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  3. 3. Paine J, Shipton CA, Chaggar S, et al. “Improving the Nutritional Value of Golden Rice through Increased Pro-vitamin A Content.” Nature Biotechnology. 2005;23(4):482–487. See also Simon F, Kotler P. Building Global Biobrands: Taking Biotechnology to Market. New York: Free Press; 2003; p. 4.
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  16. 16. Michael O'Reilly, VP Medical Technology, Apple, interview by Françoise Simon and Ellen Licking, October 20, 2015.
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  20. 20. Paul Grundy, IBM Global Director of Healthcare Transformation, interview by Françoise Simon, October 22, 2015.
  21. 21. IBM Annual Report/SEC Form 10 K, February 24, 2015; see also IBM Annual Report 2016.
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Chapter 2

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 4

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  55. 55. Mara Aspinall, executive chairman of GenePeeks and CA Therapeutics and cofounder of the School of Biomedical Diagnostics, personal correspondence, February 2016.
  56. 56. Chen C. “Google's Huber to Lead Illumina Cancer-Detecting Startup Grail.” Bloomberg Technology. startup-grail. Published February 10, 2016. Accessed April 24, 2017.

Chapter 5

  1. 1. Loftus P. “US Drug Spending Climbs.” Wall Street Journal. April 14, 2016; B3; see also Aitken M, “Medicines Use and Spending in the US,” Quintiles IMS Institute, May 2017.
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  4. 4. IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. “Medicines Use and Spending in the US: A Review of 2015 and Outlook to 2020.” IMS Health Website. Accessed April 26, 2017; see also Aitken M, “Medicines Use and Spending in the US,” op. cit.
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  15. 15. Simon F, Kotler P. Building Global Biobrands: Taking Biotechnology to Market. New York: Free Press; 2003: 109–110.
  16. 16. Simon F, Kotler P, op. cit., 118–120.
  17. 17. “The Top 15 Best-Selling Drugs of 2016,” Genetic Engineering News, March 6, 2017. Available at
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  19. 19. The Top 15 Best-Selling Drugs of 2016, op. cit.
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  22. 22. Crow D, “Lung Cancer Drug Failure in Trials Deals $23bn Blow to Bristol-Myers Squibb”, Financial Times, August 6/7, 2016; see also “FDA Approves First Cancer Treatment For Any Solid Tumor with a Specific Genetic Feature”, FDA news release, May 23, 2017 (; Helfand C, “In Unexpected Blow, Merck Halts Keytruda Myeloma Trial Enrollment to Probe Patient Deaths”, Fierce Pharma, June 13, 2017 (; Helfand C, “With Asco Data Tallied, Bristol-Myers Loses Ground to Merck in I-O Field, Fierce Pharma, June 7, 2017 (; “Phase III Study Evaluating The Safety and Efficacy of Adjuvant Opdivo in Resected High-Risk Melanoma Patients Meets Primary Endpoint”, Bristol-Myers press release, July 5, 2017.
  23. 23. Schnipper L, Abel G. “Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising in Oncology Is Not Beneficial to Patients or Public Health.” JAMA Oncology. 2016; 2(11):1397–1398.
  24. 24. Simon F, Kotler P, op. cit, 114–116.
  25. 25. Simon F, Kotler P, op. cit, 149–151.
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  42. 42. Simon F, Kotler P. Building Global Biobrands, op. cit., 164.
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  44. 44. Buck Luce, C, Jaggi G. Progressions: Building Pharma 3.0. Report, EY; 2011: 46–47.
  45. 45. Simon F, Kotler P, op. cit., 186–187, 195, 199–200.
  46. 46. Cohen J., op. cit.
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Chapter 6

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  15. 15. Looney W., ibid.
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Chapter 8

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