Chapter 10. Property Lists

Property lists offer a uniform and architecture-independent means to organize, store, and access data for your application. They are used frequently in Mac OS X, particularly by the Finder to determine what to do when it encounters an application or one of its documents. (The Finder is the application that manages the user’s desktop and mediates access to applications, documents, and other items in the file system.) Some of the most common data included in a property list are application name, version, type, creator code, and icon filename.

There are a number of reasons why you’ll need to modify your application’s property list. Property lists store essential configuration information that your program code or the operating system can access at runtime. Application name and version properties are used to display information to the user in an About window or a Finder Info window. If your application opens documents, you need to set up properties to let the Finder know which documents can be opened by your application.

You’ve already seen in Chapter 3 that a property list (the Info.plist file) is part of every Mac OS X application bundle. In Chapter 8 we discussed localizing properties that will be seen in the interface and putting them in an InfoPlist.strings file. We actually haven’t looked at the contents of an Info.plist file or taken a look at the default properties associated with a Carbon application. So, in this chapter, we’ll:

  • See what Project Builder provides in the default information property list

  • Modify the information property list for the Moon Travel Planner application

  • Look at what an About window can display from a property list

  • Create an About window for the Moon Travel Planner application using Interface Builder to create the window, and write code to display property list information in the window

The Information Property List: Info.plist

The information property list (Info.plist) is a special form of property list that has predefined keys for specifying application properties of interest to the Finder and other applications. The Info.plist is stored inside the application’s bundle, as you saw in Chapter 3.

Like all property lists, Info.plist is a text file that contains key-value pairs in XML syntax. (A collection of key-value pairs is referred to as a dictionary.) For example, the following entry in the information property list sets a key named CFBundlePackageType to the string APPL. It signifies the bundle is an application:

<key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string>


XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and was developed in 1996 as an outgrowth of SGML (Structured Generalized Markup Language). XML is a popular format for data because it is platform-independent, well-supported, and relatively easy to use.

XML is an HTML-like language for structuring data with custom-defined tags. XML looks similar to HTML in that it uses tags to enclose data. Unlike HTML, the tags in XML are simply delimiters; they do not have any standard meaning as they do in HTML.

For more information about XML, see Learning XML and XML in a Nutshell, both available through O’Reilly & Associates.

You don’t need to learn XML to read or modify the information property list. You can view and modify the information property list using Project Builder or the Property List Editor application provided with Mac OS X. In fact, it is not safe to edit the XML data by hand unless you are very familiar with XML syntax.

There are two categories of predefined keys for an application’s properties:

  • Standard keys. Used for basic configuration information, such as the name of the executable and the version number of the application.

  • Finder keys. Used by the Mac OS X Finder to store important information about a bundle.

You will need to know the key for any property whose value you want to retrieve programmatically. (You’ll do this in Section 10.2). The header file CFBundle.h defines constants for many common property list keys. Although you can define your own properties, you should use the predefined property keys where appropriate rather than define your own.

Table 10.1 lists the default information properties supplied by Project Builder when you create a project. The first five are Standard keys; the rest are Finder keys.

Table 10-1. Default Information Properties Provided for a Project Builder Project Named Sample Application

CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0
CFBundleExecutable Sample Application
CFBundleVersion 0.1
CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English
CFBundleName Sample Application
CFBundlePackageType APPL
CFBundleSignature ????
CFBundleShortVersionString Sample Application version 0.1

Sample Application version 0.1, copyright 2000 My Great Software.

Standard Keys

There are five standard keys available to a Carbon application. Four of them are included in the default information property list. They are:

  • CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion. This key supports future versioning of the dictionary format. (The key-value pair format used in an Info.plist file is called a dictionary.) You shouldn’t modify this value.

  • CFBundleExecutable. The name of the main executable for the bundle. For an application, this is the application’s executable file. For a loadable bundle, it is the binary that will be loaded dynamically by the bundle. For a framework, it is the shared library for the framework (in the case of a framework, the executable must have the same name as the framework). The executable name should not include an extension.

  • CFBundleIdentifier. The unique identifier string for the bundle, with a Java-style package name (think of it as a reverse URL). For example, com.mycompany.mysoftware. The identifier locates the bundle at runtime.

  • CFBundleVersion. The application version number. The value should be a string; used internally for version identification.

  • CFBundleDevelopmentRegion. The language or region in which the application was developed.

Finder Keys

These keys are used by the Finder to store important information about a bundle. Among other things, the Finder uses these properties to locate and display an application’s icon and recognize document types associated with the application:

  • CFBundleName. The short name of the bundle suitable for displaying in the user interface, such as in the Application menu and the About window. This key is usually in the InfoPlist.strings file because it needs to be localized.

  • CFBundlePackageType. A four-character code that specifies the bundle’s type. For applications, use APPL.

  • CFBundleSignature. A four-character code that specifies the creator, sometimes referred to as the application signature.

  • CFBundleShortVersionString. A description of the bundles’s version that can be displayed to users in the Finder’s Info window. (See the version information shown in Figure 10.1 for an example.) This does not have to be the same string you supply for the CFBundleVersion key. You should put this in the InfoPlist.strings file so it can be localized.

