
Image A

A private server option, 222223

About This Mac information window, 11

About This Mac option, 10

About This Mac window, 10


remote, of Microsoft Windows computers, 579580

Universal Access pane, in Personal preferences, 307311

access control lists (ACLs), 464466

Account Setup dialog, 228


e-mail, adding, 186194

in iCal, 223224

Accounts submenu, 230

ACLs (access control lists), 464466

actions, 597599, 604610

Active Directory service, 568

Activity option, 158, 186

Activity window, 158

Actual Size option, 156

Add Account... option, 181, 186, 251

Add Bookmark Folder option, 158

Add Bookmark For These [n] Tabs option, 158

Add Bookmark menu, 160

Add Bookmark... option, 157

Add Buddy... option, 232

Add Field option, 212

Add Folder of Pictures... option, 595

Add Group... option, 232

Add RSS Feeds... option, 181, 205

Add Sender to Address Book option, 185

Address Book, 207214

contacts in

creating, 208212

editing, 208212

sharing, 213

groups in, creating, 212213

printing labels and envelopes, 213

setting up card, 212

shared contact lists, viewing, 213

Address Panel option, 186

Adjust tools, in iPhoto, 265

Administrator option, 339

Advanced Options dialog, 340

AFP (Apple Filing Protocol), 526

AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), 227, 233, 238

AIM option, 228

AirDrop feature, 534535

AirPort networks, 532533

AirPort Utility, 383, 518521


in Finder, creating, 4950

and functions, commands with, 470471

All Messages in this Thread option, 182

All My Files option, 36

Allow access to only these websites option, 343

Allow guests to connect to shared folders option, 340

Allow guests to log into this computer option, 340

Allow unrestricted access to websites option, 343

Always Insert Attachments at End of Message option, 182

Always open folders in a new window option, 59

Always open in column view option, 60

Always open in Cover Flow option, 60

Always open in icon view option, 60

Always open in list view option, 60

Always option, 162, 168

Always Send Windows Friendly Attachments option, 181

Android platform, 587

Animate opening applications option, 298

Announce when alerts are displayed option, 354

Announce when an application requires your attention option, 354

Antique option, 264

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), 227, 233, 238

Apache HTTP server

customizing, 547553

activating changes, 553

default type, 552

DirectoryIndex directive, 550551

DocumentRoot directive, 550

DSO support, 549

ErrorDocument directive, 552

Include directive, 552553

Listen directive, 548

logging, 551

permissions, 550

Redirect directive, 551

ServerAdmin directive, 549

ServerName directive, 550

ServeRroot command, 548

user/group, 549

virtual hosting feature, 549

and Mac OS X web sharing, 541545

APIs (application programming interfaces), 649

App Store... option, 100

Appearance option, 291

Append Selected Messages option, 181

Apple Events, remote, sharing, 538

Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), 526

Apple Human Interface Guidelines option, 656

Apple menu, 912, 100, 298

Apple Remote Desktop tool, 536537

Apple Xcode toolset, 629648

Audio folder, 648

Dashcode IDE, 645646

Graphics Tools folder, 648

installing, 629631

Instruments tool, 644645

Performance Tools folder, 648

Quartz Composer application, 647

Utilities folder, 648

Welcome to Xcode window, 632644

new projects, 633635

Organizer window, 643644

workspace, 636642

AppleScript language, 619627

analyzing code, 620625

resources, 626627

strengths and weaknesses of, compared with Automator application, 625

using with applications, 97

AppleTalk (AT) protocol, 527

application menu, 1213, 74, 88, 96

application programming interfaces (APIs), 649

applicationDidFinishLaunching method, 662


developing with Cocoa interface, 650667

application interface, 654660

archiving and distributing, 665667

connecting objects, 660662

creating project in Xcode IDE, 651654

debugging, 662665

on Dock

favorite, 16

open, 16

shortcut menus for, 22

documents and files for, 8994

creating new, 90

opening, 89

saving, 9091

versions for, 9294

full-screen, 9596


application package, 107112

from Mac App Store, 99106

and Launchpad

deleting from, 25

launching from, 23

organizing in, 24

opening and quitting, 88

printing from, 365367

Quartz Composer, 647

removing, 112116

cache files, preferences, and support files, 113114

frameworks, components, and receipts, 114115

hidden application files, 115116

scripts and, 583585

services menu for, 9697

using AppleScript and Automator with, 97

Applications folder, 6667

applications 2, on Dock, 16

Apply Rules option, 185

Apply to sub-folders option, 57

Apps, Books and Backup feature, 248

Aqua interface, 39

desktop in, 45

dialogs in, 8

shortcut menus, 89

windows in, 57

full-screen toggle of, 7

Versions button for, 7

window control buttons for, 67

Archive option, 185, 643, 665

Archive Utility, 53

archiving applications, 665667

argument variables, 478

Arrange by option, 58

Arrange menu, 30

As High Priority option, 185

As Junk Mail option, 185

As Low Priority option, 185

As Normal Priority option, 185

As Not Junk Mail option, 185

As Read option, 185

As Unread option, 185

Ask for Text option, 604605

Ask to Share Remote Screen... option, 240

AT (AppleTalk) protocol, 527

Attach File... option, 203

Attachments submenu, 181


extended, ACLs and, 464466

permissions and, 462464

AU Lab tool, 648


guitar tracks, 283284

real instrument tracks, 282

audio chat, 235238

Audio folder, in Apple Xcode toolset, 648

Auto-Click feature, 160

Auto Select option, 362

AutoFill feature, in Safari, 164165

AutoFill Form option, 156

Automatic login option, 337

Automatic option, 150, 162

Automatically hide and show the Dock option, 298

Automatically illuminate keyboard in low light option, 323

Automatically reduce brightness before display goes to sleep option, 321

Automatically Start MySQL Server on Startup option, 557

Automatically update articles in option, 175

Automatically update safe download list option, 417

automation, 593627

AppleScript language, 619627

analyzing code, 620625

resources, 626627

strengths and weaknesses of, 625

Automator application, 596618

actions, 597599, 604610

description of, 618

embedding, 615

extending, 614615

Services menu, 615618

variables, 610614

workflows, 600603

Automator application, 596618

actions, 597599, 604610

description of, 618

embedding, 615

extending, 614615

Services menu, 615618

strengths and weaknesses of, AppleScript language compared with, 625

using with applications, 97

variables, 610614

workflows, 600603

Autosplit option, 258

Image B

B&W option, 264

Back to My Mac feature, 249, 520

Back to My Mac option, 253

Back Up Now option, 385

background effects, while video chatting, 237

Background option, 58

background tasks, 447448

backups, 381387

with Carbon Copy Cloner, 387388

with CrashPlan tools, 387388

with Decimus Software Synk Pro, 387388

with Decimus Software Synk Standard, 387388

recovering data with Time Machine interface, 386387

with SuperDuper!, 387388

vs. synchronization, 379381

with Time Machine utility

manually using, 385

setting up, 382385

Baker, Doris, 408

Basic Service Set IDentifier (BSSID), 249

Bcc Address Field otpion, 182

Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), 429

Best Alternative option, 183

Blank Disk Image...option, 399

Block Pop-Up Windows option, 155, 166

blocking, web content, 166

Bluetooth devices, connecting, 367370

Bluetooth pane, in Internet & Wireless

preferences, 333

Bluetooth Setup Assistant window, 368369

Bluetooth standard, sharing, 539

Bonjour option, 229

Bookmarks Bar option, 158

bookmarks, in Safari, 160161

adding, 160

managing, 160161

options for, 161

Bookmarks menu, 157, 160, 174

Bookmarks option, 159, 253

Boost option, 265

Boot Camp partition, 679

Boot Camp utility, 574575

BootP (Bootstrap Protocol), 148

Bridge Mode (Off) option, 521

Bring All To Front option, 158

broadband connections, 137149

manual network configuration, 146149

Wi-Fi networks, 139145

Browse All Versions... option, 94

BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), 429

BSSID (Basic Service Set IDentifier), 249

buddies, in iChat, 232233

Buddies menu, 233, 238239

Burn Folder to Disc... option, 51

Burn...option, 400

Image C

cache files, removing, 113114

Calculate all sizes option, 58

Calendar menu, 217, 221

Calendar option, 303, 598


in iCal

managing, 217218

sharing, 221222

Mail, Contacts & Calendars pane, 331

Calendars option, 253

Camera Archive... option, 268

cameras, digital, 376377

Carbon Copy Cloner, backups with, 387388

Card menu, 212

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 545

Case-Sensitive, Journaled (Mac OS

Extended) option, 396

cd command, 431432

CDs & DVDs pane, in Hardware preferences, 313

CDs (Compact Discs)

