Design Challenges for Machine/Deep Learning Algorithms

Rajesh C. Dharmik* and Bhushan U. Bawankar

Department of Information Technology, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Machine Learning, or ML, is one of the most effective uses of artificial intelligence because it allows systems to learn without having to be programmed regularly. A process of studying data for the purpose of constructing or training models occurs in Machine Learning. It has recently gained a lot of notoriety for its ability to be utilised across a wide range of businesses to solve difficult problems fast and effectively. Machine Learning has evolved into a quick and effective approach for businesses to construct models and strategize plans. It generates real-time results without the need for human intervention, using data that has already been processed. It develops data-driven models to make it easier to evaluate and interpret enormous amounts of data. Companies require software that can grasp data and produce correct outcomes, thus it is a skill in great demand. The main goal is to achieve optimal functionality with the least amount of confusion. Assuming you understand what machine learning is, why people use it, what different types of machine learning there are, and how the whole development pipeline works. What might potentially go wrong during the development process that would prohibit you from receiving accurate predictions? During the development phase, we are primarily concerned with selecting a learning algorithm and training it on some data; nevertheless, a faulty algorithm or bad data, or both, could be a problem. Despite the fact that there are countless cutting-edge apps produced utilising machine learning, there are some problems that an ML practitioner may face while developing an application from its inception to its final result. Poor data quality, underfitting of training data, overfitting of training data, lack of training data/insufficient training data/insufficient amount of training data, slow implementation, imperfections in the algorithm as data grows, irrelevant features, non-representative training data, lack of quality data, making incorrect assumptions, becoming obsolete as data grows are some of the major challenges you may face while developing your machine learning model. To solve this problem, remove outliers from the training set, filter missing values, and remove unwanted features, increase the training time of the model, increase the complexity of the model, add more features to the data, reduce regular parameters, increase the training time of the model, analyse the data to the highest level of perfection, use data augmentation technique, remove outliers from the training set, and choose a model with fewer features.

Keywords: Machine learning, artificial intelligence, supervised algorithm, unsupervised algorithm, reinforcement learning algorithm

13.1 Introduction

Thanks to advancements in computer technology, through a computer network, we can now reserve and examine a huge quantity of data as well as retrieve it from physically different locations. Most of the equipment used to collect data is now digital. The data we see is explained by a process. We may be unable to fully identify the mechanism behind data production since we don’t know the details, but we believe we can come up with a good approximation. The estimate may be able to account for some of the data. While we may not be able to identify the entire process, we can still recognize some patterns or regularities. This is where machine learning is at its best. Artificial Intelligence uses machine learning to improve the quality of applications. It enables systems to learn and comprehend information without the need to write new code for each new related behaviour. The goal is to automate the flow rather than constantly changing it. It generates real-time results without the need for human interaction, utilising data that has already been processed. It develops data-driven models to make it easier to evaluate and interpret enormous volumes of data. Machine Learning has evolved into a quick and effective approach for businesses to construct models and design plans [1].

Despite the fact that there are multiple cutting-edge apps produced utilising machine learning, there are certain problems that an ML practitioner may face while designing an application from the ground up and putting it to production. We shall go through some of the primary issues you can experience when building your machine learning model in this article. Assuming you understand what machine learning is, why people use it, what different types of machine learning there are, and how the whole development pipeline works. What might potentially go wrong throughout the development process that would prohibit you from receiving accurate predictions? Throughout the development phase, we concentrate on choosing a learning algorithm and training it on some data; the two factors that might cause a problem are a faulty algorithm or bad data, or both [24].

