About the Authors

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Chapter 1 Introducing the Past, Present, and Future of the Web

     The standard way of doing things

     Every journey starts with a single step: the Web past

     Then there were standards: the Web now

     A crystal ball: the Web future

     Building on standards for the modern Web

     What's inside this book?

Chapter 2 Keeping a Project on Track

     Stay away from waterfalls: the traditional approach

          The nine knowledge areas

     Web project management: the power of iteration

          An agile example of planning

          Achieving the goal: identifying doneness

               Focus on time

               Focus on budget

               Focus on scope

          "But the PMI covers nine areas; you've talked about only three!"

               Communication is paramount

               Quality and testing

               Procurement and contracting

     Tools available

          The alternatives




     Summary: the best advice

          Being agile and standard: there's a good combination

     Profiling professions: Jason Fried

Chapter 3 Planning and High-level Design

     The toolbox

          Goals and objectives discussion


          User stories and user personas

          Feature/unfeature list



          Information architecture


     Let's go to an example

     Summary: achieving balance

     Profiling Professions: Daniel Burka

Chapter 4 Writing Markup with HTML and XHTML

     What are web pages, really?

     The basics of markup

          Where computer markup languages came from

          Elements (and tags)

          Attributes and their values

          Empty elements

          Document types

     Starting with XHTML

          Document shell

          The head

          The body

     Marking up content


          Blocks of text

          Grouping content

          Identifying content


               The href attribute, URLs, and web page addresses



               Unordered and ordered lists

               Definition lists




          Special characters

     All together now: creating real pages

Chapter 5 Exploring Fundamental Concepts of CSS

     The origins and evolution of Cascading Style Sheets

     How CSS works

          Default browser styles

          Anatomy of a CSS style sheet

     Applying styles to web page elements

          Inline styles

          Embedded style sheets

          External style sheets

          More CSS selectors: targeting page elements with surgical precision

               ID selectors

               Class selectors

               Pseudo-class selectors

               Yet more simple selectors

               Descendant selectors

               Child selectors

               Adjacent sibling selectors

               Combining multiple CSS selectors in a single rule

          CSS inheritance: making the general case work in your favor

          The CSS cascade and rules of specificity

               CSS selector specificity

               Source order cascading

     Visual rendering: document flow and the CSS box model

          What is document flow?

          What is the CSS box model?

               Inline-level vs. block-level boxes

          Changing CSS box properties: the CSS box model explained

               Content area: defining the dimensions of content boxes

               Padding area: giving backgrounds the floor

               Border area: drawing borders and outlines

               Margin area: defining whitespace and centering


Chapter 6 Developing CSS In Practice: From Design to Deployment

     The visual source: understanding design documents

     Diving into code: advanced CSS concepts applied

          The CSS development workflow

          Typography: text colors, fonts, and font sizes

          Implementing the header: images and backgrounds

          The main navigation menu: absolute and relative CSS positioning

               The four values of the position property

          Skinning the navigation menu: styling lists with CSS

          Adding interactivity: special styling for selected items and rollovers

               The dynamic pseudo-classes: :hover, :active, and :focus

               Styling links using the link pseudo-classes: :link and :visited

          Making columns using floats and margins

               The many layout effects of floated boxes

               Spacing your columns

          Styling the footer: clearing floats and adding borders

     Dealing with nonstandard browsers

          Browser-specific style sheets using conditional comments

          Filtering CSS rules with CSS selectors

          CSS hacks: exploiting one bug to resolve another

          Fixing your spacing bugs in Internet Explorer 6 and 7

     CSS media types and creating print style sheets

          Designing for other media types and devices


Chapter 7 Creating Interactivity with Javascript

     JavaScript basics: origin and background

          The dark ages of scripting

          Object-based programming

          What is the Document Object Model?


     JavaScript: the basics

          Linking code (separating form from function)

          Embedding JavaScript

          Inline JavaScript

          Commenting your code

     Basic programming features

          Primitive data types

               String data type

               Number data type

               Boolean data type

               Undefined and null


               Passing parameters

               Receiving output from

          Flow control

               If, else if, else



          User interaction: alert, confirm, and prompt




     Event handlers: executing code

          "Automatic" execution

          Form-specific handlers

          Other event handlers

     Tools and practices to debug code


          Debugging tools

               Safari and Firefox error consoles

               Web Developer Toolbar

               Firebug: Ajax debugging bliss

     JavaScript libraries

     Summary: a little JavaScript goes a long way

Chapter 8 Testing, Launching, and Maintaining

     The web development life cycle

     Publishing process

     Validating your code

          The importance of DTDs

          Markup validation

          CSS validation

          JavaScript validation

          Browser add-ons and features

     Browser testing

          Testing environment

               Firefox (Gecko)

               Safari (WebKit)

               Internet Explorer 8 (Trident)


               Internet Explorer 7

               Internet Explorer 6

               Mobile devices

               Text-only browsers

          Obsolete browsers

          Thoughts on browser testing

          Security testing: how much is enough?

     User testing

          Defining usability

     Accessibility testing

          Accessibility recommendations: WCAG

          Accessibility law

          Accessibility basics

          Assistive technologies

          Accessibility checklist

               Accessibility resources

     Launching your site: the big milestone

     Ongoing maintenance: beyond launch

          Content management


Chapter 9 Web 2.0: Using Ajax and Social Software

     The Web isn't application-like

          Ajax was born

               A simple Ajax example

          The "j" in Ajax



     Design characteristics of Web 2.0

          Lickable interfaces

     Web 2.0 is more than just Ajax

          Implications of social software

          APIs and syndication

               Building products based on products

               Blame Facebook

     The mobile Web

     Web 2.0 means business

          Targeted and contextual advertising

          The long tail

          Social features in business

     What does the future hold?

     Profiling Professions: Chris Messina

Chapter 10 Using Server-Side Technologies

     The server side removes barriers

     Web servers: dishing out hypertext

               Apache HTTP server

               Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)



          A wide range of hosting options

     Databases for web geeks


          The world outside relational databases

               Object databases

               XML databases

          Relational databases

          Structured Query Language (SQL)

               Getting data out

               Putting data in

               Changing data

               Removing data

          A look at the RDBMS players


               Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)



          Other data sources

     Web application languages




          ASP (.NET)




          Why bother with frameworks?

          A few popular candidates

               Ruby on Rails




Afterword The Business of the Web

     Basic needs of the freelance web professional

     Being legally well informed

          Freelancing on the side

               Making the transition

               More information

     Business types

               Sole proprietorship


               Limited Liability Company (in the United States)



               Do you need a lawyer?



     Making money: financial survival

          Staying in business

          Getting paid (aka accounts receivable)

               Tracking time and invoicing

               Do you need an accountant?


     Advertising and promotion

          Getting the word out

     Finding work to pay the bills

          Working locally

          Finding work online

     Finding good resources: people

          Hiring: finding the right skills and personality

               Where do you find candidates?

          Finding temporary help: subcontracting

          Partnering with others to complement skill sets

     Growing your practice and increasing capacity

     Training to stay current and competitive


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