burning image files to, 400

DVDs and, sharing, 536

Center option, 295

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 487

Change Password for Keychain “keychain”... option, 413

Change Settings for Keychain ”keychain”... option, 413

chatting, 233240

audio and video chats, 235238

background effects, 237

with FaceTime, 242243

file transfers in, 239

mobile text messaging, 238239

screen sharing in, 240

text chat, 233234

Check for new messages option, 194

Check for updates option, 175

checking e-mail, 194195

CIFS (Common Internet File System), 527

Clear History option, 157

Click in the scroll bar to option, 292

clients, third-party graphical, connecting to, 530

clips, in iMovie application, 271272

Closest City option, 348

Cocoa font selection dialog box, 402

Cocoa interface, 649669

developing applications with, 650667

archiving and distributing, 665667

connecting objects, 660662

creating project in Xcode IDE, 651654

debugging, 662665

interface for, 654660

frameworks and technologies for, 668669

Objective-C language, 667668

programming, 668

code, AppleScript language, 620625

CodeWeavers CrossOver, and Wine project, 579

Color option, 58

Column view, in Finder, 33

comma-separated value (CSV) files, 210

command line, connecting remotely from, 528529

command-line text editors

Emacs, 457459

Nano, 461462

Vim, 451454

command-line utilities, 438

Command-R command, 679

command substitution, 478479

commands, 436445

with aliases and functions, 470471

find and whereis, 444445

grep, 438

kill, 442443

less and more, 443444

ln command-line utility, 438

man, 437

ps, 439441

who, 439440

common folders, 74

Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 487

Common Internet File System (CIFS), 527

Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), 358, 363

Compact Discs. See CDs

Company option, 212

compiling software, from source code, 494497

building, 496

configuring, 495496

installing, 497

Complete option, 181

components, removing, 114115

Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), 488

Compress option, 53

compressing items, in Finder, 53

Computer sleep option, 321

Concatenated disk set option, 397

conditional statements, 479482

Configure IPv4 drop-down menu, 147

Connect to Server window, 526527

connecting objects, 660662

Connection Doctor option, 186

Console utility, 72


in Address Book

creating, 208212

editing, 208212

sharing, 213

Mail, Contacts & Calendars pane, 331

Contacts option, 253, 598

Contents option, 42

Contrast option, 264


controlling, 167168

removing, 168169

Cooler option, 264

Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library option, 120

Copy option, 49

copying items, in Finder, 4950

Core Image Fun House tool, 648

Cover Flow view, in Finder, 34

CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), 488

CrashPlan tools, backups with, 387388

Create a new Xcode project option, 633, 651

Create Network... option, 532

Create New Network option, 533

Create PPPoE Service option, 148

Create Quick Event dialog, 218

Created date option, 42

Crop tool, 264

Cryptography Decrypted book, 408

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 545

CSV (comma-separated value) files, 210

CUPS (Common Unix Printing System), 358, 363

Current iTunes Song option, 240

Custom Available... option, 231

Custom Away... option, 231

Custom Install screen, 111

Customize option, 111

Customize... option, 354

Customize Toolbar dialog, 154

Customize Toolbar... option, 54, 154, 156

Image D

Darken option, 264

Darwin environment, 423471

basics of, 423426

Darwin environment semantics, 424

file system, 426

extending, 473497

advanced scripting, 486491

compiling software from source code, 494497

installing UNIX OS, 491493

shell scripting, 473486


ACLs and extended attributes, 464466

editing, 451462

permissions and attributes, 462464

root user, 448450

sudo command, 449450

sudoers file, 450

shell programs, 428448

background tasks, 447448

commands, 436445

customizing Terminal application and, 467471

files and directories, 434436

navigation in Darwin environment, 428432

pipes, 446

redirects, 446

wildcards, 433

Dashboard, 8182

Dashcode IDE, in Apple Xcode toolset, 645646

data encryption, with FileVault tab, 413415

Database storage option, in Safari, 171

databases, 556560

MySQL, 556559

PostgreSQL, 560

SQLite, 556

Date & Time option, 611

Date & Time preference pane, System Preferences application, 347348

DAW (digital audio workstation), 275

debug area, of workspace in Apple Xcode toolset, 642

debugging, 662665

Decimus Software Synk Pro, backups with, 387388

Decimus Software Synk Standard, backups with, 387388

Decimus Software utility, 387

default application, for opening files changing, 4647

opening in non-default, 4445

Default RSS reader option, 175

default style sheet, for Safari, 170

default types, 552

Delay Until Repeat option, 323

Delete Feed option, 206

deleting apps, from Launchpad, 25

desktop, 45

Desktop & Screen Saver pane, in Personal preferences, 293297

desktop shortcut menu, 9

Develop menu, 169

Developer option, 598

development, 583591

platform targeting, 585588

Android, 587

Java, 585587

POSIX, 588

scripts and applications, 583585

third-party tools and technologies, 589591

mobile development, 590591

text editors, 589590

web development tools, 590

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 138139, 147, 150, 504, 546

DHCP option, 147

DHCP with manual address option, 148

dialogs, 8

digital audio workstation (DAW), 275

digital cameras, connecting, 376377

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 123

digital rights management (DRM), 122, 124

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology, 135

Digital Versatile Discs. See DVDs


files and, 434436

listing, 431

DirectoryIndex directive, 550551

Disable automatic login option, 417

Disable Caches option, 169

Disable option, 402

Disable remote control infrared receiver option, 417

Disable Screen Saver option, 296

Disk Image From Folder...option, 399

disk setup, 389400

burning image file to CD or DVD, 400

creating and restoring images, 399

erasing and formatting volume, 393394

First Aid tab, 391393

partitioning, 395397

RAID tab, 397398

Disk Utility, 390391, 394, 397398, 400

DiskWarrior utility, 392

Display as options, 22

Display Calibrator Assistant dialog, 316318

Display login window as option, 337

Display Selected Messages Only option, 183

Display sleep option, 321

Displays pane, in Hardware preferences, 313319

Distribute a range of IP addresses option, 521

distributing applications, 665667

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), 123

DNS (domain name server)

custom domains without, 562

dynamic, 563

DNS tab, 507509

Dock, 1523

favorite applications on, 16

folders on, 1721

icons for, 16

minimizing windows from, 20

open applications on, 16

shortcut menus on, 2123

for applications, 22

for stacks, 22

for Trash, 23

stacks on, 1721

Trash on, 21

Dock option, 298

Dock pane, in Personal preferences, 297

document root, 560561

DocumentRoot directive, 550

documents, for applications, 8994

creating new, 90

opening, 89

saving, 9091

versions for, 9294

Documents in the Cloud feature, of iCloud, 248

domain name server. See DNS

domain names, DNS

custom domains without, 562

dynamic, 563

Double-click a window's title bar to minimize option, 292

Download URLs option, 609610

downloading, content in Safari, 163164

Downloads option, 158

Downloads window, 158, 164, 167

Drive Genius utility, 392

DRM (digital rights management), 122, 124

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology, 135

DSOs (Dynamic Shared Objects), support for, 549

Duplicate option, 49

DVDs (Digital Versatile Discs)