13.2 Design Challenges of Machine Learning

13.2.1 Data of Low Quality

Data is critical in the machine learning process. A shortage of high-quality data is one of the key issues that machine learning professionals face. Data that is unclear or noisy might make the whole process tedious. We don’t want our system to make any wrong or erroneous predictions. As a result, data quality is essential for enhancing production. Obviously, your machine learning model will be unable to discover the right underlying pattern if your training data contains a substantial amount of mistakes, outliers, and noise. At end, it will perform poorly. A multitude of reasons can contribute to poor data quality, including:

  • Noisy data can lead to inaccurate projections. As a result, classification accuracy suffers and output quality suffers. One of the most common data inaccuracies has been found.
  • Incorrect or insufficient data can lead to erroneous programming in Machine Learning. With less data, the machine will analyse using only the most basic facts. The results are less precise because of this.
  • Improving future actions requires the generalisation of earlier data input and output. However, one common issue is that the data generated is difficult to generalise.

At final, the data pre-processing procedure should be guaranteed and carried out to the possible standard including eliminating outliers, filtering missing values, and deleting unnecessary characteristics [36].

13.2.2 Training Data Underfitting

This occurs when data is unable to construct an accurate relationship between input and output variables. It basically entails attempting to squeeze into undersized pants. It means the data is too basic to form a definite link. When there isn’t enough data to establish an accurate model, we use non-linear data to build or develop a linear model. If you use a linear model on a set with multi co-linearity, for example, it will almost certainly underfit and the predictions will be inaccurate on the training set as well. To solve this problem, increase the model’s training duration, increase the model’s complexity, add additional features to the data, reduce regular parameters, and increase the model’s training time [36].

13.2.3 Training Data Overfitting

When a machine learning model is trained with a vast amount of data, it suffers from overfitting, and its performance worsens as a result. It is the equivalent of attempting to fit into a pair of large jeans. Unfortunately, this is one of the most significant challenges faced by machine learning professionals. This indicates that the algorithm was trained on erroneous and biased data, which will affect its overall performance. To help us understand, consider the following example. You went to a new city’s eatery. You went to order anything from the menu but the price or bill was too high. You could think, “Eateries in the metro are so expensive and not cheap.” Overgeneralizing is something we do all the time, and surprisingly enough, frameworks can fall into the same trap, which we call overfitting in AI. It indicates that the model is doing well on the training dataset, but it is not adequately generalised. In another, assume you’re seeking to create and classify an Image Classification of apples, peaches, oranges, and bananas using training samples of 3500, 1500, 1500, and 1500, respectively. Because the number of training data for apples is much larger, the system is more likely to categorise oranges as apples if we train the model using these samples. Oversampling is the term used to describe this. To solve this problem, we may simplify the model by choosing one with fewer parameters, by minimising the amount of characteristics in the training data, limiting the model’s capabilities, collect further training data, lower the volume, use data augmentation approach, remove outliers from the training set and analyze the data to the highest level of perfection [36].

13.2.4 Insufficient Training Data

Once the data has been obtained, you must determine whether the amount is adequate for the use case. Training the data is the most important duty in the machine learning process. Predicting will be biased if there is less training data. Using the acquired data, two crucial phases in a machine learning project are choosing a learning technique and training the model. As a result of our innate tendency to make mistakes, things may go wrong. The errors here might include choosing the incorrect model or picking inaccurate data. Let’s look at an example to assist us to comprehend. Consider a machine learning system that is comparable to how a child is taught. You made the decision one day to educate a child about the difference between an apple and a watermelon. You will show him how to tell a watermelon from an apple. He will quickly grasp the knack of discriminating between the two in this manner. In contrast, a machine learning system takes a significant quantity of data to identify. Millions of data points may be necessary to solve difficult issues. As a result, we must make certain that machine learning algorithms are properly trained with relevant data [36].

13.2.5 Uncommon Training Data

To correctly generalise, the training data should be representative of new scenarios, i.e., the data we use for training should contain all examples that have occurred or will occur. When the training set is non-representative, it is unlikely that the model will make correct predictions. Machine learning models are systems that are meant to make predictions in the context of a business problem. Even though the model has never encountered data before, it will aid its performance. Sampling noise is unrepresentative data if the number of training samples is small, and if the training technique is faulty, numerous training tests cause sampling bias. Let’s imagine you’re trying to develop a model that can distinguish kinds of music. One method for constructing your training set is to conduct a YouTube search and use the results. We’re assuming that YouTube’s search engine is producing accurate results, but in fact, the results will be skewed toward popular musicians, maybe even artists in your area. So, when it comes to testing data, utilise representative data during training so that your model isn’t skewed toward one or two classes [36].

