
  1. AAOIFI see Accounting, Auditing and Governance Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions
  2. Abdullah ibn Mas‘ūd
  3. Abdullah ibn ‘Umar
  4. Abu-Tapanjeh, Abdussalam
  5. academic qualifications
    1. SSB members
    2. see also qualifications
  6. Accounting, Auditing and Governance Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI)
    1. annual sharī‘ah compliance report
    2. Dubai
    3. fatawa inconsistency
    4. fatawa issuance
    5. fatawa reversal
    6. governance issues
    7. guidance regarding SSBs
    8. historical aspects
    9. internal control
    10. sharī‘ah advisory firms
    11. sharī‘ah board members
    12. SSB members
      1. character of
      2. opinion differences
      3. qualifications
  7. adverse opinions
  8. advisory firms see sharī‘ah advisory firms
  9. aimageadīth
  10. Ahmed
  11. Al-Muwafaqāt (Al-Shātibi)
  12. al-qaimaged
  13. Algeria
  14. annual sharī‘ah audit plan
  15. annual sharī‘ah compliance report
  16. anthropocentricity, sharī‘ah
  17. application form, external sharī‘ah audit office
  18. application processes, SSB members
  19. appointments, SSB members
  20. Arab Emirates see United Arab Emirates
  21. Arabic language
  22. asceticism, Sufi
  23. asset-based financing
  24. audit see sharī‘ah audit
  25. Australia
  26. authority of SSBs 315–327
    1. bank-level arrangements
    2. BOD responsibilities
    3. conflict management
    4. legal infrastructure
    5. management
    6. nature of decisions
    7. regulatory guidelines
  27. Bahamas
  28. Bahrain
    1. legal/regulatory framework
    2. SSBs
      1. GCC jurisdictions
      2. member qualifications
      3. model
      4. opinion differences
  29. balance
  30. Bangladesh
  31. Bank Indonesia
  32. Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB), Malaysia
  33. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
    1. bank licensing requirements
    2. contract documents
    3. SSBs
      1. appointing members
      2. authority of
      3. bank compliance with
      4. dismissal of members
      5. disqualification of members
      6. experience of members
      7. nominating members
      8. qualifications of members
  34. banking supervisors
    1. internal control
    2. key characteristics
    3. role in governance
  35. banks/banking see Islamic banks/banking
  36. Barclays Bank
  37. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
  38. bearable difficulty
  39. BIMB see Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
  40. binding fatawa/resolutions
  41. “black letter laws”
  42. BNM see Bank Negara Malaysia
  43. board of directors (BOD)
    1. administrative support to SSB
    2. assessing SSB performance
    3. banking supervisors
    4. company bylaws
    5. conflict with SSB
    6. establishing governance framework
    7. fatawa/resolutions, abiding by
    8. guidance from SSB
    9. independence of SSB
    10. information access, SSBs
    11. internal control
    12. Omani governance
    13. responsibility to SSB
    14. SGF, Malaysia
    15. sharī‘ah responsibilities
  44. BOD see board of directors
  45. Brunei
  46. Canada
  47. causes
  48. CBO see Central Bank of Oman
  49. Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009
  50. Central Bank of Oman (CBO)
  51. central banks
    1. see also individual banks
  52. chairman of SSB
    1. conflict resolution
    2. fatawa issuance
    3. fatawa reversal
    4. ijtihād
    5. opinion differences
    6. responsibilities
  53. character of SSB members
  54. characteristics of sharī‘ah
  55. charity accounts
  56. charter, SSB
    1. chairman selection
    2. compensations
    3. dismissals
    4. executive (resident) member
    5. meetings
    6. number of members
    7. reappointments
    8. remunerations
    9. replacements
    10. reporting line
    11. resignations
    12. terms of agreement
  57. codes of ethics
    1. see also ethics; morality
  58. “committed” governance approach
  59. common law
  60. communication
    1. internal control
    2. ISAF findings
    3. skills of SSB members
  61. community needs
  62. company bylaws
  63. compensations
  64. competence of sharī‘ah advisory firms
  65. competence of SSB members 283–299
    1. academic qualifications
    2. character
    3. conduct
    4. expected expertise study
    5. experience
    6. professional ethics
    7. professional SSBs
    8. skills
  66. compliance
    1. risk
    2. see also sharī‘ah compliance
  67. comprehensiveness of sharī‘ah
  68. concessionary rulings
  69. conduct
