Equation (5.62) can be written in a matrix form as


where y is the measurement vector, x is the image vector, and A is a M × N projection matrix.

5.4.2Algebraic Reconstruction Technique

Theoretically, if the inverse matrix of the matrix A in eq. (5.63) could be obtained, then the image vector x could be calculated from the measurement vector y. In practice, to obtain high-quality images, both M and N should be at least the order of 105. Therefore, A is normally a very large matrix. Taking an image of 256 × 256 as an example, to solve eq. (5.63), the numbers of rays should be equal to or bigger than the numbers of pixels in images, so M × N ≈ 4.3 × 109. To put a matrix of such size totally inside the computer does already present a challenge. In addition, it has been proved that to compute the inverse of a matrix with D elements, the required computation time is proportional to D3/2. For a 256 × 256 image, the required computation time will attend around 2.8 × 1014. This is another challenge for the power of computer.

In practice, iterative techniques are often used to solve this problem. Algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) is a simple and typical iterative method. In its first step, an image vector x(0) is initialized. The following iterative equation is then applied


where is a vector and “•” denotes the inner product. In an iterative step, the current iterate x(k) is updated to x(k + 1) by taking into account only a single ray and updating only the values of the pixels that intersect this ray. The difference between the measurement yi and the pseudo-projection data is redistributed among the pixels (along the i-th ray) proportionally to their weight aij.

ART uses an iterative procedure for each ray. It avoids the direct computation for inverse matrix, so the computation time is reduced. It also reduces the storage requirement as in each iteration only one line data in a matrix are utilized.

5.4.3Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique

Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) is an improvement of ART. ART uses the ray-by-ray fashion to iteratively update the reconstruction, that is, for each time a ray is computed, all pixel values related to this ray are updated. On the other side, SART makes the combined consideration of all rays related to a particular projection angle, that is, all measurements obtained from all rays passing through the same pixel are combined to update the pixel value (the results are independent to the order of ray measurements being used). In other words, a number of rays are combined in one iteration of SART, the utilization of the average value of these rays make it possible to achieve the result of suppression of interference factors.

The following iterative equation is applied:


where Iθ represents the set of rays corresponding to certain projection angles.

The main iterative steps of SART include:

(1)Initializing an image vector x(0) as the start point of iteration.

(2)Computing the projection value of i-th projection under a given projection angle θ.

(3)Computing the difference (residual) between the real measurement value and the projection value.

(4)i = i + 1, repeating step 2 to step 3, summarizing all projection differences under the same projection direction.

(5)Computing the modification value for image vector x(k).

(6)Revising image vector x(k) according to the modification value.

(7)k = k + 1, repeating step 2 to step 6, until passing through all projection angle, that is, complete one iteration.

(8)Taking the previous iterative result as the initial value, repeating step 2 to step 7, until the algorithm converge.

It is seen from the above description that the number of sub-iterative processes in SART is much less than that in ART. Hence, SART is better for suppressing stripping artifact and for producing smoother reconstructed image.

Figure 5.20 shows a set of results obtained by the above method (Russ, 2002). Fan-beam geometry is used with 25 detectors evenly distributed around 1/4 of a circle. The 16 × 16 array of the voxels has density values from 0 to 20 as shown in Figure 5.20(a). Three projection sets at view angles of 0°, 90°, and 180° are calculated for the reconstruction. In fact, this gives 75 equations with 256 unknown variables. The reconstruction is started from the initial density value 10. Figures 5.20(b)–(d) show the results obtained after 1, 5, and 50 iterations.

Figure 5.20: Illustration of the iterative effects in ART.

It can be seen from Figure 5.20 that the hollow regions and the internal squares are reconstructed quickly, while the boundaries are gradually enhanced. The errors are evident particularly at the corners of the image where a small number of rays are passing through, and at the corners of the internal square, where the attenuation value changes abruptly.

5.4.4Some Characteristics of ART

Transform methods are faster than ART in reconstruction. Therefore, they have been used in most practical systems. However, ART has some useful properties (Censor, 1983).

(1)New models for the reconstruction are formulated either with new underlying physical principles or by introducing new geometries of data collection. ART can be easily adapted to new geometries and new problems. ART is more flexible.