13.2.6 Machine Learning Is a Time-Consuming Process

Machine Learning is a constantly evolving field. Fast subjective cost-benefit investigations are now in progress. Since the process is altering, the likelihood of making a mistake increases, in order to make learning more difficult. It involves data analysis, data bias removal, data training, and more. Another significant obstacle for Machine Learning experts is the fact that it is a very intricate procedure [36].

13.2.7 Unwanted Features

The machine learning system will not provide the desired results if the training data comprises a significant number of irrelevant features and not enough useful attributes. An important aspect for the success of machine learning is a Feature selection. Let’s pretend, based on the data we gathered—age, gender, weight, height, and location—that we’re working on a project to forecast how many minutes an individual wants to exercise.

  1. Among these five characteristics, location value may have no bearing on our output function. This is an insignificant feature; we already know that we can achieve better outcomes without it.
  2. We can also use Feature Extraction to combine two features to create a more useful one. By removing weight and height from our example, we can create a feature called BMI. On the dataset, we may also perform transformations.
  3. Adding additional features by collecting more data is also beneficial [36].

13.2.8 Implementation is Taking Longer Than Expected

This is one of the most rare problems that machine learning experts face. Machine learning models take a long time to produce correct results. Slow programmes, data overload, and high requirements take a long time to produce reliable results. In order to get the optimum results, it needs continual monitoring and maintenance [36].

13.2.9 Flaws When Data Grows

So, you have acquired useful data, properly trained it, and your projections are extremely accurate. You’ve successfully created a machine learning algorithm! But wait, there’s a catch: as data expands, the model can become obsolete. The current best model may become wrong in the future, necessitating significant reorganisation. You will need to check and maintain the algorithm on a frequent basis to keep it working. This is one of the most taxing problems that machine learning experts encounter [36].

13.2.10 The Model’s Offline Learning and Deployment

When developing an application, machine learning engineers follow these processes: 1) Gathering data, 2) Cleaning data, 3) Feature development, 4) Pattern recognition, 5) Model training and optimization, 6) Implementation.

Oh! deployment? Yes, many machine learning practitioners do not have the skills for deployment. Due to a lack of experience and interdependence, a lack of grasp of the fundamental business models, a lack of awareness of business concerns, and volatile models, bringing their interesting apps into production has become one of the most challenging tasks. Data from websites such as Kaggle can be used to train a model. In actuality, we’ll need to create a dynamically changing data gathering source. This sort of variable data may not be suitable for offline or batch learning. The system is trained before being put into production, where it continues to learn. As the data changes dynamically, it may wander. It is normally desirable to establish a pathway to harvest, analyse, implement or train, verify, and validate the dataset and train the system in batches for every machine learning project [5, 6].

13.2.11 Bad Recommendations

It’s fairly common to use recommendation algorithms nowadays. Some may appear reliable, but others may fail to deliver. The recommendations of the proposal engines are susceptible to being imposed by machine learning. As a result, the advice will be ineffective if the outcome’s requirement changes. When priorities vary, one of the most major issues with Machine Learning is that developing a complex algorithm, collecting massive amounts of data, and executing the process results in nothing but wrong results [5, 6].

13.2.12 Abuse of Talent

There aren’t many specialists who can fully govern this technology despite the fact that many people are drawn to it. It is quite difficult to locate a skilled specialist that is capable of grasping Machine Learning issues and recommending a suitable software solution [5, 6].

13.2.13 Implementation

Combining newer machine learning algorithms with known procedures is a tough challenge. Maintaining good documentation and interpretation can help you get the most out of your resources. Machine Learning presents difficulties in terms of implementation [5, 6].

