
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; those followed by n indicate notes.

A/B testing, 242, 273

Abran, Alain, 2

Acceptance criteria

defined, 273

user stories, 119121, 123124

Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), 180

Acceptance tests

automated testing for, 200

defined, 273

value of, 205


defined, 273

staying the course, 3637

team acceptance of, 25, 34


of Agile development, 52, 66

of executives, 37

of high-performing teams, 22, 43

inability of team members, 2627

as response to change, 6

Adaptive Software Development (ASD), 273

Adkins, Lyssa, 22, 107109

Advertising, 244246


coach, 99

defined, 273

measuring success, 230231

organizational culture. See Organizational culture

rise of, 23

Waterfall vs., 3

Agile Alliance

formation of, 6

interview with first chairman, 912

overview of, 4

yearly conference, 8

Agile approaches

certification, 6465

comparing, 50

Crystal, 6264

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 5759

Extreme Programming (XP), 5053

Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 5657

Kanban, 6062

Lean Software Development, 5960

overview of, 49

Scrum, 5456

tools and techniques at Cayman Design, 66

Agile Certified Professional (PMI-ACP), 65

Agile, history

Agile Manifesto, 48

Cayman Design, 8

overview of, 1

rise of, 23

of software methodologies, 2

Agile Manifesto

defined, 3, 273

overview of, 48

quality emphasis, 180

Agile Marketing Manifesto, 253255, 258259

Agile (Scrum) rooms, 24

Allan, Scott, 254

Alpha tests, 202, 273

Ambler, Scott, 4445, 98

Anderson, David J., 50, 60, 216

Application owner, 98

Architect, role of, 9798

Arnold, Travis, 258259

ASD (Adaptive Software Development), 273

ATDD. See Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)

Atkinson, Philip, 16

Automated testing

defined, 274

overview of, 199202

Waterfall vs. Agile, 207

Backlog. See Product backlog; Sprint backlog

BAs. See Business analysts (BAs)

Basili, Victor R., 2, 3

Beck, Kent, 4, 1011, 50, 97, 160, 163, 216217, 228

Beedle, Mike, 4, 21, 54, 75, 79, 80, 89

Behavior-driven testing, 205, 274

Benington, Herbert D., 2

Bennekum, Arie van, 4

Berman, K. F., 79

Beta launch, 250

Beta tests, 202, 274

Beta users, 250, 274

Big bang, 254, 274

Big boss role, Extreme Programming (XP), 97, 104, 274

Boards, Kanban, 65, 67, 213216


defined, 274

finding with mapping, 153

Kanban focus on, 105, 213214, 216

Brand management, 245, 274

Budget, 3537, 4344


benefits of work in progress (WIP) limits, 215

defined, 276

including in product backlog, 165, 175

minimizing defect backlog, 197198

tracking quality of product, 224

Build status, 224, 274


Extreme Programming (XP), 53

Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 57

integration, 198

Burn-down charts

defined, 274

overview of, 219221

Scrum project, 55

Burn-up charts

defined, 274

overview of, 217219

Scrum project, 55


management responsibility for process flow, 29

old form of requirements gathering and, 114

Business analysts (BAs)

