LTE Femtocells

Ghazanfar Ali Safdar

School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK

Recently, considerable attention has been devoted to the potential of the femtocell as a solution to poor indoor network coverage. It has been exploited to provide higher capacity and intelligent coverage with an improvement in quality of service (QoS) for future indoor services. Though the advantages of femtocells cannot be overemphasized, they introduce some challenges, mostly with respect to the possible inherent interference due to a co‐channel deployment in two‐tier architecture with the Macrocell Base Station (MBS) and User Equipments (UEs). In this chapter, the femtocell is analysed as a solution for indoor network coverage problems and local‐convergence demands for indoor network applications. The chapter also focuses on the conventional methods/solutions used today to mitigate interference, which comprises spectrum allocation, power control and antenna approaches. These solutions can be combined with cognitive radio (CR) to introduce a higher degree of interference awareness with respect to the dynamic changes in the wireless environment.

2.1 Introduction

There will be a continuous increase in the demand for wireless spectrum in the foreseeable future with the introduction of Internet multimedia applications such as Facebook, YouTube and multimedia networks to name a few. As a result, there is even more of an increase in demand for the spectrum compared with technological development, which aims at increasing spectrum efficiency [1]. However, the main concern mostly in an indoor environment is the poor indoor network coverage as opposed to the increased demand of real‐time applications [2]. For these reasons, femtocells have gained attention to secure spectrum efficiency in near‐future networks. One of the important benefits of femtocells is the elimination of coverage‐area problems for indoor scenarios. Some other benefits of femtocells include increased average revenue per user, reduced capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX), deployment in operator‐owned spectrum and reduced bandwidth load and power requirements [3].

However, one of the main problems is due to the inefficient policies in spectrum management rather than the real‐time application on the available bandwidth [4]. Femtocells are typically designed to support simultaneous spectrum access of up to four mobile UEs in residential or small indoor environments. Predictions show that, in the near future, about 60% of voice traffic and about 90% of data traffic will originate from indoor environments such as home, office, airport and school [5]. Due to the limitations in spectrum availability, network operators prefer to deploy femtocells in a co‐channel access mode with the MBS, which means same resources are shared simultaneously [6]. However, since it is relatively expensive for network operators to perform careful cell planning and optimization in femtocells, they are user deployed by subscribers, which introduces an inherent interference with the MBS. This is because the femtocell uses the same spectrum as the MBS it is currently sharing with. Since the importance of femtocells cannot be overemphasized, there is a need to introduce interference mitigation schemes to enable femtocells to co‐exist alongside macrocells, as the former complements the latter in today’s heterogeneous networks.

This chapter concentrates on elaborating the importance of femtocells in a helpful or harmful perspective. The chapter highlights possible interference scenarios in a two‐tiered network with macrocells as well as probable solutions for mitigating interference.

2.1.1 Cross‐Tier Interference

Cellular networks require dedicated spectrum to support high data rates. However, the current radio spectrum is very crowded and only leaves very limited space for future evolutions, which results in a compact arrangement of frequency bands between 4G/5G releases and other wireless systems. For instance, the 2400–2483.5 MHz ISM band is utilized by both Wireless Fidelity (Wi‐Fi) and Bluetooth, while the operating band of the LTE‐A Band 40 ranges 2300–2400 MHz. Due to the imperfect transceiver components, the compact arrangement of adjacent frequency bands introduces severe cross‐tier interference, not only among wireless stations but also within a device with multiple radios such as femtocells, which causes immense interference to Macrocell User Equipments (MUEs) within its vicinity as depicted as I3 in Figure 2.1. In [7], even usage of state‐of‐the‐art radio frequency filters fails to provide mitigation to interference especially in adjacent channels.

Top: 2 Houses, each with 2 mobile phones, solid and dashed arrows. 2 other mobiles are outside the houses. At far right is an antenna with 2 arrows pointing the 2 outside mobiles. Bottom: 3 Graphs, each with shaded grids.

Figure 2.1 Femtocell and interference in a two‐tiered network.

