Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs)

The remainder of this chapter discusses LDAP support within several popular MTAs. You can skim this material if you want an overview of various mail servers, or you can focus on the details regarding your specific MTA and skip the others. In either case, I assume that you have some familiarity with the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) and mail servers in general.

Before we begin, Table 7-2 provides a summary of the LDAP versions used by the mail servers presented in this section. The same rule for enabling LDAPv2 binds described in the beginning of this chapter still holds true for two out of the three mail servers listed.

Table 7-2. LDAP versions used by various mail servers

Mail transfer agent

LDAPv2 bind

LDAPv3 bind





Sendmail is the default MTA on most current versions of Unix. A number of alternatives have appeared in the past few years (such as Postfix, Qmail, and Exim), but if you work with Unix or Linux systems, chances are you’ll deal with Sendmail. Sendmail introduced support for retrieving information from an LDAP directory in Version 8.9. However, this support didn’t really stabilize until later versions (this discussion focuses on Version 8.12). It by no means attempts to give comprehensive coverage of Sendmail. For information on the details of configuring and running a Sendmail server, refer to Sendmail, by Bryan Costales and Eric Allman (O’Reilly).

Sendmail’s LDAP integration falls into four categories: support for retrieving mail aliases from a directory, support for accessing generic Sendmail maps using LDAP queries, expansion of Sendmail classes at startup using information obtained from a directory, and support for retrieving specific mail-routing information from an LDAP directory. We will return to the specifics of these features in later sections.

In order to support any of these functions, Sendmail must be compiled with the LDAPMAP option enabled. Here’s how to modify site.config.m4 to compile LDAP against the client libraries installed by OpenLDAP 2:

dnl  . . . /devtools/Site/site.config.m4
dnl Enable LDAP features in Sendmail during compilation
APPENDDEF(`confLIBS´, `-lldap -llber´)dnl
dnl The following two entries are needed so
dnl that make can find the the ldap header files
dnl and libraries
APPENDDEF(`confINCDIRS´, `-I/opt/ldap/include´)dnl
APPENDDEF(`confLIBDIRS´, `-L/opt/ldap/lib´)dnl

Refer to the sendmail/README file for any relevant details about your server’s operating system, particularly if you’re using LDAP libraries other than OpenLDAP. The previous example was used to build Sendmail 8.12.6 linked against OpenLDAP client libraries on a Linux system. The resulting sendmail binary should be checked to ensure that the LDAPMAP option was properly enabled. Here we have a Linux host named garion that includes several compile-time options that were enabled by default. The only one to be concerned with is the LDAPMAP flag that you specified in site.config.m4:

$ cd sendmail-8.12.6/obj.Linux.2.4.19.i686/sendmail
$ echo | ./sendmail -bt -d0
Version 8.12.6
=  ==  ==  ==  SYSTEM IDENTITY (after readcf) ==  ==  ==  =
      (short domain name) $w = garion
  (canonical domain name) $j =
         (subdomain name) $m =
              (node name) $k = garion

Sendmail 8.12 includes what developers have described as an experimental schema file for OpenLDAP 2. The attributes and object classes are not defined in any Internet-Draft or RFC and may change in future releases. Because we are mainly concerned with exploring the specifics of sendmail, this is of little risk to us. However, if other applications made use of it, changes to the directory schema would require tight control so no dependencies are broken. Figure 7-9 displays the six object classes defined Sendmail’s schema file. All of the attributes are defined as strings (either as a Directory String or an IA5String).


There is a syntax error in the sendmail.schema file included with Sendmail 8.12.6. The sendmailMTAAliasGrouping attribute uses an invalid combination with String matching rules. This can be fixed by changing the SYNTAX for this attribute to use the Directory String OID (

Object classes defined in sendmail.schema
Figure 7-9. Object classes defined in sendmail.schema

To install the Sendmail objects and attributes, simply copy sendmail.schema to the schema/ directory:

root# cp cf/sendmail.schema /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema

and then include it in the global section of slapd.conf:

## Add support for Sendmail 8.12 objects and atrributes.
include  /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/sendmail.schema

As usual, slapd will need to be restarted to recognize the new items.


