
Special Characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y

Special Characters

"" (double quotes)

#define macro

#I "<file path>";; command

#if FLAG command

#import command

#light declaration

#load "<source file>.".."<source file>";; command

#nowarn 51 command

#quit;; command

#r "<assembly file>";; command

#time;; command

#types;; command

#use "<source file>";; command

%A flag

%a flag

%A format pattern

%b flag

%d flag

%E flag

%e flag

%f flag

%g flag

%i flag

%left declaration, fsyacc.exe file

%M flag

%nonassoc declaration, fsyacc.exe file

%O flag

%right declaration, fsyacc.exe file

%s flag

%start declaration, fsyacc.exe file

%t flag

%token declaration, fsyacc.exe file

%token<type> declaration, fsyacc.exe file

%type<type> declaration, fsyacc.exe file

%u flag

%x flag

&&& operator

* (asterisk)

:? (colon and question mark operator)

[ ] (square brackets), 2nd

_ (underscore) character, 2nd, 3rd

| (vertical bar)2nd, 3rd

||| operator

|> operator

+ flag

+ operator

<- (dash)

<- (left arrow), 2nd

< operator

:= operator

-> (arrow), 2nd

> (greater-than sign)

> operator

0 flag


: (colon)2nd

! (exclamation point)

. (period), 2nd

; (semicolons), 2nd

' ' flag

( ) (parentheses)


a switch

abs_float function

abstract keyword

abstract method

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)2nd



AbstractIL library

AbstractProperties base class


acos function

add function

Add function, 2nd3rd

"add" instruction

Add method

AddHandler method

AddPrinter property, fsi Value

AddPrintTransformer property, fsi Value




advanced interoperation. See compatibility and advanced interoperation

aliases, for namespaces and modules

allocation graph

all-warnings switch

all-warnings-as-errors switch

alternative-install.bat batch file

alternative-install.bat command

alternative-install-vs2003.bat batch file

alternative-install-vs2005.bat batch file

Anchor property

AnchorStyles.Left enumeration value

and keyword, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

anonymous function, 2nd, 3rd

anonymous modules

any_to_string function

AppendChild method

Application class, 2nd

Applied Games Group

Arg module, 2nd

argspec tuple type

arithmetic operators

arithmetic-language implementation2nd

     Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

     compilation vs. interpretation2nd

     compiling AST2nd

     generating parser2nd

     interpreting AST2nd


     tokenizing text2nd

     using parser2nd

Array class

array comprehensions

Array module2nd


arrow (->), 2nd

as keyword, 2nd, 3rd

ASCII arrow

asin function

.asmx file, 2nd, 3rd

asp:LinkButton control

ASP.NET 2.02nd

ASP.NET web forms2nd

.aspx file, 2nd

.aspx pages

assembly browsers2nd

Assert class

AST. See Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

asterisk (*)

atan2 function

Attribute string

attributes, custom2nd

Attributes property2nd



backslash ()

Barwick, Chris

base class

Base class

base class2nd

base class library (BCL), 2nd

BCL (base class library), 2nd

BCL Exists method

BCL System.Array type

begin keyword

bigint integers

bin subdirectory, 2nd

binary operators

BinaryTree type


booleanToString function


Button control, WinForm

button field

Button object

Button type


'c' char

C#, calling F# libraries from2nd

     defining classes and interfaces2nd

     defining types in namespace2nd

     exposing functions that take functions as parameters2nd


     returning tuples

     using F# lists

     using union types2nd


ceil function

center function

changePositions function, 2nd

ChangeState method2nd

CharSet attribute, DllImport attribute

CheckBox control, WinForm

CheckListBox class

chmod +x fsc command

choose function, 2nd

class keyword, 2nd



     implicit class construction2nd

     and inheritance2nd

     and methods2nd

     and static methods2nd

classes keyword

ClassInterface attribute

ClassInterfaceType.None attribute

CLI (Common Language Infrastructure)

CLI version switches

Click event2nd, 3rd

client-server applications

cli-version <string> switch

cli-version 1.1 switch

cli-version compiler switch

closer function2nd


CLR (common language runtime)

CLR Profiler, 2nd3rd

clr-root <string> switch

cMax constant

cMin constant

code samples, installing2nd

CoInitialize function

colon (:)

colon and question mark operator (:?)

