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A/B testing, Coded Prototypes, Onsite Feedback Surveys
Adobe Fireworks program, Pros
Adobe Test&Target, Onsite Feedback Surveys
aesthetics in organizational shifts, SHIFT: Speed First, Aesthetics Second
affinity mapping exercise, Setup
agencies, interactive, SHIFT: Value Problem Solving
Agile software development
about, What Is Lean UX and How Is It Different?, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
communication in teams, Collaborative Design
cycle times and, Why Lean UX?, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
integrating Lean UX and, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
terminology for, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
analytics tools, Onsite Feedback Surveys
Business Assumptions Worksheet, Problem statement template
declaring, Vision, Framing, and Outcomes
defined, Vision, Framing, and Outcomes
formulating problem statements, Who
prioritizing, Prioritizing assumptions
testing, Prioritizing assumptions
Axure RP tool, Pros


backlog, defined, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
Balsamiq tool, Tools for creating low-fidelity clickable wireframes
batch size concept, Principle: Removing Waste
BDUF (Big Design Up Front), SHIFT: No More Heroes
benchmarks, Subhypotheses: Breaking the Hypothesis Down into Smaller Parts
Big Bang approach to style guides, Style Guides, Actionable
Big Design Up Front (BDUF), SHIFT: No More Heroes
Blank, Steve, Principle: Removing Waste
features, Features
in GE case study, Case Study
personas, Persona Creation Process
broadcasting software, Continuous discovery in the lab: three users every Thursday
Brown, Tim, Principles
build-measure-learn feedback loop, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
Business Assumptions Worksheet, Problem statement template
button to nowhere, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs


call-to-action, Creating an MVP
case studies
feedback and research, Case Study: Three Users Every Thursday at Meetup
General Electric style guide, Case Study
Knowsy, Design Is a Team Sport: Knowsy Case Study
change environment, SHIFT: Working with Third-Party Vendors
clickable wireframe prototypes
about, High-Fidelity Visual Mockups (Not Clickable)
low-fidelity, Low-Fidelity Prototypes: Clickable Wireframes
mid- and high-fidelity, Pros
coded prototypes, Coded Prototypes, Coded Prototypes
collaborative design
about, Collaborative Design
case study in, Case Study
example of, Collaborative Design in Practice
for geographically distributed teams, A Word about Live Style Guides
running a Design Studio, Design Studio
style guides, Team idea generation (45 minutes)
collaborative discovery
about, Feedback and Research
monitoring techniques for, Coded Prototypes
communication in teams, Collaborative Design, Beyond the Scrum Team
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) example, Proto-Personas
Concierge MVPs, Hybrids and Creativity
Constable, Giff, Problem statement template, Subhypotheses: Breaking the Hypothesis Down into Smaller Parts
continuous discovery
about, Principle: Removing Waste, Collaborative discovery in the field
monitoring techniques for, Coded Prototypes
copywriting styles in style guides, What Goes Into a Style Guide?
cover your ass (CYA) behavior, SHIFT: Outcomes
critique (Design Studio), Individual idea generation (10 minutes)
cross-functional teams
about, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
organizational shifts in, SHIFT: New Skills for UX Designers
CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) example, Proto-Personas
customer service, Coded Prototypes
CYA (cover your ass) behavior, SHIFT: Outcomes


Dailey, Robert, SHIFT: New Skills for UX Designers
demos of prototypes, What Should Go Into My Prototype?
Design Studio
about, Collaborative Design, Design Studio
generating team ideas, Team idea generation (45 minutes)
individual idea generation, Supplies
iterating and refining ideas, Iterate and refine (5–10 minutes)
presentation and critique, Individual idea generation (10 minutes)
problem definition and constraints, Supplies
process flow, Design Studio
supplies needed, Design Studio
design thinking, Collaborative Design
(see also collaborative design)
about, What Is Lean UX and How Is It Different?, Principles
refocusing design process, Principle: Permission to Fail
small batch size in, Principle: Removing Waste
development partners, SHIFT: Agencies Are in the Deliverables Business
collaborative, Feedback and Research, Coded Prototypes
continuous, Collaborative discovery in the field, Coded Prototypes
documentation standards, SHIFT: Working with Third-Party Vendors
dual-monitor setups, Priming the pump with affinity mapping


email as non-prototype MVP, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, MVPs and Experiments
experimentation, culture of, Principle: Externalizing Your Work
experiments and MVPs (see MVPs (Minimum Viable Products))
externalizing work, Principle: GOOB: The New User-Centricity


