Executing PDI jobs packaged in archive files (Intermediate)

This recipe guides you through starting a PDI job packed in an archived file (.zip or .tar.gz) using Kitchen. We will assume that the PDI job to be launched (we will call it the main job) and all the related jobs and transformations called during the execution are stored inside a .zip or .tar.gz archive file locally in the computer's filesystem; the execution will happen directly by accessing the files inside the archive without needing to unpack them to a local directory. This practice is a good idea in certain situations where we need to find a quick way to move our ETL processes around on different systems rapidly and without any pain; by packing everything in an archive file, we can move just one file instead of moving a bunch of files and directories—this really is easier!

Getting ready

To get ready for this recipe, you need to check that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly set and then configure your environment variables so that the Kitchen script can start from anywhere without specifying the complete path to your PDI home directory. For details about these checks, refer to the recipe Executing PDI jobs from a filesystem (Simple).

To play with this recipe, you can use the samples in the directory <book_samples>/sample2; here, <book_samples> is the directory where you unpacked all the samples of the book.

How to do it...

For starting a PDI job from within a .zip or .tar.gz archive file in Linux or Mac, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Open a command-line window and go to the <book_samples>/sample2 directory.
  2. Kettle uses Apache VFS to let you access a set of files from inside an archive and use them directly in your processes; this is because it considers the archived content as a sort of virtual filesystem (VFS). To access a file in the archive, you need to give the complete path using a specific URI. In case you're going to access files contained in a .zip archive, the syntax to be used for the URI is as follows:

    On the other hand, if we wanted to access files contained in a .tar.gz file, we need to use the following syntax:

  3. To identify which job file needs to be started, we need to use the –file argument with the following syntax; but now, the syntax has changed because we need to use, as a value, the URI with the syntax we saw in the preceding step:
    –file: <complete_URI_to_job_file>

    Remember that because we are talking about a URI to the file, we always need to consider the absolute path to the archive file followed by the path to the file we are going to start as a job.

  4. To start the sample job named export-job1.kjb from within a .zip archive, use the following syntax:
    $ kitchen.sh –file:'zip:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.zip!export-job1.kjb'
  5. The usage of parameters from within the command-line tool is the same as we saw in the Executing PDI jobs from a filesystem (Simple) recipe. So, if we want to extract all the customers from the country U. S. A, the command to use is as follows:
    kitchen.sh -param:p_country=USA –file:'zip:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.zip!export-job1.kjb'
  6. Use the same command to start a job from within a .tar.gz archive, but with a different filesystem type in the URI. Here is a sample of a simple job that has been started without parameters:
    $ kitchen.sh –file:'tgz:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.tar.gz!export-job1.kjb'

    The following syntax is for a simple job that has been started with parameters:

    kitchen.sh -param:p_country=USA –file:'tgz:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.tar.gz!export-job1.kjb'
  7. Different from what we saw in the Executing PDI jobs from a filesystem (Simple) recipe, this time the –dir argument does not make any sense because we always need to access the archive through its complete URI and the –file argument.

For starting a PDI job from within a .zip archive file in Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. Starting a PDI job from within an archive file on Windows requires for the same rules we saw previously to be followed using the same arguments in the same way.
  2. Any time we start the PDI jobs from Windows, we need to specify the arguments using the / character instead of the character we used in Linux or Mac. Therefore, this means that the –file argument will change from:
    –file: <complete_URI_to_job_file>


    /file: <complete_URI_to_job_file>
  3. Go to the directory <books_samples>/sample2; to start your sample job from within the ZIP archive, you can start the Kitchen script using the following syntax:
    C:	empsamples>Kitchen.bat /file:'zip:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.zip!export-job1.kjb'
  4. Let's create another example using parameters in the command. Go to the directory <books_samples>/sample2; to start the job by extracting all the customers for the country U. S. A, you can use the following syntax:
    C:	empsamples>Kitchen.bat /param:p_country:USA /file:'zip:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.zip!export-job1.kjb'

For starting PDI transformations from within archive files, perform the following steps:

  1. PDI transformations are always started using Pan scripts. On Linux or Mac, you can find the pan.sh script in the PDI home directory. To start a simple transformation from within an archive file, go to the <book_samples>/sample2 directory and type the following command:
    $ pan.sh –file: 'tgz:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.tar.gz!export-job1.kjb'

    Or, if you need to specify some parameters, type the following command:

    $ pan.sh –param:p_country=USA –file:./read-customers.ktr
  2. On Windows, you can use the Pan.bat script and the sample commands to start our transformation as follows:
    C:	empsamples>Pan.bat /file='zip:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.zip!read-customers1.ktr'

    Or, if you need to specify some parameters through the command line, type the following command:

    C:	empsamples>Pan.bat /param:p_country:USA /file='zip:///home/sramazzina/tmp/samples/samples.zip!read-customers1.ktr'

How it works...

This way of starting jobs and transformations is possible because PDI uses the Apache VFS library to accomplish this task. The Apache VFS library is a piece of software that lets you directly access files from within any type of archive by exposing them through a virtual filesystem using an appropriate set of APIs. You can find more details about the library and how it works on the Apache website at http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-vfs.

There's more...

Using jobs and transformations from within archive files slightly changes the way we design jobs and transformations. Another interesting consideration is that you can directly reference resource files packed together with your ETL process file. This lets you distribute configuration files or other kinds of resources in a uniform way. This approach could be an easy way to have a single file containing anything needed by our ETL process, making everything more portable and easier to manage. The following paragraph details the main changes applied to this new version of our sample.

Changes in job and transformation design

When jobs or transformations are used from inside an archive, the files relate to the root of the archive, and the internal variable ${Internal.Job.Filename.Directory} does not make any sense. Because of this, we need to change the way our example process links any kind of file.

Look at the samples located in the directory <book_samples>/sample2; this directory contains the same transformations and jobs, but they need to undergo major changes for them to work in this case. They are as follows:

  • The job links the transformation without using the system variable ${Internal.Job.Filename.Directory} to dynamically obtain the path to the job file. This is because, internally to the archive file, the transformation is in the root of this virtual filesystem, so the filename is enough for this purpose.
  • Instead of using the ${Internal.Job.Filename.Directory} variable to specify the input and output path for the files, we added two new parameters, p_input_directory and p_target_directory, to let the user specify the input directory and output directory. If we have not specified a value for these parameters, we'll set a default value that is local to the directory where the job starts.
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