Advantages of Microservices

Now that you're comfortable with the concept of Microservices, let's take a look at the advantages they provide, which has made them so popular over the last few years. We already discussed the challenges that come with a monolithic architecture. Most of the challenges of Monolithic applications can be handled by the use of a Microservices-based approach. The following are some of the advantages of a Microservices-based architecture:

  • Easy-to-manage Code: As we are able to modularize and divide our huge application code base into various Microservices, we are not dealing with the whole application code at any point in time.
  • Flexibility of choosing the tech stack: As every Microservice we create is potentially a separate application in itself with a different deployable, it is easy to choose a technology stack based on need. For example, if you have many Java-based services in an application, and a new requirement comes in which you feel can be easily handled by using Python instead of Java, you can go ahead build that service in Python, and deploy it without worrying about the rest of the application.
  • Scalability: As every Microservice can be deployed independently, it is easy to scale them without worrying about the impact on others. For example, let's say we know the reporting service is used heavily at every end of a quarter  we can scale only this Microservice by adding more instances, and the rest of the services remain unaffected.
  • Testing: Unit testing, to be more specific, is easy with a Microservices-based approach. If you are modifying the leave-management service with some new rules, you need not worry about other services, such as Employee Project Management. In the worst case, if your leave-management service breaks down due to faulty code, you can still edit and update the Employee project-related information without even knowing that some other service is broken.
  • Faster time to market: As we are dealing with only one part of the application at a time, it is easier to make changes and move to production. Testing and deployment efforts are minimal as we are dealing with a subset of the whole system at a time.
  • Easy to upgrade or modify: Let's say we need to upgrade a Microservice, upgrade software or hardware, or completely rewrite the service, this is much easier in a Microservice based architecture, as we are only upgrading one part of the application.
  • Higher fault tolerance: In a monolith architecture, one error can cause the whole system to crash. In a Microservice-based architecture, in the worst case, a single service will crash, but no other services will be impacted. We still need to make sure we are managing errors properly to take advantage of Microservice-based architecture.
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