To access information quickly, Sendmail uses a number of maps in which it retrieves dates by searching for a unique key value. These maps can take various forms; some of the more common ones are the Berkeley DBM or YP/NIS maps. Within the file, an LDAP map is designated by the ldap keyword. If you’re hacking the Sendmail configuration directly, you can use LDAP for any of the maps, but that’s beyond the scope of this book. We will work only with Sendmail’s m4 configuration generator.

Sendmail provides support for several frequently used maps as FEATURE( ) s. Any of these features that accept an optional argument to refine the search can also accept the keyword LDAP to specify that the lookup should be performed using directory calls. The most basic definition of an access_db table using LDAP would look like:

FEATURE(`access_db´, `LDAP´)

The default entry generated for this m4 macro is:

Kaccess ldap -k (&(objectClass=sendmailMTAMapObject)
             -1 -v sendmailMTAMapValue

The -k option defines the search, and the -v parameter specifies the name of the attribute’s value to return. -1 indicates that the search must return only one value or else it will be considered a failure. Table 7-3 contains a complete list of LDAP-specific options. It is best to refer to the Sendmail documentation (doc/op/ for a complete list of all lookup parameters.

Table 7-3. Configuration options for use with LDAP maps




The search must return a single value or else it is considered to be a failed lookup.

-b suffix

The DN to use as the base search suffix.

-d binddn

Defines a DN to use when binding to the directory.

-h hostname

The LDAP server hostname.

-k filter

Defines the search filter.

- l time-Z size

Define the time and size limits for a given search. The time limit is given in seconds.

-M method

The method of authentication to use when binding to the LDAP server: LDAP_AUTH_NONE, LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE, or LDAP_AUTH_KRBV4.


Retrieves attribute names only, not values. This is the same as the attrsOnly Boolean flag used during ldap_search( ).

-P pwfile

The file containing the credentials for -d binddn.

-p port

The port to use when connecting to the LDAP server.


Does not automatically chase referrals.

-r deref

Controls how Sendmail should dereference aliases when searching: never, always, search, or find.


The search scope (base, one, or sub).

-V sep

Retrieves both the attribute name and value separated by the sep character.


Defines the attribute type that contains the value of the search result.

It is possible to define your own defaults for LDAP searches using the confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC variable in your m4 source file. This is a common place to set the hostname of the LDAP server and the base suffix used in searches. We will see an example of this later when we discuss aliases.

Table 7-4 lists all of the the Sendmail m4 features that support LDAP queries.

Table 7-4. Sendmail features that can be defined to use LDAP searches






List of hosts or networks that should be allowed to relay mail



Provides a separate map for storing client authentication information



A table for mapping bitnet hosts to Internet addresses



Makes use of a table that maps domain names to new domain names



Utilizes a table that contains rules for rewriting sender addresses in outgoing mail



Includes support for a mailer table that contains rules for routing mail to specific domains



A table for mapping UUCP hosts to Internet addresses



Includes support for a domain-specific version of aliasing


Before implementing mail alias lookups via LDAP, let’s begin with a simple configuration file for a central mail hub for the domain. Figure 7-10 illustrates how this host fits into the network. Clients on the network spool messages to the mail hub, which ensures that all outgoing messages have a send in the form of [email protected]:

 Sendmail m4 file for mail hub on local
dnl Masquerading settings
define(`PROCMAIL_MAILER_PATH´, `/usr/bin/procmail´)dnl
define(`STATUS_FILE´, `/var/log/mail.stats´)dnl
dnl Mailer settings
Utilizing a simple mail hub for the domain
Figure 7-10. Utilizing a simple mail hub for the domain

The ALIAS_FILE m4 option (AliasFile in allows an administrator to define the location of the aliases file (even within an LDAP directory). A very basic /etc/mail/aliases might appear as:

postmaster:         root, [email protected]
nobody:             /dev/null

Here, the postmaster alias maps to the root account and the address [email protected]. Any mail addressed to [email protected] is sent to the bit bucket (/dev/null).

