DFSMShsm full volume dump
DFSMShsm (Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM)) is enhanced to support full volume dump (FVD) to, and restore from, cloud object storage. These full volume backups can be used to repair or recover a production environment that is corrupted either by a system failure, a human error, or compromised either by a cyberattack or internal fraud.
This chapter discusses answers to the following questions:
Which use cases are appropriate for HSM FVDs?
Which preparation steps do you need to consider?
How to implement HSM FVD to cloud object storage?
How you can manage your backups in the cloud?
How to restore a dump from the cloud target?
Note: At the time of writing, data set level restore from an FVD copy in cloud object storage is not supported. If you must restore individual data sets, you can restore the volume, use ICKDSF to condition the volume, bring it online, and then copy the data sets by using physical data set COPY.
The data flow and the way HSM FVDs are stored in the cloud are described in Chapter 3, “Transparent Cloud Tiering” on page 19, where you also can find the supported cloud targets.
For more information about how to configure those cloud targets, including the IBM TS7700, see Chapter 6, “Configuring the IBM DS8000 for Transparent Cloud Tiering” on page 49.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Note: At the time of writing, the PTFs for APAR OA60278, which support HSM Full Volume Dump and CDACREDS, are not available because a problem was discovered. If you intend to use these functions, check for the availability of APAR OA64130, which will fix the issue.
12.1 DFSMShsm full volume dump for Transparent Cloud Tiering overview
To support the HSM FVD enhancement, the DEFINE DUMPCLASS command parameter was updated with a new option that is called CLOUD (cloud_network_connection_name) to indicate that the FVD should be directed to the specified cloud object storage. The cloud_network_connection_name parameter is the name of a defined SMS network connection construct.
When designated with CLOUD dump classes, HSM FVD commands and auto-dump functions invoke DFSMSdss to store FVD copies in cloud object storage. When the dump copy is in cloud object storage, HSM full volume recover commands invoke DFSMSdss to restore full volumes from cloud object storage.
Note: At the time of writing, HSM FVD is not enabled by default. You enable it by using the HSM patch PATCH .ARCCVT.+5D7 BITS(1.......). Add this patch to the HSM startup parmlib member ARCCMDxx to make it permanent.
With the patch, you can control the timing of activation. The patch is not intended to be an enable and disable switch. After you use the patch, do not turn off the patch without doing the following actions:
Remove all the dump copies in the cloud from the HSM inventory.
Alter all the dump classes to go to a target tape instead of the cloud.
Remove the cloud definition from HSM by using the setsys cloud(name(…) command.
12.1.1 DFSMShsm full volume dump use cases
You can implement HSM FVD to cover the following use cases:
Use the IBM Db2 BACKUP SYSTEM utility to take volume-level copies of data and logs for a non-data sharing Db2 subsystem or a Db2 data sharing group and off load them to th cloud.
Create point-in-time (PiT) volume copies by using HSM FVD.
Note: if you plan to use the Db2 BACKUP SYSTEM utility, all the Db2 data sets must be on Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS) managed volumes.
12.1.2 The DUMPCLASS attribute and how it works
HSM manages volume dumps by using dump classes. A dump class is a HSM-named set of characteristics that describe how volume dumps are managed.
Dump class names can be specified in the SMS storage groups, copy pools, and on the ADDVOL PRIMARY command for non-SMS managed volumes, which indicates which dump classes the auto-dump function should use and how many dump copies are made when the dump occurs.
The DUMPCLASS(class) parameter can be specified on the FVD command when processing SMS or non-SMS volumes, as shown in Example 12-1 on page 117 and Example 12-2 on page 117.
Example 12-1 DUMPCLASS BACKVOL command example
Example 12-2 DUMPCLASS RECOVER command example
12.1.3 Containers
By default, a new container is created at 92-day intervals when volumes are dumped to cloud object storage. You can change the default value for DMP containers to an alternative value. Example 12-3 shows the PATCH command to change the default from 92 to 122 days.
