Working with the private Docker registry

Once you start maintaining your own Docker image, you might need to have some private Docker registry to put some sensitive information into an image or your organization policy.

Docker Hub offers the private repository, which only the authenticated user can push and pull images, and is not visible to other users. However, there is only one quota for a free Docker Hub account. You may pay to increase the private repositories quota, but if you adopt the microservices architecture, you will need a large number of private repositories:

Working with the private Docker registry

Docker Hub private repositories price

There are some ways to set up your own private Docker registry that unlimited Docker image quota locates inside of your network.

Getting ready

The easiest way to set up your Docker registry is use an official Docker registry image ( Run the docker pull command to download the Docker registry image as follows:

$ docker pull registry:2
2: Pulling from library/registry
f32095d4ba8a: Pull complete 
9b607719a62a: Pull complete 
973de4038269: Pull complete 
2867140211c1: Pull complete 
8da16446f5ca: Pull complete 
fd8c38b8b68d: Pull complete 
136640b01f02: Pull complete 
e039ba1c0008: Pull complete 
c457c689c328: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:339d702cf9a4b0aa665269cc36255ee7ce424412d56bee9ad8a247afe8c49ef1
Status: Downloaded newer image for registry:2

//create Docker image datastore under /mnt/docker/images
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/docker/images

//launch registry that expose the 5000/tcp to 8888/tcp on host
$ sudo docker run -p 8888:5000 -v /mnt/docker/images:/var/lib/registry registry:2


It will store the images to /mnt/docker/images on the host machine. It is highly recommended to consider to mount a network data volume such as NFS or use Docker volume

How to do it…

Let's create your simple Docker image based on nginx:

  1. Firstly, prepare index.html as follows:
    $ cat index.html
        <head><title>My Image</title></head>
            <h1>Hello Docker !</h1>
  2. Also, prepare Dockerfile as follows to build your Docker image:
    $ cat Dockerfile
    FROM nginx
    COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html
  3. Then, build a Docker image name as <your name>/mynginx as follows:
    $ ls
    Dockerfile  index.html
    $ docker build -t hidetosaito/mynginx .
    Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB
    Step 1 : FROM nginx
     ---> 9737f81306ee
    Step 2 : COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html
     ---> 74dd7902a931
    Removing intermediate container eefc2bb17e24
    Successfully built 74dd7902a931

    At this moment, the mynginx image is stored on this host only.

  4. Now, it's time to push to your own private registry. First of all, it needs to tag the image name as <private_registry:port number>/<your name>/mynginx as follows:
    $ docker tag hidetosaito/mynginx ip-10-96-219-25:8888/hidetosaito/mynginx
    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    ip-10-96-219-25:8888/hidetosaito/mynginx   latest              b69b2ab1f31b        7 minutes ago       134.6 MB
    hidetosaito/mynginx                        latest              b69b2ab1f31b        7 minutes ago       134.6 MB


    You may see that IMAGE ID are the same, because they are the same image.

  5. Then, push to the private registry using the docker push command as follows:
    $ docker push ip-10-96-219-25:8888/hidetosaito/mynginx
    The push refers to a repository [ip-10-96-219-25:8888/hidetosaito/mynginx] (len: 1)
    b69b2ab1f31b: Pushed 
    ae8e1e9c54b3: Pushed 
    18de280c0e54: Pushed 
    cd0794b5fd94: Pushed 
    f32095d4ba8a: Pushed 
    latest: digest: sha256:7ac04fdaedad1cbcc8c92fb2ff099a6509f4f29b0f694ae044a0cffc8ffe58b4 size: 15087

    Now, your mynginx image has been stored in your private registry. Let's deploy this image using Kubernetes.

  6. Prepare the YAML file, which contains command to use nginx from the private registry and use the Kubernetes service to expose to TCP port 30080:
    # cat my-nginx-with-service.yaml 
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ReplicationController
      name: mynginx
      replicas: 2
            app: mynginx
            app: mynginx
          - name: mynginx
            image: ip-10-96-219-25:8888/hidetosaito/mynginx
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: mynginx-service
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 80
          nodePort: 30080
      type: NodePort
         app: mynginx
  7. Then, use the kubectl create command to load this YAML file:
    # kubectl create -f my-nginx-with-service.yaml 
    replicationcontroller "mynginx" created

You have exposed your service to an external port on all the nodes in your cluster. If you want to expose this service to the external Internet, you may need to set up firewall rules for the service port(s) (TCP port 30080) to serve traffic. Refer to for more details:

service "mynginx-service" created

Then, access any Kubernetes node on TCP port 30080; you may see index.html as follows:

How to do it…

How it works…

On running the docker push command, it uploads your Docker image to the private registry. Then, when the kubectl create command is run, the Kubernetes node performs docker pull from the private registry.

Using the private registry is the easiest way to propagate your Docker image to all the Kubernetes nodes:

How it works…


The official Docker registry image is the standard way to set up your private registry. However, from the management and maintenance points of view, you might need to make more effort. There is an alternative way to construct your own Docker private registry.

Docker Trusted Registry

Docker Trusted Registry is an enterprise version of Docker registry. It comes with Web Console, LDAP integration, and so on. To know more about Docker Trusted Registry, please refer to the following link:

Nexus Repository Manager

Nexus Repository Manager is one of the popular repository managers; it supports Java Maven, Linux apt/yum, Docker, and more. You can integrate all the software repository into the Nexus Repository Manager. Read more about Nexus Repository here:

Amazon EC2 Container Registry

Amazon Web Services (AWS) also provides a managed Docker registry service. It is integrated with Identity Access Management (IAM) and the charges are based on storage usage and data transfer usage, instead of the number of images. To know more about it, please refer to following link:

See also

This recipe described how to set up your own Docker registry. The private registry brings you more flexibility and security for your own images. The following recipes help to understand the need for private registry:

  • Moving monolithic to microservices
  • The Working with volumes recipe in Chapter 2, Walking through Kubernetes Concepts
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