To use Sendmail’s default LDAP search parameters for aliases, simply add:

define(`ALIAS_FILE´, `ldap:´)dnl

to the source m4 configuration file. This will generate a search similar to the one shown for the access_db lookup. However, this default search does not restrict the returned results to a single value (i.e., there is no -1 option specified).

ldap -k (&(objectClass=sendmailMTAAliasObject)
     -v sendmailMTAAliasValue

You could integrate the mail aliases into the existing ou=people organizational unit within your directory. There is one main problem with this, however: all of the object classes defined in sendmail.schema are defined as structural. The user accounts with ou=people cannot have a second structural class. You should therefore create a new ou to store aliases for Sendmail. Other applications may arise in the future that also require a portion of the directory for storing data. In preparation, the naming scheme ou= servicename ,ou=services,dc=plainjoe,dc=org has been chosen to organize subtrees. Figure 7-11 shows your new directory namespace.

New ou=aliases for use by Sendmail
Figure 7-11. New ou=aliases for use by Sendmail

The LDIF needed to create these three new ous should be very familiar by now:

dn: ou=services,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: services
dn: ou=sendmail,ou=services,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
ou: sendmail
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dn: ou=aliases,ou=sendmail,ou=services,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: aliases

Next, you will create the directory entries corresponding to the /etc/mail/aliases entries for postmaster and nobody:

dn: sendmailMTAKey=postmaster,ou=aliases,ou=sendmail,
objectClass: sendmailMTAAliasObject
sendmailMTAAliasValue: root
sendmailMTAAliasValue: [email protected]
sendmailMTAKey: postmaster
dn: sendmailMTAKey=postmaster,ou=aliases,ou=sendmail,
objectClass: sendmailMTAAliasObject
sendmailMTAAliasValue: /dev/null
sendmailMTAKey: nobody

The final step is to configure the actual lookup in . Because you expect to use additional LDAP searches in Sendmail, it is best to define any global defaults using confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC . Specify that all LDAP requests should be sent to the host

define(confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC, `-h´)dnl

The ALIAS_FILE definition will contain the base suffix, search filter, and requested attribute values. By default, Sendmail uses a subtree scope, which is fine for the alias searches:

define(`ALIAS_FILE´, `ldap:-k 
-v sendmailMTAAliasValue 
-b "ou=aliases,ou=sendmail,ou=services,dc=plainjoe,dc=org"´)dnl

After generating and installing the new file:

$ cd sendmail-8.12.6/cf/cf
$ sh Build
$ /bin/su -c "cp /etc/mail/"

you can test aliases using Sendmail’s verify mode (sendmail -bv):

$ sendmail -bv [email protected]
root . . .  deliverable: mailer local, user root
[email protected] . . .  deliverable: mailer local, user mailadmin

Before continuing on to Sendmail’s ldap_routing feature, you may be wondering what advantage was achieved by storing Sendmail’s aliases in LDAP. After all, you did create a new subtree within the directory, and it certainly does seem that some information, such as usernames, will end up being duplicated from the organizational unit. How did you reduce the duplication of data?

By shifting your focus from account management to service management, you can see that your directory provides a means of sharing basic Sendmail configuration data among multiple servers. This means that you no longer have to manage duplicate /etc/mail/aliases files on each of your Sendmail hosts. Remember that the default Sendmail LDAP queries include:


as part of the search filter. A Sendmail installation can be defined as a member of a cluster using the confLDAP_CLUSTER variable:

define(`confLDAP_CLUSTER´, `MailCluster´)

This provides a means of associating directory entries with individual hosts ($j) or groups of servers (${sendmailMTACluster}).