Example 12-3 Changing the default container creation period for DMP containers
The container naming rules are like the ones for HSM migration (see 9.2, “Cloud container management” on page 92). The dump copy container naming syntax is shown in Example 12-4.
Example 12-4 Default DFSMShsm dump container syntax
The container names consist of the following parts:
SYSZARC is constant.
HSMplexname is the defined HSMplex name.
DMP is constant for FVD.
yyyy is the four-digit year of the dump date stamp.
ddd is the Julian day of the dump date stamp.
hash is a random container name suffix.
Example 12-5 shows an example dump container name.
Example 12-5 DFSMShsm dump container name
Note: HSM specifies the container name in the CONTAINER keyword on the DFSMSdss DUMP and RESTORE commands.
12.1.4 Objects
For FVD to cloud object storage support, the volume metadata and extent tracks are stored in separate objects within the same cloud and organized under a pseudo-directory structure. The HSM base object name for a cloud dump copy follows a similar naming convention as the one for tape dump data sets. The dump data set name is passed to DFSMSdss in the OBJPFX keyword of the volume DUMP and RESTORE commands. Currently, a dump data set on tape is named by using the syntax that is shown in Example 12-6.
Example 12-6 Syntax of the object naming convention
The object naming convention consists of the following parts:
prefix is the prefix that is specified with the SETSYS BACKUPPREFIX command.
DMP is constant.
dclass is the dump class name.
V is constant.
volser is the source volume serial number.
D is constant.
yy is the last 2 digits of the year of the dump timestamp.
ddd is the Julian day of the dump timestamp.
T is constant.
ssmmhh is the time in seconds, minutes, and hours.
Example 12-7 Object name example
12.1.5 Automatic dump
SMS storage group and copy pools can be dumped by using the auto-dump function. if Auto Dump = Y is specified in the storage group or copy pool construct, DFSMShsm uses the dump classes that are specified for the corresponding storage group or copy pool auto-dump processing.
Non-SMS managed volumes can be dumped with the auto-dump function when the volumes are identified to the DFSMShsm hosts by specifying the AUTODUMP(dclass_name1, dclass_name2, ..., dclass_name5) parameter on the ADDVOL command.
When a dump class is defined with CLOUD(cloud_network_connection_name), the associated storage groups, copy pool, or HSM-managed volumes are dumped to specific cloud object storage by auto-dump processing.
During dump processing, HSM allows a single dump class to be used if it designates CLOUD. Therefore, the auto-dump and dump class specifications should avoid having mixed CLOUD or TAPE or multiple CLOUD dump classes that run on the same day in the cycle for a storage group, copy pool, or volume. If a volume is dumped to cloud object storage, only that CLOUD dump class should be eligible to run for the storage group, copy pool, or volume. If multiple dump classes are eligible to be dumped and at least one of them targets CLOUD, HSM does the following tasks:
CLOUD or TAPE dump classes:
 – Dump to all the eligible TAPE dump classes.
 – Skip CLOUD dump classes and issue a message. Storage groups or volumes were not dumped to CLOUD due to multiple eligible dump classes.
Note: The storage administrator can issue the BACKVOL DUMP(DUMPCLASS(dclass_name)) command to dump to the missed dump classes. A single CLOUD dump class can be specified on each command.
Multiple CLOUD dump classes and no TAPE dump classes:
 – Dump to the first CLOUD dump class.
 – Fail the rest of the dump classes and issue a message.
Note: The storage administrator can issue the BACKVOL(DCLASS(dclass_name)) command to dump to the missed dump classes.
12.1.6 Expiring dump copies
Deletion of expired dump copies occurs in phase 1 of auto-dump processing on the primary host. In tape dumps, the status of the dump containing the deleted copies is changed from expired to available if they remain under HSM control. The cloud dump copies also can be deleted by using the new DDELETE and the existing FRDELETE commands.
Automatic dump expiration is performed at the dump class level for copy pool volumes. The last dump copy is never deleted during expiration processing or version roll-off. It is deleted only when done so by a command:
Use FRDELETE to delete the last dump class for a copy pool version.