2.1.2 Co‐Tier Interference

Due to the underlying deployment of femtocells without proper cell planning, severe interference may occur not only between a femtocell and a macrocell, but also among femtocells under highly dense deployments (Figure 2.1). There are different classes of interference in the HetNets, among those, the major challenge lies in the interference from a femtocell to a neighbouring femtocell (collocated) depicted as I1 and I2 in Figure 2.1. In the perspective of femtocells that are user deployed with no network planning, mitigating co‐tier interference under the limitation or knowledge of the presence of another femtocell can be difficult. Without a centralized coordinator or fixed spectrum partition, one proposed solution to mitigate co‐tier interference is to handover the victim UE to the nearby femtocell. In addition, a Femtocell Access point (FAP) cannot always be in the close access mode and is usually in the open access mode in order to be available for other UEs. As a result, although interference could be mitigated, however, the benefits and security of femtocells are sacrificed. To solve interference issues in future cellular networks, it is proposed that the distributive nature for data collection and parameter optimization empowers the CR technology [8] as a novel design paradigm [9]. This will be discussed in detail in the proceeding sections.

2.1.3 Downlink Interference Modelling

In downlink, where the users suffer from interference, it can be said that a certain user UEx, whose connected server (best server) is Ci, suffers from the interference of cell Cj, based on the following condition; If Ci and Cj are using the same sub‐channel for downlink transmission at the same OFDM symbol [10]. It is important to note that UEx could be a Femtocell User Equipment (FUE) or MUE and Ci could be a FAP or MBS. Therefore, the total interference suffered in Downlink (DL) by UEx at slot sloti,k,t is the summation of the interferences coming from all neighbouring cells Cj.


where, x is the interfered UE, UEx; k is the kth sub‐channel and t is the tth symbol; i is the best server, Ci,j is an interfering cell, Cj; Pj,k is the transmit power of cell Cj in a SC of the kth sub‐channel; Lpj,x is the channel gain or path loss (PL) between Cj and UEx; Gj and Gxs are the antenna gains in Cj and UEx. Also, Lj and Lx stands for the equipment losses in cells, Cj and UEx.

2.1.4 Uplink Interference Modelling

On the other hand, in UL, interference is suffered by the cells (MBS or FAPs in our scenario). The conditions are that if a certain cell Ci, serving user is UEx, suffers from the interference of another UE UEy, if UEx and UEy are using the same sub‐channel for UL transmission at same OFDM symbol. Therefore, the total interference suffered in UL by cell Ci at slot sloti,k,t will be the summation of all the interferences emanating from all neighbouring UEs, UEy.


where, i indicates cell suffering from interference, Ci; k is the kth sub‐channel and t is the tth symbol; x is the user being served, UEx; y is the user causing interference, UEy; Py,k is the applied transmit power of UEx in a subcarrier of the kth sub‐channel; Lpy,i is the PL between user UEy and cell Ci; Gy and Gi stand for the antenna gains for UEy and Ci, respectively while Ly and Li stand for the equipment losses in UEy and Ci. Shadowing effects and multi‐path fading should be taken into account; computing Lp. Lp can be deduced as:


Where Latt is the attenuation, Ls is the shadow fading and Lff is multi‐path fading. Therefore, the SINR of each slot, sloti,k,t can be expressed as follows:


where, C is the received power of the carrier and I the interfering signals. σ denotes the background noise. The received signal power C can expressed as:


The background noise, σ, on the other hand, can be deduced by:


where, no is noise, and nfeq for the noise figure of the UE. Also, Fsam represents the sampling frequency, while SCused and SCtotal are the number of used and total sub‐carriers, respectively.

Once the SINR of all slots allocated to a user are known, the effective SINR of the user is computed using the Mutual Information based Exponential SNR Mapping (MIESM) average [11].

2.2 Platform for Femtocell Deployment

In order to enable femtocells operate within a variety of networks a standard femtocell network architecture is required. This architecture enables a diversity of femtocells from different manufacturers to work in the networks of different operators. This section will cover the physical‐layer details of Long Term Evolution (LTE), which comprises time slot structures and available data rates. The current evolutionary step in 3GPP roadmap for future wireless cellular systems was introduced in 3GPP Release 8 in December 2008 with minor improvements in Release 9 and Release 10, respectively [12].

This release is commonly known as the LTE and it introduces enhancements to previous specifications to achieve higher throughput, spectral bandwidth and more flexible spectrum management. The requirements for high peak transmission rates are 100 Mbps for downlink and 50 Mbps for uplink. The LTE specifications introduce a wide range of support for femtocells. The data rates achieved by LTE are higher than those provided by most network interfaces, which increases the advantages of femtocells based on this release. An overview of the main transmission schemes of the LTE radio interface is provided in the subsequent section.