Mail routing using LDAP

Sendmail’s LDAP mail-routing functionality can be described as an LDAP virtusertable. This is a domain-specific form of aliasing that supports the handling of virtual domains. It provides rules for rewriting recipient addresses or rerouting a message to the appropriate host. The following virtual user table entry would route messages that are addressed to [email protected] to the host

[email protected]

Under its default configuration, Sendmail’s ldap_routing uses the inetLocalMailRecipient auxiliary object class defined in the expired Internet-Draft draft-lachman-laser-ldap-mail-routing-xx.txt. A version of this draft is included with the OpenLDAP source distribution. There are no required attributes in this object class, as you can see in Figure 7-12.

inetLocalMailRecipient object class used by Sendmail’s FEATURE(`ldap_routing')
Figure 7-12. inetLocalMailRecipient object class used by Sendmail’s FEATURE(`ldap_routing')

The three optional attributes in inetLocalMailRecipient are:


The RFC 822-compliant mail address of the message recipient


The DNS name specifying the host to which the message should be relayed


The RFC 822-compliant mail address to which the original recipient address should be rewritten

OpenLDAP includes a definition for the inetLocalMailRecipient object and associated attributes in misc.schema. You must include this file in slapd.conf and restart OpenLDAP before you can support Sendmail’s ldap_routing feature:

## Support the inetLocalMailRecipient object. 
include   /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema

To enable LDAP mail routing, add the following feature definition to


We must also inform Sendmail which mail domains should be routed. Without control over which email domains Sendmail should attempt to look up in the directory, each incoming message triggers a lookup, resulting in severely degraded performance on high-traffic sites.

To define a single routable domain, Sendmail provides the LDAPROUTE_DOMAIN m4 macro. The configuration for your server requires you to add this line to your source file:



A list of LDAP-routable domains can be read from a file defined by the LDAPROUTE_DOMAIN_FILE macro. Sendmail 8.12 introduced support for retrieving such class values from a directory using the syntax LDAPROUTE_DOMAIN_FILE(`@LDAP´). More information on file class macros can be found in the documentation included with Sendmail.

As mentioned previously, ldap_routing uses the inetLocalMailRecipient object class. It is possible to use an alternative schema by defining the ldap_routing feature as:


The mailHost and mailRoutingAddress entries are just LDAP map configuration lines; they default to:

ldap -1 -T TMPF -v mailHost 
  -k (&(objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient)                                  

They also default to:

ldap -1 -T TMPF -v mailRoutingAddress 
  -k (&(objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient)                                           

The search filters and the resulting attributes can be redefined to better suit your directory, if required. Both the bounce and detail parameters specify actions to take if a lookup does not return any routing information. The default behavior is to accept addresses not located by the LDAP search. Sendmail’s cf/README file has more details on changing this if you are interested.

The default searches used by ldap_routing do not define an LDAP server, nor do they include a search suffix. The confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC option can be used to specify defaults for all of Sendmail’s LDAP queries (maps, aliases, classes, and mail routing):

define(`confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC´, `-h -b

This is fully compatible with the configuration used to retrieve mail aliases from the directory. The ALIAS_FILE option used its own base suffix (-b) which overrode any matching default set by confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC.

With three optional attributes in the inetLocalMailRecipient object class, Sendmail must consider six unique routing cases. Note that if the mailLocalAddress attribute is absent, Sendmail will ignore the entry altogether. The possible results are described in Table 7-5.

Table 7-5. Possible results from an ldap_routing search

mailHost value

mailRoutingAddress value


A local host


The recipient is rewritten to mailRoutingAddress and delivered to the local host.

A local host

Does not exist

The mail is delivered to the original address on the local host.

A remote host


The mail is relayed to the mailRoutingAddress at the mailHost.

A remote host

Does not exist

The mail is relayed to the original address at mailHost.

Does not exist


The recipient is rewritten to mailRoutingAddress and delivered to the local host.

Does not exist

Does not exist

The mail is delivered locally to the original address or possibly bounced as a unknown user.

The following LDIF listings help explain the entries in Table 7-5. Here, you extend the original user entries in the ou=people subtree. You could have created a new organizational unit beneath ou=sendmail. However, adding the mail-routing information to a user’s entry means that when a user’s account is deleted, the mail-routing information is removed as well.