General Electric case study, Case Study
geographically distributed teams
affinity mapping exercise, Setup
collaborating with, A Word about Live Style Guides
setup presentation for, Setup
Glusman, Andres, Case Study: Three Users Every Thursday at Meetup
GOOB acronym, Principle: Removing Waste
Google Ad Words, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs
Google Content Experiments, Onsite Feedback Surveys
Google Docs, A Word about Live Style Guides
green-field projects, What Is Lean UX and How Is It Different?
growth, learning over, Principle: Externalizing Your Work


ideas and ideation
generating individual, Supplies
generating team, Team idea generation (45 minutes)
iterating and refining, Iterate and refine (5–10 minutes)
kickoff sessions for, Themes
presenting and critiquing, Individual idea generation (10 minutes)
prioritizing, Creating an MVP
IDEO design firm, Principles
IIDS (Industrial Internet Design System), Case Study
Industrial Internet Design System (IIDS), Case Study
integrating Lean UX and Agile
about, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
Knowsy case study, Design Is a Team Sport: Knowsy Case Study
participation considerations, Participation
Scrum methodology and, Beyond Staggered Sprints
staggered sprints and, Integrating Lean UX and Agile, Some Definitions
terminology for, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
interaction design elements in style guides, What Goes Into a Style Guide?
interactive agencies, SHIFT: Value Problem Solving
interview guide, Collaborative discovery in the field
IPM (iteration planning meeting), Some Definitions, Themes
iteration planning meeting (IPM), Some Definitions, Themes


landing pages, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs
Lean Startup method, Preface, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
Lean UX
about, Preface, Why Lean UX?
foundations of, Principles
integrating Agile development and, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
principles behind, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
learning over growth, Principle: Externalizing Your Work
live style guides, A Word about Live Style Guides
live-data prototypes, Coded Prototypes
low-fidelity prototypes
clickable wireframes, Low-Fidelity Prototypes: Clickable Wireframes
paper, Prototyping


making over analysis, Principle: Externalizing Your Work
managing up and out, SHIFT: Managing Up and Out
meetings, Scrum methodology, Beyond Staggered Sprints
Meetup case study, Case Study: Three Users Every Thursday at Meetup
metrics and measurement
benchmarks in, Subhypotheses: Breaking the Hypothesis Down into Smaller Parts
measuring behavior, Creating an MVP
measuring progress, Principle: Cross-Functional Teams
Microsoft PowerPoint program, Tools for creating low-fidelity clickable wireframes
Microsoft Visio program, Tools for creating low-fidelity clickable wireframes
mid-fidelity prototypes, Tools for creating low-fidelity clickable wireframes
Miller, Lynn, Making It Work, Some Definitions
Minimum Viable Products (MVPs)
about, The Three Foundations of Lean UX, MVPs and Experiments
creating, The Focus of an MVP
focus of, About MVPs and Experiments
hybrids, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs
non-prototype, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs
prototypes, What Should Go Into My Prototype?
mockups (see prototypes)
monitoring techniques for continuous, collaborative discovery, Coded Prototypes
MVPs (Minimum Viable Products)
about, The Three Foundations of Lean UX, MVPs and Experiments
creating, The Focus of an MVP
focus of, About MVPs and Experiments
hybrids, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs
non-prototype, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs
prototypes, What Should Go Into My Prototype?


non-protoype MVPs
about, Non-prototype MVPs
types of, Types of Non-Prototype MVPs


