  • Accuracy variance, 16
  • Adamany, Kamille, 190–191
  • Adjustments, constant, 44
  • Algorithms, 34
  • Amazon, 36
  • American Girl Cafe, 189–192
  • App., 116–117
  • Apple certified Mac technicians, 91–92
  • “The Archaic Torso of Apollo” (Rilke), 130
  • Aristotle, 183
  • Artificial intelligence (AI), 36–37. , See also Computers
  • Assessments
    • definition of, 25
    • derivation of, 23
    • expectations vs., 79
    • formal, 24
    • formative, 210
    • modern understanding of, 23–24
    • tips for, 24, 26
    • true, 25–26
  • Assignments
    • ambitious, 150
    • life, 152–153
    • meaning in, 165–166
  • Authenticity
    • conveyance of, 84
    • definition of, 11
    • delight and, 183
    • function of, 204
    • in immediacy, 131–133
    • in networked world, 19
    • outcomes from, 97
    • in transactions, 53
  • Automation, 18–19, 134
  • Autopilot, 135
  • Backward design, 197–199
  • Bainbridge Island example, 61–62, 121–122
  • Barrett, Damien, 91
  • Basketball camp, 188–189
  • Basu, Dev, 85
  • Beacon technology, 132
  • Behaviors, 92, 99
  • Benari, Maya, 98–101
  • Bias, 19–23
  • Blockbuster, 177
  • Blum‐DeStefano, Jessica, 45, 46, 47
  • Boost, 117–119
  • Boredom, 135, 167, 177
  • Brain
    • breaks, 211
    • pliability of, 44–45
    • threat processing by, 50
  • Brainstorming, 83
  • Buford, Bob, 41–42
  • Business. See also Training
    • –teaching intersection, 202
    • entertainment in, 117
    • environment of, 183–184
    • good practices in, 15
    • immediacy in, 115
    • interactions, 37
    • opportunity creation in, 182
    • performance management in, 149
    • relationships in, 18–19, 30
  • Business Insider, 177
  • Business relationships. See Transactions
  • Card‐linked offer model, 117–118
  • Casap, Jaime, 178–180
  • Cash App, 28
  • The Cave of Time (Packard), 139–140
  • Chicola, Jason, 65, 115–120
  • Chief learning officer, 108
  • Chipotle, 117
  • Choices
    • adult, 46
    • game, 164
    • in interactions
      • line moves formula, 35–37
      • overview, 33–35
    • reading example for, 137–138
    • uncommon way, 150–153
  • Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA)
    • application of, 145–147
    • approach to, 139–140
    • authentic reading example, 138–139
    • emotional response to, 153
    • memorable assignments, 150–152
    • research on, 140
    • for sellers, 151
    • texts, availability of, 142–143
  • Cisco, 182
  • Cohen, Leonard, 170
  • Cold calls, 168–169
  • College sports, 109–111
  • Combinatory thinking, 3–4
  • Communication
    • automated, 38–39
    • clear, 203
    • complex, 38
    • immediacy in
      • crisis management and, 108–111
      • environments for, 103–104
      • for leaders, 103, 107
      • for sellers, 107
      • for service professionals, 102
      • Slack example of, 98–101
      • for trainers, 107
    • imperative, 45–46
    • loop, closing, 44–45
    • understanding, 46–47
  • Computers. See also Artificial intelligence (AI)
    • curriculum design by, 79
    • emerging power of, 41
    • intrusion by, 40
    • task specialties, 39–40, 54
  • Context, leveraging
    • adjustments for, 66–67
    • Bainbridge Island example, 61–62
    • interruptions in, 63–65
    • for leaders, 66–67
    • for trainers, 67
  • Credit card models, 117–118
  • Crises management, 108–111
  • Curriculum design
    • computer generated, 79
    • outcome‐based approach, 78–79
    • for Startup 101 class, 81–86
    • student‐centered approach, 80, 94
    • traditional approach, 76–77, 79
  • Darwinian models, 7–8
  • Dead Poets' Society, 93
  • Debit cards, 118
  • Deci, Edward L., 147, 148
  • Decisions
    • articulating, 72
    • either/or, 124
    • trees, 57
  • Delight
    • authenticity and, 183
    • backward design tips for, 197–198
    • basketball camp example, 188–189
    • business equivalents of, 182–183
    • in change, 178–179
    • characteristics of, 136
    • creation of, 178–179
    • definition of, 11
    • dimensions of, 174–179
    • experience of, 129
    • focus on, 173–174
    • function of, 205