In the first listing, the mailLocalAddress and mailHost attributes cause mail addressed to [email protected] to be relayed to the host designated by’s DNS MX record for local delivery:

dn: uid=kristi,ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: posixAccount
objectclass: inetLocalMailRecipient
cn: Kristi Carter
sn: Carter
mail: [email protected]
mailLocalAddress: [email protected]
< . . . remaining attributes not shown . . . >

The following example adds the mailRoutingAddress attribute. With this attribute, all mail addressed to [email protected] is relayed to the host named by the MX record for, but only after the recipient address has been rewritten to [email protected]:

dn: uid=kristi,ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: posixAccount
objectclass: inetLocalMailRecipient
cn: Kristi Carter
sn: Carter
mail: [email protected]
mailLocalAddress: [email protected]
mailRoutingAddress: [email protected]
< . . . remaining attributes not shown . . . >

These rewrites can be verified using Sendmail’s rule set-testing mode:

$ /usr/sbin/sendmail -bt
> /parse [email protected]
  < . . . intervening ruleset output deleted . . . >
mailer relay, host, 
     user [email protected]

This output shows that mail received for [email protected] will be forwarded to the host after rewriting the recipient address to [email protected].

The mailLocalAddress attribute can also be used to specify that all mail for a domain should be relayed to another host. The following LDIF entry relays all mail addressed to the domain to the host denoted by’s MX record:

objectclass: organization
objectclass: inetLocalMailRecipient
description: mail domain 

It should be noted that Sendmail gives exact matches for the mailLocalAddress precedence over entries returned by matching the @domain syntax.


Our next stop during this tour of MTAs is to examine Wietse Venema’s Postfix mailer. This MTA is a popular replacement for Sendmail because it has:

  • Feature and interface compatibility with Sendmail

  • A simpler configuration

  • A history of fewer security holes

This section focuses on Postfix’s ability to integrate with an LDAP directory. I assume that the terminology and configuration files are familiar to Postfix administrators. If this is your first exposure to Venema’s MTA, the Postfix web site ( offers several good documents on the software’s design philosophy and architecture. It may also be helpful to refer to Postfix, by Richard Blum (Sams Publishing) for case studies of working installations.

After the gory details of configuring LDAP queries in Sendmail, Postfix’s configuration files are a welcome relief. In comparison to Sendmail, Postfix’s configuration is much more intuitive.

We will begin by ensuring that the proper features are enabled when you compile Postfix. The source distribution for Postfix can be downloaded from Assuming that the OpenLDAP 2 client libraries have been installed in the directory /usr/local/lib/, the following commands clear all remaining intermediate files from a previous build (just to be safe), and then create the necessary Makefiles to enable LDAP client support:

$ cd postfix-1.1.2/
$ make tidy
$ make makefiles CCARGS="-I/usr/local/include -DHAS_LDAP" 
> AUXLIBS="-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber"
$ make
$ /bin/su -c "make install"

Refer to the LDAP_README file included with the Postfix distribution for details about building the software on your server platform.


Postfix 1.1.2 will not compile when using the OpenLDAP 2.1 client libraries. You must use the most recent OpenLDAP 2.0 libraries in this case (or libraries from some other vendor described in the README_FILES/LDAP_README document). Note that this does not affect communications with an OpenLDAP 2.1 server.

Once you have built and installed Postfix, verify that LDAP support has been included. To do so, use the postconf utility installed with the Postfix server. The -m switch informs postconf to display the list of supported storage mediums for tables. The output should look something like this:

$ /usr/sbin/postconf -m

The exact list will vary, depending on how you’ve built Postfix. Your immediate concern is to verify that ldap is listed as a supported storage medium. However, it’s important to understand what’s going on. Postfix maintains six tables, any of which may be stored on any of the media reported by postconf -m. Table 7-6 introduces each of the tables and shows which core program acts as the table’s main client.

Table 7-6. Postfix tables and associated core programs



Core program


Provides information about which messages to accept or reject based on sender, host, network , etc.



Provides information on redirecting mail received for local users.



Provides information on local and nonlocal addresses.



Provides information on “user has moved to a new location” bounce messages.



Provides information on delivery methods and relay hosts for the domain.



Provides information used in redirecting local and nonlocal users or domains.