colons (::)

color parameter

Color.FromArgb(33, 2nd) method, System.Drawing.Graphics object, 3rd

Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Crimson) method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

Color.FromName("HotPink") method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

COM. See Component Object Model (COM)

Combination phrase

combine function2nd

combinel function

ComboBox class

ComboBox control, WinForm

ComLibrary.dll file, 2nd

comlibrary::IMathPtr pDotNetCOMPtr code

comlibrary.tlh file

command-line switches


          adding resources switches2nd

          basic compiler options

          CLI version switches

          compilation details switches

          compiler optimization options2nd

          compiler target switches

          compiler warning switches2nd

          generating HTML switches2nd


          printing interface switches

          signing switches2nd

          statically linking switches


CommandText property

comment function

comment rule


Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

common language runtime (CLR)

compact class syntax

Compare method

comparer identifier

CompareTo method

CompatArray module

CompatArray types, Microsoft.FSharp.Compatibility namespace

compatibility and advanced interoperation2nd

     calling F# libraries from C#2nd

          defining classes and interfaces2nd

          defining types in namespace2nd

          exposing functions that take functions as parameters2nd


          returning tuples

          using F# lists

          using union types2nd

     calling using COM objects2nd


     using F# from native code via COM2nd

     using F# with .NET frameworks versions 1 and 1.12nd

     using Inline IL2nd

     using P/Invoke2nd

CompatMatrix types, Microsoft.FSharp.Compatibility namespace

compilation details switches

compiler optimization options2nd

compiler options

compiler target switches

compiler warning switches2nd

compiling F# programs2nd

Component Object Model (COM)


     using F# from native code via2nd

concat function2nd

concatList function, 2nd

concatListOrg function

.config extension

.config file, 2nd, 3rd

ConfigurationManager class

Connect method, TcpClient class

ConnectionString property

constructors, 2nd

Continuous1 property

Control base class

Control class, 2nd

control flow, 2nd3rd

Controls collection

convertVolumeImperialPint function

convertVolumeToLiter function

convertVolumeUsPint function

cordbg.exe command-line debugger

cos function

cosh function

couple type

create function, IEvent module

Create static method

createDynamicMethod method, 2nd

CreateElement method

CreateInstance method

CreateText( ) instance method

createWindow function, 2nd

critical section

Current member

curried functions, 2nd

CurriedStyle class

custom attributes2nd

custom operators


dash (<-)

data access




     data binding

          and DataGridView2nd


     EntLib data access block2nd

     Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)2nd

          using to SQL2nd

          using to XML2nd


     System.Configuration namespace2nd

     System.IO namespace2nd

     System.Xml namespace2nd

data binding

     and DataGridView2nd


Database class

DataGridView, and data binding2nd

DataGridView control, WinForm

DataSource property

date type

DateTime structure

DateTime type

DateTimePicker control, WinForm


debugging tools2nd


decr function

default keyword

define <string> switch

define FLAG compiler switch

define FRAMEWORK_AT_LEAST_2_0 compiler switch

defineMessage function

delegate keyword

delegates, 2nd

Derivatives One

derived type annotation

Description property

Dictionary object

Directory class

DirectoryInfo class, 2nd

discriminated unions

DispatcherTimer class

display function

Dispose( ) method, 2nd

Dispose interface

distributed applications

     calling web services2nd

     creating web services2nd

     hosting WCF services2nd


     networking overview2nd


     TCP/IP sockets2nd


div_remainder function

div1 function

div2 function

DLINQ library

.dll files, 2nd, 3rd

DllImport attribute, 2nd

do keyword

do statements2nd

doc <string> switch

doc comments2nd

doc compiler switch

doc switch

Dock property


DockStyle enumeration

Document Object Model (DOM)

doGoogleSearch method, GoogleSearchService class

DOM (Document Object Model)

domain-specific languages (DSLs), 2nd

doNothing function, 2nd

doNothingToAnInt function

dot function

double buffering

double quotes ("")

DoubleClick event, 2nd


draw type

DrawArc method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawBezier method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawClosedCurve method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawCurve method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawEllipse method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawIcon method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawImage method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawImageUnscaled method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

drawLeaf function

DrawLine method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawLines method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawPath method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawPie method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawPolygon method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawRectangle method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawRectangles method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

