Chapter 5. Frontend Integration with RESTful APIs

In Chapter 2, Serving and Routing, we explored how to route URLs to the different pages in our web application. In doing so, we built URLs that were dynamic and resulted in dynamic responses from our (very simple) net/http handlers.

We've just scratched the surface of what Go's templates can do, and we'll also explore further topics as we continue, but in this chapter we have tried to introduce the core concepts that are necessary to start utilizing the templates directly.

We've looked at simple variables as well as the implementing methods within the application using the templates themselves. We've also explored how to bypass injection protection for trusted content.

The presentation side of web development is important, but it's also the least engrained aspect. Almost any framework will present its own extension of built-in Go templating and routing syntaxes. What really takes our application to the next level is building and integrating an API for both general data access, as well as allowing our presentation layer to be more dynamically driven.

In this chapter, we'll develop a backend API for accessing information in a RESTful way and to read and manipulate our underlying data. This will allow us to do some more interesting and dynamic things in our templates with Ajax.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Setting up the basic API endpoint
  • RESTful architecture and best practices
  • Creating our first API endpoint
  • Implementing security
  • Creating data with POST
  • Modifying data with PUT

Setting up the basic API endpoint

First, we'll set up a basic API endpoint for both pages and individual blog entries.

We'll create a Gorilla endpoint route for a GET request that will return information about our pages and an additional one that accepts a GUID, which matches alphanumeric characters and hyphens:

routes := mux.NewRouter()
routes.HandleFunc("/api/pages", APIPage).
routes.HandleFunc("/api/pages/{guid:[0-9a-zA\-]+}", APIPage).
routes.HandleFunc("/page/{guid:[0-9a-zA\-]+}", ServePage)
http.Handle("/", routes)
http.ListenAndServe(PORT, nil)

Note here that we're capturing the GUID again, this time for our /api/pages/* endpoint, which will mirror the functionality of the web-side counterpart, returning all meta data associated with a single page.

func APIPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
pageGUID := vars["guid"]
thisPage := Page{}
err := database.QueryRow("SELECT page_title,page_content,page_date FROM pages WHERE page_guid=?", pageGUID).Scan(&thisPage.Title, &thisPage.RawContent, &thisPage.Date)
thisPage.Content = template.HTML(thisPage.RawContent)
if err != nil {
  http.Error(w, http.StatusText(404), http.StatusNotFound)
APIOutput, err := json.Marshal(thisPage)
if err != nil {
  http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
fmt.Fprintln(w, thisPage)

The preceding code represents the simplest GET-based request, which returns a single record from our /pages endpoint. Let's take a look at REST now, and see how we'll structure and implement other verbs and data manipulations from the API.

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