The remainder of this section shows how to configure a Postfix server to retrieve local aliases via LDAP queries. The following configuration file,, is the starting point for our discussion:

## /etc/postfix/
## Postfix configuration file for the SMTP server.
##   Written by <[email protected]>
## Host/domain information
myhostname =
mydomain =
myorigin =
## Who is local?
mydestination = localhost $myhostname
## Who do we accept mail relaying from?
mynetworks =
## Program locations
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
mail_owner = postfix
## Sendmail-compatible mail spool directory
mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail

As before, an alias entry maps a local username to an email address; this address can be either another local user or a user on a remote system. In your LDAP schema, a local user is represented by the uid attribute of the posixAccount object class. The aliased entry is represented by the mail attribute of the inetOrgPerson object class. Note that you do not use the sendmailMTA and related schema objects presented in the previous section, but rely on the original object classes and attributes used by the mail clients presented in the first half of this chapter.

This schema does not address the case of mapping one local user to another for email delivery. Nor does it allow the use of external files to list the addresses that should be used as expansions for aliases; this feature is useful for supporting a local mailing list. This limitation is a result of the attributes chosen and not of Postfix’s LDAP implementation.

Here’s a typical LDIF entry for a user account that has an email alias. Mail for this account (a guest account) is forwarded to [email protected]:

## User account including a mail alias
dn: uid=guest1,ou=People,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
uid: guest1
cn: Guest Account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
userPassword: {CRYPT}Fd8nE1RtCh5G6
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 783
gidNumber: 1000
homeDirectory: /home/guest1
gecos: Guest Account
sn: Account
mail: [email protected]

To inform the Postfix daemons that they should read the alias map from an LDAP directory, add the following entry to the server’s :

alias_maps = ldap:ldapalias

The ldap keyword denotes the type of lookup table; the ldapalias string is the name of the table. This name is used as a prefix for parameter names; it identifies which settings are associated with this table.

After specifying that Postfix should look up alias information from the directory, you have to define several parameters that tell Postfix how to search the directory. These should be familiar by now. The most common settings include the LDAP server name (server_host), the search base (search_base), the search scope (scope), the search filter (query_filter), and the resulting attribute value to return (result_attribute). Each of these parameters is prefaced by the LDAP table name (ldapalias_). Add these definitions to

## Parameters for LDAP alias map
ldapalias_server_host = localhost
ldapalias_search_base = ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
ldapalias_scope = sub
ldapalias_query_filter = (uid=%s)
ldapalias_result_attribute = mail

You can test the alias table lookup using the postmap(1) utility to verify that mail to the user guest1 will be forwarded to the mail account at [email protected]:

$ postmap -q guest1 ldap:ldapalias
[email protected]

After starting the Postfix daemons (/usr/sbin/postfix start), you can test your configuration further by sending a test message to guest1@garion. This slapd log entry (which comes from a logging level of 256) proves that Postfix did query the server using the filter "(uid=guest1)“:

Aug 15 10:53:37 ldap slapd[6728]: conn=24 op=1 SRCH 
base="ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org" scope=2 filter="(uid=guest1)"

The following excerpt from the header of the delivered message shows that the message was delivered to [email protected]. However, the message was then forwarded to [email protected], as specified by the value of the mail attribute for the guest1 account:

Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Delivered-To: [email protected]
Received: from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ([ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ]
        by with esmtp (Exim 3.36 #1)
        id 18M1Sc-0003tj-00
        for [email protected]; Wed, 11 Dec 2002 01:39:14 -0600
Received: by (Postfix)
        id 15CA23FB62; Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:40:23 -0600 (CST)
Delivered-To: [email protected]
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 0)
        id F042E3FB69; Tue, 10 Dec 2002 12:40:22 -0500 (EST)
To: [email protected]
Subject: testing Postfix/LDAP lookups
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 12:40:22 -0500 (EST)
From: [email protected] (root)

There are many possibilities beyond the simple example presented here. Your query_filter used only a single attribute, but nothing prevents the use of more complex filters that match on multiple attributes. Furthermore, many additional LDAP parameters allow you to fine-tune the way Postfix interacts with the directory. Table 7-7 gives a complete listing of all LDAP-related Postfix parameters as well as the default setting for each one.