DrawString method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

drawTree function

drawTreeInner function

DrinkAmount union type

DSLs (domain-specific languages), 2nd

DynamicMethod class, 2nd


Elapsed event

else clause

else expression

empty class

empty list

emptyString function

end keyword, 2nd, 3rd

Enter event, Control class

Enterprise Library (EntLib) data access block2nd

EntryPoint attribute, DllImport attribute

Enum module


evens function

event loop

EventLoop property, fsi Value

events, from .NET libraries2nd

exception keyword

exceptions and exception handling2nd

exclamation point (!)

exec switch

execCommand function2nd, 3rd

Exists flag

exists function, 2nd3rd

Exists instance property

exp function

ExpectedException attribute

Expession rule

explicit constructors2nd

explicit syntax

Expr type

expression tree, 2nd

expressions, object2nd

eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and LINQ2nd

extern keyword



     compiling programs2nd

     creating programs2nd


          on Linux2nd

          on Windows2nd

     using programs2nd

failwith function

failwith keyword

false bool

fault tolerance

fib function

Fibonacci calculator

Fibonacci numbers

Fibonacci sequence

field = constant

field = identifier

File class

file1 class

File2 class

File.AppendText method

FileInfo class, 2nd, 3rd

File.Open( ) function

File.OpenText method

FileStream object

FillClosedCurve method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

FillEllipse method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

FillPath method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

FillPie method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

FillPolygon method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

FillRectangle method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

FillRectangles method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

filter function, 2nd3rd, 4th5th, 6th

filterStringList function

filterStringListDelegate function

finally keyword

find function, 2nd3rd

find_david function

findDavid function

FindIndex method, System.Array class

findMeshes function

FindName method

FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient namespace, .NET

float function

float32 function

floating-point arithmetic functions

FloatingPointFormat property, fsi Value

floor function

Flush( ) method

fold function, 2nd

for keyword, 2nd

for loop, 2nd3rd

for_all function, 2nd3rd

force function

foreach loop, 2nd

FormatProvider property, fsi Value

FP. See functional programming (FP)

French quotes

from_string function, Lexing module

from_text_reader function, Lexing module

.fs extension, 2nd

fsc command

fsc -i switch

fsc.exe, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

fsc.exe command-line switches2nd

     adding resources switches2nd

     basic compiler options

     CLI version switches

     compilation details switches

     compiler optimization options2nd

     compiler target switches

     compiler warning switches2nd

     generating HTML switches2nd


     printing interface switches

     signing switches2nd

     statically linking switches

     versioning switches2nd

.fsharpp file, 2nd

fsi style

fsi value, InteractiveSession type

fsi.exe, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th6th

     command-line switches2nd


     controlling environment2nd


.fsl extension

fslex.exe, 2nd3rd, 4th


fslib.dll, 2nd3rd

fst function

.fsx extension

.fsy extension

fsyacc.exe, 2nd, 3rd4th, 5th

full-help command-line flag

FuncConvert class

function keyword, 2nd

Function phrase

function type

functional programming (FP)

     anonymous functions

     control flow

     defining types2nd

     exceptions and exception handling2nd



     lazy evaluation2nd

     list comprehensions2nd





     pattern matching2nd



     types and type inference2nd

     values and functions2nd

     what it is

     why it's important

functionOne function



     that take functions as parameters2nd


g switch

GAC (global assembly cache)

generate function2nd

generate_using function2nd, 3rd

generate-html switch

generating HTML switches2nd

GetCredential method

GetCredentialList method

GetCustomAttributes method

GetFiles method

GetMolecule method

GetProperty method

getRandomQuantity( ) function

GetRequestStream method

GetResponse method

getShorty function

getStream function

GetType( ) function

getUrlAsXml function2nd

GetValueInfo function

getWebService function

GetYeastMolecule method

global assembly cache (GAC)

GoogleSearchService class

graphical user interface (GUI) programming

Graphics class

Graphics object2nd

greater-than sign (>)

