Congratulations! The end of this book marks the end of one of the exciting stepping stones in your journey to persuasive presenting. In many ways, it also signifies the beginning of the rest of your journey. How exciting!

By reading this book, you have demonstrated your commitment, desire, and motivation to improve your ability to present your ideas at work more persuasively and impressively. Now it's time to seize as many opportunities as possible to present! Rise up and be who you were born to be. Step up and make the most of opportunities that arise for you. You no longer have any reason to delegate the presentation to someone else, or to present without engaging, inspiring and compelling your audience to action. Please let go now of any old habits that have caused you to be a nervous, or egocentric, self-focused presenter in the past.

I encourage you to take even further ownership of your new wisdom, so your learning journey is as productive as possible and you always present with confidence, clarity and charisma!

Here are some suggestions for continuing your learning:

  • Find as many opportunities to present as possible.
  • Integrate your learning into as many different aspects of your life as possible, such as at work and home, and in your sporting clubs, hobby groups, emails, phone calls, meetings and formal presentations (online or in person).
  • Use your new skills every day in your life and conversations, particularly the pacing and leading pattern. It's how to get more of what you want.
  • Keep this book handy and refer to it where necessary.
  • Teach others what you now know. Colleagues, friends, and family need these skills too. And if you have children, teaching them is a great place to start! Imagine the power of knowing everything in this book from childhood!

And if you're keen to access some more knowledge from me, you can do so via the following:

  • joining me at one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses
  • downloading the free resources that have been specifically designed to help you
  • subscribing to my monthly ezine, also called How to Present, and packed full of techniques and tips for results-focused presenting
  • reading my comprehensive blog, which is filled with tips for presenting and persuading in business

You can access more information on all of these options by visiting my website at

If you'd like to delve further into the area of persuasion, please check out my other book How to Persuade: The skills you need to get what you want (also published by Wiley).

Remember — when you implement any or all of the suggestions outlined in this book, you will continue to improve your ability to achieve results through your presentations.

Most importantly, please do contact me with your stories of success, and to tell me all about how you achieved exciting results through improving your presentation skills! I would love to know you and hear from you. Connect with me via my website or on LinkedIn ( — and be sure to ask me your questions and update me on your successes so I can see how you are going!

Happy presenting!

Michelle Bowden

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