burning image files to, 400

and CDs, sharing, 536

dynamic DNS, 563

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 138139, 147, 150, 504, 546

Dynamic Shared Objects (DSOs), support for, 549

Image E


checking, 194195

creating new message, 201203

forwarding, 204

Junk e-mail, 195197

mailboxes for, 197198

reading, 194195

replying to, 204

rules for, 198201

stationery for, 204

Edge Blur option, 264

Edit Groups... option, 232

Edit menu, 13, 49, 152, 156, 181, 401, 413, 601

Edit Picture... option, 233

Edit Smart Mailbox... option, 184

Edit Status Menu... option, 231

editor area, of workspace in Apple Xcode toolset, 638640

Editor menu, 658

editors, text, 589590

Effects tools, in iPhoto, 264265

Eject option, 371

Emacs command-line text editor, 457459

embedding, Automator application, 615

Empty Cache... option, 155, 169

Empty Trash option, 21, 23

Empty Trash securely option, 62

emulation, 573574

Enable access for assistive devices option, 312

Enable automatic connection option, 510

Enable this account option, 230

Enclosing Folder menu option, 37

encryption, with FileVault tab, 413415

Energy Saver pane, in Hardware preferences, 319320

English (United States, Computer) option, 302

Enhance tool, 264

Enter Full Screen option, 157

enterprise technologies, using Mac in, 567569

Active Directory service, 568

Microsoft Exchange Server, 568

Microsoft Networking, 568

SharePoint Server, 568569

envelopes, printing, 213

Erase Deleted Messages submenu, 183

Erase Junk Mail option, 184, 196

Erase, reformat, and reinstall everything on your disk option, 392

erasing, volumes, 393394

ErrorDocument directive, 552

eSATA (External Serial ATA), 373

Ethernet cables, FireWire interface and, 533534

Event popover dialog, 219

events, in iCal

creating, 218

editing, 218

inviting to, 220

Events menu, 258

Everyone option, 221

Exchange IMAP option, 188

Exchange option, 188

ExFAT option, 396

Export Bookmarks... option, 155

Export Mailbox... option, 184

Export... option, 92

Export Song to Disk... option, 285

exporting, projects in iMovie application, 273

extended attributes, ACLs and, 464466

extended desktop, 7783

Dashboard, 8182

Mission Control, 7880

Spaces, 8081

extensions, for Safari, 176177

External Serial ATA (eSATA), 373

external storage, connecting, 371374

storage interfaces, 372374

storage media, 372

Image F

Faces, in iPhoto, 260261

FaceTime, 241243

chatting with, 242243

logging in, 242

Fade option, 265

favorite applications, on Dock, 16

File menu, 35, 51, 90, 155, 201, 213, 234, 276, 403, 633

file system, 6375

Applications folder, 6667

common folders, 74

hidden folders, 75

home folders, 6566

Library folders, 6774

common Library items, 6974

Library and System Library folders, 68

personal Library folder, 68

overview, 6364

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 504, 527, 529

file transfers, in iChat, 239

File Transfers option, 239

File Transfers window, 241


ACLs and extended attributes, 464466

and directories, 434436

editing, 451462

Emacs command-line text editor, 457459

Nano command-line text editor, 461462

Vim command-line text editor, 451454

image, burning to CD or DVD, 400

opening in Finder, 4447

changing default application for, 4647

in non-default application, 4445

permissions and attributes, 462464

sharing, 537

system, 426

Files & Folders option, 598

FileVault tab, data encryption with, 413415

Fill Screen option, 295

Filter junk mail before applying my rules option, 197

Finalize Project option, 273

finalizing projects, in iMovie application, 273

find command, and whereis command, 444445

Find My Mac option, 249, 253

Find option, 152, 156

Find Subscriptions... option, 221

Finder, 2762

accessing remote systems from, 524525

aliases of items in, creating, 4950

compressing items in, 53

copying items in, 4950

folders in, creating new, 50

Get Info window in, 51

Go to Folder command, 37

labeling items in, 53

moving items in, 4950

opening files, 4447

changing default application for, 4647

in non-default application, 4445

options for, 5461

labels, 60

preferences, 59

sidebar, 61

toolbar, 5456

view, 5658

searching in, 3844

refining search, 4142

Smart Folders, 4344

Spotlight search, 3840

sidebar in, 3031

toolbar in, 2930

views in, 3134

Column view, 33

Cover Flow view, 34

Icon view, 31

List view, 32

Finder menu, 21

Finder search window, 41

Finder window, 37, 41, 386, 535

Finger tool, 517

FireWire interface, and Ethernet cables, 533534

firmware password, 680

Firmware Password Utility, 680

First Aid tab, disk setup, 391393

Fit to Screen option, 295

Fix Red-Eye tool, 264

Flag submenu, 185

Flash the screen when an alert occurs option, 309

flow of scripts, controlling, 479483


on Dock, 1721

in Finder, creating new, 50

fonts, managing, 401402

Fonts option, 598

Force Quit option, 11

Format menu, 185, 544

formatting volumes, 393394

forwarding e-mails, 204


removing, 114115

and technologies for Cocoa interface, 668669

Free Space option, 396

From third parties and advertisers option, 168

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 504, 527, 529

full-screen applications, 9596

full-screen toggle, of windows, 7

functions, aliases and, 470471

Image G

Gamma 2.2 (Standard) option, 317

GarageBand DAW, 275286

projects in, 276277

saving and sharing songs, 285286

tracks, 278284

loops, 278280

MIDI, 280281

post-processing, 284

recording, 282284

General pane, in Personal preferences, 290291

Genius feature, 118, 123

Get Folder Contents option, 602603

Get Help Online option, 680

Get Info option, 45, 54, 121, 217, 219

Get Info window, in Finder, 51

Get Link URLs from Webpages option, 606607

Get Mail options, 194

Get New Mail option, 183

Get Selected Finder Items option, 600

Get Specified Finder Items option, 600603, 610, 612

Go menu, 37, 69, 526

Go to Chat Room... option, 234

Go to Folder command, in Finder, 37

Go to the folder dialog, 37

goBack: option, 661

Google Talk option, 228

graphical clients, third-party, 530

Graphics: Better battery life option, 321

Graphics: Higher performance option, 321

Graphics Tools folder, in Apple Xcode toolset, 648

grep command, 438

Grid spacing option, 57

Group option, 339


in Address Book, creating, 212213

Users & Groups preference pane, 335337

guitar tracks, in GarageBand DAW, 283284

Image H

HALlab tool, 648

Hardware preferences, 313330

CDs & DVDs pane, 313

Displays pane, 313319

Energy Saver pane, 319320

Keyboard pane, 323325

Mouse pane, 326

Print & Scan pane, 328

Sound pane, 328330

Trackpad pane, 327

Hardware tab, 510

Help menu, 13, 158, 272

help search feature, 13

hidden application files, removing, 115116

hidden folders, 75

Hide All Bookmarks option, 157

Hide Application option, 20

Hide Bookmarks Bar option, 156

Hide Column Browser option, 118

Hide option, 22

Hide Others option, 20

Hide Status Bar option, 156

Hide Tab Bar option, 156

Hide Toolbar option, 156

Hide Video Effects option, 237

Highlight color option, 291

History menu, 157

home folders, 6566

Home option, 157

home page, in Safari, setting, 158159

Homepage option, 159

hosting, virtual, 549

Hot Corner dialog, 296

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 545

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 167, 504, 527

HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure), 527

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), 527

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 545

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) language, 554555

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 167, 504, 527

Image I

iCal, 215225

accounts in, 223224

calendars in

managing, 217218

sharing, 221222

events in

creating, 218

editing, 218

inviting to, 220

public calendars, subscribing to, 221

reminders, 219

time zone support in, 221

iChat, 227241

buddies in, 232233

chatting with, 233240

audio and video chats, 235238

background effects, 237

file transfers in, 239

mobile text messaging, 238239

screen sharing in, 240

text chat, 233234

integrating with Mail, 240

logging in, 230232

setting up account for, 228230

status messages for, 240241

iChat Buddies window, 230232

iChat menu, 15, 230

iChat Theater feature, 232

iChat window, 212

iCloud, 245249

Apps, Books and Backup feature, 248

Documents in the Cloud feature, 248

iTunes in Cloud feature, 246247

iTunes Match, 247

Mail, Contacts and Calendar feature, 248

moving from MobileMe to, 253

Photo Stream feature, 247

setting up, 250253

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 515

Icon size option, 57

Icon view, in Finder, 31

icons, for Dock, 16

IDEs (integrated development environments)

