The About Window

You’ll need an About window to display version information for the application. Inside Mac OS X: Aqua Human Interface Guidelines (listed in Appendix A) contains specific guidelines for what should be in an About window, so you’ll need to follow those. Figure 2.3 shows the minimum items you need to display—the application icon and version and copyright information for the application.

The About window for the Moon Travel Planner application

Figure 2-3. The About window for the Moon Travel Planner application


The window will open when the user chooses About Moon Travel Planner from the Moon Travel Planner application menu. Its title bar should display the words “About Moon Travel Planner.” The user will be able to close the window. The user won’t be able to modify or copy the text or change the size of the window.


In Interface Builder, you’ll need to:

  • Create the window; define the window size, background, and title; add a static text field; adjust layout of the window; add an image resource for the application icon to the window. See Chapter 5 for details.

In Project Builder, you’ll need to:

  • Add code to the main function to create the window from the Interface Builder file. See Chapter 6 for details.

  • Add version and application information to the project. See Chapter 10 for details.

  • Add an application icon file to your project. See Chapter 13 for details.

  • Write a handler that closes the About window when the user clicks the close button. See Chapter 10 for details.

You’ll also need to use Icon Composer to create an icon suite for your application. See Chapter 13 for details.

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