
Accountability, lack of, 112, 113 (figure)

Accountability transformation, 180, 186–189

Accountability transformation system, 171

Anatomy of Peace, The (Arbinger Inst.), 184, 185, 190, 202

Applicant screening, 179, 181–182

Attitudes, bad, 112, 113 (figure)

Backbiting, 112, 113 (figure)


being in vs. out of the box as deeper than, 46–48, 142

soft vs. hard, 46–48

two ways to perform any, 36, 46–47, 64, 103, 142

vs. way of seeing others, 32–41, 46

Being. See Seeing others, two ways of; Ways of being


as characteristic of self-betrayal, 79–82

and communication in the box, 136–137

and coping with others, 135

creates need for others to be blameworthy, 101–102

due to being in the box, 158–160

due to ourselves, not others, 157–158

emitted in the box, 93

feelings and, 79–80

felt beneath veneers of niceness, 28

invites one to stay in the box, 94

invites others to be in the box, 94

justifies failure to improve, 110

and leaving while in the box, 135

mutual, by two or more people in the box, 94

no need for, out of the box, 163

thoughts and, 79

Blaming emotions/feelings

created in self-betrayal, 79–82

as lies, 80–82

loss of, in getting out of the box, 147


as characteristic of being in the box, 16, 103

to own motivations in the box, 101

Box. See also Self-deception being in

as cause of feeling overwhelmed with obligations, 150–153

demotivating effect of, 45, 48

desired outcomes undercut by, 103–105

examples of, 32–41

gives others reason to stay in the box, 106

as heart of most people problems, 64

negative effect of, on results, 109

and other people’s poor behavior, 100

provokes/invites others to get in the box, 94–95

provokes others’ failure to focus on results, 110

provokes the problems we complain about, 97–99, 104, 134, 160

self-betrayal as cause of, 77–78, 83, 115, 158. See also Self-betrayal

being out of

example of, 33–36

perfection in, not the goal, 61

and seeing others as people, 36–38, 37 (figure), 40

success due to, 61

blaming feelings created in, 79–82

in the box toward some while out toward others, 49, 145–146

carrying it with us, 84–89

collusion as function of two or more people in, 104

desperation to be justified in, 153

distorted view of reality in, 35–36, 49

effect on others as function of being in vs. out of, 44

example of leadership in, 126–129

failure to focus on results in, 164, 168, 174 (list)

false changes in, 138–140

feelings toward others determined by, 32

focus on oneself in, 109, 164

getting out of, 52

and ceasing to betray ourselves toward others, 145

and ceasing to resist others, 144–145, 174 (list)

desire to be out of the box and, 130–132

leverage for, 145–146

and liberation from self-justifying thoughts and feelings, 145

and loss of blaming emotions, 147

and loss of need to blame, 148, 157–160, 163

not a function of behavior, 142–143

not a function of knowledge, 174

not achieved by changing others, 133–134, 140

not achieved by changing own behavior, 138–140

not achieved by communication, 136–137, 140

not achieved by coping with others, 134–135, 140

not achieved by implementing skills, 137–138, 140

not achieved by leaving, 135–136, 140

and penetration by others’ humanity, 148–149

and questioning one’s own virtue, 147

and seeing others as people, 130–132, 148–149

insecurity in, 153

justification the greatest need in, 101, 159–160

as less technical name for self-deception, 16

lives on justification derived from others’ mistreatment, 104

lying feelings in, 81–82

making people destructive, 99

most organizations stuck in, 41

others seen as objects when in, 35–38, 37 (figure), 40, 44

as problem in human sciences, 17

as resistance to others, 144

and “something deeper,” 32

staying out of, 131–132

key to, 149

“Bud Meetings,” 183

Change, false

in the box, 138–140

Childbed fever

doctors as carriers of, 19–20, 111

and ignorance of germs, 19–20

self-deception compared with, 115

spread of, 111

symptoms of, 18

treatment of, 18

Coaching, 190

Collusion, 52, 97 (figure)

