Restricted Boltzmann Machines

RBM is often used as part of a multi-layer deep belief network. The output of the RBM is used as an input to another layer. The use of the RBM is repeated until the final layer is reached.


Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) consist of several RBMs stacked together. Each hidden layer provides the input for the subsequent layer. Within each layer, the nodes cannot communicate laterally and it becomes essentially a network of other single-layer networks. DBNs are especially helpful for classifying, clustering, and recognizing image data.

The term, continuous restricted Boltzmann machine, refers an RBM that uses values other than integers. Input data is normalized to values between zero and one.

Each node of the input layer is connected to each node of the second layer. No nodes of the same layer are connected to each other. That is, there is no intra-layer communication. This is what restricted means.

Restricted Boltzmann Machines

The number of input nodes for the visible layer is dependent on the problem being solved. For example, if we are looking at an image with 256 pixels, then we will need 256 input nodes. For an image, this is the number of rows times the number of columns for the image.

The Hidden Layer should contain fewer neurons than the Input Layer. Using close to the same number of neurons will sometimes result in the construction of an identity function. Too many neurons may result in overfitting. This means that datasets with a large number of inputs will require multiple layers. Smaller input sizes result in the need for fewer layers.

Stochastic, that is, random, values are assigned to each node's weights. The value for a node is multiplied by its weight and then added to a bias. This value, combined with the combined input from the other input nodes, is then fed into the activation function, where an output value is generated.

Reconstruction in an RBM

The RBM technique goes through a reconstruction phase. This is where the activations are fed back to the first layer and multiplied by the same weights used for the input. The sum of these values from each node of the second layer, plus another bias, represents an approximation of the original input. The idea is to train the model to minimize the difference between the original input values and the feedback values.

Reconstruction in an RBM

The difference in values is treated as an error. The process is repeated until an error minimum is reached. You can think of the reconstruction as guesses about the original input. These guesses are essentially a probability distribution of the original input. This is called generative learning, in contrast to discriminative learning, which occurs with classification techniques.

In a multi-layer model, each layer can be used to essentially identify a feature. In subsequent layers, a combination of features may be identified or generated. In this way, a seemingly random set of pixel values may be analyzed to identify the veins of a leaf, a leaf, a trunk, and then a tree.

The output of an RBM is a value that essentially represents a percentage. If it is not zero, then the machine has learned something about the input.

Configuring an RBM

We will examine two different RBM configurations. The first one is minimal and we will see it again in Deep autoencoders. The second uses several additional methods and provides more insights into the various ways it can be configured.

The following statement creates a new layer using the RBM.Builder class. The input is computed based on the number of rows and columns of an image. The output is large, containing 1000 neurons. The loss function is RMSE_XENT. This loss function works better for some classification problems:

.layer(0, new RBM.Builder() 
    .nIn(numRows * numColumns).nOut(1000) 

Next is a more complex RBM. We will not detail each of these methods here but will see them used in later examples:

.layer(new RBM.Builder() 
    .nIn(numRows * numColumns 

A single-layer RBM is not always useful. A multi-layer autoencoder is often required. We will look at this option in the next section.

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