defined, 274

serving as product owner, 78, 100

serving as requirements gatherer, 96

specifying acceptance tests, 205

Business study phase, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 5859

Business value

defined, 274275

enhancing requirements for, 128129

prioritization based on, 7576, 152153

story prioritization for, 142

C3 (Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System), 50


in burn-up charts, 217

of customer feedback, 202

defined, 275

not adhering to meeting, 27

of successful software delivery, 230

Caine, Matthew, 97

Campaigns, marketing

adaptive/iterative vs. big bang, 254, 258259

defined, 275

quick feedback from small, 246, 255

Carroll, John M., 3

Cass, John, 223

Cayman Design

feature management, 130, 249250

as fictitious company used in this book, 8

implementing tools and techniques, 66

Kanban, 213

minimum viable product, 138

MoSCoW rules, 154

personas, 126127

product owner role, 75

self-organizing teams, 34

shared vision, 133

teamwork, 31

Test-Driven Development (TDD) and refactoring, 183186

user stories, 116, 122

validation through user surveys, 242243

Certification, types of Agile, 6465

Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) certification, 65

Certified Scrum Master (CSM) certification, 65

Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) certification, 65

Certified Scrum Professional (CSP) certification, 65


Agile Marketing Manifesto, 255

Agile principle of welcoming, 7

Agile value of, 6

case study. See John Deere case study

difficulties of organizational culture, 16

inability of team members, 2627

John Deere case study, 267268

principles of Kanban, 61

responsiveness of marketers to, 244246

Waterfall vs. Agile methods, 3

Change control, 275

Chedalawada, Alan, 96

Chickens and pigs

concept of, 8890

defined, 275

Sprint planning meeting, 167

Chief architect, Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 97

Child story

defined, 275

as implementation size story, 278

overview of, 118119

writing best practices, 122123

Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System (C3), 50

Classes, Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

defined, 275

development team, 98

ordering and assigning features to, 57

requirements approach using, 151152

Clean code, 11, 207


defined, 275

John Deere case study, 265266

role of Agile, 99

role of team, 9697, 143

Coad, Peter, 56

Cockburn, Alistair, 4, 10, 19, 50, 6264, 6769, 125, 159, 163, 219

Code katas, 207, 275

Cohn, Mike, 18, 22, 40, 56, 74, 76, 82, 94, 102, 117, 118, 128, 150, 157, 163, 173175, 229


Agile Marketing customer-focused, 240244, 254

defined, 275

with individuals/interactions, 248

Kanban using, 62

optimizing team workspace, 21, 2325, 45

team inability to adapt to, 2627

team size best practice, 87

Collective ownership, Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 98

Colocation, workspace, 21

Color (x) continuum, Crystal, 6263

Command and control

executives staying the course vs., 3637

failing to overcome, 3233

of Theory X managers, 2930


chickens and pigs and, 8990

effect on team velocity, 161162

executive failure to honor team, 40

external roadmaps representing, 134

Extreme Programming (XP) phase, 168

lacking in unhealthy team, 27

Scrum master role in team, 81

Communications, requirements gathering and, 114, 132136


product owner role as, 84

project manager role as, 95

Scrum master role as, 8081, 84

Conference rooms, 24

Consistency, Agile coach ensuring, 99

Continuous enhancements (deployments), 251

Continuous flow

defined, 275

Kanban model of, 212213

time-boxing vs., 285

Continuous improvement

defined, 275

impacting team members, 18

management adopting, 29

pair programming for, 181

retrospectives emphasizing, 229

Continuous integration, 275276

Cooper, Alan, 126

Corporate culture. See also Organizational culture, 16

Coupling, 183, 276

Course-correct, 22, 276

Covey, Stephen, 133

Crispin, Lisa, 225

Cross-functional teams, 8788

Cross-training, 87, 181

Crowd sourcing, 276


architect role, 97

defined, 276

estimation process, 159

interview with Alistair Cockburn, 6669

other Agile methodologies vs., 50

overview of, 6264

project manager role, 96

requirements, 126

user experience (UX) designer role, 98

CSRs (customer service representatives), 248


defined, 276

organizational. See Organizational culture

Cunningham, Ward, 4, 10, 164, 205, 278


as Agile first principle, 7, 240

Agile Marketing Manifesto, 253255

as Agile value, 6

collaboration, 240244

John Deere case study, 270

product owner role, 74

valuing individuals and interactions, 248

Customer council, 202, 276

Customer service representatives (CSRs), 248

Customer-specific code, 131132

Customer value, 59

Cycle time, 137, 276

Daily Scrum, 5456, 226228, 276

Daily stand-up meetings

in Agile marketing, 259

as daily Scrum, 5456

John Deere case study, 267

overview of, 226228

Data-gathering process, 240, 247248

De Luca, Jeff, 50, 5657, 152, 223

Debugging, refactored code vs., 183

Decoupling code, 183

DEEP acronym, 150, 276

Defect backlog, 197198, 276

Defects. See also Bugs

allocating time for, 234235

benefits of work in progress (WIP) limits, 215

defined, 276

including in product backlog, 165, 175

tracking quality of product, 224225

Definition of “done”

