At two times in your life, you are totally alone: just before you die and just before you give a speech or presentation.

You have to admit, those moments before you're called to the front of the room or up on stage to address a crowd can be absolutely frightening.

Yet it doesn't have to be this way.

It seems hard to believe, but some people not only are not scared of presenting, but actually delight in it.

There are people who don't ‘um' and ‘ah' their way clumsily through a presentation. These people deliver their point eloquently and effortlessly. And there are people who mesmerise with their words.

And here's the crucial point: these folks weren't born superb orators. They didn't pop out of the womb with a microphone and some opening gags. They learned to speak brilliantly, step by step.

And so can you.

It's certainly a skill worth mastering. Those who can present well often earn more, get promoted faster and get their way more often. In our fast-moving world, it's usually those who can package their thoughts beautifully who get all the rewards.

So it seems you have two choices. Either hide your light under the proverbial bushel, or take the oratorical bull by the horns and learn this speaking game once and for all.

Choose the latter and your challenge becomes simple: finding an awesome teacher. Why is that so simple? Because you're already holding one in your hands.

Michelle Bowden's book is a masterwork of the field. She knows not only everything there is to know about presenting eruditely, entertainingly and potently, but also how to teach her gems of knowledge in a way that's fun and that stays with you when you communicate in life.

So if you've ever yearned to wow them in the aisles and have them hang on your every word, congratulations — you've found the book that can help you do just that.

Learn its priceless lessons, and you'll soon be giving speeches that leave others speechless.

Siimon Reynolds

Entrepreneur, author and professional speaker

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