  70. confidentiality
  71. conflict
    1. between BOD and SSB
    2. between management and SSB
    3. between SSB members
    4. conflicts of interest
    5. resolution of
  72. consistency, SSBs
  73. contracts
  74. control activities
  75. control culture
  76. corporate governance 57–102
    1. AAOIFI guidance
    2. banking sector
    3. BOD/senior management
    4. challenges
    5. “committed” governance
    6. definitions
    7. developing countries
    8. elements of good governance
    9. financial crisis
    10. gaining prominence
    11. IFSB
    12. Islamic banks, concerns
    13. Islamic perspective
    14. Islamic principles
    15. OECD
    16. organizations issuing guidance
    17. risk management
    18. sharī‘ah compliance
    19. sharī‘ah responsibilities
    20. sharī‘ah risk
    21. stakeholders of Islamic banks
  77. credit risk
  78. creed
  79. crises
  80. current accounts
  81. Dar Al Sharia Legal & Financial Consultancy LLC (DAS)
  82. decisions
    1. see also fatwa/fatawa
  83. declaratory rulings
  84. degrees, doctoral
  85. deposit account
  86. developing countries
  87. development of earth
  88. DFSA see Dubai Financial Services Authority
  89. DIFC see Dubai International Financial Centre
  90. discipline of SSB members
  91. disclaimers of opinions
  92. disclosure
  93. dismissal of SSB members
  94. disqualification of SSB members
  95. divinity
  96. Djibouti
  97. doctoral degrees
  98. Dubai
  99. Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA)
  100. Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)
  101. earnest money example
  102. EC see European Commission
  103. economics see Islamic economic system
  104. Egypt
  105. embellishments
  106. employees
    1. confidential reporting
    2. internal control culture
    3. ISAF
    4. sharī‘ah risk
    5. sharī‘ah training
  107. “engaged” governance approach
  108. English courts
  109. English language
  110. equality
  111. equity
  112. Ernst & Young
  113. Ethics
    1. ISAF
    2. Omani SSB members
    3. SSB members
    4. see also morality
  114. European Commission (EC)
  115. ex ante stage, supervision
  116. ex-post stage, supervision
  117. executive (resident) member of SSB
    1. conflict resolution
    2. executive committee
    3. fatawa issuance
    4. fatawa reversal
    5. ijtihād
    6. opinion differences
    7. responsibilities
  118. experience of SSB members
  119. external sharī‘ah audit
  120. falsified information
  121. fatwa/fatawa
    1. binding fatawa
    2. BOD abiding by
    3. definitions
    4. risk
    5. inconsistency of
    6. reversal of
  122. fatwa/fatawa issuance
    1. approaches to
    2. important steps
    3. process
    4. SSB chairman/executive member
    5. SSB member responsibilities
  123. financial crisis 2008
  124. financial products/services
  125. Financial Services Authority (FSA), UK
  126. fiqh
    1. definitions
    2. ijtihād
    3. legal capacity
    4. Malaysia legal example
    5. SSB members
  127. Fiqh Academy, OIC
  128. “fit and proper” criteria, SSB members
  129. France
  130. FSA see Financial Services Authority
  131. fund segregation
  132. Gambia
  133. GCC see Gulf Cooperation Council
  134. golden age of ijtihād
  135. good causes
  136. governance manual see sharī‘ah governance manual
  137. Guiding Principles on Corporate Governance for Institutions offering only Islamic Financial Services, IFSB
  138. Guiding Principles on Sharī‘ah Governance Systems for Institutions offering Islamic Financial Services, IFSB
  139. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
  140. imageadīth
  141. “hands off” governance approach
  142. harmonization process, SSBs
  143. Haron Sudin
  144. Higher Authority for Sharia Supervision, Oman
  145. hisba system
    1. definitions
    2. historical aspects
    3. objectives
  146. imageiyal
  147. Ibn Al-Jawzi
  148. Ibn ‘Ashūr
  149. Ibn Kathīr
  150. Ibn Rushd
  151. IBRF see Islamic Banking Regulatory Framework
  152. IFIs see Islamic Financial Institutions
  153. IFSB see Islamic Financial Services Board
  154. IFSI see Islamic Financial Services Industry
  155. ifta
  156. IIFSs see Institutions offering only Islamic Financial Services
  157. Ijara Muntahiya Bil Tamleek financing product
  158. Ijarah, Services Ijarah audit form
  159. Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek audit form
  160. ijtihād
    1. centres for
    2. companions of prophet
    3. golden age
    4. history of
    5. illustrations
    6. legal schools
    7. opinion differences
