Using memcached

If you're not familiar with memcache(d), it's a wonderful and seemingly obvious way to manage data across distributed systems. Go's built-in channels and goroutines are fantastic to manage communication and data integrity within a single machine's processes, but neither are built for distributed systems out of the box.

Memcached, as the name implies, allows data sharing memory among multiple instances or machines. Initially, memcached was intended to store data for quick retrieval. This is useful for caching data for systems with high turnover such as web applications, but it's also a great way to easily share data across multiple servers and/or to utilize shared locking mechanisms.

In our earlier models, memcached falls under DSM. All available and invoked instances share a common, mirrored memory space within their respective memories.

It's worth pointing out that race conditions can and do exist within memcached, and you still need a way to deal with that. Memcached provides one method to share data across distributed systems, but does not guarantee data atomicity. Instead, memcached operates on one of two methods for invalidating cached data as follows:

  • Data is explicitly assigned a maximum age (after which, it is removed from the stack)
  • Or data is pushed from the stack due to all available memory being used by newer data

It's important to note that storage within memcache(d) is, obviously, ephemeral and not fault resistant, so it should only be used where data should be passed without threat of critical application failure.

At the point where either of these conditions is met, the data disappears and the next call to this data will fail, meaning the data needs to be regenerated. Of course, you can work with some elaborate lock generation methods to make memcached operate in a consistent manner, although this is not standard built-in functionality of memcached itself. Let's look at a quick example of memcached in Go using Brad Fitz's gomemcache interface (

package main

import (

func main() {
     mC := memcache.New("", "", 
       "", "")
     mC.Set(&memcache.Item{Key: "data", Value: []byte("30") })

     dataItem, err := mc.Get("data")

As you might note from the preceding example, if any of these memcached clients are writing to the shared memory at the same time, a race condition could still exist.

The key data can exist across any of the clients that have memcached connected and running at the same time.

Any client can also unset or overwrite the data at any time.

Unlike a lot of implementations, you can set some more complex types through memcached, such as structs, assuming they are serialized. This caveat means that we're somewhat limited with the data we can share directly. We are obviously unable to use pointers as memory locations will vary from client to client.

One method to handle data consistency is to design a master-slave system wherein only one node is responsible for writes and the other clients listen for changes via a key's existence.

We can utilize any other earlier mentioned models to strictly manage a lock on this data, although it can get especially complicated. In the next chapter, we'll explore some ways by which we can build distributed mutual exclusion systems, but for now, we'll briefly look at an alternative option.


An interesting third-party library to handle distributed concurrency that has popped up recently is Petar Maymounkov's Go' circuit. Go' circuit attempts to facilitate distributed coroutines by assigning channels to listen to one or more remote goroutines.

The coolest part of Go' circuit is that simply including the package makes your application ready to listen and operate on remote goroutines and work with channels with which they are associated.

Go' circuit is in use at Tumblr, which proves it has some viability as a large-scale and relatively mature solutions platform.


Go' circuit can be found at

Installing Go' circuit is not simple—you cannot run a simple go get on it—and requires Apache Zookeeper and building the toolkit from scratch.

Once done, it's relatively simple to have two machines (or two processes if running locally) running Go code to share a channel. Each cog in this system falls under a sender or listener category, just as with goroutines. Given that we're talking about network resources here, the syntax is familiar with some minor modifications:

homeChannel := make(chan bool)

circuit.Spawn("",func() {
  homeChannel <- true

for {
  select {
    case response := <- homeChannel:
      fmt.Print("E.T. has phoned home with:",response)


You can see how this might make the communication between disparate machines playing with the same data a lot cleaner, whereas we used memcached primarily as a networked in-memory locking system. We're dealing with native Go code directly here; we have the ability to use circuits like we would in channels, without worrying about introducing new data management or atomicity issues. In fact, the circuit is built upon a goroutine itself.

This does, of course, still introduce some additional management issues, primarily as it pertains to knowing what remote machines are out there, whether they are active, updating the machines' statuses, and so on. These types of issues are best suited for a suite such as Apache Zookeeper to handle coordination of distributed resources. It's worth noting that you should be able to produce some feedback from a remote machine to a host: the circuit operates via passwordless SSH.

That also means you may need to make sure that user rights are locked down and that they meet with whatever security policies you may have in place.


You can find Apache Zookeeper at

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