7.5. The Solution

The challenges that eTapestry faced required that they make careful choices in terms of both the technologies they used and the vendors that they relied on to deliver the technology. Being at the leading edge of the technologies, it was important to select solutions and vendors that would meet the need both for the short term and the long term.

7.5.1. Technology Choices

Technology evolves rapidly and today's standards need to have both room to grow and wide spread support to ensure longterm viability. eTapestry focused on Java technology and XML standards as a way to achieve these goals.

7.5.2. Java Technology

eTapestry chose Java technology for its application platform for numerous reasons. The first was Java technology's object-oriented nature. Having decided to design the application using object-oriented principles, the development team (which, at the start, consisted of just two people) required an object-oriented language that was also highly productive. The team found the Java language to be a much simpler and more versatile alternative to C++ because of its lack of pointers, its use of garbage collection, platform-independence, and its ability to accept changes or fixes without having to recompile the application or take the server offline.

The decision for Java technology was reinforced by several key enhancements. For instance, Java JIT (just-in-time) compilers ensured that the application would perform efficiently. In addition, the emergence of the J2EE standard provided an upward migration path that would allow the application to be distributed as traffic levels warranted.

7.5.3. Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Extensible Markup Language data formats are used for several purposes. The obvious function is for B2B exchange of data from business partners. Much of the B2B integration work is still in progress. For instance, a bi-directional link with Acteva, which offers an event-management plug-in, is being developed. This would allow eTapestry customers to enter data on any scheduled event, such as a seminar, including information on membership dues and sponsorships, and options for donors who can't attend an event to contribute via a sponsorship or donation. Events open to the public could be listed with Acteva's own search engine. At this point, the mechanics for the XML data exchange have yet to be determined.

As part of its partnering strategy, eTapestry is working with several XML organizations to create standard APIs for specific business transactions. For instance, eTapestry has joined the Open Philanthropy Exchange (OPX) to develop standard electronic transactions from the newly emerging online charity portals (which manage donor funds) and the nonprofit organizations that are to receive donations. Typical transactions include automated processing of payroll deductions, volunteering opportunities, and providing electronic acknowledgements that the donations were accepted.

eTapestry is also working with SyncML, a broad-based technology group, to develop the standards for synchronizing data between personal digital assistants such as, Palm or PocketPC and calendaring and messaging applications (such as, Outlook). Such a standard would help donors download schedules of charitable events onto their own palmtops.

“XML standards are important to our customers and their donors because both sides want to ensure that their online transactions are handled accurately and seamlessly,” says Rusche, who adds, “The standards allow us to concentrate on value-added functionality, rather than on writing and maintaining proprietary interfaces.”

XML is also important to eTapestry's internal operations. The company uses XML to manage internal system configurations (for example, database properties and log settings). With the data stored in a neutral format like XML, it will be relatively easy to manipulate, using the XML editors contained in the Forte for Java development tool, along with the standard XML parsers specified as part of J2EE.

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