Implementing reverse proxies

As we know by now, unlike a lot of languages, Go comes with a complete and mature web server platform with net/http.

Of late, some other languages have been shipped with small toy servers intended for local development, but they are not intended for production. In fact, many specifically warn against it. Some common ones are WEBrick for Ruby, Python's SimpleHTTPServer, and PHP's -S. Most of these suffer from concurrency issues that prevent them from being viable choices in production.

Go's net/http is different; by default, it handles these issues with aplomb out of the box. Obviously, much of this depends on the underlying hardware, but in a pinch you could use it natively with success. Many sites are using net/http to serve non-trivial amounts of traffic.

But even strong underlying web servers have some inherent limitations:

  • They lack failover or distributed options
  • They have limited caching options upstream
  • They cannot easily load balance the incoming traffic
  • They cannot easily concentrate on centralized logging

This is where a reverse proxy comes into play. A reverse proxy accepts all the incoming traffic on behalf of one or more servers and distributes it by applying the preceding (and other) options and benefits. Another example is URL rewriting, which is more applicable for underlying services that may not have built-in routing and URL rewriting.

There are two big advantages of throwing a simple reverse proxy in front of your web server, such as Go; they are caching options and the ability to serve static content without hitting the underlying application.

One of the most popular options for reverse proxying sites is Nginx (pronounced Engine-X). While Nginx is a web server itself, it gained acclaim early on for being lightweight with a focus on concurrency. It quickly became the frontend du jour for front line defense of a web application in front of an otherwise slower or heavier web server, such as Apache. The situation has changed a bit in recent years, as Apache has caught up in terms of concurrency options and utilization of alternative approaches to events and threading. The following is an example of a reverse proxy Nginx configuration:

server {
  listen 80;
  root /var/;
  index index.html index.htm;

  large_client_header_buffers 4 16k;

  # Make site accessible from http://localhost/
  server_name localhost

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


With this in place, make sure that your Go app is running on port 8080 and restart Nginx. Requests to http//:port 80 will be served through Nginx as a reverse proxy to your application. You can check this through viewing headers or in the Developer tools in your browser:

Implementing reverse proxies

Remember that we wish to support TLS/SSL whenever possible, but providing a reverse proxy here is just a matter of changing the ports. Our application should run on another port, likely a nearby port for clarity and then our reverse proxy would run on port 443.

As a reminder, any port is legal for HTTP or HTTPS. However, when a port is not specified, the browsers automatically direct to 443 for secure connections. It's as simple as modifying the nginx.conf and our app's constant:

server {
  listen 443;
  location / {
     proxy_pass http://localhost:444;

Lets see how to modify our application as shown in the following code:

const (
  DBHost  = ""
  DBPort  = ":3306"
  DBUser  = "root"
  DBPass  = ""
  DBDbase = "cms"
  PORT    = ":444"

This allows us to pass through SSL requests with a frontend proxy.


On many Linux distributions, you'll need SUDO or root privileges to use ports below 1000.

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