Securing the system login

The default settings applied to system login are based on what Red Hat deems basic security. If, for some reason, you want to change this, this recipe will show you a couple of examples. Authconfig has two tools that you can use to configure authentication: authconfig and authconfig-tui.

These two tools configure pam for you in such a way that the changes are consistent throughout rpm updates.

The authconfig-tui tool is not as feature-rich as the plan authconfig tool, which I personally recommend you to use as it allows you to do more.

You can manually edit the files located in /etc/pam.d if and when you know what you're doing, but this is not recommended.

How to do it…

Perform the following steps:

First, change the hash encryption of the passwords stored in /etc/shadow to sha512, as follows:

~]# authconfig --passalgo=sha512 --update

Enable NIS authentication through the following command:

~]# authconfig --enablenis –nisdomain=NISDOMAIN --update

Now, set the minimum length requirement for passwords to 16 via the following:

~]# authconfig --passminlen=16 --update

The user requires at least one lowercase letter in the password; you can set this requirement by running the following:

~]# authconfig --enablereqlower --update

Also, the user requires at least one uppercase letter in the password, for which you can run the following:

~]# authconfig --enablerequpper --update

Now, the user requires at least one number in the password. Execute the following command for this:

~]# authconfig --enablereqdigit --update

Finally, the user requires at least one nonalphanumeric character in the password, which you can set using the following command:

~]# authconfig --enablereqother --update

How it works…

authconfig and authconfig-tui are wrapper scripts that modify a variety of files, including, but not limited to, /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/pam.d/*, /etc/sssd.conf, /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, and /etc/sysconfig/network.

The advantage of the tool is that it uses the correct syntax, which can sometimes be a little tricky, especially for the files in /etc/pam.d.

There's more…

One of the interesting features of this tool is the backup and restore functions. In case you do not use any centralized identification and authentication infrastructure, such as IPA, you can use this to make a backup of a correctly configured machine and distribute this through whichever means you wish to use.

To back up your authconf configuration, execute the following:

~]# authconfig --savebackup=/tmp/auth.conf

This will create a /tmp/auth.conf directory, which contains all the files modified by authconfig.

Copy this directory over to another server and restore the configuration by executing the following:

~]# authconfig –-restorebackup=/tmp/auth.conf

All of the security changes you apply through authconfig can also be managed through IPA.

See also

For information about and more configuration options, take a look at the authconfig (8) man pages.

You can also find more information on Red Hat's page on authentication at

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