  • Slow deployment – While Machine Learning algorithms are time efficient, the development process is not. Because it is still a novel concept, the implementation period has been extended.
  • Data Protection – Retrieving confidential data on ML servers is risky because the machine won’t be able to tell the difference between sensitivity and non-sensitivity [5, 6].

Storing sensitive data on ML servers is risky since the model won’t be able to tell the difference between sensitive and non-sensitive data. A shortage of data was another important issue that arose during the model’s development. Without enough data, it is impossible to deliver relevant information.

13.2.14 Assumption are Made in the Wrong Way

It is difficult for ML algorithms to handle misplaced data points. There should be a lot of missing data in the highlights. We may fill those empty cells instead of removing an element with a few missing attributes. The easiest method to trade with these Machine Learning problems is to make sure your data is complete and can convey a considerable quantity of information [5, 6].

13.2.15 Infrastructure Deficiency

Data stirring skills are required for machine learning. Inheritance frameworks are incapable of dealing with responsibility and are tense. Check to see if your infrastructure can handle Machine Learning difficulties. If it can’t, you should aim to entirely update it with high-quality hardware and flexible storage [5, 6].

13.2.16 When Data Grows, Algorithms Become Obsolete

When taught, there will always be a large amount of data demanded. On certain data set, ML algorithms are trained to predict the future data and expect a same process with a large amount of data. At a moment where the data arrangement changes, the prior “correct” model over the data set may no longer be regarded as accurate [3, 4].

13.2.17 Skilled Resources are Not Available

Another issue with Deep Learning is that cognitive analytics and deep learning are still relatively new technologies in their current incarnations. Machine Learning professionals are necessary to maintain the process from the start coding to the maintenance and monitoring. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are still new and to find manpower is a challenge. As a result, there is a scarcity of capable representatives to design and handle scientific ingredients for ML. Data scientists frequently need a mix of spatial knowledge as well as a thorough understanding of mathematics, technology, and science [3, 4].

13.2.18 Separation of Customers

Consider the data of a user’s human behaviour throughout a testing period and the relevant historical practises. All things considered, an algorithm is required to distinguish between clients who will convert to a premium version of a product and those who will not. Based on the user’s catalogue behaviour, a model with this choice issue would allow software to generate suitable suggestions for him [3, 4].

13.2.19 Complexity

Even though Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are growing in popularity, the majority of these areas are still in their infancy, relying mainly on trial and error. The technique is incredibly involved and time-consuming, from system setup to injecting intricate data and even coding. It is a time-consuming and difficult operation that does not allow for any blunders or errors [3, 4].

13.2.20 Results Take Time

The slow-moving software is another one of the most typical Machine Learning difficulties. Machine Learning Models require time to create, but they are very efficient and deliver precise results. The provision of findings takes longer than intended due to an abundance of data and requirements. This is due to the complicated methodology they utilise and the time it takes to provide usable results. Another factor is that it necessitates continuous monitoring throughout the process [3, 4].

13.2.21 Maintenance

Because the required outcomes for various activities are bound to vary, the data required for each is also bound to vary. This necessitates code modification as well as additional resources for monitoring changes. Regular monitoring and maintenance are required since the results must be standardised. The key to keeping the programme up to date is consistent maintenance [3, 4].

13.2.22 Drift in Ideas

This happens when the target variable changes, causing the given results to be incorrect. This causes the models to degrade since they are difficult to adapt to or improve. A model that can respond to a wide range of changes is required to solve this challenge [3, 4].

13.2.23 Bias in Data

When certain features of a data collection are more important than others, this occurs. Machine Learning Models frequently focus on certain properties inside the database in order to generalise the results. As a result, incorrect findings, poor outcome levels, and other problems occur [3, 4].