Dashcode, 645646

Xcode, creating projects in, 651654

image files, burning to CD or DVD, 400

images, creating and restoring, 399

Images menu, 400

Images option, 42

IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol), 193, 501, 504

iMovie application, 267274

importing video into, 268

making movie with, 270273

clips, 271272

exporting, 273

finalizing, 273

music and sound effects, 273

projects, 270271

text and transitions, 272

iMovie HD Project... option, 268

iMovie option, 277

Import Bookmarks... option, 155

Import Configurations... option, 513

Import from Camera... option, 268

Import From: Camera window, 269

Import Mailboxes... option, 181

Import... option, 92, 120, 210

Import window, 268

importing media, into iTunes, 120122

In All Accounts... option, 183

Include directive, 552553

Include Original Attachments Reply option, 181

Info tab, 514

Info window, 4546, 5051

input, and output of scripts, 483486

Input Source dialog windows, 304

Input Source menu, 282

input tablets, connecting, 377

inspector window, 272

Install Mac OS X Lion application, 674, 681

Install screen, 110

installation, 673681

recovery, 679681

requirements, 673

Installed Plug-Ins option, 158

InstallESD.dmg file, 681

installing applications

from application package, 107112

customizing installation, 109112

starting installer, 107109

from Mac App Store, 99106

instrument tracks, in GarageBand DAW, 282

Instruments tool, in Apple Xcode toolset, 644645

integrated development environments. See IDEs

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) technology, 135

Interface menu, 512


application, 654660

adding objects to window, 656658

testing and tweaking, 658660

for external storage, 372374

of Safari, 152158

International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) data, 263

Internet & Wireless preferences, 330334

Bluetooth pane, 333

Mail, Contacts & Calendars pane, 331

MobileMe pane, 331

Network pane, 331

Sharing pane, 334

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 515

Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP), 193, 501, 504

Internet option, 598

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), 358, 363

Internet Protocol (IP), 137, 501, 503

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), 137138, 147

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), 137

Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 234, 244, 515

Internet, sharing, 539

Introduction screen, 108

Invite to Audio Chat option, 239

Invite to Chat... option, 233

Invite to One-Way Audio Chat option, 238

Invite to One-Way Video Chat option, 238

Invite to Video Chat option, 239

IP (Internet Protocol), 137, 501, 503

IP options, 363

iPhone Ringtone option, 278

iPhoto, 257266

editing photos, 263265

Adjust tools, 265

Effects tools, 264265

Quick Fix tools, 264

organizing photos in, 257263

Faces, 260261

Places, 259260

printing photos, 265266

sharing photos, 265266

iPods and iPhones, syncing with iTunes, 124126

IPP (Internet Printing Protocol), 358, 363

IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) data, 263

IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4), 137138, 147

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), 137

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 234, 244, 515

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) technology, 135

iTunes, 117126

in Cloud feature, of iCloud, 246247

importing media into, 120122

playlists in, creating, 123

sharing and streaming media, 124

syncing iPods and iPhones with, 124126

Image J

Jabber option, 228

Java platform, 585587

Journaled (Mac OS Extended) option, 396

Junk e-mail, in Mail application, 195197

Image K

Keep in Dock option, 22

Keep iTunes Music folders organized option, 120

Key Repeat rate option, 323

Keyboard & Character Viewer option, 304

Keyboard pane, in Hardware preferences, 323325

Keyboard Shortcuts option, 272

Keychain Access menu, 413

Keychain Access utility, 72, 165, 406407, 413

Keychain First Aid selection, 413


and passwords, 405413

custom keychains and keychain items, 410412

keychain feature, 405409

keychain options, 413

settings, 413

Keyword window, 263

kill command, 442443

Kind option, 42

Image L

Label option, 53, 57

labeling items, in Finder, 53


in Finder, 60

printing, 213

LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), 556

LAN (local area network), 134

Language & Text pane, in Personal preferences, 300306

Last modified date option, 42

Last opened date option, 42

launching apps, from Launchpad, 23

Launchpad, 2325

deleting apps from, 25

launching apps from, 23

organizing apps in, 24

Launchpad Utilities folder, 678

LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) protocol, 143

Learn about using Xcode option, 632

Learn to Play option, 277

less command, and more command, 443444

Levels feature, 264

Library folders, 6774

common Library items, 6974

Library and System Library folders, 68

personal Library folder, 68

Library option, 69

Lighten option, 264

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) protocol, 143

Lillipot utility, 569

Limit Applications option, 343

Line Printer Daemon (LPD), 364

Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP), 556

Lion Recovery Disk Assistant utility, 680681

List of users option, 337

List view, in Finder, 32

Listen directive, 548

listing, directories, 431

Little Snitch feature, 250

ln command-line utility, 438

local area network (LAN), 134

local private networks, 531535

AirDrop feature, 534535

AirPort, 532533

FireWire interface and Ethernet cables, 533534

Target Disk mode, 531532

Locations option, 611

Locked option, 52

logging, Apache HTTP server, 551

Login Options option, 337338, 568

Logout after X minutes of inactivity option, 417

Long Headers option, 182

Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology, 136

Look for Duplicates...option, 401

Lookup tab, 516

Loop Browser feature, 278279


in GarageBand DAW, 278280

overview, 482483

LPD (Line Printer Daemon), 364

ls command, 429430

LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology, 136

Image M

MAC (Media Access Control), 502, 505, 520

Mac OS Extended (Case-Sensitive, Journaled) option, 396

Mac OS Extended (Journaled) option, 396

Mac OS X web server, 563

Mac OS X web sharing, and Apache HTTP server, 541545 option, 228

MacPorts project, 492493

Macs, using in enterprise technologies, 567569

Active Directory service, 568

Microsoft Exchange Server, 568

Microsoft Networking, 568

SharePoint Server, 568569

Magic GarageBand option, 278

Magnification option, 297

Mail & Notes option, 252

Mail application, 179206

adding accounts, e-mail, 186194

e-mail in, 194204

checking and reading, 194195

creating new message, 201203

forwarding, 204

and Junk e-mail, 195197

mail rules for, 198201

mailboxes for, 197198

replying to, 204

stationery for, 204

integrating iChat with, 240

notes in, 205206

overview, 179186

RSS feeds in, 205206

Mail, Contacts & Calendars pane, in Internet & Wireless preferences, 331

Mail, Contacts and Calendar feature, of iCloud, 248

Mail Link to This Page option, 174

