
Academic theory, 92

Asynchronous communication methods, 28

Bad hire, 62

Balanced contract, 52

BEEP-THEM model, 92

build trust, 9293

emotional intelligence, 9394

empowerment, 93

energize team, 9798

hire right people, 9597

make time to sleep and live, 9899

promises and psychological contract, 94

think multiculturally, 9495

Breach of contract, 5557

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 68

Coaching, 45, 62, 64, 80

Cognitive incongruence, 56

Commitments. See Promises

Communication technology, 1, 7, 13, 16

bilateral mode of, 15

Conflicts, 76

Corporate leadership, 5758

Credibility, and trust, 25

Cultural bias, 7274, 86

conflicts, 76

Cultural conundrum, 7177

Cultural diversity, 26, 7374, 76

Decision making, 7, 20, 32, 6162, 89

Democratic leadership, 9

Digital intelligence (DQ), 13, 14

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, 47, 49

E-leadership, 34

E-mail, 1617

Emotional intelligence (EI), 41, 77, 9394

defined, 42

key aspect, 4243

organizational training, 44

and virtual team success, 45

Emotional quotient (EQ), 42, 46, 65


management, 45

negative, 66

Employee satisfaction, 20, 89

Empowerment, 28, 93

Energize team, 9798

EQ. See Emotional quotient

Face-to-face meetings, 6, 10, 11, 13, 15, 23, 26, 80

FaceTime, 18, 38

Fear method, 8

Forbes magazine, 4344

Framing, 72, 75

Geert Hofstede’s six dimensions of national culture, 7475

General Social Survey (GSS), 6869

Global communication technology, 7

GoogleDrive, 16, 17

GoToMeeting, 13, 18

GSS. See General Social Survey

Hire right people, 9597

Hiring for virtual team, 6164

Honoring commitments, 5253

Hosted Web Collaboration Environments, 17

IBM, 16

Individualism versus collectivism (IDV), 7475

Indulgence versus restraint (IND), 74

Inspiration, 97

Instrumental embeddedness, 27

Internal marketing, 97

Internet, 14, 45

Internet phones, 1617

Invisible contract, 4759

Isolation, dark halls of, 7983

Job satisfaction, 6569

attitudinal aspects, 68

General Social Survey, 6869

psychological contract, 88

“two-factor” theory, 67

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 19, 20, 41, 48, 97

Leadership, 12, 54

defined, 8

democratic, 9

fear method, 8

love method, 8

shared, benefits, 28

symbiosis model, 911

Likert-scale survey, 85

Long-term orientation versus short-term normative orientation (LTO), 74

Love method, 8

LTO. See Long-term orientation versus short-term normative orientation


challenges, 79

decision making, 8, 20

meeting times, 34

skills, 2728

team members support, 81

Masculinity versus femininity (MAS), 74

Matrix organization, 5

Motivation, 7983

Multicultural teams, 9495

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 68

National Science Foundation, 68

Negative emotions, 66

NIOSH. See National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Organizational culture, 21

Participative leadership. See Democratic leadership

PDI. See Power Distance Index

Performance reviews, 37

Polychronic culture, 73

Power Distance Index (PDI), 74

Promises, 50, 5556, 59, 89, 94

Psychological contract, 8, 4849, 94

employee perspective, 5051, 53

job satisfaction, 88

relational, 5152

transactional, 5152

violation of, 5556

in virtual team environment, 57

Qualitative research method, 85

Quality of work life (QWL), 68

Quality over quantity, 27

Quantitative research method, 49, 85

QWL. See Quality of work life

Real-world directors, interviews of, 8788

Relational psychological contract, 5152

Reliability, and trust, 2425

Remote employees. See Remote workers

Remote workers, 7, 13, 80, 88, 96

Role clarity, 1920, 88, 97

Role conflict, 20

Schema, 5051

Senior leaders, interviews of, 8788

Senior leadership, 66, 85

Senior vice president (SVP), 42

Servant leadership approach, 9

Shared leadership, 28

Situational Leadership Model, 9

Skype, 13, 15, 61, 62

Slack, 13, 16, 17

Social isolation, 8081

SVP. See Senior vice president

Swift trust, 25, 86

Symbiosis model of management, 911

Task interdependence, 80

Team integration, 6

Team management, 6

Team trust, 27

Team web pages, 1617

Technology, 12, 7, 1321

Teleconferences, 13, 55

Temporal differences, 3133

Texting, 1617

Time differences, 3132, 87

challenges of, 33

Time to sleep and live, 9899

Transactional psychological contract, 5152

Transformational Leadership Model, 9

Transitional contract, 52

Trust, 86, 88, 9293

credibility, 25

defined, 23

employee’s level of, 56

reliability and, 2425

rocky road to, 2330

Swift, 2526

“Two-factor” theory, 67

Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI), 74

Violation, contract, 5557

Virtual communication, 14

Virtual leaders. See also Virtual managers

cultural diversity, 7677

promises, 59, 89

Virtual managers, 3334, 57, 8789, 97, 99

Virtual teams (VTs), 12, 7

benefits of, 20, 87

challenges of, 15, 19, 87

emotional intelligence, 4146

energize people on, 98

hiring for, 6162

management, 78

motivation, 82

problems in, 80

psychological contract, 57

quality over quantity, 27

role clarity, 1920

social network, 8182

trust. See Trust

Virtual Teams Survey Report, 32

Virtual workspaces, 17

Voice calls, 13

VT managers, key points for, 2930

VTs. See Virtual teams (VTs)

Work–life balance, 3132

Year-end review (YER), 3739, 41, 47, 65

YER. See Year-end review (YER)

Zoom Video, 13

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