Other libraries to explore

So far, we have seen different types of 2D and 3D visualization techniques using matplotlib and seaborn. Apart from these widely used Python libraries, there are other libraries that you can explore:

  • Ploty (https://plot.ly/python/): This is a web-application-based toolkit for visualization. Its API for Jupyter Notebook and other applications makes it very powerful to represent 2D and 3D charts.
  • Ggplot (http://ggplot.yhathq.com/): This is a Python implementation based on the Grammar of Graphics library from the R programming language.
  • Altair (https://altair-viz.github.io/): This is built on the top of the powerful Vega-Lite visualization grammar and follows very declarative statistical visualization library techniques. In addition to that, it has a very descriptive and simple API.

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