    Version information in the Finder’s Info window

    Figure 10-1. Version information in the Finder’s Info window

  • CFBundleGetInfoString. A text string displayed to users in the Finder’s Info window. You should include this property in the InfoPlist.strings file for localization.

  • CFBundleIconFile. The filename of the bundle resource that contains the icon the Finder (or other applications) should use to display this bundle. It’s optional for filename to have an extension. If it doesn’t have one, the operating system appends an appropriate extension.

  • CFBundleGetInfoHTML. An HTML string that’s displayed in the Finder’s Info Window. This property is usually included in the InfoPlist.strings file for localization. You can use this if you want a richer representation than that provided by the CFBundleGetInfoString property. If you define both properties, CFBundleGetInfoHTML supersedes CFBundleGetInfoString.

  • CFBundleDocumentTypes. An array of type definitions for the document types an application can recognize. Each document type for a Carbon application can be specified using the following keys:

    • CFBundleTypeName. The abstract name for the document type.

    • CFBundleTypeIconFile. The name of the icon file, without the extension, that contains the icon the Finder should display for the type.

    • CFBundleTypeRole. Defines the application’s role with respect to the type; the role can be Editor, Viewer, or None.

    • CFBundleTypeOSTypes. An array of four-character codes that map to this type.

    • CFBundleTypeExtensions. An array of filename extensions that map to this type.

  • CFBundleURLTypes. An array of URL schemes the application can handle. Each URL scheme can be specified using these keys:

    • CFBundleURLName. The abstract name for this URL type.

    • CFBundleURLIconFile. The name of the icon file, minus the extension, that contains the icon the Finder should display for the type.

    • CFBundleURLSchemes. An array of URL schemes handled by this type (http, ftp, and so forth).

Viewing and Modifying Property Lists in Project Builder

Project Builder provides a set of default properties when you create your project. You’ll need to view the default list and modify the values to suit your application. You may also need to add properties.

There are three ways you can view and modify property lists in Project Builder: simple or expert views in the Application Settings pane and by opening the InfoPlist.strings file. The method you choose depends on your level of expertise and whether you want to access properties that should be localized.

The Application Settings pane in Project Builder provides access to properties in the Info.plist file. Recall this is the master list of information properties, and can include those that should be localized as well as those that don’t need to be localized. You can view the properties in Simple or Expert views. The Simple mode is shown in Figure 10.2. To view the simple mode:

  1. Click the Targets tab, then click a target in the Targets list.

  2. Click the Application Settings tab.

The keys are listed in a more “readable” form than the CFBundle property names. For example, the CFBundleExecutable key is listed as Executable, and so forth. The simple listing lets you see the core group of information properties that you should set up for your application. If you want to add properties, you’ll need to use the Expert view.

Information properties in the Application Settings pane, Simple mode

Figure 10-2. Information properties in the Application Settings pane, Simple mode

The Expert view, shown in Figure 10.3 lets you view Standard, Finder and user-defined keys: the property’s key, class (that is, data type), and current value. You can add new properties by clicking New Sibling, then typing a key, class, and value. To modify a property, double-click its value and type the new value.

Any changes you make in the Simple mode are reflected in the Expert view. Any change you make in Expert view is shown in Simple view as long as the property is one of the core properties listed in the Simple view.

Information properties in the Application Settings pane, Expert mode

Figure 10-3. Information properties in the Application Settings pane, Expert mode

The third way you can view and modify properties is to open the InfoPlist.strings file. This is the subset of the information property list—it should contain those properties that need to be localized. Figure 10.4 shows the default InfoPlist.strings file you get when you create a Project Builder project.

To view this file, click the Files tab, then click InfoPlist.strings in the Resources group of the Groups & Files list. Note the syntax; string values must be enclosed by straight quotation marks:

<key> = <value>;

The default InfoPlist.strings file

Figure 10-4. The default InfoPlist.strings file

There are two important things to remember about information properties:

  • Project Builder does not coordinate the properties in the Info.plist file (those you can see in the Application Settings pane) with those in the InfoPlist.strings file. In other words, a change made to one file is not reflected in the other. You may need to make an entry in each file.

  • If a property exists in both places (Info.plist and InfoPlist.strings), the value of the localized version is always used. Any function from the Carbon programming interface that gets property list information first looks for the localized version. If one isn’t found, the function looks for the property in the Info.plist file.

The About Window

An About window is a modeless window (the user can leave it open and perform other tasks in the application) that contains your application’s version and copyright information. Figure 10.5 shows two typical About windows. The numbers in the bottom window denote pixel spacing.

As you might guess from looking at the window, you can get most of the information from the application’s information property list. Using the property list assures that the About window displays current information; when the version or copyright information changes, you only need to change it in the property list. It also makes localization easy, because the localized property list values are always returned to your application if they are available.

Typical About windows

Figure 10-5. Typical About windows

Items in the window should be centered with the spacing from the bottom of one element to the top of another as indicated in the figure. An application’s About window should have a title bar and be movable, and provide the Close button as the only active window control. You’ll create one in the next section, after you modify the property list.

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