

Affective forces, 23

Alternative forces, 23

Avoidable turnover, 6


Behavioral forces, 23

Behavioral questions, 60

Biodata, 56


Calculative forces, 23

Cash-based reward programs, 82

“Cash is king” 81

Cause–Effect relationships, 30–31

Collective socialization practices, 64–65

Collective turnover, 4

Compensation and rewards

fairness in equity, 83–85

motivators, 82–83

pay, structure and procedures, 79–82

retention management, 85–87

Complementary person–organization fit, 56

Constituent forces, 23

Contractual forces, 23


Demands–abilities fit, 56

Disjunctive socialization practices, 68

Divestiture socialization practices, 69

Dysfunctional turnover, 6


Embedding employees, 24–25

Employee engagement, 44

Employee referral program, 54

Employee referrals, 52–54

Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), 81


goal setting, 97–98

goal writing, 98–99

increasing employee, 95–97

job enrichment, 99–100

ESOPs. See employee stock ownership plans

Ethical forces, 23

Evidence-based HR strategies

compensation and rewards, 79–87

engagement, 95–100

recruitment, 49–54

selection, 55–62

socialization, 63–70

supervision, 89–94

training and development, 71–78

Evidence-based management implications

influence retention, 45

job dissatisfaction, 24–25

retention management, 38–39

turnover strategies, 9–10

voluntary turnover predictors, 9–10

Evidence-based retention reality vs. turnover myths, 46

External benchmarking, 33

External equity, 84

External mobility, 74

External needs assessment, 34


Fixed socialization practices, 67

Formal socialization practices, 64

Functional turnover, 6


Goal setting, 97–98

Goal Setting: A Motivational Technique that Works, 97

Goal writing, 98–99

Good employee referral program, 53–54



definition of selection, 55

person–job fit, 55

person–organization fit, 55–56

structured interview, 60–62

traditional interview, 58–59

weighted application blanks, 56–58


Individual socialization practices, 64–65

Informal socialization practices, 64

Internal benchmarking, 33

Internal equity, 84

Internal job board system, 75

Internal needs assessment, 33–34

Investiture socialization practices, 69

Involuntary turnover, 4–5


Job analysis, 60

Job attitudes

job satisfaction, 14

organizational commitment, 14–15

Job candidate selection

definition of selection, 55

person–job fit, 55

person–organization fit, 55–56

structured interview, 60–62

traditional interview, 58–59

weighted application blanks, 56–58

Job dissatisfaction


fit, 22–23

links, 22

sacrifice, 23

motivational forces, 23

unfolding model of turnover

paths, 20–21

script, 21

shock, 21

Job embeddedness theory, 22

Job enrichment, 99–100

Job-hopping, 43

Job satisfaction, 14

Job specific training and development, 74–76

Journal of Small Business Management, 73


Leader–member exchange (LMX), 15

LMX. See leader–member exchange


Moral forces, 23

Motivational forces, 23


Needs–supplies complementary fit, 56

Normative forces, 23


Organizational commitment, 14

Organizational context

external benchmarking, 33

external needs assessment, 34

internal benchmarking, 33

internal needs assessment, 33–34

rates, costs, and functionality, 31–32

Organizational culture, 43

Organizational support

definition, 91–93

vs. supervisor support, 94–95


Pay for performance, 80

Person–Job (P–J) fit, 55

Positive work environment, 43–44

Prescreening effect, 53

Psychological contract, 71


Random socialization practices, 65–66

Realistic job previews (RJPs)

definition, 50

and employee referrals, 49

sequencing/timing, 51

setup, 51

source, 51

substance, 51

Recruitment, 49

Retention management

compensation and rewards, 85–87

developing knowledge of underlying turnover principles, 30–31

developing shared understanding, 28–29

diagnosing and adapting to particular organizational context

collect data to diagnose cause–effect in a particular context, 34–38

interpret turnover analysis-lens of organizational context, 32–34

turnover analysis-rates, costs, and functionality, 31–32

weighted application blanks, 56–58

Rewards and compensation

fairness in equity, 83–85

retention management, 85–87

structure and procedures, 79–83

RJPs. See realistic job previews

Role theory, 15


Script, 21

Selection, 55

Sequential socialization practices, 65–66

Serial socialization practices, 68

Shock, 21

Situational questions, 60


collective, 64–65

definition, 5

fixed, 67

formal, 64

investiture, 69

sequential, 65–66

serial, 68

Structured interview, 60–61

Supervisor support

description, 89–91

vs. organizational support, 93–94

Supplementary person–organization fit, 56


The Practice of Management, 97

TopGrading, 90

Total reward strategies, 82

Traditional interview, 58–59

Traditional psychological contract, 71

Training and development

job specific, 74–76

opportunities, 72–73

supervisors and managers, 77–78

tying, 76–77

Training supervisors and managers, 77–78

Tuition reimbursement, 74


avoidable, 6

collective, 4

dysfunctional, 6

evidence-based strategies, 9–10

functional, 6

impact of, 7, 9

involuntary, 4–5

motivations, 6–7

unavoidable, 6

voluntary, 4, 8–9

Tying training and development, 76–77


Unavoidable turnover, 6

Unfolding model of turnover

paths, 20–21

script, 21

shock, 21

Unstructured interview formats, 59


Validation, 14

Variable pay, 80

Variable socialization practices, 67

Voluntary turnover

costs and benefits, 8–9

definition, 4

Voluntary turnover predictors

job attitudes

job satisfaction, 14

organizational commitment, 14–15

pay level and pay satisfaction, 12

withdrawal process, 13–14

work environment

leadership, 15

relationship with others, 16

work design, 15–16


WABs. See weighted application blanks

Weighted application blanks (WABs)

definition, 56

selecting job candidates, 56–58

Withdrawal process, 13–14

Work environment

leadership, 15

positive, 43–44

relationship with others, 16

work design, 15–16

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