other major materials and their unique attributes. They include:
• Iron ore
• Coal
• Steel
• Gold
• Aluminum
• Nickel
• Zinc
All are priced (and should be evaluated) globally, with the exception of steel and coal, which have varying degrees of regional traits. Producers of these materials also have two basic business models: processors (steel and aluminum) and miners (virtually everything else).

Iron Ore

Iron ore may be a one-trick pony—98 percent goes to steel production9—but modern civilization wouldn’t have gotten very far without it. Massive quantities are required for construction, manufacturing, transportation, and consumer goods. The world now mines over 1.8 billion metric tons of iron ore a year—the weight of about 4,900 Empire State Buildings.10 In fact, we consume so much steel that by physical weight, iron ore—and the steel it’s transformed into—made up 95 percent of all metal produced in 2007.11
Three Types of Iron Ore
There are three types of iron ore: fines (60 percent of global production), lumps (20 percent), and pellets (20 percent). While they are all priced on annual contracts as described in Chapter 1, pellets are the most valuable, followed by lumps, and then fines. Fines are pulverized pieces smaller than a grain of wheat, lumps are grain- to golf ball-sized pieces, and pellets are semi-processed with higher iron content. Media-listed generic annual iron ore benchmark prices are usually in reference to fines.
Source: Cleveland-Cliffs.
Just a few nations are blessed with high-grade iron deposits. In 2006, Brazil, China, and Australia were responsible for about 60 percent of global production. Significant volumes are exported to meet global demand because of regional scarcity. This makes transportation infrastructure—railroads, ports, and ships—as important as mines in determining total production. Fixed costs involved in building mines and related infrastructure are enormous, creating a high barrier to entry and making economies of scale crucial. These factors also create significant pricing power and a high degree of concentration. For example, in 2006, the top three producers (Vale, BHP Billiton, & Rio Tinto) controlled roughly 35 percent of global production and 75 percent of global exports.12 (A full breakdown of regional production and consumption can be found in the Iron Ore Minerals Yearbook, produced annually by the US Geological Survey (USGS), at http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/iron_ore.)
No Rush With Slow Transport
The reason gold rushes have occurred throughout history (but never a coal or iron ore rush) is because of the high fixed costs involved in transporting the ore. The lower the fixed cost, the easier (all else being equal) it is for competition to enter the marketplace. Consider the California Gold Rush of the 1840s. All it took was a bucket and shovel, and you could be a prospector. The payoff on a cheaper bulk commodity, however, is not worth your trouble unless you can gain economies of scale and maximize volume.
Price Expectations Because iron ore isn’t traded on a futures exchange, no futures curve exists to easily determine investors’ price expectations. But if you have a brokerage account, most major brokerages can provide their analysts’ iron ore price forecasts. Another method is to look at global steel production forecasts. Increased steel production translates directly into increased iron ore consumption because steel production is iron ore’s only significant use. Just remember not all steel is made from scratch—in 2006, about 70 percent of steel was made from iron ore and the other 30 percent was made from recycled scrap.13


Coal is primarily used for power generation, steel production, cement production, and general industrial use. The vast majority, however, is used for power generation. Coal remains the most commonly used fuel globally—in 2007, an estimated 65 percent of coal production was used for power generation, providing roughly 40 percent of the world’s electricity.14
Similar to iron ore, coal is a bulk good, with over five billion metric tons of coal consumed globally each year—more than twice as much as iron ore. Therefore it has many similar characteristics, including annual pricing contracts. However, because it’s relatively abundant globally, production is fragmented by comparison, and pricing contracts are often negotiated on a regional or firm-specific basis.
Because it is abundant and relatively inefficient to ship (low value-to-weight ratio), coal is also generally consumed domestically by producing countries. For example, in 2006, only about 19 percent of global coal production was shipped overseas. Regional drivers should always be considered when evaluating coal producers.15
Regional Versus Global Global factors, however, can matter as some grades of coal with a high enough value are exported—steam (or thermal) coal and metallurgical (or coking) coal. Steam coal is used for power generation and metallurgical coal is used by steel producers (recall from Chapter 2, iron ore + coal = steel). Australia has been the largest coal exporter, with Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan—all lacking domestic resources—among the largest importers. The largest coal reserves belong to the US (27 percent), followed by Russia (17 percent), and then China (13 percent).16 Because an export market does exist, firms will divert production to take advantage of higher prices if export market prices deviate enough from regional prices. The subsequent reduction in regional market supply will drive up regional prices until a balance is reached. Therefore, regional and global prices tend to rise together, although not necessarily in equal amounts as significant rail and port infrastructure can be required to export additional product (similar to iron ore). Therefore, the more coal a firm sells regionally, and the lower its access to developed rail and port systems, the more important regional drivers will be relative to global ones.
Note: Not all coal producers fall in the Materials sector. All of Materials’ coal exposure is from diversified miners—who are some of the world’s largest coal producers, but who also mine a variety of other metals. All pure coal producers fall within the Coal & Consumable Fuels sub-industry in the Energy sector. For more on how a pure coal producer fits within your portfolio’s Energy allocation, refer to Fisher Investments on Energy. Additional coal information can also be found at the World Coal Institute (www.worldcoal.org) and the Energy Information Administration (www.eia.doe.gov).