    8. sharī‘ah moderation
    9. teachers of
  161. Imām Al-Shāfi‘i
  162. inah transactions
  163. inconsistent fatawa
  164. independence of SSBs
    1. BOD honoring
    2. character of members
    3. governance guidelines
    4. ISAF
    5. mental attitude
    6. shareholder appointment of members
  165. Indonesia
    1. legal/regulatory framework
    2. SSBs
      1. authority of
      2. bank compliance
      3. nominating/appointing members
      4. opinion differences
  166. industry
    1. new developments
    2. sharī‘ah requirements
  167. information
    1. confidentiality
    2. falsified
    3. internal control
    4. MISs
    5. SSB access to
  168. information technology (IT)
  169. inquiries, SSB
  170. insanity
  171. institutional jurisdictions
    1. categories of
    2. differences creating obstacles
    3. secular jurisdictions
    4. sukuk market
  172. Institutions offering only Islamic Financial Services (IIFSs)
    1. corporate governance
    2. jurisdictions with known IIFSs
    3. SSB independence
  173. intellectual independence
  174. interest see riba
  175. “interests of creation”
  176. intermediate stage, supervision
  177. internal sharī‘ah audit function (ISAF)
    1. advisory firms
    2. annual audit plan
    3. assessing sharī‘ah risk
    4. audit forms
    5. care of staff
    6. communicating findings
    7. defining audit universe
    8. employee proficiency
    9. engagement program
    10. external assessment
    11. governance manual
    12. independence
    13. management responsibilities
    14. name of function
    15. objectivity
    16. performance of controls
    17. post-engagement
    18. in practice
    19. professional body
    20. purpose/responsibility/authority
    21. quality assurance
    22. recommendation follow up
    23. risk assessment
    24. sample checklists
    25. strategic planning
    26. see also planning for internal audit
  178. internal sharī‘ah compliance unit (ISCU)
  179. internal sharī‘ah control
    1. banking supervisors
    2. communication
    3. control activities
    4. control culture
    5. definition
    6. evaluation
    7. information
    8. international guidance
    9. ISAF
    10. monitoring activities
    11. objectives
    12. risk assessment
    13. risk identification
    14. sharī‘ah governance manual
    15. system components
  180. internal sharī‘ah reviewers, Oman
  181. investment accounts
  182. Investment Dar Co KSCC v Blom Developments Bank Sal [2009] EWHC 3545 (Ch),
  183. Iran
  184. Iraq
  185. ISAF see internal sharī‘ah audit function
  186. ISCU see internal sharī‘ah compliance unit
  187. Islamic Banking Act 1983, Malaysia
  188. Islamic Banking Regulatory Framework (IBRF), Oman
  189. Islamic banks/banking
    1. governance concerns
    2. key stakeholders
    3. knowledge of banking
    4. Law for Usury-Free Banking, Iran
    5. market segments
    6. mission statements
    7. sharī‘ah risk
    8. see also central banks; corporate governance; individual banks
  190. Islamic economic system
    1. anthropocentricity
    2. asset-based financing
    3. characteristics
    4. community needs
    5. definitions of economics
    6. developing the earth
    7. moderation
    8. morality
    9. political governance role
    10. property
    11. realism
    12. riba
    13. roots of
    14. scope of
    15. vicegerency
    16. wealth
  191. Islamic Finance Rulebook, QFCRA
  192. Islamic Finance in the UK (FSA report)
  193. Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs)
    1. corporate governance
    2. inception of
    3. Malaysia
    4. sharī‘ah compliance
    5. SSB models
    6. see also Accounting, Auditing and Governance Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions
  194. Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, Malaysia
  195. Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB)
    1. advisory firms
    2. banking supervisors
    3. corporate governance
    4. disclosure requirements
    5. ex ante supervision stage
    6. fatawa
    7. guidance
    8. historical aspects
    9. sharī‘ah compliance
    10. SSB members
      1. character of
      2. experience
      3. nominating/appointing
      4. qualifications
  196. Islamic Financial Services Industry (IFSI)
  197. The Islamic Investment Company of the Gulf (Bahamas) Ltd v Symphony Gems N.V. & others
  198. Islamic jurisprudence see fiqh
  199. Islamic jurists 251
    1. see also sharī‘ah jurists
  200. Islamic sharī‘ah
  201. Istisna’a transaction audit form
  202. Jordan