    • as game, 165–166
    • in homework, 185–186
    • in learning, 165–166
    • metaphor for, 129–130
    • music career analogy, 180–182
    • novelty, 156–160
    • personal relevance in, 188–192
    • private plan analogy, 178–180
    • roadmap for, 160–162
    • sabotage of, 134–135
    • understanding of, 156
  • Design
    • backward, 197–199
    • curriculum
      • computer generated, 79
      • outcome‐based approach, 78–79
      • for Startup 101 class, 81–86
      • student‐centered approach, 80, 94
      • traditional approach, 76–77, 79
    • game, 164
    • real‐world, 142
    • roadmap for, 160
    • thinking by, 211
    • for understanding, 136
    • understanding by, 211
  • Digital markers, 105–106
  • Drago‐Severson, Eleanor, 45, 47
  • Drucker, Peter, 41–42
  • DVDs, 174–175
  • 18F, 97
  • Engagement
    • avoiding, 152
    • deeper, 135
    • theater‐based training for, 145–146
    • tool, measure of, 159
  • Eno, Brian, 152
  • Environments, 103–106
  • Equivalent, identifying, 29
  • Eratosthenes, 4
  • Espinosa Dice, Nico, 82–86
  • Experience
    • cost‐effective, 28
    • deepening of, 147–148
    • delightful, 136, 166, 173–174
    • dimension of, 129
    • elevation of, 25
    • game playing, 164–165
    • immediacy in, 82, 118
    • novel, 169
    • powerful, 158–159
    • process of, 46
    • reading, 137–138
    • transdisciplinary, 78
    • transformative, 189–191
    • validation of, 86
  • Explanations, 86, 124
  • Feedback
    • adjustments‐based on, 82
    • effective pillars of, 115
    • immediate, 106–107
    • meaningful, 211
    • messages, 46
    • multi‐side platform for, 115–120
    • personalized, 211
    • platforms, 114–115, 118
    • timely, 118
  • FleishmanHillard, 183–184
  • Floating awareness, 42
  • Fosbury, Dick, 4
  • Full enrollment, 47–49
  • Games, 164
  • General Services Administration, 98
  • George, Jenny, 59
  • “Glance media,” 123
  • Godin, Seth, 102, 168
  • Google Education Evangelist, 178
  • Hardy Boys, 137–138
  • Harvard Education Magazine, 166–167
  • Henri, Robert, 147
  • Homework
    • class evaluation, 185–186
    • learning role of, 186–187
    • post‐training, 188
    • retrieval/personal relevance plans, 188–192
  • Horse handicappers experiment, 15–17
  • Human‐centered optionality, 43–44
  • Humans
    • communications by, 38
    • digital marker evolution of, 105–106
    • interactions
      • with AI, 36–37
      • formula for, 35–37
      • slowing down, 33–35
    • judgment of, 27–32
    • as learners, 202
    • routine‐seeking by, 159
    • task specialties, 40
    • world lens of, 46–47
  • Immediacy
    • achieving, tips for, 71–72
    • authenticity in, 131–133
    • communications
      • crisis management and, 108–111
      • environments for, 103–104
      • experience of, 106–106
      • for leaders, 103, 107
      • necessity of, 102–103
      • for sellers, 107
      • for service professionals, 102
      • Slack example of, 98–101
      • for trainers, 107
    • definition of, 11
    • delight sabotaged by, 134–135
    • function of, 205
    • problem solving in, 121–122
    • problems caused by, 113–114
    • in sales
      • branding and, 118–119
      • evolution of, 113–114
      • models for, 117–118
      • platform expansion, 114–120
      • tip for, 114
    • Startup 101 class example, 81–86
    • system for, 116
    • in teaching, 76–95
    • in training, 87–95
    • video conference example, 69–70
  • “Inclusivity hack,” 101
  • Information
    • access to, 6
    • commitment to, 73
    • dimensions of, 10–11
    • effects of, 15–16
    • finding, 91
    • immediate, 104
    • recalling, 27
    • receiver of, 105
    • transitional, 9
    • use of, 90
  • Insane Clown Posse, 181
  • Instructions
    • audience‐specific, 29
    • design, 77
    • differentiated, 50, 211
    • procedural, 124
  • Instrumental knowing, 47
  • Integrated‐action games, 164
  • Interactions
    • formula for, 35–37
    • line moves formula, 35–37
    • overview, 33–35
    • slowing down, 33–35
  • Interdisciplinary, 3
  • Internet shopping, 71
  • Jason, Zachary, 166–167