Steel is used in construction, transportation, manufacturing, and almost every segment of an economy. Demand tends to fluctuate with general economic growth, making the industry extremely cyclical.
Because steel comes in hundreds of grades and shapes serving specific markets and has a relatively low value-to-weight ratio, steel is priced, and should be evaluated, regionally. For example, in 2007, South Korea had by far the world’s largest commercial shipbuilding industry, serving as a primary driver of the country’s steel demand. By comparison, in the US, autos and non-residential construction were the largest end markets, and shipbuilding was only a fractional percentage.
Such regional end markets also caused the steel industry to become fragmented—in 2006, the top 15 steel producers only represented about one-third of global steel production.17 Although it’s priced regionally, like with coal, significant steel trade does take place. In 2007, the US imported about 25 percent of the steel it consumed.18 As with coal, exporting steel reduces a region’s supply and drives up regional prices until a balance is reached. Therefore, regional prices generally move in the same direction as global prices. You can see regional and global prices moving in the same direction, though in different magnitudes, in Figure 4.2. The graph shows prices of one of the most common types of steel for the US, Europe, and China. In the second half of 2003, China had the group’s highest steel prices; but by the start of 2006, it had the lowest prices. Such fluctuations are due to regional events like changes in regional supply and demand, shipping rates, tariffs, and currency fluctuations.
Figure 4.2 Surveyed Hot-Rolled Coil Prices in US, Europe, and China
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P.
Bar Steel Versus Flat Steel Of the hundreds of types and grades of steel, there are two major categories: bar steel (or long steel) and flat steel. Bar steel is almost exclusively used in construction, including re-bar, merchant bar, i-beams—most types of structural supports, rods, and wires. In the US, commercial construction consumes about 60 percent of bar steel, public infrastructure 30 percent, and residential construction a mere 10 percent.19
Flat steel is flat sheets, in many different grades, and can be shaped and used for everything—from autos to ships to machines. Hot-rolled steel—poured into flat sheets—is the most common. Cold-rolled—run through rollers to increase its density and change its strength and flexibility—is of higher value.
Steel Alloys
Steel can be structurally modified or alloyed with other metals to change its characteristics. It can be hardened with the use of metals like molybdenum and vanadium, protected from rust with a zinc coating to form galvanized steel, or combined with nickel and chrome to form stainless steel. Galvanized steel is used where wear is not a concern—its rust resistance is compromised if the zinc coating is scratched. Stainless steel, however, retains its rust-proof resistance regardless of wear.
Iron Ore Versus Scrap-Based Production Steel producers can be segmented by their production process. Iron ore-based producers use basic oxygen furnaces, and scrap-based producers (called mini-mills) use electric arc furnaces. Most mini-mills are found in industrialized nations because they have access to more scrap from a longer industrialized history. In 2006, mini-mills represented 57 percent of steel production in the US and only 13 percent in China.20
As covered in Chapter 2, if scrap is abundant, mini-mills have a number of advantages over traditional iron ore-based producers, including lower energy and transportation costs.
Vertical Integration Vertical integration is important in this industry because processors are dependent on a steady stream of raw materials. Regional factors often determine the amount of vertical integration. Producers in iron ore-rich regions like Brazil, Russia, or Australia generally have more upstream vertical integration than producers in Japan or South Korea. Scrap-based producers can also be vertically integrated with upstream scrap sourcing and processing operations. When raw material prices are rising, self-sufficiency in iron ore, scrap steel processing, or coal is very advantageous. Higher raw material costs increase competitors’ production costs, forcing them to raise prices. If prices rise industry-wide, but production costs don’t change for a producer self-sufficient in raw materials, then that producer can experience higher margins and earnings. In the same environment, scrap processing is less advantageous than owning iron ore mines because scrap must continuously be sourced and purchased, whereas a mine’s costs are relatively fixed. This trait cuts both ways. It’s less advantageous to own upstream operations when raw material prices are falling.
Because they are priced regionally, most steel products are not exchange traded. However, in 2008 the LME began listing a few steel products for the first time. A futures curve showing price expectations for them can be found at their website (www.lme.co.uk/steel.asp). Additional steel information can be found at the International Iron & Steel Institute (www.worldsteel.org).


