Understanding Microservices

Microservices are not a completely new concept. In the past, there have been many attempts, such as EJBs,Remote procedure calls (RPC), and implementations of services through SOAP, that aimed to reduce dependencies among various application components. Let's look at a formal definition to set the context and then we will try to understand it in detail:

"Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services, which implement business capabilities. The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack".


In the previous section, we discussed SOA. Microservices are the logical next step, where we extend the SOA and start thinking about dividing the services at a granular level. As the name suggests, we divide our services down to a Micro level when we are talking about Microservices. The next most important aspect is to think about these Microservices as independent entities that can be developed, tested, deployed, and managed as complete sub-applications in themselves. 

If we try to visualize our previous example of the Employee Management System in terms of design, the following diagram should demonstrate a Microservices-based implementation:

Let's take a look at the design and how is it different from our previous SOA approach. First, notice that we have divided our services at a granular level. For example, we are supporting Excel and PDF-based reporting, but the actual generators need not be part of the reporting service. The reporting service should only be responsible for generating data, but how the data is represented should not be part of this service. An additional advantage it gives us is that, if in future, we want to support other formats, say a Word DOC report, we don't need to touch any of the existing code; we just create a new service, say Word Document report generator, and plug it in. So we can say that a Microservices-based architecture is easy to extend and maintain.

As we have divided the application into smaller services that can be managed independently, we also talk about smaller teams and decentralized management. Each team can take independent decisions on the design and technology stack they want to use, and hence there is no dependency on other teams. Each service can be easily tested independently.

Another thing you might have noticed is that each service is deployed independently. Well, this might not be the exact scenario and you might deploy multiple services on the same machine, but the idea is that you should have the capacity to deploy each service independently.

Though we have not looked at the data storage part, ideally, each service will manage its own data. There should be a single point of managing one data entity. This helps in the decentralization for data, which helps with easy scalability and maintenance.

Communication between the services is another important aspect you should consider when choosing a Microservices-based architecture. We need to decide whether the communication needs to be synchronous or asynchronous, through REST, Queue-based, or some other communication medium. A well-architected system will be fault-tolerant, as a failure in no single service can bring down the system as a whole, so there is no single point of failure.

There are no fixed, industry-wide set of rules to follow for a Microservices-based architecture. This causes a lot of confusion, as well as flexibility. But to keep it simple, let's take a look at some of the common characteristics of a good Microservices-based architecture:

  • Decoupled architecture
  • Independent deployables
  • Decentralized data
  • Smaller code bases and teams
  • Decentralized management
  • Fault-tolerant

Next, let's take a look at some of the advantages and challenges that can be expected when using a Microservices-based architecture.

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