Greet function2nd

GreetingService class

GreetingService type

GUI (graphical user interface) programming

gui switch



half function

handleClient function

handleConnections function


helloworld.fs text file

help command-line option

help switch

Herbrich, Ralf

hosting WCF services2nd

hourAndMinute function

HScrollBar control, WinForm

html-css <string> switch

html-namespace-file <string> switch

html-namespace-file-append switch

html-output-directory <string> switch

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)2nd

HttpContent type

httpHandlers section

HTTP/HTTPS requests

HttpRequest class

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)2nd


i switch, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

IBM.Data.DB2 namespace, .NET

IComparable interface

IComparer interface

IDemoInterface interface

Ident constructor


IDisposable interface, 2nd, 3rd

IDisposable.Dispose method

IEnumerable collection, 2nd, 3rd

IEnumerable interface

IEnumerable module

IEnumerable type, 2nd

IEnumerable value

IEnumerable<float> annotation

IEnumerable<T> interface

IEnumerator object

IEvent module, 2nd3rd

IEvent.filter function

IEvent.partition function

if expression, 2nd

if statement

if...then expression

if...then...else expression

ifile <string> flag

ignore function

IGreetingService interface

IGreetingService type

IHttpHandler, creating2nd

IL (Intermediate Language) code

ilasm.exe file

ildasm.exe tool

Image.FromFile("myimage.jpg") method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

Image.FromStream(File.OpenRead("myimage.gif")) method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

ImageServiceClient proxy

IMath interface2nd

imp identifier

imperative programming

     array comprehensions


     calling static methods and properties from .NET libraries2nd

     control flow2nd

     defining mutable record types2nd

     loops over comprehensions

     mutable keyword2nd


     pattern matching over .NET types2nd

     ref type2nd

     unit type2nd

     using indexers from .NET libraries2nd

     using objects and instance members from .NET libraries2nd

     working with events from .NET libraries2nd

Implementation class2nd

implementation inheritance

implicit class construction, 2nd3rd

Important value

in keyword

incr function

index identifier


     and properties2nd

     using from .NET libraries2nd

infinity function

infix operator

inherit keyword2nd

inheritance, and classes2nd

Inherits attribute

inherits declaration

init_finite and init_infinite functions2nd

init_finite function, 2nd

init_infinite function, 2nd

initPos parameter

Inline IL2nd

inner function

innerFile field

InnerFile property

innerFun inner function

InputControl field

Install Software dialog box

InstallFSharp.msi package


     F# on Linux2nd

     F# on Windows2nd

     software samples from book2nd

instance members, using from .NET libraries2nd

int -> int function type

int array array type

InteractiveSession type

interface inheritance

interface keyword2nd




Intermediate Language (IL) code

interpolate function

interpret function, 2nd

interpretInt function

intList integers

intList value

Invalidate method

Invoke method, 2nd

InvokeMember method

IPAddress.Any address

IsContinuous( ) method

IsDefined method

IsDiscrete( ) method

isInMandelbrotSet function

IsReusable Boolean property

it identifier

Item indexer property

Item indexers

Item property

itemOne identifier

itemTwo identifier

iter function2nd


jagged arrays

Java virtual machine (JVM)

JiggleState method

JIT compiler

JVM (Java virtual machine)


keyfile <string> switch

KeyPress event, Control class

KeyUp event

keyUp function



Label control, WinForm

label field

LALR(1 (lookahead left-to-right parsers))

lambdas, 2nd

Language-Integrated Query. See LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)

language-oriented programming2nd

     arithmetic-language implementation2nd

          Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

          compilation vs. interpretation2nd

          compiling AST2nd

          generating parser2nd

          interpreting AST2nd


          tokenizing text2nd

          using parser2nd

     data structures as little languages2nd

     metaprogramming with quotations2nd


Launch( ) method, System.Diagnostics.Debugger class

lazy evaluation2nd

lazy keyword

LazyList collection type

lazyList identifier

LazyList.unfold function

ldexp function

Leave event, Control class

left arrow (<-), 2nd

left ASCII arrow

Left property

let expressions, 2nd

let keyword, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

lexbuf value function


lexeme function2nd

lexeme_bytes function, Lexing module

lexeme_char function, Lexing module

lexeme_end function, Lexing module

lexical analysis


Lexing.from_string function

Lexing.from_text_reader function


     calling from C#2nd

          defining classes and interfaces2nd

          defining types in namespace2nd

          exposing functions that take functions as parameters2nd


          returning tuples

          using F# lists

          using union types2nd

     Microsoft.FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.Arg module2nd

     ML Compatibility Library MLLib.dll, 2nd3rd

     native F# library FSLib.dll2nd

          Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Seq module2nd

          Microsoft.FSharp.Control.IEvent module2nd

          Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Enum module2nd

          Microsoft.FSharp.Core.operators module2nd

          Microsoft.FSharp.Math namespace2nd

          Microsoft.FSharp.reflection module2nd

          Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Printf module2nd



LineDefinition type2nd

LineDetail record type

LinkLabel control, WinForm

link-resource <string> switch

LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)