Everyone’s favorite shiny yellow metal has been used for centuries as a store of wealth, alternate currency, and adornment for men and women alike. Gold is highly valued, priced globally, and has captured the public’s imagination like few other materials, attracting investors for centuries.
Gold Consumption Jewelry is the dominant end market for gold, with investor, industrial, and dental demand comprising the rest. Due to consumption of gold jewelry, India is gold’s largest consumer. The country’s massive rural population and limited historical banking infrastructure make gold jewelry one of the primary stores of value and a way of passing wealth between generations. In fact, it’s so heavily used in Indian dowries that global gold demand typically sees a seasonal increase during India’s wedding season.
Gold is relatively unique among the basic materials because investors can consume it directly, whereas most basic materials are consumed almost exclusively for industrial purposes. This makes gold demand rather fickle—it can shift wildly with investor sentiment. Other precious metals like platinum and silver share this trait, but to a lesser degree. Investors typically demand gold as a store of value. When the risk of holding paper money is perceived to be increasing, gold’s attractiveness increases.
Golden Baubles
Most of the world’s gold jewelry is not set at a fixed price. Instead, it’s sold primarily by weight and varies each day based on the international price, plus a small markup. Periods of high volatility can lead to a decline in global jewelry consumption as consumers refrain from buying, hesitant to find out later they could have bought it for a much lower price.
Recall Figure 2.5 showed inflation increasing in the 1970s and the subsequent run-up in gold prices. Near its peak in 1980, investor demand had risen to 35 percent of total consumption. After the stable monetary periods of the 1980s and 1990s, however, investor demand for gold declined and gold prices stagnated. By 2000, it had dropped to just 4 percent of consumption. In 2007, investor fears of the US financial system and inflation from rising raw material prices along with the introduction of gold ETFs (exchange traded funds), stoked investor demand for gold once again. Investor consumption rose to account for 19 percent of consumption in 2007, and gold prices rose once again.21
Gold ETF Popularity
Gold ETFs have become an increasingly popular way to gain gold exposure because the ETFs purchase and store the metal on your behalf—yet can be bought and sold on a daily basis like any other stock. The ability to track gold’s price (minus fees) without having to arrange for shipment, storage, and locating buyers and sellers makes the investment far more liquid and attractive to investors.
Figure 4.3 Gold Prices vs. US Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate
Source: Thomson Datastream.
Figure 4.3 shows how closely demand for gold can be tied to its role as a store of value. From the start of 2007 through mid-2008, a strong negative correlation existed between the strength of the US dollar and the price of gold. As the US dollar weakened and demand for an alternative store of value increased, gold prices correspondingly rose. Don’t be fooled—the strength of this relationship can vary widely over time depending on investor sentiment, and a weak dollar is by no means a sign investors should always load up on gold.
Because gold is viewed by many as an alternate store of value, gold producers tend to have higher stock market valuations (P/Es, etc.) than most mining companies. Most metals ’ worth is defined by their usefulness since virtually all consumption of most metals is for industrial purposes. This can fluctuate significantly over time depending on the economic environment and available technology. As a store of value, however, gold’s worth is perceived (rightly or wrongly) to be more stable with fewer risks to future substitution or replacement. Therefore, producers are generally expected to generate more stable cash flows.
Gold Production Beyond the normal capital-intensive barriers to entry for mining any material, gold’s greatest barrier to entry is its scarcity. It’s just not easy to locate in commercial quantities, and reserve replacement is a constant priority for producers. Changes in gold supply can affect prices and profitability just as much as demand. While gold prices rose during the 1970s on increased demand, supply was also falling—global production declined 15 percent. Conversely, from 1980 to 2000, improvements in refining technology, as well as the opening of new exploration areas in a more developed China and the former Soviet Union, led to a 110 percent increase in production—and gold prices struggled. From 2000 to 2007, prices again found their footing as demand increased and production declined 5 percent over the period.22
Gold Bugs Should Bug You
Many believe gold is a good long-term store of wealth. By the end of 2007, however, gold had only returned 59 percent cumulatively since 1980, while the S&P 500 returned 1,260 percent. Which would you have rather owned?
Source: Thomson Datastream.
Another source of potential gold supply is central banks—in 2007, global central banks held roughly 30,000 tons of gold. Fortunately, central bankers understand their ability to impact the market and are usually very deliberate with their sales. (A detailed listing of central bank gold holdings can be found at the World Gold Council—www.research.gold.org/reserve_asset.)
Gold producers can also affect supply and demand in the futures market through hedging activity. Producers often sell future production for a set price today to protect against a decline in gold’s value or to help fund new projects. To eliminate or cover their positions, they must purchase gold contracts.
Future Prices Gold is traded globally on futures exchanges, and future price expectations can be found at the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX, available at www.nymex.com). Additional information can also be found at the World Gold Council (www.market-intelligence.gold.org).


