Downloading and installing a plugin

In addition to browsing through the plugins in the Marketplace tab, you can also use the search bar at the top of the window to find specific plugins. For example, if I'd like to search for more themes for my PyCharm, I type in theme in the search bar and hit Enter, which return the following results:

Searching for specific plugins

By the way, to be able to search for the plugins in a more extensive and exhaustive way, we can head to, which contains more categories and searching capabilities for PyCharm plugins. Specifically, we can browse through the list of plugins on the website in a web browser, and once we have decided on which plugin we would like to install, we can go back to PyCharm and start the process.

Now, let's try installing one of these plugins. Here, I'm choosing to install the first and most popular plugin theme in PyCharm: Material Theme UI. After clicking on the Install button, the downloading process will start. Once the source code for a plugin has been downloaded, we in most cases need to restart PyCharm so that the plugin can be used upon the reboot. The Restart IDE button is typically included next to the plugin as follows:

Restarting PyCharm after installing a plugin

If you are following my example and installing the theme for yourself, once PyCharm relaunches itself, we will have to go through a couple of steps and options to set up the theme. Once this process finishes, we can see that the theme starts taking effect in PyCharm.

For example, the following is a screenshot from my PyCharm workspace after this Material Theme has taken effect, which has an entirely different feel from the regular theme:

Material Theme in PyCharm

For most of the other plugins, we can simply start using them upon restarting PyCharm. This is the case for the various plugins we have seen throughout this book, such as the CSV viewer and PyCharm code cell plugins.

Finally, as the last topic of this section, we will see how we can update or uninstall a plugin in PyCharm.

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