Table 7-7. Postfix LDAP parameters






Defines whether an LDAP bind request should be issued prior to performing the query. This value must be yes or no.



The DN used when binding to the LDAP directory.



The clear-text password used when binding to the directory using the bind_dn value.



Determines whether to enable client-side caching of LDAP search results, as described in the ldap_enable_cache(3) manpage.


30 seconds

Defines the cache expiration timeout when cache=yes.


32 KB

Specifies the size of the LDAP cache when cache=yes.



Controls whether Postfix should dereference aliases when searching the directory. Possible values are 0 (never), 1 (when searching), 2 (when locating the base object for the search), and 3 (always).



A list (possibly a table lookup) of domain names that restricts when a query is made. This means that a local “user” (with the @ . . . ) will not be queried, nor will any email address that does not match one of the domains listed. For example:

ltable_domain = plainjoe.
org, hash:/etc/postfix/moredomains



The RFC 2254-style LDAP search filter.



The attribute value that should be read as a result of the query_filter.



The scope of the directory search; must be one of sub, base, or one.



The DN that acts as the base search suffix for the query.



The hostname of the LDAP server to which queries should be submitted. The value is of the form hostname [:port ][,hostname [:port ], . . . ].



The port on which the server_host is listening (unless overridden by the hostname:port syntax).



Allows administrators to define an attribute that returns DNs from an LDAP search. If this value is present in the entry returned by a successful search, another query is issued using the returned DN as the search_base.


10 seconds

The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that can elapse before the search is abandoned.


The Exim MTA is another Sendmail alternative. It was first developed in 1995 by Dr. Philip Hazel while at Cambridge University. For the full details on configuring Exim, Philip Hazel’s book, Exim: The Mail Transfer Agent (O’Reilly), provides an excellent tutorial on the various configuration details.[1] If you are not familiar with Exim, it is a good idea to visit to obtain an overview of Exim’s mail architecture. We will be looking at Exim 4.10.

Like Sendmail and Postfix, Exim supports various types of file and database lookups, such as mySQL, Berkeley DBM, and LDAP. In its default form, the Exim Makefile supports only linear searches in files (lsearch) and database lookups (dbm). To enable LDAP lookups, a handful of Makefile variables must be set. These variables are presented in Table 7-8.

Table 7-8. Exim LDAP-related Makefile variables




This variable must be set to yes to include LDAP lookup support in the exim binary.



These variables provide a means of supplementing the existing CFLAGS and LDFLAGS variables when building Exim. To support LDAP lookups, they must specify the locations of include files and LDAP libraries. For example:

   LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/opt/ldap/lib -llldap -llber


This variable defines which LDAP client libraries will be used. Possible values are UMICHIGAN, OPENLDAP1, OPENLDAP2, NETSCAPE, and SOLARIS.

Build the mail server with the following LDAP settings in Exim’s Local/Makefile:

## Included in Exim's Local/Makefile to enable LDAP lookup support
LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/include
LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber 

It is a good idea to verify that the OpenLDAP libraries have been linked to the exim binary using some type of tool, such as ldd(1) , to view linking dependencies:

$ ldd /usr/exim/bin/exim => /lib/ (0x40026000) => /lib/ (0x40037000) => /lib/ (0x4004b000) => /lib/ (0x40078000) => /usr/local/lib/ (0x4010f000)
             => /usr/local/lib/ (0x40146000) => /lib/ (0x40153000) => /lib/ (0x4027b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4027e000) => /lib/ (0x40290000) => /lib/ (0x402bd000)
    /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

Once the Exim binaries have been built and installed (we’ll assume that the default location of /usr/exim/ is the installation directory), the next step is decide what data should be retrieved from the directory. Our discussion of Postfix defined a useful schema for retrieving mail aliases for local users; let’s see how this same schema applies to Exim. The schema makes use of the uid attribute type (posixAccount) as the key and the mail attribute type (inetOrgPerson) as the resulting value. For completeness’s sake, here’s the LDIF entry for a user account with a mail alias; it’s the same entry you used for the Postfix server. All mail that would be delivered to the local user named guest1 should be forwarded to the address [email protected].