  203. jurisprudence see fiqh
  204. juristic opinions, sharī‘ah
  205. jurists see sharī‘ah jurists
  206. Kahf, Monzer
  207. Koran
  208. Kuwait
    1. legal/regulatory framework
    2. Shura Sharia Consultancy
    3. SSBs
      1. GCC jurisdictions
      2. member qualifications
      3. opinion differences
      4. SSB model
  209. Kyrgyz Republic
  210. language fluency
  211. Law Harmonising Committee, Malaysia
  212. Law for Usury-Free Banking 1983, Iran
  213. lease ending with ownership financing instrument
  214. Lebanon
  215. legal capacity
  216. legal documents
  217. legal maxims
  218. legal risk
  219. legal schools
  220. legal/regulatory aspects
    1. advisory firms
    2. banking supervisors
    3. character of SSB members
    4. “committed” governance
    5. “engaged” governance
    6. English courts and sharī‘ah
    7. governance approaches
    8. “hands off” governance
    9. institutional arrangements
    10. jurisdictions with known IIFSs
    11. Malaysia
    12. “nominal” governance
    13. “proactive” governance
    14. secular interpretation of sharī‘ah
    15. SSBs
      1. authority of
      2. independence
      3. internal regulation
    16. supervisory characteristics
  221. liability, advisory firms
  222. LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) scandal
  223. licensing, Malaysian banks
  224. loan contracts
  225. London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal
  226. macro maqāimageid
  227. Malaysia
    1. case examples
    2. compliance audits
    3. confidentiality
    4. governance model
    5. history of banking
    6. inah transactions
    7. Islamic Financial Services Act
    8. Law Harmonising Committee
    9. legal/regulatory aspects
    10. operational governance
    11. “proactive” governance
    12. SAC
    13. SGF
    14. sharī‘ah compliance
    15. SSBs
      1. model
      2. opinion differences
      3. regulation
      4. status
      5. titles
    16. see also Bank Negara Malaysia
  228. management
    1. conflict with SSB
    2. ISAF
    3. responsibility to SSB
    4. see also board of directors; senior management
  229. Management Information Systems (MISs)
  230. maqāimageid
    1. classifications
    2. “interests of creation”
    3. micro/macro/universal
    4. objectives
    5. property
  231. market risk
  232. market segments of banking
  233. marketability
  234. marketing material, SSBs
  235. marriage
  236. maimageāliimage mursalah
  237. maimagelaimageah mursalah
  238. Al-Mawardī
  239. meetings of SSBs
    1. attendance of members
    2. decision-making
    3. frequency
    4. minutes
    5. quorum
  240. micro maqāimageid
  241. minors, legal capacity
  242. miscommunication
  243. MISs see Management Information Systems
  244. mission statements
  245. models of SSBs
  246. moderation
  247. Mohammed, Mahathir
  248. monitoring
    1. see also supervision
  249. morality
  250. Mu‘ādh ibn Jabal
  251. muamalah bench, Kuala Lumpur
  252. mufti jurists
  253. Muhammad see prophet Muhammad
  254. al-muhtasib
  255. mukallaf/mukallafūn
    1. acts of
    2. conditions establishing obligation
    3. fiqh
    4. obligation-creating rulings
    5. rights for acts
  256. murabaha transactions
    1. audit forms
    2. English courts
    3. internal control
  257. Musawama sales
  258. Nakajima, Chizu
  259. National Commission on the Causes of the Financial and Economic Crisis, USA
  260. National Sharī‘ah Board, Indonesia
  261. necessities
  262. needs
  263. negligence
  264. “nominal” governance approach
  265. nominating members, SSB
  266. North Sudan
  267. objectives of sharī‘ah
    1. contemporary jurists
    2. embellishments
    3. maqāimageid
    4. necessities
    5. needs
    6. property
  268. objectivity
    1. ISAF
    2. SSB members
  269. obligation-creating rulings
  270. OECD see Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  271. OIC see Organization of Islamic Conference
  272. Oman
    1. CBO
    2. “committed” governance
    3. confidentiality
    4. governance aspects
    5. IBRF
    6. internal sharī‘ah reviewers
    7. nominating/appointing SSB members
    8. sharī‘ah audit
    9. sharī‘ah compliance
    10. sharī‘ah risk
    11. SSBs
      1. “committed” governance
      2. experience of members
      3. GCC jurisdictions
      4. SSB model
      5. status
  273. operational risk
  274. opinions, juristic/SSBs
  275. opportunities (SWOT analysis)
  276. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  277. Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)
