Protecting against XSS

We've touched briefly upon cross-site scripting and limiting this as a vector makes your application safer for all users, against the actions of a few bad apples. The crux of the issue is the ability for one user to add dangerous content that will be shown to users without scrubbing out the aspects that make it dangerous.

Ultimately you have a choice here—sanitize the data as it comes in or sanitize the data as you present it to other users.

In other words, if someone produces a block of comment text that includes a script tag, you must take care to stop that from ever being rendered by another user's browser. You can choose to save the raw HTML and then strip all, or only the sensitive tags on the output rendering. Or, you can encode it as it's entered.

There's no right answer; however, you may discover value in following the former approach, where you accept anything and sanitize the output.

There is risk with either, but this approach allows you to keep the original intent of the message should you choose to change your approach down the road. The downside is that of course you can accidentally allow some of this raw data to slip through unsanitized:


The first function will take the data and remove the formatting of the HTML to produce a plaintext version of the message input by a user.

The second function will do something similar but for JavaScript-specific values. You can test these very easily with a quick script similar to the following example:

package main

import (

func HTMLHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  input := r.URL.Query().Get("input")
  fmt.Fprintln(w, input)

func HTMLHandlerSafe(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  input := r.URL.Query().Get("input")
  input = template.HTMLEscapeString(input)
  fmt.Fprintln(w, input)

func JSHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  input := r.URL.Query().Get("input")
  fmt.Fprintln(w, input)

func JSHandlerSafe(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  input := r.URL.Query().Get("input")
  input = template.JSEscapeString(input)
  fmt.Fprintln(w, input)

func main() {
  router := mux.NewRouter()
  router.HandleFunc("/html", HTMLHandler)
  router.HandleFunc("/js", JSHandler)
  router.HandleFunc("/html_safe", HTMLHandlerSafe)
  router.HandleFunc("/js_safe", JSHandlerSafe)
  http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router)

If we request from the unsafe endpoint, we'll get our data back:

Protecting against XSS

Compare this with /html_safe, which automatically escapes the input, where you can see the content in its sanitized form:

Protecting against XSS

None of this is foolproof, but if you choose to take input data as the user submits it, you'll want to look at ways to relay that information on resulting display without opening up other users to XSS.

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