Use the LIST DUMPVOLUME command with the SELECT(EXPIRED) option to get a list of expired dumps. Then, issue DELVOL commands with the LASTCOPY option for the associated dump volumes.
Use the LIST PRIMARYOVLUME(srcvol) ALLDUMPS BCDS command to get dump copy information. Then, issue the DDELETE command with the LASTCOPY option to delete a non-copy pool cloud dump copy.
12.1.7 Deleting empty dump containers
Empty DMP container deletion runs at the end of dump cleanup (phase 4). Automatic dump cleanup on a primary host scans for inactive empty DFSMShsm DMP containers and deletes them. A dump container within the current creation period is considered active and is not deleted.
12.2 Setting up a DFSMShsm full volume dump to cloud object storage
This section describes the following topics:
12.2.1 Defining a DFSMS cloud network
As described in Chapter 3, “Transparent Cloud Tiering” on page 19, DFSMS and HSM need a connection to cloud object storage to store and retrieve metadata objects and manage the dump copies.
For more information about how to define cloud object storage targets for DFSMS in a panel of the Interactive Storage Management Facility (ISMF) interface, see 7.4, “Creating a DFSMS cloud network connection by using ISMF” on page 70.
Note: You may use an existing cloud network because unique containers are created separately from the volume dump objects of your existing migration objects.
12.2.2 Defining DUMPCLASS
The new optional CLOUD subparameter was added to the DEFINE DUMPCLASS command to specify that the associated volumes should be offloaded to cloud object storage. The cloud_network_connection_name parameter is the name of a defined SMS network connection construct. The syntax and an example of the DEFINE DUMPCLASS are shown in Example 12-8 and Example 12-9.
Example 12-8 Syntax of the DEFINE DUMPCLASS command
DEFINE DUMPCLASS(class CLOUD(cloud_network_connection_name))
Example 12-9 DEFINE DUMPCLASS CLOUD example
In Example 12-9, dump class TCTDMPC represents the class whose copies are kept in cloud object storage, and TS7700SYNC represents the name of the SMS network connection construct.
Note: If the specified name does not exactly match what is in the SMS definition, DEFINE DUMPCLASS fails.
The following parameters are not applicable when the dump copy is in the cloud object storage because these meetings apply to dump tape volumes:
For more information about the DUMPCLASS optional parameters, see DUMPCLASS: Adding or changing a volume dump class.
12.2.3 Defining a copy pool
HSM manages the usage of volume-level fast replication functions, such as FlashCopy and snapshot. These functions provide PiT copy services that can quickly copy data from a source location to a target location. Using a copy pool, you can specify the pool storage groups that you want HSM to process collectively for fast replication.
Each pool storage group in a copy pool contains the name of the associated target copy pool backup storage group. A copy pool backup storage group is a type of SMS storage group that contains eligible target volumes that HSM can select for fast replication backup versions.
For more information about defining a copy pool by using ISMF, see Defining a copy pool.
Note: It is a best practice that you create copy pools for cloud dumps. If you already have copy pools that are defined in your environment, you can use the same characteristics as the existing copy pools.
Be sure to specify the cloud-based dump class as defined in your DEFINE DUMPCLASS.
12.3 Dumping to cloud object storage
Volumes can be dumped to the cloud either by command or during the automatic dump process. The following sections explain how you can manage your volumes for manual and automatic dump.
12.3.1 Command-driven dump
There are no changes to the BACKVOL command syntax. The cloud-defined dump classes provide all the necessary information.
Example 12-10 shows a sample of the BACKVOL VOLUMES command with a cloud-defined dump class.
Example 12-10 HSEND BACKVOL VOLUMES command example
Example 12-11 shows a sample of the BACKVOL Storage Group command with a cloud-defined dump class.
Example 12-11 HSEND BACKVOL SG command example
Example 12-12 shows a sample of the BACKVOL PRIMARY command with a cloud-defined dump class. This command causes HSM to back up every volume that is identified to it as a primary volume by the ADDVOL command, and not only those volumes with the AUTOBACKUP attribute.