2.3 LTE Architecture Overview

The radio frame of LTE is defined as having a length of 10 ms. This is divided equally into 10 subframes (SF) of duration images per SF. Each SF is further divided into imagesslots of length images. Each SF contains images or images OFDM symbols on the length of the selected cyclic prefix (CP). An extended CP of 16.7 µs is allowed in LTE, which might be suitable in accommodating delay. However, in femtocells a normal length CP (TCP = 5.2 µs) might be enough due to its limited coverage area and short delay periods as compared with a MBS. More information about the frame structures can be found in [13].

2.3.1 LTE Downlink Transmission

In LTE, the radio transmission in the downlink is OFDMA and it is defined by a subcarrier (SC) spacing of images and images for multicast and all other cases, respectively. A resource block (RB) in OFDMA is equivalent to images adjacent SC; Therefore, the total number of SCs contained in 1 RB during a single time slot is images. LTE allows between 6 and 110 RBs based on the frequency that is between 1 and 20 MHz. In LTE, reference symbols (which are transmitted between the first and fifth OFDM symbols) are responsible for the modulation of certain SC in the OFDM grid. Also, the reference symbols are used for cell identification as well for channel sounding. LTE supports QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying), 16QAM and 64QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) as modulation schemes. Therefore, the minimum usable data rate of a RB with normal CP occurs for the case of QPSK (images bits per symbol). Furthermore, LTE supports MIMO schemes that can accommodate up to four transmitting antennas [14].

2.3.2 LTE Uplink Transmission

In LTE, the radio transmission technology in the UL is known as Single Carrier FDMA (SC‐FDMA). Reference signals differ in the UL but are also important as it allows the implementation of coherent demodulation in FAPs. Also, it provides useful insight into channel conditions. Reference signals are also transmitted in LTE for the purpose of channel sounding, which facilitates scheduling in the UL based on accurate channel knowledge. For each OFDM symbol in LTE, different RBs can be allocated to UEs. Most of the Physical (PHY) layer functionality in UL that includes but not restricted to channel coding, Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ), Cyclic Redundancy check (CRC) insertion, inter leaving, scrambling and data modulation is similar to DL.

2.4 LTE Femtocell Interference Analysis

In this section, we provide a brief analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of femtocells in a two‐tier interference scenario. Consider an OFDMA system where the femtocell and macrocell are deployed in a co‐channel fashion. A tri‐sector MBS is in the centre of the network and serves the randomly distributed 90 MUEs within its coverage area. Since there is more activity of MUEs in the downlink (DL) and less activity in the UL, the analysis is conducted on downlink interference. Sixty femtocells are randomly located within the coverage area of the MBS and accordingly there are number of MUEs within the coverage area of the femtocells. The simulation parameters are based on 3GPP LTE specifications [15], whereas four FUEs are attached to each FAP. The performance key indicator (PKI) used in the following analysis is SINR.

2.4.1 Scenario 1: Cross‐Tier Interference Analysis

  1. Detriment of femtocellsFigure 2.2a demonstrates the detrimental effects of femtocells. In a co‐channel deployment, MUEs served by the MBS are interfered by the closely located FAPs, thereby resulting into reduced SINR (grey shaded curve). Whereas in the absence of femtocells, (i.e. FAPs), the SINR improves around 20 dB (black curve).
  2. Importance of femtocells In this analysis, the importance of femtocells in a network is demonstrated with the help of Figure 2.2b. This plot compares the output from a scenario where firstly all the UEs are located indoor and served by the respective MBS, thereby resulting in a seriously degraded SINR (grey curve). Later on, the same UEs become part of an FAP (i.e. FUEs) and subsequently are served by the respective femtocell access point, thereby improving the SINR (on average 11 dB, black curve).
Top: Diagram depicting cross‐tier analysis with the (left) detriment and (b) importance of femtocells in a heterogeneous network. Bottom: Corresponding graphs, each displaying two ascending curves.

Figure 2.2 Cross‐tier analysis with; (a) the detriment and (b) importance of femtocells in a heterogeneous network.