and delight in others’ failures, 110

effect in organizations, 110–111

example, 95–101

failure to focus on results as product of, 110

mutual justification in, 104, 128

mutual provocation in, 104–107

as mutual self-betrayal, 104

organizational chart and, 129

proof of one’s own innocence in, 104

provoked by leaders with self-justifying images, 128

and resentment of others’ successes, 110

as two or more people in the box, 104, 127–128

Commitment, lack of, 112, 113 (figure)

as symptom of self-deception, 115

Communication problems, 112, 113 (figure)

as symptom of self-deception, 115 Conflict, 112, 113 (figure)

Conflict resolution, 180, 184–186

Criticism, receiving, 98–99

Demotivation, as function of the box, 45, 48

Discipline, 99

Do’s and don’ts, 174–175

Engagement, lack of, 112, 113 (figure)

Feelings. See Blaming emotions/feelings

Germ. See also Childbed fever; Semmelweis, Ignaz; Vienna General Hospital

as analogous to cause of people problems, 20–21

as analogous to cause of self-deception, 20–21

leadership killed by, 20–21

no theory of, in Semmelweis’s day, 19–20

self-betrayal as germ that creates self-deception, 115

spread of, analogous to what occurs in organizations, 111

Hiring, 179, 181–182

Human sciences, problem at the heart of, 9–10, 17. See also Self-deception

Hypocrisy, ability to detect in management practices, 28

Influence. See also Leadership; People, effect on

function of being in vs. out of the box, 48, 49, 64, 174 (list)

not a function of skill or technique, 30–31

Justification. See also Self-justification; Self-justifying images derived from being mistreated, 104

found in being run over, 103

found in very behavior complained about, 104

as most important need in the box, 101

and need for others to be blameworthy, 101–102

and need for problems, 102

no need for, out of the box, 163, 164

Leadership. See also Influence; People, effect on in the box, 128

damage of, 160

example of, 126–129

cause of problems in, 21

coercion and, 160

and creation of other leaders, 161

failure in, 30

and freedom from self-betrayal, 161

function of being out of the box, 64, 160

killed by a germ, 20–21

mentality of improvement in, 61

negative, 29–30

and obligation to be out of the box, 160–161

out of the box, 161–165

positive, 22–25

self-justifying images in poor, 127–128

Lying feelings, 135. See also Blaming emotions/feelings

Measurement, 60, 171

and reporting systems, 64

Misalignment, 112, 113 (figure)

Motivation, lack of, 112, 113 (figure)

as symptom of self-deception, 115

Objects. See also Seeing others, two ways of; Ways of being other people seen as, in the box, 35–38, 40, 44

Obligations, overwhelming

as function of being in the box, 150–153

Organizational performance, four levels of, 52

People, other. See also Seeing others, two ways of; Ways of being

effect on. See also Influence; Leadership

example of negative, 29–30

example of positive, 22–25

as function of being in vs. out of the box, 32

as function of feelings vs. behavior, 25, 27–28, 32, 100

as function of way of being, 44

seen as being out of the box, 152

seen as out of the box, 36–37, 40, 47, 48

seen as the key to success, 40

People problems, 3

box at the heart of, 64

cause of, 21, 114, 137

as analogous to a germ, 20–21

examples of, 112, 113 (figure)

solution to, 21, 114, 115

unifying theory of, 21, 114

People skills

are never primary, 30–31

are not the key to getting out of the box, 137–138

can be in or out of the box when implementing, 137

effectiveness of, depends on something deeper, 31

Perfection, 61

Personal growth and development, 180, 189–190

Phases 1-3, 170–171


creation of, in the box, 105

need for, in the box, 102


of one’s innocence, 104–107

of others’ bad behavior, 103


of others to get in the box, 94–95, 110

of problems we blame others for, 104–106

to stay in the box, 134

of what we say we don’t like, 97–98, 134


to others, box a metaphor for, 144

to possibility that one has a problem, 16, 17, 107–108

provoked by leaders, 30, 31, 128

Responsibility taking, 158–159, 180


focus on, 52

failure to focus on, in the box, 109, 164, 168, 174 (list)