applications for other organizations, 252253

defined, 276

product backlog grooming and, 163


defined, 277

in Kano, 155

marketing software to end user, 246


adaptive/iterative Agile Marketing, 254

internal roadmaps viewing, 134

Lean development speeding up, 137

from user stories to, 129132

Delphi method, 159

Demarco, Tom, 23

Demo, Sprint, 228, 283

Derby, Esther, 84, 229230


Agile principle of good, 7

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) iteration phase, 59

Feature-Driven Development (FDD) phase, 57

Detailed backlogs, 150

Developer certification, Scrum, 65

Development team role, 98

Discovery, 240241, 277

Documentation, 3, 9899

Dreher, J. C., 79

Driver, paired programming, 181, 277

DSDM Consortium, 50, 58

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

certification, 65

defined, 277

other Agile methodologies vs., 50

overview of, 5759

requirements, 125126

roles, 9697

Emergent backlogs, 150


managers developing, 29

managers optimizing success of, 3031

managers trusting, 30

team velocity, 161

Enhancing requirements, 126129

Enterprise architect role, 97


breaking down into child stories, 122123

as deeper stories in backlog, 15

defined, 277

Equivalence, mathematical, 183

Estimatable user story, 117

Estimated backlogs, 150


defined, 155, 277

hours, 156

ideal time (days or hours), 156

level of effort (T-shirt sizing), 155156

Sprint planning session using, 166167

story points, 156158

team participation, 158160

tips, 175

user stories in Extreme Programming (XP), 125

Ewel, Jim, 253, 258

Executive viewpoint

embracing evolving requirements, 35

failures/risks, 3942

John Deere case study, 265

overview of, 34

respecting priorities, 3536

staying the course, 3637

successes, 3739

Experiments, Agile Marketing Manifesto, 255

Exploration phase, Extreme Programming (XP) planning game, 168

External roadmaps, 134

Extreme Programming (XP)

collective ownership, 98

comparing Agile methodologies, 50

defined, 277, 287

definition of “done,” 163

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) complementing, 58

estimation process, 160

frequent releases, short development cycles, 5152

overview of, 5051

paired programming, 51, 53

planning game, 167168, 287

project manager role, 96

regular builds, integration tests, and rapid feedback, 53

requirements, 125

team coach role, 97

tracking, 216217

velocity, 163

Face-to-face communication

addressing issues immediately, 21

as Agile principle, 7

as Agile value, 5

defined, 277

in Extreme Programming (XP), 217

overcoming for team members not colocated, 23


management viewpoint, 3234

team member viewpoint, 2527

FDD. See Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

Feasibility study phase, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 58

Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

certification, 65

classes, 98

defined, 277

other Agile methodologies vs., 50

overview of, 5657

parking lots, 222223

requirements, 151152

roles, 9697

Feature list, Feature-Driven Development (FDD) process, 57


defined, 277

Feature-Driven Development (FDD) requirements, 151152

internal roadmaps viewing, 134

managing, 130131

managing for marketplace, 248250


Agile Marketing Manifesto and, 254

changing length of cycle for, 245246

customer, 202203

customer collaboration for, 240244

defined, 278

Extreme Programming (XP) rapid, 53

frequent delivery and, 1920

Kanban ensuring, 62

limited audience, 250

Sprint review for, 228

Felsing, Mac, 56

Fibonacci sequence, 157158, 278

Financial resources, 3536

Fist of five

applications beyond development, 252

defined, 104, 278

overview of, 8586

as self-organizing team, 8687

Focus groups, 241, 278

Formats, user story, 115117, 125

Forrester Research reports, 243244

Fowler, Martin, 4, 10, 163, 182, 216, 217, 228

Framework for Integrated Test (FIT), 205, 278

Frequent delivery

defined, 278

executive viewpoint, 35

in Extreme Programming (XP), 5152

impacting team members, 1920


Scrum master role as, 8182

team membership, 88, 161

Functional manager, 83

Functional model iteration phase, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 59