  278. organizational independence, SSBs
  279. outsourcing to advisory firms
  280. Pakistan
    1. advisory firms
    2. legal/regulatory framework
    3. SSBs
    4. see also State Bank of Pakistan
  281. Palestine
  282. people risk
    1. disorganization
    2. falsified information
    3. fatwa risk
    4. guideline violations
    5. loss of key players
    6. miscommunication
    7. negligence
    8. resources, insufficient
    9. training, inadequate
    10. unapproved matters
    11. un-segregated duties
  283. performance
  284. permissible actions
  285. Philippines
  286. planning for internal audit
    1. annual audit plan
    2. assessing sharī‘ah risk
    3. defining audit universe
    4. engagement program
    5. strategic planning
  287. planning skills, SSBs
  288. policy development
  289. political governance, role of
  290. poverty
  291. preservation
  292. principles of governance
  293. “proactive” governance approach
  294. processes risk
    1. charity account usage
    2. disclosure, insufficient
    3. fund segregation
    4. inadequate governance/tools
    5. profit distribution
    6. transparency, insufficient
    7. unclear processes
  295. product approval
  296. product development
  297. product review
  298. professional audit bodies
  299. professional conduct/ethics
  300. professional SSBs
  301. profit distribution
  302. promotions
  303. property
    1. good causes
    2. Islamic economics
    3. maqāimageid
    4. sharī‘ah objectives
  304. prophet Muhammad
    1. application of sharī‘ah
    2. hisba system
    3. morality
    4. performing ijtihād
    5. poverty
    6. roots of sharī‘ah
  305. purchasing agent example
  306. Qatar
    1. “engaged” governance
    2. legal/regulatory framework
    3. SSBs
  307. Qatar Central Bank (QCB)
  308. Qatar Financial Center Regulatory Authority (QFCRA)
  309. Qatar Financial Centre (QFC)
  310. QCB see Qatar Central Bank
  311. QFC see Qatar Financial Centre
  312. QFCRA see Qatar Financial Center Regulatory Authority
  313. Qualifications
    1. ISAF staff
    2. SSB members
  314. qualified opinions
  315. quality assurance
  316. Qur’ān
  317. Al-Qurtubi, Muhammad
  318. real estate
  319. realism
  320. reappointments, SSBs
  321. recommended actions
  322. regulatory aspects see legal/regulatory aspects
  323. remuneration, SSBs
  324. replacement, SSB members
  325. reporting
  326. reprehensible actions
  327. reputational risk
  328. research
  329. Resident Shari’ah Board Member (RSBM), Pakistan
  330. resignation, SSB members
  331. responsibilities of SSB members
    1. advising on sharī‘ah matters
    2. audit supervision
    3. chairman
    4. Code of Ethics adherence
    5. collective responsibilities
    6. confidentiality maintenance
    7. contract documents
    8. executive member
    9. fatawa issuance
    10. governance manual endorsement
    11. governance structure reviews
    12. Haron’s functions
    13. individual responsibilities
    14. inquiries, reviewing
    15. meeting attendance
    16. opinions on compliance
    17. product approval
    18. professional conduct
    19. research
    20. Salih’s five functions
    21. training of employees
  332. reviews see sharī‘ah reviews
  333. riba
  334. Rider, Barry
  335. rights for acts
    1. acts of the mukallafūn
    2. eight segments
    3. rights of the Divine
    4. rights of man
  336. risk see individual types; risk…; sharī‘ah risk
  337. ritual worship
  338. roots of sharī‘ah
  339. RSBM see Resident Shari’ah Board Member
  340. rulings of sharī‘ah
  341. SAC see Shariah Advisory Council
  342. Salih, M. A.
  343. Saudi Arabia
  344. SBP see State Bank of Pakistan
  345. SC see Shariah Committee
  346. secular interpretation of sharī‘ah
  347. secular jurisdictions
    1. see also United Kingdom; United States of America
  348. selection, SSB members
  349. senior management
    1. banking supervisors
    2. internal control
