
Please don’t read this entire book. After all, the main reason you picked it up is that you need to find some time. Parts of this book will jump out at you – these are the ones that will save you most time. Other ideas may not be for you; don’t feel like you have to read every bit just because it’s there. So, with brevity in mind, let’s get straight to it and learn how to speed read any book and quickly get to the bits you need.

Three words:


You can skim through this book in minutes. Some parts are going to grab your attention, others are going to engage you for a second before your brilliant brain decides it’s not for you right now and it’s time to move on.

You have the ability to sift through huge amounts of information and decide what’s important and what’s not. Trust your intuition and you’ll quickly see where you need to start.

Next – actually start. It doesn’t matter where, it just matters that you start somewhere and test out a few of the 200-plus ideas found in this book.

The guarantee

I’m certain that you’ll find enough ideas in this book to help you to save an hour every day. In fact I’m so certain I’m going to guarantee it.

Here’s how it works. If after you’ve read this book you don’t believe you have discovered enough ideas to save an extra hour every day, then send the book and your receipt to me and I’ll personally send you a refund. Further details can be found on the very last page of this book.

How to get the best out of this book

There are several ways to improve your level of fitness. You could do it gradually over a few months, starting with a nice slow walk, gently building up to jogging and then longer runs. Or you could go to an intensive military-style boot camp, experience some pain and maybe even discomfort, but see real results in days and a total transformation in a matter of weeks. The same can be said for learning how to save an hour every day.

This book gives you choice, but choose you must. Please don’t expect to find your hour a day in a week if you’re only prepared to do the easy stuff and flick through the rest. I have high expectations of you. I know you can do it but only if you are prepared to immerse yourself in these ideas and really test them out.

As I said at the start of this introduction, you don’t have to read this entire book. Use the ‘skim, sift, start’ technique to decide where you want to start. But just reading How to Save an Hour Every Day isn’t enough. As I’ve said in every book I’ve written . . .

The secret isn’t in the knowing – it’s in the doing!

The Time Lock Art_xv

At the foot of every right-hand page you’ll see a simple lock with a clock face where you can lock in and log how much time you are saving.

To use the Time Lock effectively, convert each of your chosen time-saving ideas into ‘minutes saved per day’. For example, if an idea finds you an hour each week then write it in the Time Lock as 8 minutes (60 minutes / 7 days = 8 minutes per day).

Remember, the goal is to save an hour every day so record every minute you save and you’ll soon discover you have not just found an hour, you’ve found a bunch of bonus minutes too. And at the back of the book you’ll find space to write your own additional ideas that spring to mind. See if you can fill this space as you read.

How I came up with the ideas in this book

(You don’t need to read this bit.)

About 10 years ago I realised my time management could be a whole lot better. I needed a course, a book or a programme that was going to help.

I attended some courses, listened to audio programmes and read several books and came to a shocking conclusion. Most time management programmes are designed for people who are already good at managing time! Some time management systems require a degree in Pure Mathematics just to complete the necessary forms and equations! I’m a simple bloke – I need simple ideas.

So I did what I’ve always done and asked people for their ideas, I adapted classic concepts and tested out a number of ideas of my own. The result was a two-day training programme packed with ideas that were guaranteed to help you save an hour every day. The only challenge – the people who needed it the most didn’t have the time to attend!

The next plan was to reduce it to a single day – same problem.

Finally I discovered a way to teach the ideas in just half a day. The events were a hit and to date thousands of people have benefited from them. But thousands isn’t enough, and when you have a goal to positively influence millions of lives (as I do), then a book is the best way to reach many, many more people – people just like you – in a way that means you can pick up ideas as and when you have a few spare minutes.

After How to Save an Hour Every Day was commissioned, I asked the members of my online community,, if they had any time-saving ideas to add to the mix. Some were brilliant and have made it onto the pages which follow and there’s a name check and thank you to everyone who shared their ideas.

I have (where possible) credited the source where an individual has created an idea. If I’ve not credited your original idea I apologise. Please get in touch so that I can include you as the originator in subsequent editions.

Finally, if you have an idea you’d love to share, please send it to me. If it’s a goody we’ll put it on our website and include it in the next edition of How to Save an Hour Every Day.

There’s one extra reason why this book was written. I know that the ideas here will transform your life. But only if you work on them.

That’s why the first chapter focuses you on . . .

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