Though the aluminum sub -industry is relatively small, many diversified miners also derive significant earnings from the material. While the production process has improved over time, including a 40 percent improvement in energy efficiency over the last 50 years, an estimated 40 to 45 percent of its average production cost in 2007 was energy.23Therefore, the material is sometimes referred to by industry insiders as “solid energy.”24
The Joys of Recycling Aluminum
Recycling aluminum takes 95 percent less energy than producing it from scratch. Because energy is such a high percentage of total aluminum production costs, it is obvious why aluminum is one of the most commonly recycled metals on earth.
Source: The Aluminum Association.
Aluminum starts as bauxite, one of the most common ores in the earth’s crust. Bauxite is mined, broken down in a chemical bath, and heated to create alumina, a white powder. Alumina is then dissolved into liquid form and undergoes an extremely energy-intensive process of electrolysis to create aluminum. Because aluminum processing is so costly, aluminum producers typically have higher variable costs than miners, and energy prices are extremely important in determining aluminum prices and producers’ profitability.
When energy prices are low, producers may choose to focus on expanding in areas with low construction and capital costs. When energy prices are high, however, producers typically expand in regions with a competitive advantage in energy. From 2006 through 2008, as energy prices increased to record levels—with the exception of China and its partially subsidized producers—most new aluminum production was focused on low-cost power regions, including Iceland (geothermal), Brazil (hydroelectric), Canada (hydroelectric), and the Middle East (oil and natural gas).
Aluminum’s largest end markets are transportation (airplanes and autos—more aluminum than steel is now used in autos), construction, and packaging. In 2007, these end markets combined to account for about 70 percent of aluminum’s end use. A full breakdown of the metal’s end use can be found through the LME (www.lme.co.uk/aluminium_industryusage.asp)—where you can also see future price expectations because aluminum is traded globally.


Nickel is currently less of an industry revenue driver than the other materials previously covered, fluctuating between being the fourth or fifth most important material depending on pricing and volumes. Therefore, it likely doesn’t require as much of your analytical attention and we’ ll cover it in less detail.
Stainless steel is the primary end market for nickel and the primary driver of consumption growth. In 2007, stainless steel accounted for about two-thirds of consumption and virtually all of the consumption growth. Stainless steel’s end markets are rather varied, with autos and construction being the largest components. Nickel is traded globally on futures exchanges, and future price expectations can be found through the LME (www.lme.co.uk/nickel.asp). Additional information on production and consumption can also be found through the LME (www.lme.co.uk/nickel_industryusage.asp) and the International Nickel Study Group (INSG, available at www.insg.org). Although some of the INSG’s data is only available for a fee, the speaker presentations are free and often provide good summaries.


Zinc is an even smaller revenue driver than nickel. Galvanized steel has been its primary end market, followed by brass production—and don’t forget: US pennies are 97.5 percent zinc, too! In 2007, galvanized steel consumed about 50 percent of production, and brass consumed about 20 percent. The primary demand drivers are construction and autos. More information on zinc, its uses, and regional production can be found through the LME (www.lme.co.uk/zinc_industryusage.asp). The International Lead & Zinc Study Group (www.ilzsg.org) is also a useful resource for learning more or following the metal in greater detail. Similar to the INSG, some of its data is available for a fee, but the presentations are free. Zinc is traded globally on futures exchanges, and future price expectations can be found through the LME (www.lme.co.uk/zinc.asp).