     and SQL2nd

     and XML2nd

Linux, installing F# on2nd

list comprehensions2nd

List type

ListBox class

ListBox control, WinForm

List.concat function

listen function, 2nd

List.iter function, 2nd

List.nonempty function

List.rev function

lists2nd, 3rd

List.to_array function

List.to_ResizeArray function

List.to_seq function


Load event

lock function2nd

lockObj function

log function

log10 function

lookahead left-to-right parsers (LALR(1))

loops over comprehensions

luc function



main function, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

makeCircle function

makeMessage function

makeNumberControl function

makeSafeThread function

makeShape function

makeSquare function

makeUnsafeThread function

map function, 2nd3rd, 4th, 5th

mapPlane function

mapPositionsCenter function

MaskedTextBox control, WinForm

match keyword

Math class2nd

max_float function

maxWidth function

mdbg.exe command-line debugger

MeasureString method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

member keyword, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

members, types with2nd

message identifier

MessageBeep function

metaprogramming, with quotations2nd

Method calls

Method property, WebRequest class


     and classes2nd

     overriding from non-F# libraries

     static, calling from .NET libraries2nd

Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) web service

Microsoft Research (MSR)

Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider class

Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Seq module

     choose function

     concat function

     exists and for_all functions2nd

     filter, find, and tryfind functions2nd

     fold function

     generate and generate_using functions2nd

     init_finite and init_infinite functions2nd

     map and iter functions2nd


     unfold function2nd

     untyped_ functions2nd

Microsoft.FSharp.Compatibility namespace

Microsoft.FSharp.Control.IEvent module

     creating and handling events

     filter function2nd

     map function


     partition function

Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Enum module

     combine and test functions2nd


     to_int and of_int functions

Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators module, 2nd

Microsoft.FSharp.Core.operators module

     lock function2nd


     tuple functions

     using function2nd

Microsoft.FSharp.Math namespace2nd

Microsoft.FSharp.MLLib.Arg module

Microsoft.FSharp.MLLib.Pervasives module

Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection module

Microsoft.FSharp.reflection module


     reflection over types2nd

     reflection over values

Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Printf module, 2nd3rd

Microsoft.Office.Interop prefix

mid identifier

min_float function

ML Compatibility Library MLLib.dll

.mli extension


mod_float function

modf function

module, execution2nd

module directive

module keyword, 2nd


     giving aliases



molecule object

Mono, 2nd

MonthCalander control, WinForm

MouseButton event

MouseHover event, Control class

MouseUp event, Control class

Move event, Control class

movingWaves function

MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network) web service

MSDN library

.msi extension

MSR (Microsoft Research)