2.4.2 Scenario 2: Effects of Femtocell Access Mode Deployment

The possible access modes of femtocells could be either an open or closed subscriber group (i.e. Open Subscriber Group ‐ Open Access (OSG) and Close Subscriber Group ‐ Close Access (CSG), respectively). Accordingly, the deployment mode can affect the SINR values of nearby MUEs as shown in Figure 2.3. In CSG, the MUEs SINR suffer more degradation, that is, of around 8 dB compared to OSG due to the fact that OSG allows admittance of MUEs (to become FUEs) as opposed to CSG, which inhibits admittance thereby resulting into reduced SINR value.

Top: Schematic depicting the effect of femtocell access mode on MUE's, displaying a house with 4 arrows, from FAP, labeled CSG and OSG. Bottom: Graph of MUE wideband SINR vs. CDF with 2 ascending curves for SCG and OSG.

Figure 2.3 Effect of femtocell access mode on MUEs.

2.4.3 Scenario 3: Co‐Tier Interference Analysis

Figure 2.4 is a plot of two femtocell scenarios to include a standalone femtocell (STA FAP) and two collocated femtocells (COL FAP). SINR values show that the FUEs in standalone femtocells can reach average values of 29 dB, whereas in a collocated scenario FUEs can suffer an average SINR loss of 17 dB due to co‐tier interference component.

Top: 3 Houses, each with mobile phone. 2 houses are next to each other with one at far right. Arrow from house on left points to the house on right and vice versa. Bottom: SINR vs. CDF, with 2 curves for STA and COL femtocells.

Figure 2.4 Co‐tier interference in femtocells.

2.4.4 Scenario 4: Effects of Varying FAP Transmit Power Levels on MUEs

It is fair to determine that an adaptive power level for FAPs presents a more viable solution to interference management than a fixed power control scheme. Figure 2.5 compares the plots for three power levels (0, 10 and 20 dBm) in terms of their effect on close by MUEs in a CSG deployed femtocell. At 20 and 10 dBm, MUEs attain average SINR values of −2 and 3 dB, respectively; however, an improved average SINR of 5 dB is experienced by MUEs when FAP transmit power is 0 dBm.

Top: House enclosed by 3 concentric ovals. Ovals are labeled (inner–outer) 0 dBm, 10dBm, and 20 dBm. A mobile is located along the outer oval. Bottom: MUE wideband SINR vs. CDF, with 3 curves for 0 dBm, 10 dBm, and 20 dBm.

Figure 2.5 Varying FAP power levels and effect on MUEs.

2.5 Interference Mitigation: Current State of the Art

The interference scenarios mentioned previously require interference mitigation schemes to curb the mutual interference in a heterogeneous network. Next are some of the conventional methods implemented in research today to mitigate interference.

2.5.1 Spectrum Access/Frequency Assignment

These schemes necessitate methods where a femtocell allocates its UE a spectrum with limited or no interference with collocated FAPs or FUE (co‐tier) and MUEs or the MBS (cross‐tier). The choice between dedicated or co‐channel deployment can be employed with considerations such as the amount of vacant spectrum and density of femtocells in a specified area. A hybrid spectrum access schemes merge deployment modes where the spectrum is halved into different access modes with priority granted to the MBS. The drawback with hybrid schemes is that it needs the FAP to establish which region it falls into, thus introducing additional computation and complexity.

2.5.2 Power Control

The power transmission by FAPs comprises the FAPs traffic power and pilot power that determine the data and cell coverage area, respectively. The effect of interference on collocated FAPs and MBS is dependent on these power levels. A higher pilot power results in a larger coverage area, however, subsequently it has higher chances of causing interference. Power control is not only confined to the FAPs (centralized) as UEs in distributed schemes can also optimize their power levels or assist their FAPs to reduce interference to collocated FAPs and UEs.

2.5.3 Antenna Schemes

Beam directivity of the antennas in FAPs and FUE scan be utilized to avoid interference in heterogeneous networks. Conventional antenna schemes are employed that allow the FAP to direct their beams to Regions of Interest (ROI) while producing a null in other areas, thus mitigating interference.

In summary, the problems related to mitigating interference in femtocells are dependent on its two‐tiered architecture in a co‐channel mode of deployment. Also, since femtocells are randomly deployed, there is no central coordination between collocated femtocells and the MBS. If some information about the radio environment is known, such as characteristics of the interfering signals or sources, it can help in mitigating the interference. An ideal interference mitigation scheme for femtocells will be one that is aware of the interfering signals/sources and takes into consideration the best deployment criteria to suit the needs of the subscribers while utilizing the network operators’ resources efficiently.