Funding, project manager role, 95

Gantt charts, 223, 278

Gartner Research Methodology reports, 243

Gherkin, 199200, 202, 278

Global positioning system (GPS) software, John Deere, 263

Goals (objectives), executive focus on, 39

Godin, Seth, 245

Gorman, Mary, 141143

Gottesdiener, Ellen, 133, 141143

Goyal, Sadhna, 125

Gregory, Janet, 225

Grenning, James, 4

Griffiths, Mike, 223

Griggs, Brandon, 39

Grooming and planning. See also Product backlog grooming

estimating, 155160

Extreme Programming (XP) planning game, 167168

Kanban, 171

maintaining legacy code, 168169

overview of, 150

prioritizing stories, 152155

product backlogs, 150152

Scrum product backlog grooming, 160165

Scrum sprint planning, 165167

triple constraints, 169170

Grosjean, Jean Claude, 126

Hardness (y) continuum, Crystal, 6263

Harris, Joyce, 264, 267270

Hartman, Bob, 38

Highsmith, Jim, 4, 223, 256

Honesty, team member, 22


estimating, 156, 166167

estimating ideal time, 156, 278

Human beings, team members known first as, 22

Human-computer interaction (HCI), 127128, 278

Hunt, Andrew, 4

Hunton, Steve, 83

ICAgile Professional, Certified, 65

Ideal time (hours, days), 156, 278

Impediments, 7980, 278


Agile coach role, 99

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 59

executive focus on simplicity of, 39

Implementation size story. See Child story

Incremental development, Crystal, 64

Independent user story, 117

Individual workstations, 2324


Agile principle of, 7

Agile value of, 5, 248

Information radiators, 221222, 278


builds, 198, 279

defined, 275

Extreme Programming (XP) tests for, 53

Integrity, Lean software development, 137

Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG), John Deere, 263, 265

Intended technical debt, 164


as Agile principle, 7

as Agile value, 5, 248

Internal roadmaps, 134136


with Alistair Cockburn, 6769

with Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman, 141143

gathering data from customers, 241

with Kent McDonald, 233235

with Lyssa Adkins, 107109

with Mike Cohn, 173175

with Robert Martin (Uncle Bob), 912

with Roman Pichler, 105107

with Scott Ambler, 4445

with Tim Ottinger, 204207

with Travis Arnold, 258259

INVEST acronym, 117, 279

IT manager, as Scrum master, 83


Agile Marketing Manifesto, 254

Agile software development, 3

defined, 279

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 5859

Extreme Programming (XP), 5152, 168

James, Michael, 87

Jeffries, Ron, 4

Jira Agile tool, backlog in, 151152

Jobs, Steve, 39, 183

John Deere case study, 263271

Jones, Capers, 156

JUnit test case, 184186


board, 213214

certification, 65

defined, 279

no prescribed roles in, 99

other Agile methodologies vs., 50

overview of, 6062

planning and executing, 171

primary characteristics, 212213

Scrum vs., 213

work in progress limit, 214216

Kano model, 154155, 279

Kano, Noriaki, 154

Kaplowitz, Michael, 242

Kata, code, 207, 275

Kern, Jon, 4

Khramtchenko, Serguei, 125

Kniberg, Henrik, 99, 213

Laja, Peep, 242

Langr, Jeff, 204

Large multinational company, roles, 101103

Larman, Craig, 2, 3

Larsen, Diana, 229230

Lead developer, as Scrum master, 8283

Lead time, measuring, 213, 215216

Leadership, Kanban, 6061


defined, 279

eliminating waste. See Waste

estimation process, 160

pull scheduling system, 163

value stream mapping, 153

Lean software development

defined, 279

and MVP, 137139

other Agile methodologies vs., 50

overview of, 5960

roles, 96

Learning, Lean software development amplifying, 137

Lefebrve, Eric, 56

Legacy code, maintenance of, 168169

Lessons learned, continuous improvement, 18

Level of effort (LOE), 155156, 279

Liaison, Scrum master role as, 8081

Limited audience, delivering products to, 250

Maccherone, Larry, 230

Maintenance, legacy code, 168169

Management viewpoint

asking questions, not solutions, 2829

clearing roadblocks, 29

failures/risks, 3334

John Deere case study, 268

overview of, 2728

teamwork, 3031

trust, 2930

Manifesto for Agile Software Development. See Agile Manifesto

Manual testing

defined, 279

overview of, 199

value of, 206207

Marick, Brian, 4


continuous enhancements, 251

customer-specific code, 131132

feature management, 130131, 248250

John Deere case study, 270

release management, 129130

soft launch with limited audience, 250

Martin, Robert C. (Uncle Bob), 4, 912, 183, 207

Matts, Chris, 233

McConnell, Steve, 2

McDonald, Kent, 233235

McGregor, Douglas, 29

McKenna, Jeff, 54

McMahon, Mary, 250

Measurement. See Metrics

Meetings. See also Daily stand-up meetings; Retrospective meeting; Sprint demo (review); and Sprint planning meeting