Multi constructor

MultiArgStyle class

multiline comments

mutable identifiers

mutable integer functions

mutable keyword2nd, 3rd

mutable record types2nd

mutable state

mutually referential

myAnd function

MyClass class

myConciseControls function

myControls function

MyDelegate delegate

myForm type

MyInt class

MyInterface interface2nd

myOr function

myPrintInt function

MyProp property

MySql.Data.MySqlClient namespace, .NET

MySquareForm class

myString identifier

myString value


n identifier

n parameter

Name property, System.Type

Namespace attribute

namespace directive


     defining types in2nd

     giving aliases


nan function

native F# library FSLib.dll

     Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Seq module

          choose function

          concat function

          exists and for_all functions2nd

          filter, find, and tryfind functions2nd

          fold function

          generate and generate_using functions2nd

          init_finite and init_infinite functions2nd

          map and iter functions2nd


          unfold function2nd

          untyped_ functions2nd

     Microsoft.FSharp.Control.IEvent module

          creating and handling events

          filter function2nd

          map function


          partition function

     Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Enum module

          combine and test functions2nd


          to_int and of_int functions

     Microsoft.FSharp.Core.operators module

          lock function2nd


          tuple functions

          using function2nd

     Microsoft.FSharp.Math namespace2nd

     Microsoft.FSharp.reflection module


          reflection over types2nd

          reflection over values

     Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Printf module2nd


neg_infinity function

.NET CLR Exceptions # of Exceptions Thrown/sec performance object

.NET CLR Jit % Time in Jit performance object

.NET CLR Memory # Bytes in all Heaps performance object

.NET CLR Memory % Time in GC performance object

.NET CLR Memory Finalization Survivors performance object

.NET Framework 1 and 1.12nd

.NET Framework 3.0

.NET libraries

     calling static methods and properties in2nd

     using indexers from2nd

     using objects and instance members from2nd

     working with events from2nd

.NET programming tools2nd

     assembly browsers2nd

     debugging tools2nd

     fsc.exe command-line switches2nd

          adding resources switches2nd

          basic compiler options

          CLI version switches

          compilation details switches

          compiler optimization options2nd

          compiler target switches

          compiler warning switches2nd

          generating HTML switches2nd


          printing interface switches

          signing switches2nd

          statically linking switches

          versioning switches2nd


          command-line switches2nd


          controlling environment2nd


     NUnit tests2nd


     profiling tools2nd

          CLR Profiler2nd





          performance counters2nd

     source directory macro

networking overview2nd

new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif.0f), 2nd

new Icon(File.OpenRead("myicon.ico")) method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

new Icon("myicon.ico") method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

new keyword, 2nd

new Pen(Color.FromArgb(33, 2nd)) method, System.Drawing.Graphics object, 3rd

new SolidBrush(Color.FromName("Black")) method, System.Drawing.Graphics object

newImgEvent event

no-banner switch

no-gui switch, 2nd

no-logo switch


no-readline switch

no-warn <int> switch

nowarn 51 compiler flag

no-warnings switch

NProf, 2nd3rd

ntimer.exe tool, 2nd3rd

NullReferenceException interface

numbers array

NUnit, 2nd3rd

NUnit.Framework.dll assembly


o <string> switch

O switch

O0 switch

O1 switch

O2 switch

O3 switch

Obj module

obj type, 2nd, 3rd

object expressions

Objective Caml (OCaml)

object-oriented programming

     accessing base class2nd



          implicit class construction2nd

          and inheritance2nd

          and methods2nd

          and static methods2nd

     classes, fields, and explicit constructors2nd

     defining delegates

     defining interfaces


     implementing interfaces2nd

     methods, overriding from non-F# libraries

     object expressions2nd


     properties and indexers2nd

     records as objects2nd


     type annotations for subtyping2nd

     type tests

     types with members2nd


     records as2nd

     using from .NET libraries2nd

obj.ReferenceEquals method

Obsolete attribute, 2nd

ObsoleteAttribute attribute

obtaining F#

OCaml (Objective Caml)