Mail option, 598

Mailbox menu, 183, 194, 197, 206

mailboxes, for e-mail, 197198

Main Screen Only option, 296

maintenance, 389403

disk setup and, 389400

burning image file to CD or DVD, 400

creating and restoring images, 399

erasing and formatting volume, 393394

First Aid tab, 391393

partitioning, 395396

RAID tab, 397398

fonts, 401402

Make Alias option, 49

Make Plain Text option, 544

Make PlainText option, 185

Make Rich Text option, 185

Make This My Card option, 212

man command, 437

Manage My Places option, 260

Managed with Parental Controls option, 339

Manually option, 148

Mark articles as read option, 175

Mark as junk mail, but leave it in my Inbox option, 196

Mark submenu, 185

Matte option, 264

mean time before failure (MTBF), 379 option, 228


for external storage, 372

importing into iTunes, 120122

sharing, in iTunes, 124

streaming, in iTunes, 124

Media Access Control (MAC), 502, 505, 520

Mel, H. X., 408

menu bar, 915

Apple menu in, 911

application specific menus in, 1213

status menus in, 15

Merge All Windows option, 158, 163

Message Attributes option, 182

Message menu, 182, 184, 203

Message Viewer option, 186

Message Viewer window, 180, 186, 194196

Microsoft Exchange Server, 568

Microsoft Networking, 568

Microsoft Windows, 567571

computers, accessing remotely, 579580

foreign files and file systems, 569570

using Mac in enterprise technologies, 567569

Active Directory service, 568

Microsoft Exchange Server, 568

Microsoft Networking, 568

SharePoint Server, 568569

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) tracks, 280281

Migration Assistant, 677678

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 552

Minimize windows, 20, 297

minimizing windows, from Dock, 20

Mirror Displays option, 319

Mirrored RAID Set option, 397

Mission Control pane, 7880, 299

mobile development, 590591

mobile text messaging, in iChat, 238239

MobileMe, moving to iCloud, 253

MobileMe pane, in Internet & Wireless preferences, 331

Monitor menu, 282

more command, less command and, 443444

Mouse Keys option, 311

Mouse pane, in Hardware preferences, 326

Move Finder Items to Trash option, 603

Move it to the Junk mailbox option, 196

Move Tab to New Window option, 158

movies, making with iMovie application, 270273

clips, 271272

exporting, 273

finalizing, 273

music and sound effects, 273

projects, 270271

text and transitions, 272

Movies option, 268, 598

moving items, in Finder, 4950

MS-DOS option, 396

MTBF (mean time before failure), 379

Multicast option, 515

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), 552

music, and sound effects, 273

Music option, 598

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) tracks, 280281

Musical Typing option, 281

MySQL database, 556559

Image N

Name and password option, 337

Name option, 42

Nano command-line text editor, 461462

NAS (network-attached storage), 521

NAT (network address translation), 138, 507, 546

navigation, in Darwin environment, 428432

cd command, 431432

listing directories, 431

ls command, 429430

pwd command, 432

navigator area, of workspace in Apple Xcode toolset, 637638

Netstat tool, 515

Network Account Server option, 338

network address translation (NAT), 138, 507, 546

network-attached storage (NAS), 521

Network Diagnostics tool, 146, 149

Network File System (NFS) protocol, 527

Network Name menu, 140141

Network pane, in Internet & Wireless preferences, 331

network printers, connecting to, 361364

Network Utility, 514517

Finger tool, 517

Info tab, 514

Lookup tab, 516

Netstat tool, 515

Ping tool, 515516

Port Scan tool, 517

Traceroute tool, 516

Whois protocol, 516517

networking, 133150, 501521

advanced configuration for, 505512

connecting to VPN, 512

options, 505511

broadband connections, 137149

manual network configuration, 146149

Wi-Fi networks, 139145

definition of, 501505

common networking terms and protocols, 503505

TCP/IP, 502503

overview, 133137

profiles for different locations, 150

utilities, 514521

AirPort, 518521

Network, 514517

wireless provider connections, 149150


local private, 531535

AirDrop feature, 534535

AirPort network, 532533

FireWire interface and Ethernet cables, 533534

Target Disk mode, 531532

Never option, 168

New Account option, 339

New Audio Recording option, 127

New Calendar Group option, 218

New Calendar option, 217

New Card option, 211

New Chat... option, 234

New Event option, 218

New Finder Window option, 35

New Finder windows open option, 59

New Finder windows show option, 36

New Folder option, 50

New Keychain... option, 413

New Mailbox option, 184, 197

New Message... option, 201

New Message window, 201202

New Movie Recording option, 127

New Note option, 205

New Note window, 205

New option, 90, 276

New Password Item... option, 410

new project dialog, 270

New Project... option, 270, 633, 651

New Screen Recording option, 127

New Secure Note Item... option, 410

New Smart Folder option, 43, 53

New Smart Folder window, 50

New Smart Mailbox... option, 184

New Tab option, 162

New Track dialog, 281

New Track... option, 280

New variable... option, 612

New windows open with option, 159

Next Alternative option, 183

Next Message in this Thread option, 182

NFS (Network File System) protocol, 527

no feedback protection (On) option, 282

None option, 265

notes, in Mail application, 205206

Notify after old backups are deleted option, 387

Number of recent items drop-down menus, 292

Image O

Objective-C language, 667668

Off (Bridge Mode) option, 521

Off option, 148

On My Mac option, 183

On (no feedback protection) option, 282

Online Status option, 183

Only return URLs in the same domain as the starting page option, 606

Only the people you invite option, 221

open applications, on Dock, 16

Open at Login option, 22

Open dialog, 8990

Open Dictionary... option, 620

Open “Folder” option, 22

Open in 32-bit mode option, 52

Open in Dashboard... option, 155

Open in Finder option, 36

Open Location... option, 155

Open option, 2223, 89

Open pages in tabs instead of windows menu, 162

Open “safe” files after downloading, 164

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), 502

Open URL option, 240

Open With option, 4445, 52

OpenGL tool, 648


applications, 88

documents, for applications, 89

files, in Finder, 4447

changing default application for, 4647

in non-default application, 4445

operating systems. See OSs


for bookmarks in Safari, 161

for Finder, 5461

labels, 60

preferences, 59

sidebar, 61

toolbar, 5456

view, 5658

for RSS feeds in Safari, 174175

Options... dialog box, 384

Options menu, 22

Oracle VirtualBox, 576578

Order for sorted lists drop-down list, 301

Organizer window, 632, 643644, 656

organizing apps, in Launchpad, 24

organizing photos, in iPhoto, 257263

Faces, 260261

Places, 259260

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), 502

OSs (operating systems), 573580

accessing Microsoft Windows computer remotely, 579580

Boot Camp utility, 574575

CodeWeavers CrossOver and Wine project, 579

emulation, 573574

Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion, and Oracle VirtualBox, 576578