as retrospectives, 229230

Scrum master adherence to, 81

sharing vision in, 133

teams lacking commitment to, 27

tracking and reporting, 226230

Mellor, Steve, 4

Membership, team, 8788

Method extraction, refactoring code, 195


defined, 279

executives valuing wrong, 4142

measuring success in, 230231

writing data collectors into software code, 247248


automated testing for, 200

defined, 280

as workhorse of Agile projects, 204

Mid-sized companies, roles, 100101

Milestones, executive viewpoint on, 35

Miller, Lynn, 128

Minimum variable product (MVP), 137139, 280

Model, Feature-Driven Development (FDD) process, 57

Moore, James W., 2

MoSCoW rules, 59, 125

defined, 280

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 59, 125126, 154

Muldoon, Nick, 253

Multivariant testing, 242243, 280

Mura, muri, muda. See also Waste, 216, 232, 286

Negotiable user story, 117


cues in face-to-face communication, 277

defined, 280

Observer, paired programming, 181, 280

On-target testing, 206, 280

Organizational culture

executive view. See Executive viewpoint

failure to engage rest of, 4041

John Deere case study, 266267

management view. See Management viewpoint

moving to Agile requiring, 16

quality basis of, 180182

team member view. See Team viewpoint

why it matters, 16

Ottinger, Tim, 180, 204207

Over, as Agile Manifesto term, 5


failure of management to release, 33

management vs. team members, 28

product owner. See Product owner role

Scrum product, 54

Pair programming

defined, 280

in Extreme Programming (XP), 51, 53

overview of, 181

refactoring example of, 184

value of, 204

Palmer, Stephen, 56, 96, 97

Parent epic story, 118119

Parent story

defined, 280

as epics. See Epics

writing child stories underneath, 119

Parking lots, Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 222223, 280

Part-time positions, 82

Participation, team coach, 97

Permanent position, Scrum master, 82

Personality traits, Scrum master, 79

Personas, enhancing requirements, 126127

Personnel. See Employees

Physical workspace

collaborative, 45

impact on team members, 2021

Pichler, Roman, 74, 105107, 117, 121, 247

Pigs and chickens. See Chickens and pigs

Pilot, 250, 280


Agile marketing, 254, 259

grooming and. See Grooming and planning

Planning game, Extreme Programming (XP), 167168, 287

Planning poker, 158159, 280

Pod arrangement, physical workspace, 21

Policies, Kanban, 62

Poppendieck, Mary and Tom, 50, 56, 59, 137138, 160, 163

Portfolio management, 281

Postmortem, continuous improvement, 18

Pragmatic Marketing, 240, 281

Pre-Agile organizations

executive viewpoint, 3437

management viewpoint, 2830

team member viewpoint, 1721

Primary personas, 126


Agile Manifesto, 78

Agile Marketing Manifesto, 253255

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 58

Kanban, 6061

Lean software development, 60, 137138


defined, 281

executives respecting, 3536

improving backlog quality, 150

product owner role in, 7476

Problem solving, 2829

Product backlog

capturing/updating requirements, 106107

defined, 281

in Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 151152

iceberg, 118

internal roadmap view of, 134136

overview of, 150151

prioritizing stories in, 152155

product owner role, 7475

in Scrum project, 5456

testing user stories for business value, 128

Product backlog grooming

bugs, 165

Cohn on, 174

defined, 281

definition of “done,” 163

Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 151152

inclusion of technical debt, 163164

optimizing workspace for, 24

overview of, 160

team velocity, 161163

Product backlog iceberg, 118

Product owner certification, Scrum, 65

Product owner role

best people for, 7778

breadth of, 7879

breaking down epics into child stories, 118

Cayman Design example, 75

chickens and pigs role assignment, 8990, 167

defined, 281

in Extreme Programming (XP), 96

John Deere case study, 269270

overview of, 74

practical examples, 9093

product backlog grooming, 160165

release management, 77

Roman Pichler on, 105107

setting priorities, 7476

sharing vision, 133

sprint results, 7677

Sprint reviews, 228

user story writing best practices, 121124

work in progress limits for, 215

Project champion role

defined, 281

in Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 95

importance of, 104

product owner as, 74

Project management office (PMO), 281

Project manager role

other Agile methodologies, 96

overview of, 9495

as Scrum master, 83

Project sponsor role

defined, 281

other Agile methodologies, 95

overview of, 93

Prospects, gathering data from, 241


defined, 281

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) reliance on, 59

marketing software using, 246247

Public commitment, 281

Pull scheduling system, Lean, 163


automated testing for, 199202

creating culture focused on, 180182

customer feedback for, 202203

manual testing for, 199

overview of, 180

pair programming for, 181

refactored code. See Refactored code

test-driven development for, 181182

tracking product, 223225

triple constraints and, 170

Quality assurance (QA)

