Some useful CLI commands

You can use most of those commands both from the actual console and from fs_cli. After each command, press ENTER key.

command meaning
... (three consecutive points) exit fs_cli. If used from console it shutdown FreeSWITCH
ctrl-d exit fs_cli
fsctl shutdown shutdown FreeSWITCH
hupall hangup all calls
fsctl loglevel [0-7] change which log messages are visualized
status tells some basic statistics
version which code base
show channels visualize all call legs one by one, individually
show calls visualize all call legs grouped by complete bridged calls (A+B)
help strangely confusing and overwhelming until you know what it is printing about. Try it yourself!

You will end up using often "fsctl loglevel" command, that allows you to choose the "level" of FreeSWITCH logging. FreeSWITCH server is able to generate an enormous amount of information on its own inner working, most of which is of no interest during normal running. You will normally use a loglevel of 3: all messages categorized as "ERROR" or even more important (eg, level 2, "CRITICAL") are visualized. Many admins like to run their FreeSWITCHes at loglevel 4, visualizing messages starting at level "WARNING". But when you want to understand the cause of a problem, or report a bug, you pump up the loglevel to 7, "DEBUG" and then copy and paste all that will scroll by in your terminal (or that gets written in logfile).

Log lines are by default colorized by loglevel, you will soon train your eyes to spot the red (ERROR or more important) and purple (WARNING) messages from the less disquieting blue (NOTIFY), green (INFO) and yellow (DEBUG) lines.

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