Other forms option, 165

Other option, 4244, 599

Outlook Web Access (OWA) server, 188

output, input and, 483486

OWA (Outlook Web Access) server, 188

Image P

Parallels Desktop, 576578

Parental Controls preference pane, System Preferences application, 341346

partitioning disks, 395397

Password Assistant feature, 340

Password Assistant utility, 411

password dialog box, 410411

passwords, keychains and, 405413

custom keychains and keychain items, 410412

keychain feature, 405409

options, 413

Paste and Match Style option, 181

Paste as Quotation option, 181

Paste option, 49

PDF submenu, 366

PDFs option, 599

Perform custom actions option, 196

Performance Tools folder, in Apple Xcode toolset, 648

peripherals, 357378


Bluetooth devices, 367370

digital cameras, 376377

external storage, 371374

input tablets, 377

printers, 357367

connecting to, 359364

description of printing process, 358

options and print queue, 364365

printing from application, 365367

Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), 487489


Apache HTTP server, 550

and attributes, 462464

troubleshooting, 561562

Personal preferences, 290311

Desktop & Screen Saver pane, 293297

Dock pane, 297

General pane, 290291

Language & Text pane, 300306

Mission Control pane, 299

Security & Privacy pane, 306

Spotlight pane, 306307

Universal Access pane, 307311

Photo Booth, 129

Photo Browser option, 186

Photo Browser window, 186

Photo Stream feature, 247, 253, 266

photos, in iPhoto

editing, 263265

organizing, 257263

printing, 265266

sharing, 265266

Photos option, 599

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) language, 554555

PHP Info screen, 554

Picture option, 58

Ping tool, 515516

pipes, 446

Places, in iPhoto, 259260

Plain Text Alternative option, 183

platforms, targeting, 585588

Android platform, 587

Java platform, 585587

POSIX platform, 588

Play Selection option, 271

playlists, in iTunes, 123

plug-ins, for Safari, 175

Podcast option, 277

Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) service, 148

POP (Post Office Protocol), 504

Port Scan tool, 517

Portable Operating System Interface for Unix (POSIX) platform, 588

Position on screen option, 297

POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for Unix) platform, 588

Post Office Protocol (POP), 504

post-processing, with GarageBand DAW, 284

PostgreSQL database, 560

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) service, 148

Practical Extraction and Report Language (Perl), 487489

Preference window, 166, 168, 174


for Finder, 59

removing, 113114

Preferences option, 59, 159

Presentations option, 599

preshared encryption key (PSK), 143

Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage option, 170

Preview, 128

Previous Alternative option, 183

Previous Message in this Thread option, 182

Previous Recipients option, 186

Print & Scan pane, in Hardware preferences, 328

Print dialog box, 213, 358, 365366

Print option, 213, 365

Print Options menu, 213

print queue, 364365

Print Queue window, 360

Print Test Page option, 360

Print Using menu, 362, 364

Printer Browser window, 361, 363

Printer menu, 360, 366

printer Options & Supplies dialog, 365

printers, 357367

connecting to

network or shared printers, 361364

USB printers, 359360

description of printing process, 358

options and print queue, 364365

printing from application, 365367

sharing, 537


from application, 365367

description of process, 358

labels and envelopes, 213

photos, 265266


Security & Privacy pane, in Personal preferences, 306

security and, 416419

private browsing, 167

Private Browsing... option, 155, 167

private networks, local, 531535

AirDrop feature, 534535

AirPort networks, 532533

FireWire interface and Ethernet cables, 533534

Target Disk mode, 531532

Product menu, 643, 665

profiles, network, 150

programming, Cocoa interface, 668

Project Chooser window, 276277

Project Template dialog, 633634


in Apple Xcode toolset, 633635

creating in Xcode IDE, 651654

in GarageBand DAW, 276277

in iMovie application, 270271

protocols, common networking terms and, 503505

proxies, 510

ps command, 439441

PSK (preshared encryption key), 143

public calendars, in iCal, subscribing to, 221

Publish... option, 222

Put Back feature, 21

Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible option, 321

pwd command, 432

Python language, 489490

Image Q

Quartz Composer application, in Apple Xcode toolset, 647

Quartz Debug tool, 648

Quartz tool, 648

Quick Fix tools, in iPhoto, 264

Quick Links menu, 246

Quick Look window, 56

Quick View window, 4748

QuickTime Player, 126127

Quit Application option, 88

Quit Finder option, 28

Quit option, 22, 88

quitting applications, 88

Image R

Radio Mode option, 520

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) tab, 397398

Raw Source option, 182

RDC (Remote Desktop Connection), 579580

Read Me screen, 108


e-mail, 194195

RSS feeds, in Safari, 174

real instrument tracks, in GarageBand DAW, 282

Rebuild option, 184

receipts, removing, 114115

Recent Articles option, 174

Recent Items option, 11

recording, tracks

guitar, 283284

real instrument audio, 282

recovering data, with Time Machine interface, 386387


Lion Recovery Disk Assistant utility, 680681

overview, 679680

recovery disk, 679681

recovery partition, 674, 679680

Redirect directive, 551

Redirect option, 185

redirects, 446

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) tab, 397398

Region drop-down list, 302

Region menu, 302

Relaunch option, 28

Reload Page option, 156

Remember networks this computer has joined option, 511

reminders, 219

remote access, 523540

connecting, 523530

accessing remote systems from Finder window, 524525

to remote servers, 526527

remotely from command line, 528529

third-party graphical clients, 530

local private networks, 531535

AirDrop feature, 534535

AirPort, 532533

FireWire interface and Ethernet cables, 533534

Target Disk mode, 531532

of Microsoft Windows computers, 579580

sharing services, 535539

Bluetooth standard, 539

DVDs and CDs, 536

files, 537

Internet, 539

printers, 537

remote Apple Events, 538539

Remote Login, 538

Remote Management, 538

scanners, 538

screens, 536537

web, 538

Xgrid application, 539

remote Apple Events, 539

Remote Desktop Connection (RDC), 579580

Remote Login, sharing, 538

Remote Management, sharing, 538

Remove articles option, 175

Remove Attachments option, 185

Remove download list items option, 164

Remove from Sidebar option, 30

removing applications, 112116

cache files, preferences, and support files, 113114

frameworks, components, and receipts, 114115

hidden application files, 115116

Reopen All Windows From Last Session option, 157

Reopen Last Closed Window option, 157

Repair Disk Permissions option, 393

Reply All option, 204

Reply-To Address Field option, 182

Reply With iChat option, 184

replying, to e-mails, 204

Require an administrator password to access system preferences with lock icons option, 417