OCaml background

of keyword

of_int function2nd

O'Kelly, Jude

OnClick attribute

OneArgStyle class

OnPaint method

OnResize method

Ooff switch

open directive2nd

open keyword

Open method, myServiceHost

openConnectionReader function

opener function

OpenRead method



Operators module

option type, 2nd

optional compilation2nd

OracleConnection class

Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace, .NET

Organization2 type

Organization3 type

output_string function

OutputControl field

override keyword, 2nd



Page directive

Paint event, Control class

Paint method

Panel control, WinForm

parameterless constructor


parse keyword




partial functions

partition function2nd

pascalsTriangle type

path argument

path parameter

pattern matching2nd, 3rd4th

peer-to-peer applications

Pen type


performance counters2nd

performance objects

period (.), 2nd

Pervasives module2nd, 3rd

phrase type


point record type

Points phrase


Predicate delegate

print_any function

print_endline function, 2nd

print_int function

print_string function

printBinaryTreeValues function

PrintDepth property, fsi Value

printf function, 2nd

Printf module, 2nd

printing interface switches

PrintingPermission attribute

PrintIntercepts property, fsi Value

PrintLength property, fsi Value

printTreeValues function

PrintWidth property, fsi Value

Process % Processor Time performance object

Process Handle Count performance object

Process Page Faults/sec performance object

Process Private Bytes performance object

ProcessRequest method

profiling tools2nd

     CLR Profiler2nd





     performance counters2nd

progress flag

ProgressBar control, WinForm


     and indexers2nd

     static, calling from .NET libraries2nd


providerName property

ProviderName property


public functions

public-keyfile <string> switch


Quantity union type

queryMsdn function


quoted code2nd



R <string> switch

r command-line switch

RadioButton control, WinForm

Rainbow identifier

raise keyword

raisePowerTwo function

ReadOnly attribute

rec keyword

ReceiveImage function, 2nd

recognizeType function


     as objects2nd


rectangular arrays


ref cell

ref type, 2nd3rd


RegAsm.exe tool

Remove function

RemoveHandler method

reposition type

Request property

requestAndReadName function

requestTemplate identifier, 2nd

resgen.exe generator

Resize event, 2nd

ResizeArray attribute

resource <string> switch

.resource format

Response property

result identifier

.resx extension

resxc.exe tool, 2nd

"ret" instruction

rev_string method

rhymeArray type

RichTextBox control, WinForm


rnaml.xsd file

Run method, Application class


sample function2nd

SayHelloButton_Click function


Scale enum



SDK for .NET Framework 3.0


select statement

semicolons (;), 2nd

sendMessage function2nd

Seq function

Seq module, 2nd, 3rd

seq type

Seq.iter function

Seq.take function

sequence object


Service attribute

service element

SetLastError attribute, DllImport attribute

Shape record type

Shape type

Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure (SSCLI), 2nd

Show( ) method, 2nd

showForm type

ShowIEnumerable property, fsi Value

ShowProperties property, fsi Value

signature files

signing switches2nd

sin function

single inheritance

singleDim identifier

single-line comments

single-thread apartment

sinh function

.sln file

snd function

sn.exe tool

software, installing samples from book2nd

Some constructor

source directory macro

spec union type

SQL (Structured Query Language), and LINQ2nd

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, 2nd

SqlCommand class

SqlConnection class

SqlConnection object

SqlDataReader class, 2nd

SqlMetal.exe tool

sqrt function

square brackets ([ ]), 2nd

square rectangular array

squarePoints function

SSCLI (Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure), 2nd

sscli command-line switch

standalone switch

standard input stream

standard output stream

start value

STAThread attribute

static keyword

static methods

     and classes2nd

     and properties, calling from .NET libraries2nd

statically linking switches

static-link <string> switch

status identifier

stdout stream

Strangelights namespace, 2nd

Strangelights.Fibonacci module

StreamReader object


StreamWriter class

strict evaluation order

strict language

string array type

string identifier

string list type

string ref type

string type, 2nd

stringList identifier

stringToBoolean function

strong typing

strongly typed language

struct keyword


Structured Query Language (SQL), and LINQ2nd

sub class

Sub function

subtyping, type annotations for2nd

sum types, 2nd

.svc file

SvcUtil.exe utility, 2nd

Swap function

switch statement, 2nd

Syme, Dr. Don

System.Array class

System.Array method

System.CodeDom classes

System.Collections namespace

System.Collections.ArrayList class

System.Collections.Generic namespace, 2nd

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable array

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable function

System.Collections.Generic.List array

System.Collections.Generic.List function

System.Collections.Generic.List property

System.Collections.Hashtable class

System.Configuration namespace2nd

System.Data.Common.DbCommand class, ADO.NET

System.Data.Common.DbConnection class, ADO.NET

System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter class, ADO.NET

System.Data.Common.DbDataReader class, ADO.NET

System.Data.Common.DbParameter class, ADO.NET

System.Data.DataSet class, ADO.NET

System.Data.Odbc namespace, .NET

System.Data.OleDb namespace, .NET

System.Data.OracleClient namespace, .NET

System.DateTime list type

System.Diagnostics.Debugger class

System.Drawing namespace

System.Drawing.Graphics object

System.Drawing.Pen class

System.Environment.Version property

System.Flags attribute

System.IO namespace, 2nd, 3rd4th

System.IO.Directory class

System.IO.FileInfo object

System.IO.StreamReader class

System.IO.StreamWriter class, 2nd

System.IO.StreamWriter method

System.Net namespace

System.Net.ICredentials interface

System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream class

System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient class

System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener class

System.Net.WebRequest class

System.Net.WebResponse class

System.Reflection namespace

System.Reflection.Emit namespace

System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod class

System.Reflection.MemberInfo class

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace

System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterface attribute

System.Runtime.InteropServices.Guid attribute


System.Type object

System.Web namespace

System.Web.HtmlControls namespace

System.Web.Mail namespace



System.Web.WebControls namespace

System.Web.WebControls.Adapters namespace

System.Web.WebControls.WebParts namespace

System.Windows.Application.Run method

System.Windows.Forms.Form class

System.Winows.Forms.Form inheritance

System.Xml namespace, 2nd3rd

System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XmlDocument class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XmlNode class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XmlNodeList class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XmlTextReader class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XmlTextWriter class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator class, System.XML namespace

