Model training

The gensim.models.Word2vec class implements the SG and CBOW architectures introduced previously. The Word2vec notebook contains additional implementation detail.

To facilitate memory-efficient text ingestion, the LineSentence class creates a generator from individual sentences contained in the provided text file:

sentence_path = Path('data', 'ngrams', f'ngrams_2.txt')
sentences = LineSentence(sentence_path)

The Word2vec class offers the configuration options previously introduced:

model = Word2vec(sentences,
sg=1, # 1=skip-gram; otherwise CBOW
hs=0, # hier. softmax if 1, neg. sampling if 0
size=300, # Vector dimensionality
window=3, # Max dist. btw target and context word
min_count=50, # Ignore words with lower frequency
negative=10, # noise word count for negative sampling
workers=8, # no threads
iter=1, # no epochs = iterations over corpus
alpha=0.025, # initial learning rate
min_alpha=0.0001 # final learning rate

The notebook shows how to persist and reload models to continue training, or how to store the embedding vectors separately, for example, for use in ML models.

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