Require an answer option, 604

Require password [immediately] after sleep or screen saver begins option, 165

Require password X after sleep or screen saver begins option, 417

Reset Background option, 238

Reset Safari... option, 155

resizing partitions, 397

Restart automatically if the computer freezes option, 322

Restore Standard Fonts...option, 403

Restore windows when quitting and reopening apps option, 292

Retouch tool, 264

root users, 448450

sudo command, 449450

sudoers file, 450

roots, document, 560561

RoR web server, 563

Rotate tool, 264

Routing table option, 515

RSS feeds

in Mail application, 205206

in Safari, 171175

adding, 172173

options for, 174175

reading, 174

Ruby language, 490491

rules, for e-mail, 198201

Run AppleScript option, 199

Run Shell Script option, 605606, 608609

Image S

Safari, 151177

AutoFill for forms, 164165

bookmarks in, 160161

adding, 160

managing, 160161

options for, 161

Database storage option in, 171

default style sheet for, setting, 170

downloading content in, 163164

extensions for, 176177

home page, setting, 158159

interface of, 152158

plug-ins for, 175

RSS feeds in, 171175

adding, 172173

options for, 174175

reading, 174

searching web, 159160

security for, 165169

blocking web content, 166

controlling cookies, 167168

private browsing, 167

removing cookies, 168169

secure browsing, 166

tabs in, 162163

closing, 163

creating new, 162

moving, 163

Universal Access options, 170

Safari Extensions... option, 176

Safari menu, 155, 159, 166167, 169, 176

Same Page option, 159

Saturate option, 264

Save as... option, 9091, 285

Save dialog, 42, 9193

Save downloaded files to option, 164

Save option, 9091, 93

Save Version option, 93

saving documents, for applications, 9091

scanners, sharing, 538

scanning, Print & Scan pane, 328

SCM (source code management), 387

screen savers, Desktop & Screen Saver pane, 293297

screen sharing, in iChat, 240

screens, sharing, 536537

Script menu, 15


advanced, 486491

Perl language, 487489

Python language, 489490

Ruby language, 490491

shell, 473486

controlling flow, 479483

input and output, 483486

variables, 477479

scripts, and applications, 583585

Search Results SnapBack option, 157


in Finder, 3844

refining search, 4142

Smart Folders, 4344

Spotlight search, 3840

web in Safari, 159160

Secure Empty Trash option, 62

Secure Notes option, 412

Secure SHell (SSH), 28, 504, 528, 538

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 166, 189190, 527

security, 405420

data encryption with FileVault tab, 413415

keychains and passwords, 405413

custom keychains and keychain items, 410412

keychain feature, 405409

keychain options, 413

and privacy preferences, 416419

for Safari, 165169

blocking web content, 166

controlling cookies, 167168

private browsing, 167

removing cookies, 168169

secure browsing, 166

Security & Privacy pane, in Personal preferences, 306

Select a driver to use option, 364

Select Next Tab option, 158

Select Previous Tab option, 158

Select Printer Driver... dialog, 362

Select submenu, 182

semantics, of Darwin environment, 424

Send Email... option, 240

Send File... option, 239

Send Instant Message... option, 235

Send option, 203

Send SMS... option, 238

Send Song to iTunes... option, 285

Sepia option, 264

Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, 527

ServerAdmin directive, 549

ServerName directive, 550

ServeRroot command, 548


Microsoft Exchange, 568

remote, connecting to, 526527

SharePoint, 568569

Service receives selected text in any application option, 615

services menu, 13, 9697, 615618

Services submenu, 74

Set Firmware Password Utility... option, 420

Set Up Time Capsule option, 383

Set Value of Variable option, 612613, 616

settings, keychain, 413

Setup Assistant, 677678

setup, of Terminal application, 467468

Share a public IP address option, 521

Share Calendar... option, 221

Share menu, 273, 285

Share My Screen... option, 240

Share this printer with other users on the network option, 364

shared contact lists, in Address Book, 213

shared printers, connecting to, 361364

SharePoint Server, 568569


calendars in iCal, 221222

media, in iTunes, 124

photos, 265266

Sharing Only option, 339

Sharing pane, in Internet & Wireless preferences, 334

sharing services, 535539

Bluetooth standard, 539

DVDs and CDs, 536

files, 537

Internet, 539

printers, 537

remote Apple Events, 538539

Remote Login, 538

Remote Management, 538

scanners, 538

screens, 536537

web, 538

Xgrid application, 539

shell environments, 468470

shell programs, 428448

background tasks, 447448

commands, 436445

find and whereis, 444445

grep, 438

kill, 442443

less and more, 443444

ln command-line utility, 438

man, 437

ps, 439441

who, 439440

customizing Terminal application and, 467471

commands with aliases and functions, 470471

setup, 467468

shell environment, 468470

files and directories, 434436

navigation in Darwin environment, 428432

cd command, 431432

listing directories, 431

ls command, 429430

pwd command, 432

pipes, 446

redirects, 446

wildcards, 433

shell scripting, 473486

controlling flow, 479483

conditional statements, 479482

loops, 482483

input and output, 483486

variables, 477479

argument, 478

command substitution, 478479

Short Message Service (SMS) message, 238

shortcut menus

on Dock, 2123

for applications, 22

for stacks, 22

for Trash, 23

overview, 89

Show a message when the screen is locked option, 417

Show All Bookmarks option, 157, 160

Show All Disks. button, 675676

Show all filename extensions option, 44

Show All History option, 157

Show all my accounts in one list option, 231

Show all regions option, 302

Show battery status in the menu bar option, 322

Show Bookmarks Bar option, 156

Show Column Browser option, 118

Show Columns option, 58

Show Develop menu in menu bar option, 169, 171

Show fast user switching menu as option, 338

Show icon preview option, 58

Show icons option, 58

Show in Finder option, 22, 39, 41

Show indicator lights for open applications option, 298

Show input menu in login window, 338

Show Input menu in menu bar option, 303

Show item info option, 58

Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in

menu bar option, 323

Show option, 22

Show Package Contents option, 112

Show password hints option, 338

Show password option, 409

Show preview column option, 58

Show Reader option, 156

Show Reminders option, 219

Show scroll bars option, 291

Show Status Bar option, 154, 156

Show Tab Bar option, 156

Show the Restart, Sleep, and Shut Down buttons option, 337

Show these items on the desktop option, 59

Show this action when the workflow runs option, 601

Show Time Machine status in the menu bar option, 385

Show Toolbar option, 156

Show Top Sites option, 157

Show Universal Access status in the menu bar option, 312

Show Video Effects option, 237

Show View Options, 5657

Show VPN status in menu bar option, 512

Show Wi-Fi status in menu bar option, 144

Show with clock option, 296

shutdown dialog, 8

Sidebar icon size option, 292

sidebar, in Finder

options for, 61

overview, 3031

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 191, 501, 504

Simulate Document option, 658

sites, customizing, 544545

Size option, 297

Slightly dim the display when using this power source option, 322

Slow Keys option, 310

Smart Folder Save dialog box, 43

Smart Folders, in Finder, 4344

SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, 527

SMS (Short Message Service) message, 238

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 191, 501, 504

Socket states option, 516

software, compiling from source code, 494497

building, 496

configuring, 495496

installing, 497

Software Instrument option, 280

Software License screen, 108

Software Update dialog, 359360

Software Update preference pane, System Preferences application, 350352

Software Update utility, 67

SONET (synchronous optical networking) technology, 136

songs, saving and sharing, 285286

Sort by options, 17, 22, 58, 174

sound effects, music and, 273

Sound pane, in Hardware preferences, 328330

source code, compiling software from, 494497

building, 496

configuring, 495496

installing, 497

source code management (SCM), 387

Source Control option, 643

Spaces, 8081

Speak selected text when the key is pressed option, 354

Speakable Items option, 353

Speech preference pane, System Preferences application, 353355

Speech submenu, 182

Spin Doctor tool, 648

Split Events option, 257

Spotlight pane, in Personal preferences, 306307

Spotlight search feature, 15, 3840

Spotlight tool, 3841

Spring-loaded folder and windows option, 59

SQL (Structured Query Language), 556

SQLite database, 556

SSH (Secure SHell), 28, 504, 528, 538

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 166, 189190, 527

stacks, on Dock, 1722

Standard (Gamma 2.2) option, 317

Standard Install screen, 109

Standard option, 339, 366

Start Screen Saver option, 296, 613

Start screen saver slider, 296

Start up automatically after a power failure option, 321

Startup Disk preference pane, System Preferences application, 355356

stationery, for e-mail, 204

Stationery Pad option, 52

Statistics option, 515

status menus, in menu bar, 15

status messages, for iChat, 240241

Sticky Keys option, 310

Stop evaluating rules option, 199

storage, external, 371374

Straighten tool, 264

streaming media, in iTunes, 124

Stretch to Fill Screen option, 295

Striped RAID Set option, 397

Structured Query Language (SQL), 556

StuffIt Expander utility, 53

style sheet, default, for Safari, setting, 170

Subscribe in Mail option, 174

Subscribe... option, 221

Subscribe to Address Book option, 213

sudo command, 449450

sudoers file, 450

SuperDuper!, backups with, 387388

support files, removing, 113114

synchronization, backups vs., 379381

Synchronize All Accounts option, 183