  • Jennings, Owen, 28–29, 116–117
  • Khan Academy, 30–31
  • Kinect product, 163
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr., 4
  • “Knowing the learner,” 8
  • Knowledge
    • connection to, 204
    • production, 4
    • systems of, 47
  • Kramer, Steve, 152
  • Last Blockbuster Beer, 177
  • Leaders
    • assessments tips for, 26
    • building immediacy tips for, 95
    • immediacy tip for, 103, 107
    • momentum/context tips for, 66–67
    • performance management tip for, 149
    • persona of, 212
    • as teachers
      • backward design tip for, 199
      • common aspects, 6
      • either/or decisions, 124
      • preassessment by, 58
    • team interest tip, 169
    • thought experiment for, 206–207
  • Learn‐practitioner, 2
  • Learning
    • assessment of, 25–26
    • boredom in, 166–168
    • class effects on, 185–186
    • Darwinian models of, 7–8
    • delight in, 165–166
    • evolution of, components, 187
    • golden age of, 148–149
    • intangible dimensions of, 78–79
    • making room for, 30–31
    • narrowing scope of, 93
    • online resources for, 30–31
    • passive environments, 85
    • personalization of, 49–51
    • preferences, 202
    • project‐based, 77–78, 85
    • science of, 19–20
    • social emotional, 8
  • Life assignments, 152–153
  • Line moves formula, 35–37
  • Listening, active/visual, 56, 211
  • Lyft, 97, 101–102
  • Man on Wire (film), 156
  • Managers
    • assessments tips for, 26
    • intelligence of, 105
    • listening tip for, 29
    • role of, 41
  • Meaning‐making systems, 47
  • Mechanical Turk (MTurk), 36–37
  • Medical Education (Wilson‐Stewart), 142
  • Mehta, Jal, 167
  • Mendel, Gregor, 4
  • Message
    • authenticity in, 131
    • communication of, 45
    • content of, 45
    • immediacy in, 131
    • initial attention to, 123
    • text‐based, 104
  • Microsoft, 36, 163
  • Mobile devices, 161–162
  • Momentum, leveraging
    • adjustments for, 66–67
    • Bainbridge Island example, 61–62
    • interruptions in, 63–65
    • for leaders, 66–67
    • for trainers, 67
  • Montclair Kimberley Academy, 77
  • Motivation, 147–148
  • Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority, 181
  • Netflix
    • change initiated by, 177–178
    • innovations by, 176–177
    • mail service of, 175–176
    • movie rental stores vs., 175
    • origins of, 174–175
  • Networks, 84
  • New York Times, 181
  • Nonverbal cues, 56
  • Norm, deflection from, 159
  • Novelty
    • criteria for, 156–157
    • line grid for, 157
    • measure of, 159–160
    • novelty + neutrality formula for, 158–159
    • novelty + trajectory formula for, 169–170
    • tightrope example of, 155–158
  • Oblique Strategy cards (Eno), 152
  • Passive‐learning environments, 85
  • Pattern detection, 25
  • Perfect practice, 91
  • Performance Plus, 145–146
  • “Permission marketing,” 102
  • Personalization, 32
    • learning, 49–51
    • relevance retrieval, 188–192
  • Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, 36
  • Platforms, multisided, 115–120
  • Potts, Keri, 109–111
  • Preassessment, 58, 210
  • Problem solving, 121–122
  • Progress principle, 152
  • Project‐based learning, 77–78, 85
  • Questions, 12, 20–21
  • Ramo, Joshua Cooper, 10
  • Reich, Dr. Justin, 38
  • Research practices, 210–211
  • Resnick, Mitch, 160
  • Respect, 58
  •, 65, 115–120
  • Rilke, Rainer Marie, 130
  • Robbins, Chuck, 182
  • Robinson, Adam, 15–17
  • Rose, Todd, 167
  • Sales
    • calls, follow‐ups, 72
    • follow‐ups, 119–120
    • immediacy in
      • branding and, 118–119
      • evolution of, 113
      • models for, 117–118
      • platform expansion, 114–120
      • tip for, 114–120
    • interactions driving, 19
    • Internet, 71
  • Salesperson
    • assessments tips for, 24, 26
    • building immediacy tips for, 65, 95
    • cold call tip for, 168–169
    • customer choice tip for, 140–141
    • immediacy tip for, 107, 114
    • persona of, 212
    • as teachers
      • adding value tip for, 197–198
      • authenticity of, 55
      • immediacy tip for, 123
    • thought experiment for, 206–207
