
   Big shout-outs and thanks to my husband, John, without whom this endeavor would not have been possible. Thank you, Babe. Thanks to my wonderful family who are so supportive of me. And to Mom and Dad, who raised a kid with their examples of stick-to-it-iveness and love for education. I had the best parents I could ask for, really.

Thanks to Phil Leahy, the first person on earth to put me on stage with a mic, because he thought I really had something worthy to say. He gave me a platform and the courage to say it in front of thousands. Thanks to my fellow Original Kings of Technology (#OKOT) buddies with an extra special shout to Brent Leary for all these years of breakfast brainstorming over coffee, and to JB when he could get a “hall pass.” My coauthor, Debra, and her husband, Brad, you guys believed it from the start and you are the binding that holds this book together. Thanks for your guidance and wisdom.

Huge shout-out to my e-commerce “partner in time,” Jon Miller, who has put up with my bullshit for three years waiting for this book to be birthed. Big thanks to the ColderICE team: Karen, Michelle, and Jacqui, unparalleled support ladies. To all my friends and followers in social media and the members of the Facebook Ecommerce Group; dude, you guys are the reason why I am here and why the publisher took a chance on a guy like me … Thank you. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! You guys freakin’ rock my world, and I luv y’all!

I want to thank my agent, Bill Gladstone, and the staff at Waterside Productions for taking this idea and finding it a great home … which leads to my publishing team. Thanks to the folks at BenBella Books, who put this book into your hands. Glenn Yeffeth, the publisher, believed in it. Thank you, Debbie Harmsen, Editor-in-Chief, and Monica Lowry, in charge of the art. Thank you to Leigh Camp and Jessika Rieck, who saw this manuscript through production. Thanks to my copy editor, Francesca Drago, who caught all my mistakes, and my proofreaders Greg Teague and Rainbow Graphics who double-checked for me. A special thanks to Erin Kelley, who answered all my questions quickly and with such good cheer. You all made a big project much, much better!

What’s up to the OG ColderICE Squad: Bryan, Randy, Kat, Jason, Mel, Danni, Janelle, Deb, Lynn, Joe, Scott, Mark, Beth, Brandon, Kathy, eBay Andy, Ms. Jazzy Love Jam, Cliff, Pineapple, Lisa, Uncle Joe, Shaun from down under, R.B.H., “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha,” Phaedra, and Wally.

And to my “kids,” Elijah, Jasmine, Deva … The world lies, always try. Love you guys.


I’d like to thank my coauthor, John, for letting me live inside his brilliant head for these past months. He always argues with me about the “brilliant” part, but trust me. I’ve been inside that head, and there’s no other word for it, well, except maybe genius. I started this project with a business associate, but I end it with a lifelong friend. Thanks, John.

I’d also like to thank everyone at the C. Burr Artz Public Library for putting up with my being away from work and distracted by this amazing book. That’s especially true for my “family” in the Children’s department. They picked up extra story times when I wasn’t there and took on extra work so I could be free to write. I will bring you cupcakes, I promise.

To my family, starting with my husband, Brad, there are not enough thanks in the universe. You are still, as you always will be, the Sweetheart of My Youth. Also thank you to my kids, Stephanie, Andrew, Ethan, and Laurel. Watching you four write your own life stories is the joy of my existence.


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