Chapter 7. Microservices and Communication

Our application is beginning to get a little more real now. In the previous chapter, we added some APIs and client-side interfaces to them.

Microservices have become very hot in the last few years, primarily because they reduce the developmental and support weight of a very large or monolithic application. By breaking apart these monoliths, microservices enable a more agile and concurrent development. They can allow separate teams to work on separate parts of the application without worrying too much about conflicts, backwards compatibility issues, or stepping on the toes of other parts of the application.

In this chapter, we'll introduce microservices and explore how Go can work within them, to enable them and even drive their central mechanisms.

To sum this all up, we will be covering the following aspects:

  • Introducing the microservice approach
  • Pros and cons of utilizing microservices
  • Understanding the heart of microservices
  • Communicating between microservices
  • Putting a message on the wire
  • Reading from another service

Introducing the microservice approach

If you've not yet encountered the term microservice or explored its meaning in depth, we can very quickly demystify it. Microservices are, in essence, independent functions of an overall application being broken apart and made accessible via some universally known protocol.

The microservice approach is, usually, utilized to break apart a very large monolithic application.

Imagine your standard web application in the mid-2000s. When new functionality is needed, let's say a function that emails new users, it's added directly to the codebase and integrated with the rest of the application.

As the application grows, so does the necessary test coverage. So, it increases the potential for critical errors too. In this scenario, a critical error doesn't just bring down that component, in this case the e-mailing system; it takes down the entire application.

This can be a nightmare to track down, patch, and re-deploy, and it's exactly the type of nightmare that microservices were designed to address.

If the e-mailing part of the application is separated into its own app, it has a level of isolation and insulation that makes finding problems much easier. It also means that the entire stack doesn't fall down just because someone introduced a critical error into one small part of the whole app, as shown in the following figure:

Introducing the microservice approach

Consider the following basic example architecture, where an application is split into four separate concepts, which represent their own applications in the microservices framework.

Once, every single piece existed in its own application; now they are broken apart into smaller and more manageable systems. Communication between the applications happens via a message queue utilizing REST API endpoints.

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