In the previous chapter, we discussed why basic material prices are typically the most important Materials sector driver. While a good guideline, it’s not always true for chemicals because chemical production is not based on monetizing limited assets in the ground, but rather in processing abundant existing assets into something else. Chemical producers’ earnings are driven by production growth combined with prices, minus the cost of production.
With that in mind, let’s look at Chemicals’ major sub-industries more closely (Diversified Chemicals is excluded since it’s a combination of Commodity and Specialty Chemical.):
1. Commodity Chemicals
2. Specialty Chemicals
3. Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals
4. Industrial Gases

Commodity Chemicals

The most common commodity chemicals—ethylene and propylene—are priced globally and shipped in bulk. Their major end markets are specialty chemicals. However, some commodity chemicals are not used as widely and have more regional pricing characteristics.
No shortage of feedstock exists to produce commodity chemicals (chemical production only makes up a small percentage of total oil and natural gas consumption), so production is constrained only by profitability. Recall from Chapter 1 that firms compete primarily on prices. Therefore, competition to lower production costs is cutthroat in the battle for market share. The lack of pricing power also makes commodity chemical production extremely cyclical and dependent on economic growth.
An example of the importance of production costs can be seen in the expansion of commodity chemical production in the Middle East following the dramatic increase in energy prices from 2003 to 2008. Higher energy prices increased production costs and forced commodity chemical prices higher. This significantly increased earnings for any firm self-sufficient in the raw material. The Middle East took advantage of its dominant position in oil and natural gas by building enough large commodity chemical processing centers to double its ethylene capacity and increase global capacity by over 25 percent from 2006 through 2011.25
Only the largest commodity chemicals are exchange traded. Future prices of low density polyethylene and polypropylene (essentially ethylene and propylene) can be found through the LME (www.lme.co.uk/plastics.asp).

Specialty Chemicals

Covering all specialty chemicals would turn this book into a multi-volume encyclopedia, so instead we’ll briefly highlight carbon fiber because of its growing importance. Remember: Specialty chemicals are typically priced regionally because they service regional and niche markets, often working closely with end customers to meet specific needs. This increases pricing power and reduces cyclicality relative to commodity chemicals. Also recall from Chapter 1 the analogy of the chemical production process as a tree. With thousands of branches, the only force powerful enough to push them all in the same direction at the same time is the broad tailwind of economic growth.
Carbon Fiber Carbon fiber has been around since at least the late 1800s. In fact, Thomas Edison used carbon fibers as filaments in some of his first light bulbs. High-strength carbon fibers weren’t developed until the early 1960s and didn’t emerge in commercial application until the 1970s. High-strength carbon fibers are thin strands of carbon-based fiber heated at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. Without oxygen, the fiber can’t burn and instead causes the fibers to vibrate and expel non-carbon atoms, creating a super strong chain of carbon. The material’s extremely high strength-to-weight ratio makes it ideal for use in aerospace and autos, where lighter means faster and more fuel efficient.
Equipment and technology is by far the most costly component of production (carbon fibers themselves are made from petroleum). Until very recently, production costs kept carbon fiber out of widespread commercial use, though that didn’t stop the military from developing jet fighters with it. Recent improvements in technology over the last decade, however, dramatically dropped production costs and opened a new array of uses. Today, lower-grade carbon fiber is commonly used in sports equipment, industrial applications, and turbines (propellers in wind farms). High-grade carbon fiber is used in new commercial aerospace designs (approximately 50 percent of Boeing’s new 787 plane and 25 percent of the structure of Airbus’ new A380 is made from carbon fiber).26 Aerospace is the largest end market for carbon fiber—in 2006, an estimated 40 percent of total carbon fiber demand was from aerospace. A detailed breakdown of its end uses can be found through Zoltek, one of the few US-based carbon fiber producers (www.zoltek.com/carbonfiber/future.php).Carbon fiber is also being tested in cars, but is primarily used so far in Formula One race cars and other high-end applications where cost is less of a consideration. However, the higher the price of fuel, the more attractive carbon fiber becomes for autos. Should oil prices rise high enough and carbon fiber’s production costs continue to fall, you could one day drive a very light and fuel-efficient car whose structure contains virtually no metal at all.
Because of significant technological barriers, barriers to entry are high. And because of its military applications, the technology behind producing high-grade carbon fiber in particular is closely guarded by governments. This has led to a concentrated industry and high operating margins. In 2007, operating margins averaged over 20 percent and only seven major producers existed, with three of them (Toray, Teijin, and Mitsubishi Rayon—all Japan-based) controlling 70 percent of the market.27 Carbon fiber is priced regionally and by its specific grade and end market. Therefore, it’s not priced on a futures exchange, and future price expectations are not easily determined. Future production and consumption forecasts, however, are obtainable through industry trade sources such as Composites World (www.compositesworld.com).
Commoditization of New Technologies
New technologies often start with high barriers to entry and producers are rewarded with higher valuations. Over time, however, the technology typically spreads, causing the product to become increasingly commoditized. As this happens, producer valuations often decline.

Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals

Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals includes fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and genetically modified seed producers. Demand is primarily driven by changes in food consumption, the corresponding adjustment in food production, and advancements in farming technology. Some of the largest potential food consumption drivers include population growth, increased consumption of meat, and increased consumption of biofuels. Meat consumption can significantly impact crop demand. Why? It takes about two kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of chicken, four kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of pork, and seven kilograms of feed to produce one kilogram of beef.28
No Vegetarians Here
The greatest potential for changing consumption patterns comes from rising wealth in emerging markets, but patterns can change in the developed world as well. A 2005 study by the USDA found the average American eats 200 pounds of meat a year, a 22-pound-per-person increase since 1970.
Source: US Department of Agriculture.
Government regulations also have significant impacts through tariffs, subsidies, and bio-fuel mandates. Driven by government mandates, US corn-based ethanol capacity doubled from 2001 to 2005 and doubled again by the end of 2008.29 Production was also encouraged by a $0.51 per gallon subsidy and $0.54 per gallon tariff on otherwise cheaper sugarcane-based imports from Brazil. The growth in ethanol consumption has significantly impacted crop demand. Ethanol processing consumed 14 percent of the US corn crop in 2005 and 25 percent in 2008.30
Due to increased meat consumption and growth in bio-fuels, food demand is projected to increase between 2.5 to 3.5 times by 2050 despite the population increasing by less than 50 percent.31 This sub-industry, however, should not be expected to provide all of the necessary growth in crop production. Better farming methods, more efficient equipment, better distribution networks, and improved technology (like refrigeration) will also increase the availability and supply of food. In 2006, poor infrastructure and a lack of refrigeration meant over 30 percent of all produce in India spoiled before reaching the consumer32—a little technology would go a long way toward increasing food supply in many regions.
Genetically Modified Seeds & Crop Chemicals Genetically modified seed producers often look more like technology companies with patents and proprietary technology, separating producers and serving as a barrier to entry for competitors. The barriers are high, so only a handful of producers exist. Nonetheless, they’ re still beholden to the sub-industry’s fundamental drivers. Genetically modified seed producers are tackling the same problems as crop chemicals like pesticides and fungicides—preventing damage from pests and fungi—so most firms involved in one are also involved in the other. Seed producers breed resistance into the plant, and crop chemical producers attack the problem externally. Even herbicides cross over, with genetically modified seed producers breeding in resistance to strong herbicides capable of killing all other plants. This reduces the need to crop dust with multiple types of specialized and expensive weed killers, designed to only kill certain families of plants.
Prices are set regionally. Governments are often involved in regulating producers because there are social fears of genetically modified food in many countries. Despite the fears, emerging market countries have been quick to (rather sensibly) accept genetically modified crops because of potential yield gains. In 2007, global planting of genetically modified crops increased 12 percent, with a 21percent growth rate in emerging markets, but only a 6 percent growth rate in the developed world.33 It is easy to see why emerging markets have embraced the technology. In 2002, India introduced genetically modified cotton capable of resisting a pesky caterpillar called the bollworm. By 2007, it had gone from being a net importer of cotton to the world’s third largest exporter, and total production roughly doubled.34
Emerging markets aren’t alone in implementing the technology. The US has also generally been quick to accept it. In 2008, more than 70 percent of the US corn crop was genetically modified.35 Europe has consistently been the slowest to accept such crops due to social opposition.
Fertilizers One of the easiest and least controversial ways to increase crop yields is through fertilizer use. Manufactured fertilizer in particular can have a tremendous influence on yields, with one pound of chemical fertilizer holding the equivalent nutrients of over 40 pounds of fresh manure.36 Fertilizer has three key ingredients: nitrogen, phosphate , and potash.
Why Starvation Persists in the Twenty-First Century
Starvation does not occur because of a lack of food globally, but because of lacking infrastructure, high trade barriers, limited property rights, or excessive government intervention. To quote the World Bank’s 2003 World Development Report, “The prevailing view of agricultural economists is that the world food problem is one of insufficient purchasing power in the hands of poor people, not of global constraints on aggregate food production—even with an expanded population.”
Source: The World Bank and Oxford University Press, “Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World,” World Development Report 2003, pp. 84-85.
Nitrogen is manufactured and priced regionally. It’s processed from natural gas in manufacturing plants and commonly concentrated into ammonia or urea. Phosphate and potash, however, are mined out of the ground and shipped around the world. Following iron ore, coal, and grains, more fertilizer is shipped globally than any other dry good. While phosphate production has been relatively evenly distributed, potash (sourced from large old marine deposits) is scarce, so production is very concentrated. In 2006, about 70 percent of phosphate production came from large and diverse regions of Africa, the US, and China, while nearly 70 percent of potash production came from just a few areas in Canada, Russia, and Belarus. Many of the same constraints and barriers to entry that apply to metal miners also apply to fertilizer miners. This includes extremely capital-intensive operations and long lead times of 5 to 10 years to develop a new mine.37