lack of, 3

need of system for, to stay out of the box, 168

as purpose of work, 108–109, 155

Results system, 171

Seeing others, two ways of, 33–37. See also Objects; People; Ways of being

as function of being in vs. out of the box, 36–37

identical to two ways of being, 36–37, 62

as people vs. objects, 36–37, 40

and seeing straightforwardly, 36, 39

Self-betrayal, 52, 67–68 (figure), 83. See also Box Self-deception

blaming character of, 79–82

blaming feelings created in, 79–82

blaming feelings in, as lies, 81–82

blaming thoughts in, 79–80

as cause of being in the box/self-deception, 52, 77–78, 115, 158, 174 (list)

characteristics of, 74–80, 81 (figure)

examples of, 66–68

foundational, in workplace, 115, 155

as germ, 115

mutual, as collusion, 104

others’ faults inflated in, 78, 81 (figure)

own virtue inflated in, 78, 81 (figure)

self-justifying images in, 84–91, 93–94

self-justifying thoughts and feelings in, 72–73

self-justifying values inflated in, 79, 81 (figure)

and solution to people problems, 114

view of reality distorted in, 76–77, 83

Self-deception. See also Box; Self-betrayal

cause of

as analogous to a germ, 21

as unifying theory of people problems, 21

childbed fever as analogous to, 115

as disease in organizations, 20–21

effectiveness of people skills affected by, 31

examples of, 11–17

insistent blindness and, 16

prevalence in organizations, 16, 17

as problem in human sciences, 17

problem of not seeing that one has a problem, 13–14, 17, 41, 106

resistance to suggestion that one has a problem, 16, 17

self-betrayal as cause of, 77, 78

and “something deeper,” 32

symptoms of, in organizations, 115

systematic distortion of oneself and others, 35–36

as technical term for being in the box, 16

view of reality distorted in, 49

Self-justification. See also Justification; Self-justifying images collusion and, 104

self-betrayal creates need for, 72–73, 77, 83

self-image and, 84–90

Self-justifying images. See also Justification; Self-justification carried with us in self-betrayal, 84–85, 93–94

collusion provoked by leaders’, 128

created in self-betrayal, 84

defense of, 93–94

example of, 85–88

feeling overwhelmed with obligations caused by, 153

as lies, 90

as perversions, 89–90

role in poor leadership, 127–128

seeing others in terms of, in the box, 88

self as focus of, 90

and ways of seeing others as objects, 88

Self-justifying thoughts and feelings. See also Blame; Blaming emotions/feelings created in self-betrayal, 72–73

liberation from, 145

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 18, 111. See also Childbed fever; Germ; Vienna General Hospital

comparison of two maternity sections, 19

concern about improving mortality rate, 19

policy requiring doctors to wash hands, 20

story of, parallel to organizations, 128–129

theory of, 19–20

Skills. See People skills

“Something deeper”

effectiveness of people skills determined by, 31

influence determined by, 48–49

as matter of being in vs. out of the box, 32

Stress, 112, 113 (figure)

as symptom of self-deception, 115

Success due to being out of the box, 40–41, 61

System, need for to stay out of the box, 168

Team building, leadership and, 179, 182–184

Teamwork, poor, 112, 113 (figure)

Troublemaking, 112, 113 (figure)

Trust, lack of, 112, 113 (figure)

Vienna General Hospital, 18, 129. See also Childbed fever; Germ; Semmelweis, Ignaz

mortality rate in, 18, 20

Semmelweis’s work in, 18–20

story of, parallel to organizations, 128–129

Ways of being, 36. See also Seeing others, two ways of

in box and out of the box, 36, 46, 47

distinction between, 46–48

and seeing others as objects vs. people, 36–37, 62

What-focus, 109

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