Example 12-12 HSEND BACKVOL PRIMARY command example
12.3.2 Automatic dump
There are no changes that are needed for an automatic dump to cloud object storage. The Dump class indicates when a cloud object storage should be targeted. Both SMS and non-SMS volumes are supported for automatic dump.
Note: When cloud is targeted, only a single dump class may be specified. Automatic dump dumps to the first class and skips the others. For more information, see 12.1.5, “Automatic dump” on page 118.
12.4 Restoring from cloud object storage
The HSM full volume recover command invokes DFSMSdss to restore (retrieve) full volumes from cloud object storage. Common recover queue (CVQ) supports full volume restore from cloud object storage.
12.4.1 RECOVER
There are no changes to the RECOVER command syntax for this enhancement. RECOVER FROMDUMP processing is updated to support full volume restore from cloud object storage. Here are examples of ways to restore a full volume from a dump copy.
Example 12-13 shows a RECOVER FROMDUMP DUMPCLASS command.
Example 12-14 shows a RECOVER FROMDUMP DATE command.
Example 12-14 RECOVER FROMDUMP DATE example
12.5 Additional operational commands
This section covers additional commands that were added or updated to support HSM FVD to cloud object storage, which includes the new DDELETE command to explicitly delete cloud dump copies, and the LIST command, which is updated to include cloud information for dump copies.
12.5.1 DDELETE
The DDELETE command allows the deletion of dumps that are associated to individual volumes or to entire storage groups.
Note: The DDELETE command is intended for occasional cloud dump copy deletion. It is not designed for bulk deletion. Use automatic dump expiration to manage dumps and delete empty dump containers instead.
Do not issue DDELETE commands when automatic dump is active.
With DDELETE STORAGEGROUP, you specify a storage group with the dump copies that you want to delete, as shown in Example 12-15.
Example 12-15 DDELETE STORAGEGROUP syntax
HSEND DDELETE STORAGEGROUP(storage_group_name) DATE(yyyy/mm/dd)
With DDELETE VOLUMES, you specify the volumes with the dump copies that you want to delete, as shown in Example 12-16.
Example 12-16 DDELETE VOLUMES syntax
HSEND DDELETE VOLUMES(volser) DATE(yyyy/mm/dd) TIME(hhmmss)
With DATE and TIME, you specify the particular cloud dump copy to delete:
DATE(yyyy/mm/dd) alone is used to delete the cloud dump copy of specified STORAGEGROUP volumes. The oldest dump that is generated on the specified date is deleted.
DATE(yyyy/mm/dd) and TIME(hhmmss) are used together to delete the cloud dump copy of a specified volume. The dump that is generated on the specified date and time is deleted.
Note: DATE and TIME are required when the VOLUMES parameter is specified. TIME cannot be specified when the STORAGEGROUP parameter is specified.
LASTCOPY is an optional parameter that must be specified to delete the last valid dump copy of a source volume, as shown in Example 12-17. LASTCOPY is ignored if it is not part of the only copy.
Example 12-17 DDELETE LASTCOPY syntax
HSEND DDELETE STORAGEGROUP(storage_group_name) DATE(yyyy/mm/dd) LASTCOPY
12.5.2 LIST
The LIST command is updated to include cloud information for dump copies. You can use LIST to display information about the status of your dump copies.
The LIST COPYPOOL, LIST CLOUD, and LIST DUMPCLASS outputs are updated to display cloud information for dump copies in cloud object storage. The syntax of these commands has not changed.
Example 12-18 shows the syntax of the LIST COPYPOOL command. CPX is the name of the SMS-defined copy pool.
Example 12-18 LIST COPYPOOL command example
Example 12-19 shows the syntax of the LIST CLOUD command. TS7700SYNC is the name of a defined SMS cloud network connection.
Example 12-19 LIST CLOUD command example
Example 12-20 shows the syntax of the LIST DUMPCLASS command. TCTDMPC is the name of the defined dump class.
Example 12-20 LIST DUMPCLASS command example
For more information about the LIST command and its subparameters, see LIST command: Listing information from the MCDS, BCDS, and OCDS.
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