13.2.24 Error Probability

Biased programming will be present in many algorithms, resulting in biased datasets. It will not generate the desired results and will instead produce useless data. If it is used, it can lead to more serious flaws in business models. When the planning process isn’t done correctly, this happens frequently. Machine Learning is all about short algorithms, as you’ve probably worked out by now. They need to identify the correct issue statement and develop a strategy before building the model. Machine Learning’s biggest challenges stem from planning flaws prior to deployment [3, 4].

13.2.25 Inability to Explain

Machine Learning is sometimes referred to as a “black box” since understanding the results of an algorithm is often difficult and ineffective. This simply implies that the outputs are difficult to interpret since they are configured in unique ways to produce for specified situations. This lack of explainability makes algorithm reverse engineering almost hard, lowering the algorithm’s trustworthiness [3, 4].

13.3 Commonly Used Algorithms in Machine Learning

Machine Learning algorithms are systems that can discover invisible patterns in data, predict output, and enhance performance based on their own experiences. Multiple algorithms can be used for different goals in machine learning. There are three types of machine learning algorithms:

  • Algorithms for Supervised Learning
  • Algorithms for Unsupervised Learning
  • Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning

13.3.1 Algorithms for Supervised Learning

Supervised learning is a type of machine learning in which machines are taught to predict outcomes using training data. The appropriate output has already been labelled with some input data. The training data presented to the computers is used to teach the machines to anticipate the output. When a student is learning under the guidance of their teacher, it uses the same principle. Supervised learning is the process of supplying input and proper output data to a machine learning model. A mapping function that maps the input variable to the output variable is the goal of a supervised learning program. In the real world supervised learning can be used for risk assessment, image categorization, fraud detection, and so on. In supervised learning, the model learns about each category of input using a labelled dataset. When the training phase is over, the model is evaluated and predicts the output. We have a variety of forms in the dataset. Each shape needs to be trained for the initial phase. The four sides of a square are the same length. If the form has three sides, it will be labeled a triangle. A hexagon is a six-sided shape having six equal sides. We use the test set to put our model to the test after training to determine whether it can recognise the form. The system has been trained on a variety of forms, and when it comes across a new one, it classifies it based on a variety of factors and predicts the outcome.

There are two sorts of challenges with supervised learning: regression and classification. Regression procedures are applied if there is a link between the input and output variables. It can be used to predict market trends and weather forecasts. Linear regression is a common supervised learning regression method. There are two classes, Yes-No, Male-Female, and True-False, when the output variable is categorical. Random Forest, Decision Trees and Logistic Regression are some supervised learning classification methods [8].

13.3.2 Algorithms for Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning does not use a training dataset to supervise models. Patterns and insights that were previously unknown may be revealed by the information. The same thing happens in the human brain when learning. Unsupervised learning cannot be directly applied to a regression or classification job since, unlike supervised learning, we have the input data but no matching output data. Unsupervised learning tries to reveal the underlying structure of a dataset, categorise data based on similarities, and present the dataset in a compact manner. There is an input dataset with photographs of cats and dogs. The algorithm is never trained on the provided dataset, its characteristics are. The goal is to recognise visual characteristics on its own. The picture collection will be grouped based on visual similarity in order to complete the assignment.

Learning difficulties fall into two categories. Clustering is a method of grouping things together so that those who have the most in common stay in one group while those that have little or nothing in common stay in another. Cluster analysis discovers data object commonalities and categorises them based on their existence or absence. An association rule is a form of learning approach for discovering relationships between variables in a large database. There’s a collection of objects that appear to be related. Marketing techniques are more effective when the association rule is used. The list of several well-known unsupervised learning algorithms is Clustering with K-means, KNN (k-nearest neighbours), Clustering by hierarchy, Detecting anomalies, Principles of Neural Networks Analysis of Components, Analysis of Independent Components, Apriori and Decomposition of singular values [9].