## User account including a mail alias
dn: uid=guest1,ou=People,dc=plainjoe,dc=org
uid: guest1
cn: Guest Account
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
userPassword: {CRYPT}Fd8nE1RtCh5G6
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 783
gidNumber: 1000
homeDirectory: /home/guest1
gecos: Guest Account
sn: Account
mail: [email protected]

Exim searches are defined using the data keyword. The general syntax for a table lookup is:

data = ${lookup db_type {db_search_parameters}}

LDAP queries can use a db_type of:


Indicates that the search will return a single value and that Exim should interpret multiple values as a failure


Specifies that the search will match one entry in the directory and that the returned value is the DN of that entry


Defines searches that may return multiple values

To inform Exim that local alias data should be retrieved from an LDAP directory, you must configure an appropriate redirect router. To do so, you create an ldap_aliases entry in /usr/exim/configure :

## Alias Director, which retrieves data from an LDAP director. The name 
## "ldap_aliases" has been arbitrarily chosen.
  driver = redirect
  data = ${lookup ldap 
    { ldap://
      ?mail?sub?(uid=${local_part})} }

The driver keyword is used to define the type of router being implemented. In contrast to both Sendmail and Postfix, Exim uses an LDAP URL to define the LDAP host, port, search base, retrieved attribute values, scope, and filter. The line continuation character () has been used to make the line more readable. The variable ${local_part} is the username extracted from the local recipient’s mail address (for example, the ${local_part} of [email protected] would be jdoe). So you can read the query specification as: “Using the LDAP server at (on the default port of tcp/389), perform a substring search of the uid attribute, searching for the local part of the email address, and returning the value of the mail attribute. Perform the search with a search base of ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org.”


It is possible to define multiple servers for LDAP queries with the ldap_default_servers parameter in Exim’s configure file. This option accepts a colon-separated list of servers and ports that are tried one by one until a server is successfully contacted. This setting would utilize two directory servers, ldap1 and ldap2, for fault tolerance purposes:

ldap_default_servers = ldap1::389:ldap2::389

Using Exim’s address-testing mode, you can verify that mail sent to guest1@garion will indeed be forwarded to [email protected]:

root# exim -v -bt guest1@garion
[email protected]
    <-- [email protected]
  deliver to [email protected]
  router = dnslookup, transport = remote_smtp
  host []

The log file for slapd (loglevel 256) shows that the lookup for (uid=guest1) was performed as expected:

Aug 16 17:05:09 ldap slapd[3574]: conn=36 op=1 SRCH 
base="ou=people,dc=plainjoe,dc=org" scope=2 filter="(uid=guest1)"

The LDAP URL format does not allow any space for defining credentials to be used when binding to the server. The default behavior is to perform an anonymous bind and not request any limits on search results. Exim can request a simple bind using credentials specified by the user and pass options. Table 7-9 lists several parameters that can be included in the LDAP query as option = value to specify authentication information as well as search limits.

Table 7-9. Additional Exim LDAP query parameters




The DN used when binding to the directory server


The clear-text password used when binding to the directory server with a non-empty user


The upper limit on the number of entries returned from the lookup


The upper limit, in seconds, on the time to wait for a response to a lookup

To use these additional parameters when performing an LDAP lookup, they must preceed the URL in the data string. For example, to bind to the LDAP server as the user cn=Mail Admin,dc=plainjoe,dc=org using the password secret, you would define the following query:

data = ${lookup ldap 
   { user="cn=Mail Admin,dc=plainjoe,dc=org"
     ?mail?sub?(uid=${local_part})}  }

Because Exim uses LDAPv2 binds, it cannot take advantage of SASL authentication or the StartTLS LDAv3 extension. However, it can understand URLs that use ldaps://. This is important when sending a DN and password to the directory server in clear text.

It should also be mentioned that because the pass value is stored in clear text, it is preferable to preface the data line with the hide keyword (i.e., hide data = . . . ) directive so that the line cannot be displayed by ordinary users using the exim -bP command.

[1] At the time of this writing, Hazel’s book covers Exim 3. The current release discussed in this chapter is Exim 4. There have been some substantial changes between the two versions.

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