  • Scholarly practices, 210
  • Scratch, 160–162
  • Seesaw metaphor, 17–18, 53–54
  • Self‐authoring knowledge, 47
  • Self‐transforming knowledge, 47
  • Service calls, 27–29
  • Service professionals
    • assessment tips for, 24, 28
    • audiences of, 7
    • building immediacy tips for, 95
    • immediacy tip for, 102
    • persona of, 212–213
    • problem solving tip, 180
    • support ticket tip, 170–171
    • as teacher
      • authenticity by, 57–58
      • backward design tip for, 198
    • thought experiment for, 206–207
  • Shinkansen bullet train, 3
  • Silverstein, Shel, 137
  • Slack, 97–101
  • Slovic, Paul, 15–17
  • Socializing knowledge, 47
  • Spelling bee example, 24–26
  • “Spoiler” problem, 5
  • Startup 101 class, 93
    • design process for, 83–84
    • Espinosa Dice experience in, 82–86
    • goal of, 81–82
    • networks for, 84
    • validation of, 86
  • Steed, Robert, 145–147, 194
  • Storytelling, 211
  • Table talkers concept, 191–192
  • “Teachable moments,” 48–49
  • Teachers
    • authenticity of, 55
    • leaders as
      • backward design tip for, 199
      • either/or decisions, 124
    • sellers as
      • adding value tip for, 197–198
      • “glance media” tip for, 123
    • service professionals as
      • backward design tip for, 198
      • explainability tip for, 124
    • thinking like, 201–202
    • thought experiment for, 206–207
    • trainers as
      • backward design tip for, 198
      • meeting invitation tip, 124
  • Teaching
    • –business intersection, 202
    • approaches to, 6
    • bringing real‐life cases to, 22–23
    • as business, 5
    • for business, 15
    • enrichment, 1
    • experience of, 158–159
    • foundations for, 8–10
    • full enrollment, 47–49
    • immediacy in, 76–77
    • interdisciplinary, 3
    • transdisciplinarity, 3
    • truth in, 20–23
  • Tekinbas, Katie Salen, 164
  • Tennis game analogy, 116
  • Text‐based message, 104
  • Thinking
    • combinatory, 3–4
    • by design, 211
    • modes of, 4
    • problem, 83
    • visible, 61
  • Third Man Records, 181
  • This Is Marketing (Godin), 168
  • Thought experiment, 206–207
  • Tightrope walker, 155–158
  • Tim Ferriss Podcast, 16–17
  • Trainers
    • homework tip for, 188
    • leaner behavior tip, 92
    • momentum/context tips for, 67
    • pause tip for, 29
    • persona of, 213
    • prepared material delivery tip, 141
    • as teachers
      • authenticity by, 56–57
      • backward design tip for, 198
      • meeting invitation tip, 123
    • thought experiment for, 206–207
    • traditional, 7–8
    • video use by, 50–51
  • Training. See also Business
    • classroom experience applied to, 87–91
    • Mac tech example, 91–92
    • theater‐based, 145–146
    • traditional approach to, 87
  • Transactional symmetry, 9, 205
  • Transactions
    • authenticity in, 53
    • automation of, 18–19
    • overseeing, 19
    • slowing, 32
  • Transdisciplinarity, 3, 78
  • Trends, 48–49
  • Trust
    • accessible, 207
    • authenticity and, 49, 53
    • breaking into, 44, 54
    • depth of, 58
    • explanations and, 124
    • instilling, 187, 202
    • learning, 77
  • Truth
    • artful questions for, 20–21
    • importance of, 20
    • teaching, options for, 22–23
  • Twitter, 109–110
  • Understanding
    • building, 19–23, 30
    • by design, 211
  • Understanding by Design (Wiggins, McTighe), 77
  • Van Eepoel, August, 22, 157
  • Venture Capitalist (VC), 182–183
  • VHS tapes, 174
  • Video conference example, 69–70
  • Video rentals, 175–176
  • Video training, 50–51
  • Vygotsky, Lev, 166
  • White Stripes, 180
  • White, Jack, 180–182
  • Why We Do What We Do (Deci), 147
  • Williams, Robin, 93
  • Wilson‐Stewart, Kelly, 142
  • Wilson, Fred, 182–183
  • Win‐win scenarios
    • assessment in, 23–26
    • bias busting in, 19–23
    • Horse handicappers experiment, 15–17
    • spelling bee example, 24–26
  • Yonezuka, Yoshisada, 94
  • “Zero Gravity,” 183
  • Zimmerman, Eric, 164
  • Zoom, 69–70
  • ZPD (just‐right zone), 166
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