(2)ART is more suitable for reconstruction of high-contrast objects (such as industrial objects).

(3)ART performs generally better than transform techniques for reconstruction from a small number of directions (less than 10).

(4)ART is more suitable than transform methods for ECT.

(5)ART is more suitable than transform methods for 3-D reconstruction.

(6)ART is more suitable than transform methods for incomplete reconstruction.

5.5Combined Reconstruction

Combining the methods presented in the above three sections, some new techniques can be formulated. The combination can happen in the formula derivation, method implementation, or in applications. Some examples of combined reconstruction include:

(1)Iterative transform.

(2)Iterative reconstruction re-projection.

(3)Reconstruction using angular harmonics.

(4)Reconstruction by polynomial fit to projection.

In this section, the iterative transform method (also called continuous ART) is presented. The way in which the algorithm for discrete data is derived from the reconstruction formula qualifies it as a transform method, but its iterative nature and its representation of the image make the algorithm similar to the iterative algorithms derived by ART (Lewitt, 1983).

From Figure 5.5, suppose f(x, y) is 0 outside of Q and L(s, θn) is the length of the intersect segment of line (s, θn) with Q. The task of reconstruction can be described as reconstructing a function f(x, y), given its projections g(s, θn) for all real numbers s and a set of N discrete angles θn. The reconstruction formula operates on a “semi-discrete” function of g(s, θn) containing two variables, where θn is a discrete variable and s is a continuous variable.

For i ≥ 0, the (i + 1)-th step of the algorithm produces an image f(i + 1)(x, y) from the present estimation f(i)(x, y) given by


where n = (i mod N) + 1, s′ = x cos θn + y sin θn, g(i)(s, θn) is the projection of f(i)(x, y) along the direction θn, and f(0)(x, y) is the given initial function. The sequence of images f(i)(x, y) generated by such a procedure is known to converge to an image which satisfies all the projections.

The physical interpretation of eq. (5.66) is as follows. For a particular angle θn, find the projection at angle θn of the current estimation of the image, and subtract this function from the given projection at angle θn to form the residual projection as a function of s for this angle. For each s of the residual, apply a uniform adjustment to all image points that lie on the line (s, θn), where the adjustment is such that g(i + 1)(s, θn) agrees with the given g(s, θn). Applying such an adjustment for all s results in a new image, which satisfies the given projection for this angle. The process is then repeated for the next angle in the sequence. It is often useful to view each step as a one-view back-projection of a scaled version of the residual.

Equation (5.66) specifies operations on “semi-discrete” functions. For a practical computation, an algorithm that operates on discrete data is required. Following the method used in Section 5.2, to estimate g(s, θn) from its samples g(mΔs, θn), an interpolating function q(·) containing one variable is introduced


Similarly, to estimate f(x, y) from its samples f(kΔx, lΔy), a basis function B(x, y) can be introduced that acts as an interpolating function of the two variables


Replacing f(x, y) by f(i)(x, y) in eq. (5.68) and substituting this expression in eq. (5.15), it gets




According to the principles of the interpolation stated above, the continuous ART can be discretized. Deriving from eq. (5.67) and eq. (5.69), eq. (5.66) can be approximated as


where n = (i mod N) + 1, and


5.6Problems and Questions

5-1Given two 3 × 3 images as shown in Figure Problem 5-1,

(1)Compute five parallel projections along each of the three directions with θ = 0°, 45°, and 90°, respectively. The distance between two adjacent parallel lines is 1, and the centered projection passes through the center of the image.

(2)Can the image be reconstructed from these projections?


Figure Problem 5-1

5-2A 5 × 5 matrix is composed of elements computed from 99/[1+(5|x|)1/2+(9|y|)1/2], which are rounded to the nearest integer. The values of x and y are from –2 to 2. Compute the projections along the four directions with θ = 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90°.

5-3Reconstructing a density distribution f(x, y) from three projections is certainly not enough. Some people believe that if a priori knowledge f(x, y) = ∑δ(xx′, yy′) were available, the exact reconstruction from just three projections would be possible. However, this rather restrictive condition implies that all point masses are equal and none of them are negative. Others say, “If you can go that far, can’t you handle positive impulse patterns of unequal strength?” What is your opinion?