paper prototypes, Prototyping, Breaking the Design Bottleneck
parking lot for outliers, Making Sense of the Research—A Team Activity
patterns, identifying, Making Sense of the Research—A Team Activity, Identifying Patterns over Time
permission to fail, Principle: Externalizing Your Work
about, Subhypotheses: Breaking the Hypothesis Down into Smaller Parts, Personas
brainstorming, Persona Creation Process
proto-personas, Personas
Petroff, Greg, Case Study
Poehler, Amy, Collaborative Design
Pop Prototyping on Paper tool, Tools for creating low-fidelity clickable wireframes
presentation and critique (Design Studio), Individual idea generation (10 minutes)
previews of prototypes, What Should Go Into My Prototype?
principles of Lean UX
batch size concept, Principle: Removing Waste
continuous discovery, Principle: Removing Waste
cross-functional teams, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
externalizing work, Principle: GOOB: The New User-Centricity
GOOB, Principle: Removing Waste
learning over growth, Principle: Externalizing Your Work
making over analysis, Principle: Externalizing Your Work
permission to fail, Principle: Externalizing Your Work
problem-focused teams, Principle: Cross-Functional Teams
progress equals outcomes, Principle: Cross-Functional Teams
refocusing design process, Principle: Permission to Fail
removing waste, Principle: Cross-Functional Teams
shared understanding, Principle: GOOB: The New User-Centricity
team sizes, Principle: Cross-Functional Teams
team-based mentality, Principle: GOOB: The New User-Centricity
assumptions, Prioritizing assumptions
ideas, Creating an MVP
proactive communication, Beyond the Scrum Team
problem definition and constraints (Design Studio), Supplies
problem statement templates, Problem statement template
problem statements
about, Who
elements of, Problem statement template
problem-focused teams, Principle: Cross-Functional Teams
product roadmaps, SHIFT: Managing Up and Out
product-development lifecycle
Lean Startup method and, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
Lean UX in, What Is Lean UX and How Is It Different?
software distribution in, Why Lean UX?
about, Personas
creation process for, Persona Creation Process
formats for drawing, Persona Format
prototype MVPs
testing, What Should Go Into My Prototype?
usage considerations, What Should Go Into My Prototype?
about, Prototyping
choosing tools for, Prototyping
clickable wireframe, Low-Fidelity Prototypes: Clickable Wireframes, High-Fidelity Visual Mockups (Not Clickable)
coded, Coded Prototypes, Coded Prototypes
demos and previews, What Should Go Into My Prototype?
determining contents of, What Should Go Into My Prototype?
high-fidelity, Tools for creating low-fidelity clickable wireframes, High-Fidelity Visual Mockups (Not Clickable)
low-fidelity, Prototyping
mid-fidelity, Tools for creating low-fidelity clickable wireframes
paper, Prototyping, Breaking the Design Bottleneck


research (see feedback and research)
retrospective meetings, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
Ries, Eric, Preface, The Three Foundations of Lean UX
roadmaps, product, SHIFT: Managing Up and Out
roles, organizational shifts in, SHIFT: Outcomes


schedules, user validation, Iteration Planning Meeting
Scrum methodology
building Lean UX into, Beyond Staggered Sprints
defined, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
meetings and, Beyond Staggered Sprints
participation in, Participation
search logs, Onsite Feedback Surveys
setup presentations for geographically distributed teams, Setup
shared understanding, Principle: GOOB: The New User-Centricity, Collaborative Design in Practice
shifts, organizational (see organizational shifts)
site usage analytics, Onsite Feedback Surveys
Sivers, Derek, Principle: Permission to Fail
feedback collected on, Sketches
kickoff sessions for, Themes
slow drip approach to style guides, Style Guides, Actionable
software distribution, Why Lean UX?
speed and aesthetics in organizational shifts, SHIFT: Speed First, Aesthetics Second
defined, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
staggered, Making It Work, Integrating Lean UX and Agile, Some Definitions
themes and, Beyond Staggered Sprints
staggered sprint model, Integrating Lean UX and Agile, Some Definitions
stand-up meetings, Integrating Lean UX and Agile
static wireframes, Sketches
style guides
about, Team idea generation (45 minutes)
characteristics of successful, What Goes Into a Style Guide?
components of, What Goes Into a Style Guide?
creating, Style Guides, Actionable
live, A Word about Live Style Guides
maintaining, Style Guides, Actionable
usage considerations, Actionable
wikis as, Team idea generation (45 minutes), Accessible
assembling, Features
breaking hypotheses into, Hypotheses
surveys, online feedback, Customer Service
Sy, Desiree, Making It Work, Some Definitions


scheduling for users, Iteration Planning Meeting
smoother cycles for, SHIFT: Managing Up and Out
value problem solving, SHIFT: Speed First, Aesthetics Second
vendors, third-party, SHIFT: Agencies Are in the Deliverables Business
verifying data, Making Sense of the Research—A Team Activity
visual design elements in style guides, What Goes Into a Style Guide?


Yeoh, Cheryl, Hybrids and Creativity
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