    3. sharī‘ah responsibilities
    4. see also board of directors; management
  350. Services Ijarah audit form
  351. SGF see Shariah Governance Framework for Islamic Financial Institutions
  352. Al-Shāfi‘i, Imām
  353. Shamil Bank of Bahrain E.C. v Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Others
  354. shareholders
    1. see also stakeholders
  355. Shares Murabaha/Musawama audit form
  356. sharī‘ah
    1. characteristics
    2. fiqh
    3. ijtihād
    4. Islamic economics
    5. juristic opinions
    6. meaning of
    7. not burdensome
    8. objectives
    9. Qur’ān
    10. revealed laws
    11. roots of
    12. rulings of
    13. sunnah
    14. worshipful acts
  357. Shariah Advisory Council (SAC), Malaysia
    1. conflict resolution
    2. non-GCC jurisdictions
    3. “proactive” governance
  358. sharī‘ah advisory firms
    1. employee training
    2. external audit
    3. inexperienced
    4. internal audit
    5. legal documents
    6. liability
    7. outsourcing functions
    8. product development
    9. regulation
    10. services offered
    11. sharī‘ah supervision
    12. transaction structuring
  359. sharī‘ah audit
    1. advisory firms
    2. ex ante supervision stage
    3. ex-post supervision stage
    4. external
    5. forms
    6. Malaysia
    7. Oman
    8. SSB responsibilities
    9. see also internal sharī‘ah audit function
  360. sharī‘ah audit forms
    1. current accounts
    2. deposit accounts
    3. Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek transactions
    4. investment accounts
    5. Istisna’a transactions
  361. Murabaha agreements
    1. Musawama sales
    2. profit distribution
    3. real estate
    4. Services Ijarah
    5. Shares Murabaha/Musawama
  362. Shariah Committee (SC), Malaysia
  363. sharī‘ah compliance
    1. annual report
    2. bank mission statements
    3. BOD responsibility to SSB
    4. corporate governance
    5. hisba system
    6. IFI need for SSB
    7. Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, Malaysia
    8. Malaysia
    9. Oman
    10. SSB member responsibilities
    11. see also sharī‘ah supervisory boards
  364. Shariah Governance Framework for Islamic Financial Institutions (SGF), Malaysia
  365. sharī‘ah governance manual
    1. banking supervisors
    2. communication
    3. control activities
    4. control culture
    5. employees of ISAF
    6. evaluating control
    7. external audit
    8. information
    9. internal control
    10. ISAF
    11. management audit responsibilities
    12. monitoring activities
    13. risk assessment
    14. risk identification
    15. SSBs
  366. sharī‘ah governance model
  367. sharī‘ah internal control see internal sharī‘ah control
  368. sharī‘ah jurists
    1. see also Islamic jurists
  369. sharī‘ah non-compliance risk, Oman
  370. sharī‘ah references
  371. sharī‘ah reporting
  372. sharī‘ah research team, Malaysia
  373. sharī‘ah reviews
    1. Dubai
    2. Oman
    3. sharī‘ah risk
    4. assessment
    5. BOD/senior management
    6. business units/lines
    7. causes/events
    8. compliance risk
    9. corporate governance
    10. credit risk
    11. definition
    12. external causes
    13. identification
    14. implications
    15. internal causes
    16. internal control
    17. ISAF
    18. legal risk
    19. management
    20. market risk
    21. Oman
    22. reputational risk
    23. senior management
    24. sharī‘ah rulings
    25. declaratory
    26. obligation-creating
    27. subjects of
  374. sharī‘ah secretariat, Malaysia
  375. sharī‘ah supervision
    1. see also banking supervisors; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
  376. sharī‘ah supervision stages
    1. diagram of stages
    2. ex ante stage
    3. ex-post stage
    4. intermediate stage
  377. sharī‘ah supervisory boards (SSBs)
    1. application processes
    2. appointments
    3. authority of
    4. banking supervisors
