Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of learning at the cutting edge of current research into neural networks and machine learning. Unlike unsupervised and supervised learning, reinforcement learning makes decisions based upon the results of an action. It is a goal-oriented learning process, similar to that used by many parents and teachers across the world. We teach children to study and perform well on tests so that they receive high grades as a reward. Likewise, reinforcement learning can be used to teach machines to make choices that will result in the highest reward.

There are four main components to reinforcement learning: the actor or agent, the state or scenario, the chosen action, and the reward. The actor is the object or vehicle making the decisions within the application. The state is the world the actor exists within. Any decision the actor makes occurs within the parameters of the state. The action is simply the choice the actor makes when given a set of options. The reward is the result of each action and influences the likelihood of choosing that particular action in the future.

It is essential to note that the action and the state where the action occurred are not independent. In fact, the correct, or highest rewarding, action can often depend upon the state in which the action occurs. If the actor is trying to decide how to cross a body of water, swimming might be a good option if the body of water is calm and rather small. Swimming would be a terrible choice for the actor to choose if he wanted to cross the Pacific Ocean.

To handle this problem, we can consider the Q function. This function results from the mapping of a particular state to an action within the state. The Q function would link a lower reward to swimming across the Pacific that it might for swimming across a small river. Rather than saying swimming is a low reward activity, the Q function allows for swimming to sometimes have a low reward and other times a higher reward.

Reinforcement learning always begins with a blank slate. The actor does not know the best path or sequence of decisions when the iteration first begins. However, after many iterations through a given problem, considering the results of each particular state-action pair choice, the algorithm improves and learns to make the highest rewarding choices.

The algorithms used to achieve reinforcement learning involve maximization of reward amidst a complex set of processes and choices. Though currently being tested in video games and other discrete environments, the ultimate goal is success of these algorithms in unpredictable, real-world scenarios. Within the topic of reinforcement learning, there are three main flavors or types: temporal difference learning, Q`-learning, and State-Action-Reward-State-Action (SARSA).

Temporal difference learning takes into account previously learned information to inform future decisions. This type of learning assumes a correlation between past and future decisions. Before an action is taken, a prediction is made. This prediction is compared to other known information about the environment and similar decisions before an action is chosen. This process is known as bootstrapping and is thought to create more accurate and useful results.

Q-learning uses the Q function mentioned above to select not only the best action for one particular step in a given state, but the action that will lead to the highest reward from that point forward. This is known as the optimum policy. One great advantage Q-learning offers is the ability to make decisions without requiring a full model of the state. This allows it to function in states with random changes in actions and rewards.

SARSA  is another algorithm used in reinforcement learning. Its name is fairly self-explanatory: the Q value depends upon the current State, the current chosen Action, the Reward for that action, the State the agent will exist in after the action is completed, and the subsequent Action taken in the new state. This algorithm looks further ahead one step to make the best possible decision.

There are limited tools currently available for performing reinforcement learning using Java. One popular tool is Platform for Implementing Q-Learning Experiments (Piqle). This Java framework aims to provide tools for fast designing and testing or reinforcement learning experiments. Piqle can be downloaded from Another robust tool is called Brown-UMBC Reinforcement Learning and Planning (BURPLAP). Found at, this library is also designed for development of algorithms and domains for reinforcement learning. This particular resource boasts in the flexibility of states and actions and supports a wide range of planning and learning algorithms. BURLAP also includes analysis tools for visualization purposes.

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