Configuring command-line tools to run properly (Simple)

This recipe guides you through configuring the script for command-line tools so that you can properly manage your execution performance in case of increased memory requirements. Many steps work in memory, so the more memory we reserve to PDI, coherently with the available memory and the overall system requirements, the better it is. A wrong memory configuration leads you to bad performance and/or unexpected OutOfMemory exception errors.

You will learn how to modify the script files Kitchen or Pan to set new memory requirements. This recipe will work the same for both Kitchen and Pan; the only difference to consider is in the names of the script files.

Getting ready

Remember that in PDI, we have two different sets of scripts to start PDI processes from the command line:

  • The Kitchen scripts for starting PDI jobs
  • The Pan scripts for starting PDI transformations

As soon as you get into the PDI home directory, you can edit them depending on the specific operating system environment.

So, let's move on and go to the PDI home directory and start working on this recipe.

How to do it...

To change the memory settings by modifying the script in Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PDI home directory, open the kitchen.bat (or pan.bat) script.
  2. Scan through the script's code until you find the following lines of code:
  3. Change the value of the variable PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS to the required memory value for example, to 1024:
  4. Save the file and exit.

To change the memory settings by modifying the script in Linux or Mac, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PDI home directory, open the script (or
  2. Scan through the script's code until you find the following lines of code:
    if [ -z "$JAVAMAXMEM" ]; then
    if [ -z "$PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS" ]; then
  3. Change the value of the variable JAVAXMEM to the required memory value for example, to 1024:
  4. Save the file and exit.


Downloading the example code

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Setting the environment variables in Windows is another, cleaner way to change the memory settings. To do this, you need to execute the steps summarized as follows:

  1. Go to Control Panel and open the Environment variables dialog window.
  2. Create a new system variable by clicking on the New button in the System Environment Variable section of the Environment variables dialog window.
  3. Add a new variable called PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS.
  4. Set the value of the variable. If we want to assign 1024 MB to PDI, for example, we set the variable's value to –Xmx1024m.
    How to do it...
  5. Click on OK to confirm and close the New System Variable dialog window.
  6. Click on OK to close the System Environment Variables dialog window. This change will affect both scripts for jobs and transformations without any additional requirement.

To change the memory settings by setting the environment variables in Linux/Mac, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the User home directory and open the .bash_profile script file. If it does not exist, create a new one.
  2. Add the following line to the script file:
    export PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1024m"
  3. Save and close the file. Remember that this new environment variable will either be visible in the user context starting from the next login or after closing and re-opening your terminal window.

There's more...

Setting the environment variable is a good way to configure our scripts seamlessly without modifying anything in the standard script. However, we can simplify our life by writing scripts that encapsulate all the internals related to the preparation of the script's execution environment. This lets us run our process without any hassle.

Making things easier by writing custom scripts

Kettle and Pan are two scripts that start our PDI processes from the command line. This means that they are full of switches that let us configure our PDI job to run properly. However, sometimes starting a job or a transformation is also a matter of preparing an execution environment that could require a bit of effort in terms of technical knowledge as well as a considerable amount of time. We do not usually want our user to be in such a situation. Therefore, to work around this, encapsulate the call to either the Kitchen or the Pan script, and the rest of the things will be taken care of by the custom script that does all of this without any pain.

Let's say we have a PDI job to start in Linux/Mac. We can write a bash script called that starts our job easily by configuring all the settings required to perform the job execution properly as shown in the following code:


export PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx3072m"
export KETTLE_HOME=/home/ubuntu/pdi_settings

/home/ubuntu/pentaho/data-integration/ -file=/home/ubuntu/pentaho/etl/run_load.kjb -level=Basic -param:SKIP_FTP=false -param:SKIP_DIMENSIONS=true "run_model"

As you can see, the code prepares the execution environment by setting the following:

  • The memory options
  • The location of a directory to store temporary files
  • The KETTLE_HOME variable

Finally, it starts the PDI job. You can see how simple it is to start our job using this script instead of spending a lot of time on manual settings every time!

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