Industrial Gases

The Industrial Gas sub-industry is a relatively small component of most benchmarks and not currently vital to driving sector returns. It’s distinct enough, however, to be worth briefly covering. The Industrial Gas sub-industry produces everything from small canisters of helium for local party balloon stores to massive pipelines of hydrogen for oil refineries. Other commonly produced gases include nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. On a basic level, the primary use for industrial gases is to create or prevent chemical reactions. This is primarily useful during the formation of other materials. In 2007, at about a third of total consumption, the chemical and refining industry was the largest end market for industrial gases, followed by metal production and electronics manufacturing.38 With these end markets, economic growth, energy expenditures, and industrial manufacturing are all key drivers.
Industrial gas is delivered to customers in either small cylinders (packaged gases—used for retail use or expensive specialty gases that make the cost of shipping small quantities more feasible), bulk liquid tankers (merchant gases), or via direct pipelines (tonnage gases) from onsite production facilities. The products are inefficient to ship long distances so they are priced regionally. Even when compressed under pressure, it’s relatively uneconomical to ship a canister very far. The most economic means of shipping gas is to condense it to a liquid. Unfortunately for this industry, once liquefied, its gases are no longer economical to ship long distances on a value-to-weight ratio. Therefore, the industry primarily operates on a regional basis. While different gases are produced in different ways, most industrial gas is produced by using energy to separate components from air, water, or natural gas. Therefore, energy and natural gas in particular serve as the primary variable costs. Depending on the firm, transportation and fuel costs can also be important.
Gas at Work
Oil refineries are the largest single users of industrial gas, using over 12 billion cubic feet of hydrogen per day. This works out to an average of 100 to 200 cubic feet of hydrogen to process one barrel of oil. Oil drillers also use tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide, which is pumped into wells to pressure oil to the surface.
Source: QuestAir, “Hydrogen for Oil Refining.”


Construction materials are priced regionally and the industry should be evaluated regionally. This is especially true of construction aggregate—one of the least efficient materials to ship. Regional events play a dominant role in demand for most producers. Outside of normal regional construction trends, three of the largest world events providing regional demand for construction materials are World Cups, Olympics, and World’s Fairs.
You can see the divergent regional trends by comparing the US to emerging markets from 2006 through 2008. A lack of new quarry approvals made construction aggregate supply limited in the US, but quarries were abundant in emerging markets, creating very different pricing trends. Prices in the US rose, despite a steep decline in sales volumes tied to the US housing downturn. Prices in many regions of emerging markets, however, were relatively stagnant or even declined, despite large increases in sales volumes tied to infrastructure build outs. The primary driver for construction materials, including concrete, cement, and construction aggregate, is construction activity. Two-thirds of total US cement consumption occurs during the summer building period of May to October.39 Figure 4.4 shows total construction spending in the US relative to the performance of the Construction Materials industry. Notice how the industry grew with total construction during the housing boom, and then fell once construction declined.
Total construction is the primary driver for all products in this industry. Construction aggregate is more sensitive to non-residential construction because it’s heavily used in road building. Cement is slightly more sensitive to residential construction.
Additional information for the US market, including annual cement production and consumption on a state by state basis, can be found at the Portland Cement Association (www.cement.org/econ/index.asp).


Paper & Forest Products are a very small portion of the Materials sector in most benchmarks, so we’ll cover it only briefly. The products in this industry are priced regionally and producers should be evaluated on a regional basis.
Figure 4.4 Total US Construction vs. MSCI US Construction Materials
Source: Thomson Datastream; MSCI Inc.40

Paper Products

Because of its use in periodicals, consumer goods, shipping, and general office activity, paper and paperboard demand is economically sensitive. Although some forecasted a significant decline in paper consumption during the 1990s technology revolution, consumption has not drastically declined (outside of newsprint). In fact, global consumption of paper and paperboard increased 40 percent from 1993 to 2004.41 The largest end markets are printing and writing paper, containerboard, and boxboard—in 2000, they combined to form 80 percent of US consumption.42 Unlike much of this sector, where emerging markets play such a central role in supply and demand, the developed world is the primary consumer and producer of paper products. Based on wood pulp consumption, North America, Western Europe, and Japan combined to produce nearly 70 percent of the world’s paper in 2007.43