2.6 Cognitive Femtocells: A Smart Solution to a Complex Problem

CR is the ability of a radio frequency (RF) to sense its surroundings and modify its features such as frequency, modulation, power and other operating parameters automatically to dynamically reuse spectrum [16]. It has been considered to be a technology capable of spectrum sensing, management and mobility in an opportunistic manner. Through spectrum sensing and management, it can detect an available and unused spectrum also known as white space or spectrum hole, vacated by a user known as the licensed or primary user (PU) and allocate to an unlicensed secondary user (SU).

Cognitive Femtocells (CF) are the integration of CR in femtocells that signifies a femtocell with CR capabilities [17]. Hence, CR enabled femtocells with the spectrum sensing capability of a CR can avoid interference (co‐tier and cross‐tier) by sensing the spectrum and assigning resources on a different spectrum to avoid interference. Also, the self optimization capabilities of CFs allow the radio environment to be sensed in a dispersed manner so as not to interfere with operational parameters. This entails a SU opportunistically occupying them in the absence of a PU and also vacating them for another possibly available white space as soon as a PU reclaims it. An accurate and efficient spectrum sensing technique is mostly influenced by two key metrics, sensing speed and accuracy.

The effect of CR on conventional interference mitigation schemes offers the advantages of CR with regards to spectrum management in a coordinated and interference void manner. The CFs have the ability to operate as normal femtocell but can also use an opportunistic spectrum access when a user requires higher QoS for certain services. As mentioned earlier, one of the conventional ways to avoid interference in a two‐tier architecture will be in a dedicated approach where each UE is assigned a dedicated spectrum but that establishes a trade‐off between interference and available spectrum. In this regard, a co‐channel access is preferred at the detriment of interference. Unlike in conventional schemes that are restricted to licensed band only, CFs are able to allocate both licensed and unlicensed spectrum bands to UEs. As mentioned earlier, the random user deployment of FAPs is also a major problem as coordination between FAPs and MBSs is required to mitigate interference in most cases. Conventional schemes mostly employ a direct coordination between FAPs and MBS utilizing the backhaul that introduces overhead and delay as the cost.

In summary, to mitigate interference, the self optimization capabilities of CFs allow the radio environment to be sensed in a distributed manner to retrieve operating parameters. However, the operating parameters and features retrieved is usually specific to the radio technology but offers a wide range of options to include white spaces, SINR, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), noise, transmit power, channel statistics (channel gain and PL) and so on. By continuous sensing of the parameters, current as well as future interfering sources/signals can be deduced.

Although CR enabled schemes can be viable solution to effectively mitigate interference, there are various lessons that are to be learnt (Table 2.1) to identify the cost of using CR in femtocells.

Table 2.1 Cost of using CR in femtocells.

Tradeoffs Description
Computational overhead Cognition incurs increased communicational and computational overhead for FAPs/FUEs, thereby resulting in augmented losses such as delay and energy consumption.
Role specification CR nodes necessitate role specification to perform spectrum sensing and spectrum sharing that require centralized or distributed coordination subsequently resulting in increased complexity.
Feedback CR enabled femtocells require exchange and maintenance of channel lists through sophisticated communication mechanisms and feedback.
Signalling overhead Coordination and feedback require dedicated or some other signalling channels leading to signalling overhead. This overhead can further point to increased delays, energy consumption and loss of bandwidth etc.
Customisation and operator software Some CR enabled schemes are customized with the provision of guided operator software and hardware. This may well increase the unit cost of a FAP.
Security Security is a big challenge during sensing, retrieval and feedback processes.

2.7 Summary

This chapter outlined the importance of deploying femtocells as a solution to poor indoor network coverage and introduced 4G as a suitable platform for deployment. However, the advantages of femtocell can be overshadowed with interference when deployed in a co‐channel fashion with the MBS. The inherent interference scenarios in the uplink and downlink have been highlighted and a review into current avoidance or mitigation approaches mentioned. The question of whether femtocells are helpful or harmful in a co‐channel deployment heavily depends on the effectiveness of an interference mitigating scheme. This chapter highlighted CR as a promising and smart solution that can be applied to conventional schemes to produce interference‐aware schemes where present and future interfering sources can be detected and prevented. An ideal interference mitigation scheme for femtocells in a co‐channel deployment can involve a CR where hybrid schemes are incorporated to complement each other, while keeping it easier to address both cross and co‐tier interference.


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