Synchronize option, 183

synchronous optical networking (SONET) technology, 136

syncing, iPods and iPhones with iTunes, 124126

System Library folder, 68

System option, 611

System Preferences application, 289356

Hardware preferences, 313330

CDs & DVDs pane, 313

Displays pane, 313319

Energy Saver pane, 319320

Keyboard pane, 323325

Mouse pane, 326

Print & Scan pane, 328

Sound pane, 328330

Trackpad pane, 327

Internet & Wireless preferences, 330334

Bluetooth pane, 333

Mail, Contacts & Calendars pane, 331

MobileMe pane, 331

Network pane, 331

Sharing pane, 334

Personal preferences, 290311

Desktop & Screen Saver pane, 293297

Dock pane, 297

General pane, 290291

Language & Text pane, 300306

Mission Control pane, 299

Security & Privacy pane, 306

Spotlight pane, 306307

Universal Access pane, 307311

System section, 335356

adding new users, 339340

Date & Time preference pane, 347348

Parental Controls preference pane, 341346

Software Update preference pane, 350352

Speech preference pane, 353355

Startup Disk preference pane, 355356

Time Machine preference pane, 355

Users & Groups preference pane, 335337

System Preferences window, 72

System section, of System Preferences application, 335356

adding new users, 339340

Date & Time preference pane, 347348

Parental Controls preference pane, 341346

Software Update preference pane, 350352

Speech preference pane, 353355

Startup Disk preference pane, 355356

Time Machine preference pane, 355

Users & Groups preference pane, 335337

System Voice menu, 354

Image T

tablets, input, 377

Tabs for Bookmark Bar option, 159

tabs, in Safari, 162163

closing, 163

creating new, 162

moving, 163

Tabs window, 162

takeStringURLFrom: option, 661

Target Disk mode, 356, 531532

targeting platforms, 585588

Android, 587

Java, 585587

POSIX, 588

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

networking, 137

overview, 502503

tab, 505506

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 137, 501, 503

technologies, and frameworks for Cocoa interface, 668669

TechTool Pro utility, 392

Terminal application, customizing, 467471

Terminal window, 528

testing, interface, 658660


chat, 233234

editors, command-line

Emacs, 457459

Nano, 461462

overview, 589590

Vim, 451454

Language & Text pane, in Personal preferences, 300306

and transitions, 272

Text & Data option, 611

Text Field option, 656

Text option, 599

Text size option, 57

The Lesson Store option, 277

“There's more then one way to do it” (TMTOWTDI), 487

third-party graphical clients, connecting to, 530

third-party tools, and technologies, 589591

mobile development, 590591

text editors, 589590

web development tools, 590

Tile option, 295

time, Date & Time preference pane, 347348

Time Machine backup, 677679

Time Machine preference pane, System Preferences application, 355

Time Machine utility, backups, 379388

with Carbon Copy Cloner, 387388

with CrashPlan tools, 387388

with Decimus Software Synk Pro, 387388

with Decimus Software Synk Standard, 387388

manually using Time Machine utility, 385

recovering data with Time Machine interface, 386387

setting up Time Machine utility, 382385

with SuperDuper!, 387388

vs. synchronization, 379381

time zone support, in iCal, 221

TLD (top-level domain), 652

TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer), 504

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 166, 527

TMTOWTDI (“There's more then one way to do it”), 487


in Finder, 2930

options for Finder, 5456

top-level domain (TLD), 652

Traceroute tool, 516

Track Editor feature, 281282

Track menu, 280

Trackpad pane, in Hardware preferences, 327

tracks, in GarageBand DAW, 278284

loops, 278280

MIDI tracks, 280281

post-processing, 284

recording tracks, 282284

Transitions Browser, 272

transitions, text and, 272

Translucent menu bar option, 295

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. See TCP/IP

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 137, 501, 503

Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL), 504

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 166, 527

Trash in a Finder window, 23

Trash, on Dock, 2123

troubleshooting, permissions, 561562

Trust junk mail headers in messages option, 197

Try to limit access to adult websites automatically option, 343

Turn FaceTime Off option, 242

Turn FaceTime On option, 242

Turn on Firmware Password, 680

Turn on time zone support option, 221

Turn Wi-Fi On option, 139

types, default, 552

Image U

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 502503

Undo option, 601

United States, Computer (English) option, 302

Universal Access options, in Safari, 170

Universal Access pane, in Personal preferences, 307311

Universal Serial Bus (USB) printers, connecting to, 359360

UNIX OS, installing, 491493

updates, Software Update preference pane, 350352

Upon Recognition option, 353

USB (Universal Serial Bus) printers, connecting to, 359360

Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys option, 323

Use LCD font smoothing when available option, 292

Use option as meta key option, 457458

Use random screen saver option, 296

Use relative dates option, 58

Use Same Status for All Accounts option, 231

Use Simple Finder option, 341

Use smooth scrolling option, 292

Use This Mailbox For submenu, 184

Use VoiceOver in the login window option, 338

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 502503

user/group, 549

User names and passwords option, 165

User option, 611


adding new, in System Preferences application, 339340

root, 448450

sudo command, 449450

sudoers file, 450

Users & Groups preference pane, System Preferences application, 335337

Using DHCP with manual address option, 506, 546

Using info from my Address Book card option, 164

utilities, 514521

AirPort, 518521

command-line, ln, 438

Network, 514517

Finger tool, 517

Info tab, 514

Lookup tab, 516

Netstat tool, 515

Ping tool, 515516

Port Scan tool, 517

Traceroute tool, 516

Whois protocol, 516517

of workspace in Apple Xcode toolset, 640641

Utilities folder, in Apple Xcode toolset, 648

Utilities option, 599, 611

Image V

variables, 610614

argument, 478

command substitution, 478479

overview, 477

VDSL (very-high-speed Digital Subscriber Line) technology, 135

Versions button, for windows, 7

versions, for documents, 9294

Versions menu, 9394

very high-level languages (VHLLs), 486

very-high-speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) technology, 135

VHLLs (very high-level languages), 486

video chat, 235238

Video Effects window, 238

Video menu, 237

videos, importing into iMovie application, 268

View All RSS Articles option, 174

View content as options, 24

View menu, 5657, 118, 154, 156, 182, 219, 233, 636

View Source option, 157

views, in Finder, 3134

Column view, 33

Cover Flow view, 34

Icon view, 31

List view, 32

options for, 5658

Vignette option, 265

Vim command-line text editor, 451454

virtual hosting, 549

Virtual Network Computing (VNC), 527

virtual private networks (VPNs), 504, 512

VMware Fusion, 576578

VNC (Virtual Network Computing), 527

Voice over IP (VoIP) services, 244

VoiceOver option, 308

VoiceOver Utility, 308

VoIP (Voice over IP) services, 244

Volume Scheme menu, 396

volumes, erasing and formatting, 393394

VPN option, 512

VPNs (virtual private networks), 504, 512

Image W

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 316

Wake for network access option, 321

WAN (wide area network), 134

Warmer option, 264

web development, tools for, 590

web servers, 541563

Apache HTTP

customizing, 547553

and Mac OS X web sharing, 541545

databases, 556560

MySQL, 556559

PostgreSQL, 560

SQLite, 556

domain names, 562563

Mac OS X, 563

making sites document root, 560561

PHP language, 554555

RoR, 563

troubleshooting permissions, 561562

web sharing, 538

Web Sharing box, 542

Website Restrictions options, 343

WebView class, 663

Welcome to Xcode window, 632644, 651

new projects, 633635

Organizer window, 643644

workspace, 636642

debug area, 642

editor area, 638640

navigator area, 637638

utilities area, 640641

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) protocol, 142143, 519

whereis command, find command and, 444445

White option, 58

who command, 439440

Whois protocol, 516517

Wi-Fi networks, connecting to, 139145

Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2), 143

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 143, 519

Wi-Fi status menu, 144145

Wi-Fi tab, 511

wide area network (WAN), 134

wildcards, 433

WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) technology, 136

window control buttons, for windows, 67

Window menu, 13, 158, 163, 186, 239, 260, 281

windows, 57

adding objects to, 656658

full-screen toggle of, 7

Versions button for, 7

window control buttons for, 67

Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), 505, 509

Wine project, CodeWeavers CrossOver and, 579

WINS (Windows Internet Name Service), 505, 509

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol, 142143, 519

wireless provider connections, 149150

Word Break option, 302

workflows, 600603

workspaces, in Apple Xcode toolset, 636642

debug area, 642

editor area, 638640

navigator area, 637638

utilities area, 640641

World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC), 245

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 316

Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) technology, 136

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 143, 519

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2), 143

WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference), 245

ImageX, Y

Xcode IDE, creating projects in, 651654

Xcode tools, 66

Xgrid application, sharing, 539

Image Z

Zoom In option, 156

Zoom Out option, 156

Zoom Text Only option, 157

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