    5. BOD responsibility
    6. central authority and SSB at IFI model
    7. composition
    8. confidentiality
    9. conflict management
    10. consistency
    11. definitions
    12. disclosure
    13. disqualification of members
    14. Dubai
    15. establishment of
    16. ex ante supervision stage
    17. “fit and proper” criteria
    18. functions of
    19. GCC jurisdictions
    20. governance manual
    21. history of
    22. importance
    23. internal control
    24. internal regulations
    25. key duties of members
    26. key governance guidelines
    27. management responsibilities to
    28. market-driven SSB at IFI model
    29. meetings
    30. models
    31. nature of decisions
    32. nominating members
    33. non-GCC jurisdictions
    34. objectivity
    35. performance evaluation form
    36. purpose of
    37. qualifications of members
    38. regulation
    39. selection of members
    40. sharī‘ah jurists in UK
    41. sharī‘ah references
    42. SSB at Central Bank and IFI model
    43. SSB at IFI model
    44. SSB-free model
    45. status in organization
    46. study on member activities
    47. succession planning
    48. supervisory characteristics
    49. titles
    50. transparency
    51. see also charter, SSB; competence of SSB members; independence of SSBs; individual countries; responsibilities of SSB members
  378. sharī‘ah training see training
  379. Al-Shātibi
  380. Shura Sharia Consultancy, Kuwait
  381. Singapore
  382. skills, SSBs
  383. Sri Lanka
  384. SSBs see sharī‘ah supervisory boards
  385. stability
  386. staff see employees
  387. stages of sharī‘ah supervision
  388. stakeholders
  389. appointments of SSB members
  390. IFI need for SSB
  391. Islamic banks
  392. key stakeholders
  393. shareholders
  394. sharī‘ah governance model
  395. SSB-free models
  396. standard-setting body for SSB-free model
  397. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)
  398. advisory firms
  399. contract documents
  400. establishment of SSBs
  401. SSB members
  402. titles of SSBs
  403. Statement on Governance Principles for Islamic Financial Institutions, AAOFFI
  404. status, SSBs
  405. strengths (SWOT analysis)
  406. succession planning, SSBs
  407. Sudan
  408. Sudin, Haron
  409. Sufi asceticism
  410. sukuk
  411. sunnah
  412. supervision see sharī‘ah supervision; sharī‘ah supervisory boards
  413. SWOT analysis
  414. Syria
  415. systems risk
  416. Takaful Act 1984, Malaysia
  417. tawarruq transactions
  418. technology
  419. terms of agreement, SSB charter
  420. Thailand
  421. threats (SWOT analysis)
  422. time management
  423. titles for SSBs
  424. training
    1. employee sharī‘ah training
    2. inadequate
    3. SSB members
  425. transaction stability
  426. transaction structuring
  427. transparency
  428. tribal law
  429. Tunisia
  430. Turkey
  431. UAE see United Arab Emirates
  432. UK see United Kingdom
  433. unbearable difficulty
  434. unethical practices
  435. unilateral promise example
  436. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
    1. “engaged” governance
    2. legal/regulatory framework
    3. SSBs
  437. United Kingdom (UK)
    1. English courts and sharī‘ah
    2. “hands off” approach
    3. institutional jurisdictions
    4. SSBs
  438. United States of America (USA)
  439. universal maqāimageid
  440. unqualified opinions
  441. unrestricted interests
    1. earnest money example
    2. fatawa issuance
    3. purchasing agent example
    4. unilateral promise example
  442. USA see United States of America
  443. uimageūl al-fiqh
  444. usury
  445. vicegerency
  446. wakala agreements
  447. weaknesses (SWOT analysis)
  448. wealth
  449. working papers, ISAF
  450. worship
    1. morality
    2. property
    3. rituals
    4. worshipful acts
  451. Yemen
  452. Yoghourtdjian, Sarkis
  453. zakāh, Islamic economics
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