System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform class, System.XML namespace


TabControl control, WinForm

Tag property, 2nd

take function

tan function

tanh function

target-dll switch

target-exe switch

target-module switch

target-winexe switch

TcpClient class

TCP/IP sockets2nd

TcpListener class

Test attribute

test function2nd

TestCases class

TestDiv02 case

TestFixture attribute

testSecond function

text, tokenizing2nd

Text property

TextBox control, WinForm

textbox field

TheClass class

TheModule class

then keyword

thePlayers instance

Timer object

TlbImp.exe tool

to_int function2nd

token function

tokenizing text2nd


tool suite2nd

     assembly browsers2nd

     debugging tools2nd

     fsc.exe command-line switches2nd

          adding resources switches2nd

          basic compiler options

          CLI version switches

          compilation details switches

          compiler optimization options2nd

          compiler target switches

          compiler warning switches2nd

          generating HTML switches2nd


          printing interface switches

          signing switches2nd

          statically linking switches

          versioning switches2nd


          command-line switches2nd


          controlling environment2nd


     NUnit tests2nd


     profiling tools2nd

          CLR Profiler2nd





          performance counters2nd

     source directory macro

Top property

Topmost property

ToString function, 2nd, 3rd

tree type

TreeNode objects

TreeView class

TreeView control, WinForm

trigger function

true bool

truncate function

try keyword2nd

try...match construct

try...with construct

tryfind function, 2nd3rd

Tuple class

Tuple functions

tuple functions

tuples, 2nd, 3rd

TupleStyle class

TupleType constructor

TupleValue constructor

type annotations, 2nd3rd

type constraint

type keyword2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Type Library Importer

type parameterization, 2nd

TypeInfo value



     defining in namespace2nd

     with members2nd

     and type inference2nd


underscore (_) character, 2nd, 3rd

unfold function2nd, 3rd, 4th5th

union types, 2nd, 3rd, 4th5th

unit function

unit type2nd, 3rd4th

unmanaged code

Unrestricted property, PrintingPermission attribute

untyped function, 2nd

untyped prefixed

untyped_ function2nd

untyped_to_typed function


user interfaces

     ASP.NET 2.02nd

     ASP.NET web forms2nd

     creating IHttpHandler2nd

     creating new forms classes2nd


     using Visual Studio Form Designer's forms in F#2nd

     Windows Presentation Foundation2nd


          controls in2nd


          events and IEvent module2nd


using function, 2nd, 3rd4th, 5th6th, 7th

using statement

/usr/bin file


val keyword, 2nd

Value.GetInfo( ) function


variable type

Vector.of_list function

vectors, 2nd

version <string> switch

version-file <string> switch

versioning switches2nd

vertical bar ( | )2nd, 3rd

Very Important value

Visible property

Visual Studio Form Designer's forms in F#2nd

void type

Volume type

VScrollBar control, WinForm


warn <int> switch

warn-as-error <int> switch

wayneManor instance

WCF (Windows Communication Framework)2nd

web services



WebBrowser control, WinForm

web.config file2nd, 3rd, 4th

WebRequest object

WebService attribute

when clause

when guard, 2nd

when keyword, 2nd

while loop, 2nd

WiggleState method


win32res <string> switch

Windows, installing F# on2nd

Windows Communication Framework (WCF)2nd

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 2nd, 3rd4th

Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools


     controls in2nd


     events and IEvent module2nd


with block

with keyword, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th6th

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 2nd, 3rd4th

wrapper function

writing NUnit tests2nd

WrongSecond exception

wrongSecond exception

wsdl.exe tool, 2nd, 3rd


x function parameter

x identifier

x parameter

x values


XContainer class, LINQ

XDocument class, LINQ

XDocumentType class, LINQ

XElement class, LINQ

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), and LINQ2nd

XmlDocument class2nd

XName class, LINQ

XNode class, LINQ


XProcessInstruction class, LINQ

XSD schemas, 2nd

xsd.exe command-line tool

XSLT language

XText class, LINQ


Year property, DateTime type

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