Kotlin – The Game Changer

Enterprises typically develop their applications or microservices based on Java. Java is the first choice of language for development because it is robust, safe, and backward compatible. Java's platform independence makes it suitable for developing web services and enterprise applications. Having said that, however, have we ever considered whether there might be a better way to write code, one that makes it easy not only to develop an application, but also to maintain it over a period of time?

With its elegant syntax and numerous features, Kotlin makes it much easier to work with. Writing code with Kotlin is much simpler. We can develop complex applications quickly and maintain them easily:

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • What makes Kotlin stand out among other JVM-based languages
  • A comparison with Java
  • How to configure Kotlin in IDEs 
  • What Coroutines are and how to use them in an application
  • Using Java and Kotlin to set up a project
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