Forest Products

Forest Products (i.e., lumber) are priced regionally, though some overseas trade does exist in hardwoods with higher value-to-weight ratios. But softwoods are rarely shipped long distances in significant quantities.
The primary driver for lumber is residential construction—the numbers shift from year to year, but it’s not unusual for new home starts to account for up to 40 percent of US consumption.44 Although significant overseas trade of lumber and softwood in particular is rare, the US is the largest importer of forestry products in the world. The reason is its proximity to Canada—which has about 10 percent of the world’s total forests.45
Environmental and regulatory factors often play a large role in this industry, including the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the Roadless Area Conservation Rule in 2001. In 1990, the Endangered Species Act protected 6.9 million acres of federal timber land in the Pacific Northwest—an area larger than the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island combined—for the spotted owl.46 The Roadless Area Conservation Rule of 2001 protected about a third of the national forest system’s total acreage, or 58 million acres, from roads and logging.47
In Europe, Sweden and Finland have historically been the largest net exporters of paper and forestry products.48 After the fall of the Soviet Union, however, Russia began to emerge as the dominant regional force—its vast natural resources and investments in the paper and sawmill industries had long been neglected under communist rule. Russia has the largest timber reserves in Europe, with an estimated one-fifth of the world’s softwood forests and has become one of the world’s largest lumber producers.


We’ve largely ignored containers and packaging so far. It’s such a tiny part of the sector that you really don’t need to worry about it. The industry is generally considered to be defensive, with relatively inelastic demand through economic cycles. In other words, demand for this industry’s products remains about the same in good times and bad. The main reason is because the largest segment of the industry is food and beverages. For example, in 2003, an estimated 40 percent of containers were used for packaging food and 20 percent for beverages.49 One of the industry’s most important drivers is its production costs, so many packaging firms have relocated manufacturing plants to emerging market countries with cheaper operating environments. High oil and natural gas prices are also a negative because they’ re heavily used to produce two of the industries’ largest segments, plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Updated news on the industry can be found at Packaging Today (www.packagingtoday.com). Given the amount of paper used in packaging, this site also often has useful updates on the Paper & Forest Products industry.
Chapter Recap
You should now be familiar with each industry in the Materials sector, its most important components, and its drivers. However, drivers change in importance and relevance over time, so remain vigilant. Ultimately, supply and demand determine pricing for basic materials, and there’s no silver bullet or rule of thumb that works every time to determine future pricing, earnings, or stock performance. Instead, careful analysis is required to determine what’s most important at any given time and to predict whether an industry will be more or less profitable than the market expects.
• The Materials sector is value-oriented and extremely concentrated into a small group of dominant firms.
• Iron ore—priced globally on annual contracts. Infrastructure is as important as mines in determining production. This creates high barriers to entry, the need for economies of scale, and a concentrated group of producers.
• Coal—primarily priced regionally on annual contracts, but a global export market does exist. Steam coal (for energy) and metallurgical coal (for steel production) are priced differently.
• Steel—priced regionally with key distinctions among producers: bar versus flat steel production, and scrap-based mini-mills versus traditional iron ore-based operations. Significant trade and exports for many products exist as well.
• Gold—priced globally with the relatively unique trait of having investors as an end market. Scarcity is its primary barrier to entry.
• Aluminum—priced globally and by far the most energy-intensive metal. Energy costs are the primary determinant of price and returns.
• Commodity Chemicals—priced globally with economic growth as its primary driver, and oil and natural gas as its primary input cost.
• Specialty Chemicals—most are priced regionally. Economic growth and specific end markets for each segment are the drivers.
• Fertilizers & Agricultural Chemicals—priced regionally for most products. Demand for increased crop production through greater yields is the primary driver.
• Industrial Gases—priced regionally with natural gas as a primary input cost. Economic growth, industrial manufacturing, metal and chemical production, and oil refining are primary drivers.
• Construction Materials—priced regionally and dependent on construction as its primary driver. Construction aggregate in particular sees very little trade and is extremely regional in nature. Cement is more sensitive to residential construction, while construction aggregate is more sensitive to non-residential construction.
• Paper & Forestry—primarily priced regionally with residential construction as the primary driver for lumber, while economic growth is the primary driver for paper. Environmental legislation can play a big role.
• Packaging—primarily a defensive sector with relatively inelastic demand due to food and beverage being its largest components.
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