Chapter 7

  1. HTML is responsible for specifying the actual content and the general structure of a web page. In an HTML file, individual elements are included inside tags, which are a way to specify the type of content each element contains. For example, HTML tags can be <p></p> for paragraphs, <table></table> for tables, or <li></li> for lists.
  2. CSS is used to customize the visual aspects of the content of a given web page. A typically CSS file, similar to HTML, contains separate sections, each specifying how an HTML element should be styled.
  3. JavaScript is typically used to process and manipulate data and feed it to the HTML code that is responsible for displaying that data. Being a programming language, JavaScript allows web developers to implement object-oriented development ideas, specifically classes.

    JavaScript is extremely popular among web projects due to its ability to integrate and work with HTML/CSS, as well as other web development tools, so well.
  1. There are two methods we can use to include a stylesheet or a script within an HTML file while using PyCharm:
    • Manually create a corresponding HTML tag and point it to the stylesheet or the script in question. This method is supported by the code completion features of PyCharm.
    • Drag and drop the stylesheet or the script from the directory tree (in the Project panel) directly into the HTML file in the editor. PyCharm will automatically create an appropriate tag pointing to the dropped file.
  2. With Emmet, web developers can enter shorthand for HTML and CSS code and it will be converted into actual code. This allows for faster writing and editing. Emmet is not a part of the Python web development process or the PyCharm IDE. It is simply a general toolkit that can be installed and utilized in web projects.

    However, since Emmet is such as powerful and widely used tool, PyCharm offers full support in its web development projects. Additionally, you can configure the behavior of Emmet within PyCharm by going to the general settings and navigating to Editor > Emmet.
  3. A Python-native debugging session with all of its features (which were discussed in Chapter 6, Seamless Testing, Debugging, and Profiling) can also be applied to a JavaScript application. This includes breakpoints, stepping functions, and watchers.
    Furthermore, PyCharm creates a local server to execute the web application so that developers can debug their applications in an appropriate environment.
  4. LiveEdit is a PyCharm feature that updates the web page for you automatically every time there is a change in the source code. This is quite a useful feature as it will save web developers significant time from having to manually reload a web page. The feature is nicely integrated into PyCharm's debugging functionalities.
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