5-4The gray levels of a 4 × 4 image are shown in Figure Problem 5-4, four of which are known (the question mark means unknown). In addition, its projection on the X axis is P(x) = [? ? 15 5]T, and on the Y axis it is P(y) = [9 ? 27 ?]T. Can you reconstruct the original gray-level image?


Figure Problem 5-4

5-5Printed material in 7 × 5 dot-matrix capitals, as shown in Figure Problem 5-5, is to be read automatically by scanning with a slit that yields the vertical projection of the letter. However, it is noted that several letter pairs have the same projection; for example, M and W, as well as S and Z. It is thought that an additional horizontal projection would eliminate the ambiguity.

(1)Is it true that the two projections would be sufficient?

(2)Do you have any suggestions for perfecting the scheme?

Figure Problem 5.5

5-6Prove the following statements:

(1)If f(x, y) is circularly symmetric, then it can be reconstructed from a single projection.

(2)If f(x, y) can be decomposed into the product of g(x) and h(y), then it can be reconstructed from two projections that are perpendicular to two coordinate axes, respectively.

5-7*Prove the validity of the projection theorem for Fourier transforms.

5-8Use the projection data obtained in Problem 5-1 to reconstruct the original images with reconstruction from Fourier inversion.

5-9What are the relations and differences among the methods of reconstruction based on back projection?

5-10*Suppose that the linear attenuation coefficient at point (x, y) is d(x, y). According to the attenuation law for X-ray,


where Ir is the intensity of the incident ray, I is the intensity after the incident ray passing through an object, and (s, θ) is the cross region of the line from the source to the receiver. Define the CT value as


where dw(x, y) is the linear attenuation coefficient of water and k is a normalization coefficient. When using the technique of convolution back-projection with the impulse response of the reconstruction filter denoted h(s), give the expression for the computing of CT.

5-11Implement the ART with relaxation technique in Section 5.4 and verify the data in Figure 5.20.

5-12Perform a reconstruction according to the projection data from Problem 5-1 using ART without relaxation and ART with relaxation, respectively. Compare the results with the original images in Problem 5-1.

5.7Further Reading

1.Modes and Principles

In history, the first clinical machine for detection of head tumors, based on CT, was installed in 1971 at the Atkinson Morley’s Hospital, Wimbledon, Great Britain (Bertero and Boccacci, 1998). The announcement of this machine, by G.H. Hounsfield at the 1972 British Institute of Radiology annual conference, is considered the greatest achievement in radiology since the discovery of X-rays in 1895.

In 1979, G.H. Hounsfield shared with A. Cormack the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine (Bertero and Boccacci, 1998). The Nobel Prizes for Chemistry of 1981 and 1991 are also related to it (Herman, 1983), (Bertero and Boccacci, 1998), and (Committee, 1996).

The phenomenon of nuclear resonance was discovered in 1946 by F. Bloch and M. Purcell, respectively. They shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1952 (Committee, 1996). The first MRI image was obtained in 1973.

Complementary reading on the history and development of image reconstruction from projections can be found in Kak and Slaney (2001).

2.Reconstruction by Fourier Inversion

An introduction and some examples of reconstruction by Fourier inversion can be found in Russ (2002).

Another reconstruction method using 2-D Fourier transform is rho-filtered layergrams Herman (1980).

More discussion and applications of phantoms can be found in Moretti et al. (2000).

Another head phantom for testing CT reconstruction algorithms can be found in Herman (1980).

3.Convolution and Back-Projection

The advantages of convolution and back-projection include that they are more suitable than other methods for data acquisition using a parallel mode (Herman, 1980).

A recent discussion on back-projection algorithms and filtered back-projection algorithms can be found in Wei et al. (2005).

More mathematical expressions on cone-beam geometry and 3-D image reconstruction can be found in Zeng (2009).

4.Algebraic Reconstruction

The methods for algebraic reconstruction have many variations and further details can be found in Herman (1980), Censor (1983), Lewitt (1983), Zeng (2009), and Russ (2016).

5.Combined Reconstruction

More combined reconstruction techniques, particularly second-order optimization for reconstruction and the non-iterative finite series-expansion reconstruction methods can be found in Herman (1980, 1983).

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