13.3.3 Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning is a feedback-based Machine Learning technique in which an agent learns how to behave in a particular environment by performing actions and observing the results. For each outstanding activity, the agent receives positive feedback; for each terrible action, the agent receives negative feedback or a penalty. Unlike supervised learning, the agent learns on its own, based on feedback rather than tagged data. The agent can only learn from its own experience because there is no marked data. It’s used to deal with issues when the decision-making is sequential and the goal is long term, such as games and robotics. On its own, the agent interacts with and explores the world. Assume you’re in a labyrinth with an AI bot whose job is to find the diamond. The agent interacts with the environment by carrying out activities, and as a result of such actions, the agent’s state is changed, as well as a reward or punishment as feedback. The agent learns and explores the world by performing action, changing state/remaining in the same state, and receiving feedback. The agent figures out which behaviours lead to positive feedback or rewards and which lead to negative feedback penalties. A good reward earns the agent a positive point, whereas a bad reward earns the agent a negative point. Q-Learning algorithm is used in reinforcement learning [10].

13.4 Applications of Machine Learning

In our daily lives we use machine learning without even realising it, for example, in Google Maps, Google Assistant, and Alexa. There are some popular Machine Learning applications.

13.4.1 Image Recognition

Machine learning can be used to recognize images. It can be used to identify people, locations, and digital photographs. To recognise a picture and identify a face is a general use of buddy tagging recommendation [7].

13.4.2 Speech Recognition

Speech recognition is a method for turning spoken instructions into text. Various voice recognition apps now employ machine learning methods [7].

13.4.3 Traffic Prediction

When we want to go somewhere new, we use the best and fastest route and anticipate traffic conditions. Machine learning employs two approaches to predict traffic conditions, such as whether traffic is clear, slow moving, or very crowded, by using Google Maps and sensors, which offer real-time car location while also using average time from prior days [7].

13.4.4 Product Recommendations

Machine learning is used by a number of e-commerce and entertainment companies, like Amazon, Netflix, and others, to deliver product suggestions to customers. Because of machine learning, once we search for a product on Amazon, we start seeing adverts for that product while surfing the web in the same browser. Google deduces the user’s interests and offers items based on their choices using a number of machine learning algorithms. We utilise machine learning to discover suggestions, similar to how we use Netflix to find entertainment programmes, movies, and other stuff [7].

13.4.5 Email Spam and Malware Filtering

When we get a new email, we automatically sort it into three categories: essential, routine, and spam. Machine learning is the technology that allows us to get important communications with the important symbol in our inbox and spam emails in our spam box [7].

13.5 Conclusion

The system will not perform properly if the training set is too small, or if the data is not general, noisy, or contaminated with irrelevant properties. We went through some of the common issues that novices confront while learning to use machine learning. Machine learning is going to change the world. It has applications in medical diagnosis, voice recognition, product suggestions, video monitoring, and more. High compensation, good prospects, and job satisfaction are some of the benefits of this field. It is a high risk and reward technology. Before you start your machine learning adventure, make sure you thoroughly evaluate the obstacles listed above. You need to plan ahead, be patient, and put in your best effort to master this technology.


  1. 1. Ethem, Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning. Second Edition; MIT Press, Cambridge, London, England.
  2. 2. Alex Smola, and S.V.N. Vishwanathan, Introduction to Machine Learning, Cambridge University Press.
  3. 3. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/7-major-challenges-faced-by-machinelearning-professionals/
  4. 4. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/06/5-challenges-of-machinelearning/
  5. 5. https://www.jigsawacademy.com/blogs/ai-ml/issues-in-machine-learning
  6. 6. https://towardsdatascience.com/top-8-challenges-for-machine-learningpractitioners-c4c0130701a1
  7. 7. https://www.javatpoint.com/applications-of-machine-learning
  8. 8. https://www.javatpoint.com/supervised-machine-learning
  9. 9. https://www.javatpoint.com/unsupervised-machine-learning
  10. 10. https://www.javatpoint.com/machine-learning-algorithms


  1. * Corresponding author: [email protected]
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