defined, 281

role of team members in, 16

as Scrum masters, 84

Questions, management asking, 2829, 32

Randell, Brian, 3

Rapid application development (RAD), 58

Rapid delivery, 35

Rapid feedback

continuous integration to provide, 275

in Extreme Programming (XP), 53, 277

Rational Unified Process (RUP), 64, 281

Refactored code

deferred, 164

defined, 281

importance of, 11

improving code via, 207

minimizing defect backlog, 197198

more complex test cases, 191193

overview of, 182183

Test-Driven Development (TDD) example of, 183186

test scenarios, 186191, 194197

Reflection meetings, Crystal rules, 64

Regression tests, 201, 282

Regular builds, Extreme Programming (XP), 53


team dynamics of, 22

team members lacking commitment to, 27

unhealthy team dynamics, 2526

Relative sizing, 157158, 282

Release management

defined, 282

Extreme Programming (XP) planning game, 168

overview of, 129130

product owner role, 77

project manager role, 94


breaking into user stories, 74

executives embracing evolving, 35

Scrum product backlog listing, 54

Requirements gatherer role, 9596

Requirements gathering/documentation. See also Scrum, Agile requirements in

communications in, 132136

Crystal, 125

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 125126

enhancing, 126129

Extreme Programming (XP), 124125

Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 125

Lean product development and MVP, 137139

old forms of, 114

from user stories to deliverables, 129132

Resources, triple constraints and, 169170

Resources, virtual

high-performing teams incorporating, 23

inability to adapt, 26

strategy for, 45

Restart cost, reducing, 7980

Retrospective meeting

defined, 282

overview of, 229230

as postmortem or lessons learned, 18

Return on investment (ROI), 153


coupling when refactoring code to minimize, 183

defined, 282

sharing vision to avoid, 133

Ries, Eric, 137138, 251

Rigid planning, 254


prioritization of stories and, 153

project manager role, 95

Roadblocks, clearing, 29, 7980

Roadmaps, 134136, 282

ROI (return on investment), 153


Agile coach, 99

architect, 9798

chicken and pigs concept, 8890

documentation and training, 9899

extended team members, 9395

John Deere case study, 266

not prescribed in Kanban, 99

overview of, 73

practical examples of, 99103

product owner, 7479

project manager, 96

project sponsor, 95

requirements gatherer, 9596

Scrum master, 7984

sharing vision, 132134

team, 8488, 98

team coach, 9697

technical lead, 9798

Roling, Rob, 264270

Rosson, Mary Beth, 3

Rotating, Scrum master role, 82

Rouse, Margaret, 247

Rubin, Kenneth, 160, 162

Rules, Crystal, 64

Scalable Agile Framework (SAFe), 66, 282

Schwaber, Ken, 4, 21, 50, 54, 75, 79, 80, 89


defined, 282

managing committed features, 249250

triple constraints on, 169170


certifications, 65

defined, 282

Kanban vs., 213

other Agile methodologies vs., 50

overview of, 5456

physical workspace, 21

rugby play, 54

Sprint planning, 165167

team, 282

Scrum, Agile requirements in

acceptance criteria, 119121

epics, 117119

overview of, 114

user story format, 115117

user story writing best practices, 121124

Scrum master certification (CSM), 65

Scrum master role

adherence to best practices, 81

best people for, 8283

breaking down epic into child story, 118

as communicator and liaison, 8081

controlling daily stand-up meeting, 227

defined, 282

as full-time or part-time, 8182

handling product backlog grooming, 160165

leading Sprint demo, 228

Lyssa Adkins on, 108109

overview of, 79, 8182

as permanent or rotating, 82

personality traits of, 79

practical examples of, 9192

product owner and, 83

removing impediments, 7980

user story writing best practices, 121124

Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) certification, 65

Scrum roles

“chicken and pigs” concept, 8890

extended team members, 9395

practical examples of, 9093, 99103

product owner, 7479

team, 8488

Scumniotales, John, 54

Self-managing teams. See Self-organizing teams

Self-organizing teams

Agile principle of, 7

defined, 283

executive viewpoint, 3942

management failure to support, 34

overview of, 1718

Scrum roles in, 8586

unhealthy team dynamics, 2526

Sequential software development, 3, 9, 5152

7 Product Dimensions, 142144

Sharing vision, 132134

Shore, James, 167

Shorr, Brad, 247

ShuHaRi, 283

Signboard, Kanban, 60


customer-focused collaboration over, 254

defined, 283

value stream mapping and, 153


Agile principle of, 7

defined, 283

executive focus on, 39


defined, 283

as estimating. See Estimating

Skarin, Mattias, 99, 213

Skeels, Jack, 253, 254

Small user story, 117

SME. See Subject matter expert (SME)

Smith, Will, 254

Social media

banner advertisements on, 244245

brand management and, 245

crowd sourcing through, 276

Soft launch, 250

Software craftsmanship manifesto, 1112

Software development (engineering)

defined, 2, 283

Extreme Programming (XP), short cycles of, 51

rise of Agile, 23

Waterfall, 2

Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, 2

Spagnuolo, Chris, 127

Spike, 283

Spolsky, Joel, 197198


affecting team velocity, 161162

customer-specific code, 132

defined, 283

maintenance of legacy code, 168

overview of, 5456

product owner role, 7677

Sprint backlog, 56, 283

Sprint demo (review), 228, 283

Sprint goal, 166167, 283

Sprint planning meeting, 174175, 283

Sprint retrospective. See Retrospective meeting

Stakeholder feedback sessions

customer participation in, 202

in Sprint review. See Sprint demo (review)


collaborating with, 95, 132133, 142143

defined, 284

in Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), 5859

frequent delivery and, 19

involvement with teams, 45

role of Scrum, 9394

sharing vision with, 133

silent in daily stand-up meeting, 227

Sprint review with, 228

team velocity and, 162

understanding definition of “done,” 163

Start-up company, 100

Status checks, burn-down charts, 219221

Status meeting, 226227

Staying the course, executives, 3637

Steering phase, Extreme Programming (XP) planning game, 168

Sterling, Chris, 85

Sticky notes, 151, 229230

Stoplight charts, 223, 284

Stories. See User stories

Story points

burn-up charts depicting progress, 217219

defined, 284

estimating, 156

Fibonacci sequence, 157158

team estimation of, 158160

team velocity based on, 161163

Subject matter expert (SME)

defined, 283

in large multinational company, 102

removing impediments, 80

Successes, Agile

executive viewpoint, 3739

management viewpoint, 3032

team member viewpoint, 2225


defined, 284

validation through user, 241244

Sustainable development

Agile principle of, 7

defined, 284

executive responsibility for, 38

Sutherland, Jeff, 4, 39, 50, 54, 82, 150

System test

automated testing for, 201

defined, 284

value of, 205206

T-shirt sizing, 155156

Task boards

defined, 284

in Kanban, 212, 279


defined, 284

selected by team members, 166167, 173

in self-organizing teams, 87

setting work in progress (WIP) limits, 215

TDD. See Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Team, role of

consistency in membership, 88

cross-functional, 8788

fist of five concept, 8586

full-time membership, 88

overview of, 84

practical examples of, 9293

self-organizing, 8687

size, 87

working agreement, 8485

Team velocity, 161163

Team viewpoint

continuous improvement, 18

failures/risks, 2527

frequent delivery, 19

overview of, 16

physical workspace, 2021

self-organizing, 1718

successes, 2225

“us versus them” scenarios, 20


daily stand-up meetings, 227

defined, 284

estimation process, 158160

fictitious Cayman Design, 8

individuals and interactions within, 248

John Deere case study, 265266

Lean software development empowering, 137

maintaining legacy code, 168169

management viewpoint, 3031

managers optimizing success of, 3031

managers trusting, 2930

principles of, 67

role of coach, 9697

role of development, 98

Scrum focus on, 5456

values, 45

Technical debt, 163164, 284285

Technical excellence

Agile principle of, 7

defined, 285

executive focus on, 3839

Technical lead, 8283, 9798

Territorialism, 33

Test cases, 224225, 285

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

clean code and refactoring with, 11

defined, 285

in Extreme Programming (XP), 51

managing product quality, 181182

refactored code, 183186

value of, 204


automated, 199202

customer, 202203

enhancing quality, 180

Extreme Programming (XP) integration, 53

manual, 199

us vs. them mentality in, 20

user stories, 117, 128129

user stories, with acceptance criteria, 117119, 123124

Thelen, Tony, 264270

Themes, Agile Manifesto principles, 78

Theory X managers, 2930, 3233

Thomas, Dave, 4


Agile executives valuing wrong metrics, 41

in Sprint planning session, 166167

triple constraints and, 169170


defined, 285

DSDM reliance on, 59

Scrum process, 54

Tracker, 96, 285

Tracking and reporting

with burn-down charts, 219221

with burn-up charts, 217219

in Extreme Programming (XP), 216217

in Feature-Driven Development (FDD), 222223

with Gantt charts, 223

with information radiators, 221222

in Kanban, 212216

measuring success, 230231

with meetings or ceremonies, 226230

overview of, 212

project manager role, 95

of quality, 223225

in Scrum, 5455

with stoplight charts, 223


affecting team velocity, 161

John Deere case study, 266

role of, 9899

Transparency, 132136, 285

Transparent development, 202, 285

Travel budgets, for virtual resources, 23

Triple constraints, 169170, 285


consistency in team building, 88

defined, 285

pair programming building, 181

retrospectives emphasizing team, 229

of team by manager, 2932

Unhealthy team dynamics, 2526

Unintended technical debt, 164

Unit testing, 198, 204

“Us versus them” scenarios, 20


customer feedback via testing of, 202

defined, 285

user experience designer. See User experience (UX/UI) designer

Use cases, 285

User acceptance testing (UAT), 286

User experience (UX/UI) designer

defined, 286

marketing working software with, 247

role, 98

User interface (UI), testing, 201

User stories

acceptance criteria, 119121

backlogs listing all, 150151

as conversation starters, 143

customer-specific code and, 131132

defined, 286

delivering value to marketplace, 129132

enhancing, 126129

in Extreme Programming (XP), 124125

format, 115117

John Deere case study, 268269

overview of, 115

prioritizing in product backlog, 152155

product owner role in, 74

in Sprint demo, 228

in Sprint planning session, 166167

starting as epics, 117119

writing best practices, 121124


Agile Marketing using data, 253

data-gathering process, 240244

defined, 286

Valuable user story, 117

Value stream mapping, 153, 286


Agile, 56

Agile Marketing Manifesto, 253255

Agile principles for, 78

Crystal, 64

of individuals and interactions, 248


calculating initial, 233234

defined, 286

executives valuing wrong metrics, 41

team, 161163

working at consistent, 234

Video tools, 23

Virtual resources

inability to adapt, 26

strategy for, 45

teams incorporating, 23


defined, 286

sharing, 132134, 143

Visual workflow, Kanban, 61

Vizdos, Michael, 89

Wake, Bill, 117

Waste. See also Bottlenecks

defined, 137138

in estimation process, 160

Lean eliminating, 5960, 67, 137

as muda, muri, and mura, 216, 232, 286

removing with mapping, 153


defined, 286

traditional use of, 2

Waterfall, Agile vs.

comparing, 3

cultural perspective, 45

customer-specific code vs., 131132

human activities vs., 1112

moving to Agile from, 264270

quality-focused culture vs., 180181

requirements gathering vs., 114

self-organizing teams vs., 87

Wells, Don, 124, 163, 170

Whiteside, J. Bennett, 2

Wide-band Delphi, 159, 286

Williams, Laurie, 4

Wireframes, 246247, 287

Work in progress (WIP) limits

defined, 287

determining, 234

Kanban, 60, 212

overview of, 214216


discussing in retrospective, 229

Kanban, 6162, 212

Scrum, 5556

Working agreement

applications beyond development, 251

defined, 287

team role in, 84

topics, 85

Working software

Agile principle of, 7

Agile value of, 5

defined, 287

marketing, 246248


impact on team member of physical, 2021, 45

inability to adapt to collaborative, 2627

optimizing team, 2325

Wozniak, Steve, 182183

Wu, Liming, 159

XP. See Extreme Programming (XP)

Yesterday’s weather, 162, 287

Zurcher, F. W., 3

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